War God Supreme

Chapter 1681: Grand welcome

"Sir Ling Tian is coming to Ling Feng."

Throughout the square, after saluting the five elders, they suddenly calmed down and looked at the five elders curiously. The two presidents and six vice presidents also looked at the five elders.

Looking at the appearance of all the strong men and Master Dan, Master Yunsheng God Master spoke, and said lightly.

But what is the reason, Li Lingtian came to Lingfeng to meet the top of the peak, otherwise it will not show the respect and enthusiasm of the Danshi Guild to the Supreme Divine Pill Master.

Moreover, all strong men's respect for the Supreme Divine Pill Master comes from the bottom of their hearts.

When the voice of Yunsheng Divine Pill Master fell, the square was silent, and a needle fell on the ground to be heard clearly.

After a short silence, a burst of cheers and excitement sounded, and the whole square boiled. Whether it was a super powerhouse or a seventh- or eighth-order Saint Pentecostalist, it was very exciting.

The characters who usually practice quietly at this time can no longer bear the excitement in their hearts.

In the minds of all strong men, there are a few people in this world who can allow them to respect and worship. Unless they are the supreme, except the supreme and the semi-deity of the perfect peak, they will not be seen by the Danshi Association.

Even if it is the semi-divine realm of the pinnacle, the Danshi Association will not be afraid, because there are many such strong people in Lingfeng's top, but not many people know it.

"Sir Ling Tian!"

"Supreme Divine Pill Master Ling Tian!"

"The first day, Master Ling Tian!"

"Master Ling Tian, ​​is Ling Lingfeng the best?"

"Sir Ling Tian is here."

A piece of shock and cheering, and constant discussion, the whole Ling Feng has never been so lively.

I didn't think of a person's name, but it made everyone so excited.

Then, Ling Feng's strongest man and Dan Master were separated, ready to greet Lord Ling Tian, ​​the Supreme God Master.

These things are naturally arranged by several vice presidents. The two presidents and the five elders are waiting on the side, waiting for Li Lingtian to appear, but Ling Feng is extremely large and has a size of two or three days, even if the spaceship is fast. The flight was not able to arrive in a flash.

However, all the strong men are waiting in the square. For the strong men, it doesn't matter if they don't move for ten days and a half months.

Yunsheng Divine Pill Master and several other Divine Pill Masters, as well as several vice presidents and presidents, constantly received news from afar, the content of the message was the location where the spacecraft appeared.

Several core figures calculated the time when the spacecraft arrived at the square based on the speed and position of the spacecraft.

Time, a little bit of the past, a day, all the strong people waiting on the square waiting.

At noon the next day, the soft sun fell on the square, and the whole sky was light and windy.



At this time, in the distance of the void, a black spot appeared in the sight of all the strong men and Master Dan.

The black spot is getting bigger and bigger, it is a huge spacecraft flying fast towards this side.

Seeing this spaceship 20,000 miles away, all the strong men were excited. Yunsheng Divine Pill Master and four other Divine Pill Masters, as well as two presidents and six vice-presidents, all flew up. , Quickly flew into the air.

The other strong men also flew up, followed a few elders and flew away, and finally came into the air waiting for the spacecraft to arrive.

Every strong man and Dan Shi have excitement and anticipation on their faces, more of worship and respect.

Above the spaceship, a middle-aged man in black stood on the spaceship, quickly steered the spaceship, and quickly flew in the direction of the square. This way, there were strong men everywhere, and these strong men were all Ling Feng. Patrolling, the strong are like getting orders, let them unblocked all the way, and also greeted them all the way.

The non-stop accelerating flight also took more than a day to reach the depth of Lingfeng's extreme peak.

In the spacecraft, Li Lingtian has been stabilizing his injury, and the outside has to be dealt with by the black dragon. Now, he can't feel at ease to recover from the injury. He must find a safe place.

The enemy encountered this time is not a general existence, it is the super powerhouse of the demigod pinnacle.

"Ling Feng is at the top, the Danshi Guild is born, and he leads the Danshi Guild up and down to welcome Master Ling Tian."

"Sir Ling Tian is very honored to ride Lingfeng Peak, Lingfeng Peak Peak Danshi Guild."

Watching the spacecraft stop two hundred miles away, Yunsheng Divine Pill Master said aloud, such a thing, the chairman would have been able to do such things, and several of them did not need to come out or show up. .

In the Shenwu Continent, there are not many people who can let them come to the reception, not to mention the five Divine Pill Masters to come out together, and rectify the top and bottom of the Pill Master Association and the Pill Master.

If such a thing spreads, the Shenwu Continent must not be shocked.

"Lord, it has reached the peak of Ling Feng."

The Black Dragon King looked at countless powerhouses and pill masters, as well as a few super powerhouses and some late half-realm powerhouses. He was extremely shocked, but more excited.

It can be greeted by so many strong men and Divine Pill Master. In the Shenwu Continent, only Li Lingtian can do it. The more powerful his master is, the happier he will naturally be.

Transmission, tell Li Lingtian.

In the spaceship's room, Li Lingtian also knew that she had reached the depth of Lingfeng's summit. Although she had been steadily injured in the practice room along the way, she still had clear control over the things in front of her.

Seeing countless strong men greet me, I was also shocked. I did not expect such a big movement from the Danshi Association.

However, thinking of the Danshi Guild and him, all of this is normal. After all, his identity is here, and he is here for the first time. Such welcoming is also proof of the relationship between Danshi Guild and Li Lingtian. The powerful and powerful forces of Shenwu Continent saw all this.

After receiving the work, slowly stood up, the whole person sorted out his spirit, with a faint smile on his face.

If he doesn't say it, no one will ever see him injured, because he is in the best condition now, and there is no sign of injury.

This is also why he suppressed the injury. If it breaks out, the injury will be more powerful, and now, it is not easy to use the real element, otherwise it will be an injury.

Otherwise, he will not come to Lingfeng to the extreme, but go to other places to find a place to hide to heal and practice.

Step by step came out, the smile on his face was light and soft.

Came out of the spaceship and looked forward. Numerous strong men and pill masters gathered here. The princesses and strong men here are all real characters of the Danshi Association. It's a strong party.

"There are injuries in this seat, and I have to destroy Ling Feng's extreme rules, and I hope His Excellency Yunsheng will forgive me."

"Your Excellency Yunsheng is polite, and this seat hastily came. This kind of courteousness of Yunsheng makes it impossible for you to adapt."

Li Lingtian came out of the spaceship and glanced at all the strong men, and finally fell on the Yunsheng God Pill Master. Before coming to Lingfeng, he already knew a lot about the strongman and Dan Master in Lingfeng.

Even the Holy Pill Master, because there are many in the Shenwu Continent, but there are only seven Divine Pill Master plus himself, and the other six Divine Pill Masters, he naturally understands some.

When talking, he was full of energy, the tone was plain and harmonious, and there was no slightest frame.

The voice sounded, reaching for all the strongmen and Dan Master, and saying hello, came to the site of others, naturally it would not be rude, this is not the reason of strength and identity, but a matter of politeness, the most basic politeness of a person .

"Welcome Lord Lingtian to the peak of Lingfeng!"

"Welcome Lord Lingtian to the peak of Lingfeng!"

"Welcome Lord Lingtian to the peak of Lingfeng!"

Seeing Li Lingtian coming out, all the Dan masters and strong men were excited and excited. What shocked them even more was that the legendary God Master, the Supreme God Master, was indeed a young man, but a young man over a hundred years old.

If it were not for Li Lingtian’s speech, he could not believe that the young man in front of him was a mythical figure of the Shenwu Continent. He had achieved such an unfathomable achievement in just a hundred years and could not describe it.

When Li Lingtian's voice fell, all the strong men and Master Dan respectfully saluted Li Lingtian and welcomed Li Lingtian to Lingfeng.

Suddenly, the entire depth of Lingfeng's extreme peak was very lively, and every Danshi and the strong, with respect and worship in their eyes.

"Sir Ling Tian is hurt?"

All the strongmen greeted Li Lingtian. When excited, they completely forgot the details in Li Lingtian's words. Even if many people heard clearly, they were not good at speaking, and they were not qualified to speak.

However, Tiantong Divine Pill Master and others were shocked. What they imagined was indeed true.

I had previously thought that Li Lingtian might have encountered a powerful enemy, otherwise he would not break the rules of Ling Feng's extreme. This is not Li Lingtian's style.

After hearing Li Lingtian's words, I was shocked. I didn't know what kind of strong man was. He injured Li Lingtian and forced Li Lingtian to this point.

"It's hard to say."

"On the way to Lingfeng's extreme, this seat did not expect to be chased and killed by the imperial **** of Chunyang."

Li Lingtian said faintly, his face was plain, and he didn't feel ashamed when he escaped. Besides, he fled in front of the peak of the semi-god realm in the early stage of a semi-god realm. It was a miracle.

Moreover, the **** waiting is a character like peace, even if the strong man of the same rank is in front of the **** waiting, most of them have to suffer, not to mention the early half-god strong like Li Lingtian.

"God wait!"

"God is waiting?"

"It's the **** waiting~www.wuxiaspot.com~Pure Yang Empire God waiting for Yuxuan is free, and the peak of the semi-god is perfect."

"The top ten super powers of the Pure Yang Empire did everything against Lord Lingtian."

"Sir Ling Tian is really powerful, and she can get away from God's waiting."

"Sir Ling Tian went to practice healing first, and the matter waiting for God, Ling Feng was extremely good to deal with it."

All the strong men were completely shocked. The look on their faces was terrified. It was like seeing ghosts and ghosts. They couldn’t believe that Li Lingtian had walked away from God’s waiting. Escape in front of the environment is simply a miracle.

If this spreads out, it will absolutely shock the Shenwu Continent, knowing the strength of the god's waiting time, and the distance between the early half-divine realm and the peak of the Great Constance, it is not a grade at all, which is a difference of two or three worlds.

After being shocked, Master Yunsheng Divine Pill Master opened his mouth and let Li Lingtian go in for a rest, and other matters would be dealt with by the Danshi Guild.

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