War God Supreme

Chapter 1670: Sell ​​treasures

The story of Li Lingtian's battle with the Hyun-yin Hall in the Hyun-yin Sky City of the Chunyang Empire spread throughout the Chunyang Empire.

The destruction of Xuanyin Tiancheng was not caused by Li Lingtian, but it was caused by Fang Tianyu, the elder of Xuanyin Temple, who took out the Xuanyin tool in Xuanyin Tiancheng to deal with Li Lingtian.

No one has responsibility for Fang Tianyu's approach, because in that case, it is excusable, but Fang Tianyu disregarded the hundreds of millions of creatures in Xuanyin Tiancheng but condemned it by countless powerful people.

This condemnation is only after Fang Tianyu's fall, the winner is the king and the loser is the invader. If Fang Tianyu wins, would anyone dare to say that?

This time spread throughout the Chunyang Empire, so that the powerful people of the Chunyang Empire knew Li Lingtian better. If people don’t commit me, I don’t commit anybody. If they commit me, I will repay them thousands of times. This is Li Lingtian’s style.

The end, no one was shocked, but taken for granted.

However, Li Lingtian had a terrifying and powerful monster, which shocked the strong and powerful forces of the Pure Yang Empire, and Li Lingtian also received the Sanqinghua Spirit Sword and Xuanyin Master, and allowed Li Lingtian to obtain a few treasures against the sky, making countless strong. The envy is endless.

The hall of Xuanyin Palace disappeared, but the site of Xuanyin Palace was intervened by a mysterious family. After investigation, this family name was originally a family in Tianyu, and even ten super families were not counted in Tianyu.

But I didn't expect such a force to take over the power of Xuanyin Hall.

However, after a secret investigation, this Hou family was definitely related to Li Lingtian. Before Li Lingtian came to the fairy land, the Hou family came to prepare it, and it was regarded as Li Lingtian.

After the investigation came out, no one was shocked anymore. One person got the idea that the chickens and dogs were ascended to heaven, Li Lingtian became a demigod, and traversed the fairyland. The Hou family naturally benefited.

However, this is not so good. You know that when the Hou family came to the fairy land, Li Lingtian was still a pseudo-spiritual realm. Even the Xuanyin Hall was a big elder, but the Hou family also followed Li Lingtian at the risk of disappearing. It is a kind of gambling, but they are right.

Outsiders naturally do not know the reason why the Hou family followed Li Lingtian. It was because of necessity. If they did not listen to Li Lingtian, they would disappear. This is what happened in this world.

The place where Li Lingtian was located was shocking.

After the incident of Xuanyin Tiancheng, Li Lingtian didn't know where he was going.

However, no one dared to provoke Li Lingtian to provoke death. Even in the late stage of the semi-god, he did not dare to provoke Li Lingtian. The strong men in front of Li Lingtian had not escaped, and all of them disappeared.

For a time, Li Lingtian became the first person under the Supreme, and Li Lingtian itself was the Supreme, but it was not the Martial Supreme or the Ten Greatest Supreme Masters of the Immortal Realm, but the Supreme Divine Master.

The strength can never be compared with the top ten supreme, but the status is almost the same.

The Ten Greatest Supremes are the ten most powerful in the fairyland. The Ten Greatest Supremes are titled Supreme Strongs, and the peak of the Semi-God Realm is perfect.

The strength of the Ten Greatest Supremes is very different from the ordinary demigod pinnacle.

It is too exaggerated to be able to lift Li Lingtian so high.

After all, the powerful people Li Lingtian met were all in the late stage, and even one of the late peaks was not met, let alone the peak of the semi-god realm against the horror of heaven.

The subject of fairyland discussion is resting on the spaceship at this time.

After Li Xingtian handled the matter of Xuanyin Temple, he drove the spacecraft to leave quickly and flew directly towards the sky.

This time, when leaving Hyun Yin Hall, he also had some plans.

It is to deal with the treasures on the body, and all the treasures that are not used are disposed of. They can be used as spirit stones. The Qingqing Spirit Sword is given to Huangfu Yuyan and others, and the three people use the three-handled blue long sword. Join hands.

Inside Fang Tianyu's storage bag, came out the Sanqinghua Spirit Sword and Xuanyin Mace, as well as a long sword with a congenital artifact. In addition to the Xuanyin Mace, Li Lingtian gave the treasure to Huangfu Yuyan for their use.

He now wants to dress up Huangfu Yuyan Tang Qingyue so that they can all use innate artifacts.

Treasures such as Xuanyin are only suitable for men. Women use such treasures too much. They lose their advantages in physique, and they look nondescript.

"Brother, are we going to leave Chunyang Empire now?"

Ji Yi asked beside Li Lingtian with a soft voice.

The Chunyang Empire is now in turmoil, and the rest of Immortal Territory is no better. For a time, I felt uneasy.


"Leave the Chunyang Empire and go to the Danshi Guild to see it."

"No matter how turbulent the fairyland is, the three guilds will not be affected."

"Now, we go to the Danshi Guild and dispose of some of the treasures on our body along the way, looking for the materials of the Sword of Heaven Extinction, to create the Sword of Heaven Saviour, and strive to raise the Sword Extinction Formation."

"If you encounter a place suitable for cultivation in the middle, stop and let you break through."

Li Lingtian nodded, and then said his plans.

Taking advantage of the War of the Pure Yang Empire, countless powerful people need treasures and elixir to protect themselves. In this way, some of his treasures can be sold at a satisfactory price.

The treasures on him were all obtained in some secret realm, or left by some powerful people who wanted to destroy him.

These treasures, in addition to dealing with innate artifacts, he has dealt with it.

Because he and Tang Qingyue and others need congenital artifacts, even if they have some powerful rare ancient artifacts, Huangfu Yuyan and others are enough.

Now treat all the treasures on your body and replace most of them with spirit stones.

"If you take out the treasure, you don't know how many spirit stones you want to exchange for."

"If the Pure Yang Empire does not fight, if the Immortal Territory is not turbulent, it would be more cost-effective for us to open an auction."

Tianyue Gong said, although it is not clear how many treasures Li Lingtian has, but the treasures collected over the years are not countable, and these treasures are very treasured super treasures, not the weapons of low-level warriors.

As his cultivation base improved, his strength was stronger, and the opponents and strong enemies he encountered were even more powerful. The treasures and wealth he obtained were naturally amazing.

A person has gathered so many treasures, there is no use at all, it is better to surge in exchange for spirit stones.

"Pure Yang Empire alone can't handle it."

"However, this place is not a day or two away from the Danshi Guild. It can handle as much as possible. Besides, we don't lack spirit stones now."

Li Lingtian stood up and looked at Master Tianyue Palace Master with a smile.

Although the Chunyang empire is vast and the strong also like treasures, in the place of the Chunyang empire, it is simply impossible to dispose of all the treasures.

Besides, he doesn't need to use spirit stones now. Even if he uses them, he won't rely on selling treasures for spirit stones.

The spirit stones on him are more than four trillion trillion. In this family, there is no strong man in the fairy field to contend with. Even a super family and power, there are not so many spirit stones.

This time the Hyun Yin Temple was destroyed, the Hou family found the treasure house of the Hyun Yin Temple, and found the formidable wealth in it.

The other wealth, Li Lingtian, didn't need it, so he took five trillion yuan inferior spirit stone.

Besides, the real treasure in Xuanyin Palace is Fang Tianyu, namely the Sanqinghua Spirit Sword and Xuanyin mace. He naturally will not want some other wealth.

After everything was resolved, Li Lingtian and others were very relaxed and happy.

The spacecraft flies quickly, stopping once after passing through a city, stopping to sell some treasures to the auction houses and square markets of Tiancheng, or to super shops.

Time, day by day, Li Lingtian and others have passed for half a year in the territory of the Chunyang Empire.

For half a year, while flying, sell treasures.

The demand of the treasures of the Pure Yang Empire exceeded Li Lingtian's imagination. After 31 heavenly cities and hundreds of great cities, all the unused treasures on his body were finally sold out.

After selling these treasures, Li Lingtian harvested a total of 18 trillion inferior spirit stones. In addition to the previous spirit stones, he now has almost 660 trillion spirit stones.

Some materials for refining the Sword of Heaven Extinction were also obtained midway, but these materials did not support him in refining the Sword of Heaven Extinction.

Dealing with all the treasures, Li Lingtian and others are also close to the Qingyuan sea area on the border of the Chunyang Empire. This sea area is at the center of the fairy field, and is also the boundary between the scattered repair of heaven and other races, one palace, two palaces, three trade unions, and four empires.

On one side of the Qingyuan Sea is a palace, two palaces, three guilds, and four empires.

On the other side of the Qingyuan waters is the paradise.

The remaining side of the Qingyuan Sea is the territory of other races.

In other words, the Qingyuan sea area has become the center of the tripod. This sea area is also the largest sea area in the fairy field, the most mysterious sea area, and also the most chaotic place.

The general sense of powerhouse hunts sea beasts and monsters at the edge, looks for treasures and gathers sea resources at the edge.

Only those who are super demigods dare to enter the depths of the sea. As for the center, few people dare to enter.

After all, this is the central point of the major forces ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ enter, you will be subject to destruction attacks at any time.

When the strong men of scattered remedies see the strong houses of one palace, two palaces, and four empires, they will be destroyed. Naturally, the strong men of loosely repaired heaven enter the territory of one palace, two palaces, and four empire.

All human strongmen entering the territory of other races will be destroyed.

This area of ​​Qingyuan can be said to be the area of ​​death. Without certain forces, it would not dare to be close to the depths.

No one knows how big the Qingyuan waters are, and few strong people cross this waters.

On this day, the spacecraft of Li Lingtian and others had arrived in the Qingyuan waters, because the Danshi Guild was near the Qingyuan waters, and it did not belong to the Pure Yang Empire or the other three empires.

Seeing that he would leave Chunyang Empire, Li Lingtian and others were in a relaxed mood.

The spaceship was flying fast, but the good mood did not last long. The look on Li Lingtian's face became uneasy and restless, as if something had happened.

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