War God Supreme

Chapter 1669: The power of Helin


Just as Xuanyinqi bombarded Li Lingtian, a mountain-sized dark monster appeared in front of Li Lingtian.

I saw that the dark monster was a thousand meters high, completely like a huge mountain.

The huge arm is 500 meters long and 100 meters in size.

The dark monster is full of destruction power all over the body, and it also carries an ancient breath, as if it were from ancient times.

The Xunyin mace was bombarded, and the huge arm of the black monster grabbed at the Xuanyin mace. The Xuanyin mace was caught. For a time, the Xuanyin mace was like being caught by pliers. There was no more movement.

The power of destruction shakes the inky monster, but in the end it resists the destruction of Xuanyinqi.

In the air, the violent ancient power and breath constantly stirred, all the strong people looked at this huge dark monster, all shaking and afraid from the bottom of their hearts.

"What a horrible monster."

"What kind of monster is this, so horrible."

"Adult Ling Tian still has such a terrifying monster."

"It's full of great power."

"He still has an ancient breath on his body. I don't know what monster is so powerful."

"I've never heard of such a monster, I don't know if it's a monster or a Warcraft, or if it's a sea beast."


For the rest of his life, Xuanyin Tiancheng looked at the huge and horrible dark monster, his face pale.

The power of Xuanyin Kay is so unfavorable, but in front of this monster, Xuanyin Kay was caught like a child's toy. Such a horrible situation completely blinded all the powerful people.

Fang Tianyu was also blinded, and the look on his face was shocked.

When he exhibited Xuanyin, he had thought of all the situations and consequences, and even thought of Li Lingtian's situation in front of Xuanyin, but he never expected such a change.

The whole body exploded, and the hand that grabbed Xuanyin's hand shook fiercely, trying to break free of Xuanyin's hand.

With Xuanyin's hand in hand, as long as you are careful, you can destroy this huge monster together. The top-grade innate artifact is not a joke.


The ruined True Element issued a powerful force, Xuanyin was pulled out, and the inky monster also backed back a few steps.

Until now, all the strong men have seen clearly.

Li Lingtian was standing on the shoulder of the dark monster. Li Lingtian was wearing a white dress, which was in sharp contrast with the dark monster. Otherwise, Li Lingtian was ignored by the other powerful people while standing on the shoulder of the monster.

The huge monster is thousands of meters tall and has the size of a mountain, and its arms are very long.

Huge eyes are like two gates side by side, and a huge mouth is like a black hole devouring heaven and earth. It looks terrible. This alone is enough to make some timid powerful men die.

The huge body exudes an indestructible light, the ancient breath is floating in the air, the whole world is like returning to the ancients, all the strong are as small as the ants in front of the dragon.

Li Lingtian's face was light and breezy, and he stood on the shoulder of a black monster, as if standing in a huge mountain depression. The terrifying and powerful breath resisted the outside forces. He stood on it without any influence.

This huge dark monster is one of Li Lingtian's most powerful monsters-Helin!

Hei Lin met Li Lingtian a long time ago. He met Hei Lin, and Hei Lin was dying. In the end, he helped Hei Lin. Otherwise, Hei Lin disappeared. All these years, he has been practicing recovery in the Holy Ring.

Now Hei Lin has not fully recovered. If you want to recover completely, only wait for Li Lingtian to reach the level of the true God, then Li Lingtian will be able to recover it.

The ancient beast Black Lin is neither a monster nor a monster.

No one can describe the concept of the ancient beast, because the ancients were millions of years ago. The gods and beasts of millions of years ago are so powerful that no one dares to imagine.

Seeing Fang Tianyu exhibiting the top-grade congenital artifacts, he couldn't find how to crack this devastating attack for a while, and thought of Hei Lin in his heart, even if Hei Lin did not recover, but with his strong physique and strength, he could handle this s attack.

Moreover, although the current Black Lin has not recovered, its strength has not recovered, but it has surpassed the tenth-order sacred beast to reach the powerful level of the **** beast. The existence of the level of the **** beast is naturally no longer necessary to resist such an attack.

Don’t look at the fact that Hei Lin is only about one thousand meters high, but when it is restored, it is hundreds of miles high and hundreds of miles in size. At that time, even God could not shake it.

"Fang Tianyu, this seat has said that from the moment your dazzle hall provokes this seat, the dazzle hall is destined to disappear."

Looking at Fang Tianyu, Li Lingtian felt a visual shock when facing Xuanyinqiu.

But now when standing on Heilin, I went to see Xuanyin Qi again, and there was no such visual impact anymore, because the destructive breath of Heilin resisted the pressure of Xuanyin Qi.

"Li Lingtian, you are indeed strong."

"However, it is not so easy to kill the deity."

Fang Tianyu's eyes were blood red. By this time, he was desperate, and even Xuanyin had no confidence in defeating Li Lingtian. Now there is a terrifying monster to help Li Lingtian. To kill Li Lingtian is just a dream. Not to mention killing Li Lingtian. It's hard to escape.

The sound fell, and the dazzling tone of the hand erupted into a golden brilliance, and bombarded him fiercely towards the Black Lin.

At first, he didn't have any precautions against the sudden appearance of Heilin. This was when Heilin was caught by Xuanyin. Now that he knows the existence of Heilin, Fang Tianyu's Xuanyin will not appear again.





Suddenly, Heilin's huge arm was waving in the air, constantly striking with Xuanyin Mace. With his powerful flesh and blood, he was able to confront the innate artifacts. In this situation, all the strong men who watched were horrified.

Not only the other strong ones, even Fang Tianyu was horrified. In this way, his dazzling voice would never hurt the monster, let alone kill the monster and Li Lingtian.

Hei Lin's seemingly huge body is very bulky, but his movements are extremely agile, and his 500-meter arm is like two dragons flying in the air.

Li Lingtian stood on Heilin, and Fang Tianyu couldn't attack him at all.

"Death Blade!"

Now that he has occupied the advantage, Li Lingtian no longer hesitates. As soon as his consciousness moves, the five-element primordial spirit in his body stops, the orb of death rotates, and the breath of death suddenly erupts.

A slender blade appeared in his hand, and the blade in his hand bombarded Fang Tianyu in the distance.

I saw a flash of light flashing in the air, and the devastating death blade bombarded Fang Tianyu hard.


Fang Tianyu had to deal with Heilin. At first, Heilin didn't get used to it, and he could only resist the dazzle. But after a long time, he gradually adapted and started to fight back against Fang Tianyu.

The power of destruction is constantly bombarded, and each blow carries the power of the mythical beast. Even if Fang Tianyu has a dazzling sound, he can only resist it passively.

It has been difficult to resist Hei Lin, and Li Lingtian's attack has no way to resist.

The arm disappeared all the time, the air of destruction eroded the arm, and the arm was completely destroyed.



The sky, the ground, and continuous destruction.

I saw Fang Tianyu flashing non-stop in the air, one arm holding a dazzling sound and bombarded Heilin, and Heilin's huge arms waved like two days of dragons, and Li Lingtian on the shoulder of Heilin was ruined. Supernatural show.

"Dark God Ring-Chi tomorrow Emperor!"

"End, everything is over!"

Li Lingtian saw that Hei Lin's fist knocked Xuanyin Qai almost to let Fang Tianyu take it off. At this moment, he found an opportunity, the consciousness moved, the Mingshen ring opened, and Chi tomorrow Emperor broke out a kilometer-sized white light, The white light is surrounded by flames that destroy the world.

The power of Chi Tianmingdi is speed and power. When the power of light appeared, it had already penetrated Fang Tianyu through the void, and suddenly the space became quiet.

Fang Tianyu suspended in the air and stopped, the Xuanyin mac in his hand dropped.

Hei Lin also stopped. The huge body stood in the Xuanyin Tiancheng, like a mountain. The dark body exudes the power of destruction, giving a sense of power that cannot be shaken.


A gust of wind blew through, and Fang Tianyu's body disappeared, completely destroyed by Chi tomorrow emperor.

Fang Tianyu, the elder on the stage of Xuanyin Tianxuan Hall of Xuanyin City, falls!

The strong men above the semi-divine realm of Xuanyin Palace fell!

Xuanyin Tiancheng, destroy!

Hyun Yin Temple has become history.

Just when the Xuanyin mace was about to fall to the ground, Li Lingtian stretched out with one hand, a dreadful force grabbed the Xuanyin mace, and finally caught him, and looked at the Xuanyin mace. At the same time, another one Waving his hand, Fang Tianyu's storage bag returned to his hand.

At this moment, a white light and shadow emerged from the spacecraft, and the white light and shadow flew towards Xuanyin Tiancheng, and returned to the spaceship within a moment.

At this moment, Li Lingtian had changed the Xuanyin system back to its original form, and finally received it in the Dragon Ring~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His eyes glanced all around, and the strong eyes of the Xuanyin Tiancheng were all low. Head, dare not look at Li Lingtian's eyes.


By the time all the strong men looked up, Li Lingtian and the black monster had disappeared, and finally they left the Xuanyin Tiancheng with the spaceship.

From Li Lingtian to Xuanyin Tiancheng, and now to leave, only a few minutes before and after, just a few minutes, the destruction of Xuanyin Tiancheng, Xuanyin Palace smoke disappeared, hundreds of gods in Xuanyin Palace fell, even the most powerful Fang Tianyu also fell.

Gradually, all the strong men woke up and recovered. All this was no longer an illusion, but the real, true destruction of Xuanyin Tiancheng, and Xuanyin Temple became history.

Li Lingtian's powerful, let them see thoroughly.

Soon, the news of the destruction of Xuanyin Tiancheng and the subversion of Xuanyin Temple spread throughout the Chunyang Empire. All this was done by Li Lingtian alone, and everyone was no longer shocked, because Xuanyin Temple and Li Lingtian's grievances were early. It ended up more than ten years ago, and now Li Lingtian has become a demigod, and it is common sense to return for revenge.

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