War God Supreme

Chapter 1682: Ground treatment

Li Lingtian was greeted by countless strongmen and Dan Shi, and passed through the square. Finally, Yun Yuan Sheng Dan Shi was arranged in the forbidden place of Ling Feng's extreme. This place, only the genius Sheng Dan Shi and the two presidents, and Six vice presidents, and five Divine Pill Masters.

Fifty thousand miles long and three thousand miles wide, such a vast forbidden area, there are fewer than two hundred people.

These strong men each occupy a place, because alchemy can not be disturbed, there will be no slight influence on each other, if there is communication, there will be a special place to rest.

The entire Danshi Guild is most familiar with Li Yuantian, and the relationship between them is also recent.

When Li Lingtian Xiu was very low, the two knew each other. At that time, Li Lingtian's Dan Dao Xiu Wei wasn't against the sky. He only refined the excellent medicine. The status and rank of Dan Dao were not high.

Not seen for decades, Li Lingtian has achieved the Supreme Divine Pill Master, and has become the myth and supreme of the Divine Dao of the Shenwu Continent. Martial Dao is also the pinnacle of the Shenwu Continent.

"Master Lingtian, you are resting here now."

"No one will bother you here in this place."

"As for other things, the Danshi Guild resolves to Lord Ling Tian. Even if the Danshi Guild is an enemy of the Shenwu Continent, it will not cause people to provoke Ling Tian."

Master Yunyuan Shengdan settled Li Lingtian in a palace courtyard and said respectfully.

In the Shenwu Continent, no matter how good the relationship is, but the status and identity of the etiquette are not indispensable, he is the Holy Pill Master and also the vice president, and Li Lingtian is the Supreme Divine Pill Master, even the Divine Pill Master must call Li Lingtian as an adult .

In the Dao Road, Li Lingtian is definitely their supreme, he naturally dare not have a little overpass on the etiquette.

"Thank you Yunyuan, thank you."

"As for what God is waiting for, I will solve it myself. I believe he is not feeling well now."

"Wait until the injury recovers a little bit. If anything happens during this time, look for the Black Dragon."

Li Lingtian Chao Yunyuan Shengdan Master clenched his fists, it is a thank you, the status and identity of the two are getting farther and farther, Li Lingtian's all this is normal in Shenwu Continent, he gradually adapted, but still thanked him, Said it was because of the relationship between Yunyuan and him before, and said that it was good to show that he didn't put on a rack, anyway, he didn't care anymore.

When talking about God's waiting, not only did Li Lingtian's face not be angry, but instead a smile appeared.

After he cultivated for improvement, he went to seek God's opportunity to avenge his revenge. And this time, although God's opportunity provokes him to chase him down, he will not feel well in the end.

He didn’t know what happened to God’s waiting time, but God’s waiting time continued to cast forbidden supernatural powers, sacrificed the blood and sacrifice, and destroyed the avatar. Even if God’s waiting time was even worse, the loss was also heavy in this case. .

"Sir Ling Tian is welcome."

"Well, Master Ling Tian's peace of mind is that no one will come here without Master Ling Tian's orders. If Master Ling Tian has any need, he will just ask him directly."

Seeing the smile on Li Lingtian's face, Yun Yuan Sheng Dan Master felt a tremor in his heart. I didn't know what the god's waiting time was beaten by Li Lingtian. He secretly said in the heart: Are you injured, or God waiting to be injured?

Although Li Lingtian was injured and fled, he could imagine the miserable and angry look.

Automatically Li Lingtian came to the top of Ling Feng, and did not say the situation of the war from beginning to end. Although all the strong people were curious and shocked, no one dared to ask.

Master Yunyuan Shengdan politely said a few words, and finally retired as a gift.

Leaving Li Lingtian and Black Dragon in the palace of the forbidden area, the black dragon looked around. From leaving the palace, he looked at the environment within a hundred thousand miles, and then lived in a pavilion outside the palace. Li Lingtian and others were in Inside the palace.

Li Lingtian looked at the inside of the palace with his consciousness. There is no problem here.

Then he shouted Huangfu Yuyan, Tang Qingyue and others to let them tidy up the palace. They may live there for a long time in the future, and at least wait for the injury to recover before leaving Lingfeng.

There was a trembling in the air, and a string of beautiful figures appeared beside Li Lingtian.

The people who came out were naturally Tang Zimeng. After they came out, they began to look around the surroundings for the first time, and found that the palace was very curious. More importantly, the spirit of the fairy here, the spirit of the fairy here, and The spirits of the fairy in Chunyang Palace are almost the same.

"Little Brother, where is this place?"

Lord Frost Palace asked Li Lingtian.

"This is inside the forbidden area of ​​the Lingfeng Ultimate Danshi Guild."

Li Lingtian said lightly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. Although the injury is serious, it is finally safe.

As long as you feel at ease to heal the injury, it is only a matter of time before the injury recovers.

"Forbidden place of the Danshi Guild?"

"Are we at the forbidden ground of the Danshi Guild?"

"What about that god?"

"Ling Tian, ​​you are injured."

"Your injuries are so serious."


When I heard that Li Lingtian said that this was the banned place of the Danshi Guild, I was all surprised.

In their memory, Li Lingtian was supposed to take them away from the Chunyang Empire to repair the alliance. Although he encountered a strong enemy in the middle, he did not expect to appear in the Danshi Guild now.

Huang Fu Yuyan and others felt puzzled, and immediately looked at Li Lingtian, and felt that Li Lingtian's injury was extremely serious, and immediately knew that the matter was serious. Li Lingtian would not come here unless it was a last resort.

"At that time, when I met God's waiting, this semi-god's semi-real world was at its peak, and it was not something I could deal with at all."

"There is no way to choose to escape, but there is a treasure on God's plane. No matter where I fled, he will know the first time."

"I put all my magical powers on display, and I still can't defeat him. In the end, I can only escape to the Danshi Guild."

Li Lingtian said slowly, telling what happened but carefully. Hearing that Huang Fu Yuyan and others were terrified, they never thought that the half-god peak peak was so terrifying, and even Li Lingtian could hardly escape. If Li Lingtian didn't accidentally display the spirit of darkness, Li Lingtian could not escape.

"I didn't expect that the half-god peak peak consummation is so powerful."

"Fortunately, at the end, God was injured when he was waiting, otherwise he wouldn't be able to leave."

"Now the gods do not dare to come to the Danshi Guild."

"Wait until Ling Tian's injury recovers and he will be repaired, and then go to the God's opportunity."

"Ling Tian, ​​rest and heal first."

"Yeah, recover the injury first, so that nothing happens."

After listening to Li Lingtian’s words, they were all shocked and shocked by the strength of God’s waiting, but in the end the price paid by God’s waiting was also large enough to offend Li Lingtian and destroy his own avatar. There was no chance to go further. One layer later, Li Lingtian will have to bear revenge in the future.

Tang Qingyue and others hurried to let Li Lingtian rest and heal. Only by recovering the injury can he cope with all the changes.

Even if this is the Danshi Guild, it cannot guarantee everything, so only you have the strength to be king.

"Okay, you go to clean up."

"The environment here is good, the spirit of the fairy is rich, and it is one of the ten sacred places of cultivation on the Shenwu Continent. Cultivation here is also a kind of enjoyment, and you will also cultivate to upgrade a little."

"If there is a chance, a breakthrough here is also good."

Li Lingtian nodded, and then a simple formation was performed here to prevent others from disturbing the formation.

In fact, in this place, even the most powerful one wouldn’t want to come here, because this is the forbidden area of ​​the Danshi Guild. If someone can break into the forbidden land of the Danshi Guild, the Danshi Guild will not remain in Shenwu forever. Mainland China.

While Huangfu Yuyan and others packed up the palace and settled, Li Lingtian also looked at the palace.

Siheyuan-style palaces, these palaces are exquisitely constructed, all add up, there are more than thirty separate rooms, such palaces in the forbidden area, almost integrated with here.

Although the palace is uninhabited, it is very clean and tidy, and it is not necessary to clean it up.

In the end, Tang Qingyue and others chose a room each, and Li Lingtian also chose a room. After choosing the room, he went to rest and heal.

Li Lingtian and others practiced healing in Ling Feng's extreme top, as if they were isolated from the world, but the outside world was shaken, as if they were going to turn the sky.

Moreover, the fact that Li Lingtian came to the extreme peak of Ling Feng spread throughout the extreme peak of Ling Feng, the land of Heavenly Works and the top of inorganics.

The Lingfeng Peak, the Heavenly Land, and the Inorganic Top are the headquarters of the three consortiums of the Shenwu Continent, and one of the ten shrines of the Shenwu Continent. The three mountains form a three-legged trend.

The disciples and strong men of the three major guilds also communicate frequently and interact with each other without any conflict.

Naturally ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The news of the three major guilds are all in communication, and the event that Supreme Master Ling Tian, ​​Master Ling Tian came to Lingfeng's extreme spread throughout the three major guilds, which immediately caused the excitement of the three guild disciples and powerful Shock.

Countless super powers have to come to visit Li Lingtian, but they are rejected by Master Yunsheng Divine Pill Master.

Because Li Lingtian was injured, he recuperates and recuperates until Li Lingtian recovers from his injuries.

The three guilds also inquired about Li Lingtian’s injury. In fact, he would know about Li Lingtian’s injury without inquiring, because Li Lingtian and Chunyang Empire God were waiting for a war and they didn’t know how they spread throughout the four empires.

In the battle between the two, no one saw it at all, and no third person was present, but they were described by Li Lingtian and the gods in a battle.

Suddenly, the pure Yang Empire God waited for Yuxuan to have no time, and the semi-divine realm of the pinnacle of the powerful, chasing the world's Supreme God Pill Master Ling Tian.

The half-divine state of the hall is at its peak, and the pure Yang Empire God is waiting, but he deals with Li Lingtian, which shocks countless powerful people and forces.

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