War God Supreme

Chapter 1687: Tang Zimeng breakthrough



After Li Lingtian and Tang Qingyue left the square, some figures flew out in several other places. These figures were all superpowers and important figures of the three major guilds. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable)

The places that flew to were all Mingyan Peaks. Seeing this situation, all the strong men and disciples were shocked.

Even two presidents, six vice-presidents and elders of the Divine Pill Division, as well as important figures of super powerhouses in the land of heaven and the top of the inorganic, also went to Mingyan Peak.

"Someone broke through Mingyan Peak?"

"Of course, the person who made a breakthrough at Mingyan Peak this time was Master Tang Tian's wife, Tang Zimeng."

"It turns out that it's no wonder Lord Lingtian is so excited."

"Adult Ling Tian cares most about his wife and relatives around him. If Tang Zimeng's fairy breaks through him, he doesn't care, and there is someone else in this world that deserves his attention."

"Don't go, lest Zhenyuan will provoke a more powerful Heavenly Tribulation."

"People in the square are strictly forbidden to use True Yuan and Divine Consciousness.

"If the order is passed down, Ling Feng is in the depths of the extreme, no one can use the true yuan and the consciousness, otherwise there will be no amnesty."

"If Tang Zimeng's fairy breaks down due to human reasons, the consequences will be disastrous."

Above the square, there was a lot of discussion, all looking at the direction of Mingyan Peak. They all wanted to go to Mingyan Peak to see the excitement, but they were blocked by the strong. Only after they were stopped did they understand why. If there were more people, it would be inevitable. When it is affected by natural disasters, it will naturally defend itself when it is affected, which will provoke even more terrifying natural disasters.

If the disciples and the strong of the three major guilds aggravated the Heavenly Tribulation and caused Tang Zimeng’s breakthrough to encounter problems, no one can forgive that time. Know that Li Lingtian’s counterscale is his wife. If Li Lingtian is provoked in these places, it really is. No one can bear Li Lingtian's anger.


The sky was originally cloudless, but at this moment Kung Fu became dark, and there was an uneasy breath between heaven and earth.

The powerhouses in Lingfeng's extreme top naturally know that this looks like a sign, that is, someone is going to attract heavenly disaster. Such things happen several times a year in Lingfeng's extreme top.

Every time it is a breakthrough for the strong, for Lingfeng's top strong, it is no longer an important thing.

However, this time was different. This time the Heavenly Tribulation was several times stronger than the previous Heavenly Tribulation. What’s more important is that the person who broke through at Mingyan Peak this time was Li Lingtian’s wife, the Supreme Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Continent Ling Tianren's wife is naturally different. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable)

They didn't want to encounter any difficulties when Li Lingtian's wife broke through.

Besides, Li Lingtian taught the disciples of the three major guilds exactly like treating his juniors and friends, letting everyone appreciate Li Lingtian from his heart, and naturally he didn’t want to see anything wrong with Li Lingtian’s people.

In my heart, I pray that those who break above Mingyan Peak will make a breakthrough, which is also related to their future.

If the above people make a breakthrough, Li Lingtian must be in a good mood. Li Lingtian is in a good mood. They will naturally get a lot of benefits. At least he can consult Li Lingtian when he encounters problems in his cultivation.

If the people above Mingyan Peak fail to break through, Li Lingtian will naturally be in a bad mood. Even if Li Lingtian will not refuse their advice, they are also embarrassed to bother Li Lingtian.

In case the disciple or strong man of Ling Feng's extreme disturbs the breakthrough of the people above Ming Yanfeng, it is a sin.

In the air, thunder and thunder continued, the electric snake straddled the void, and the whole space was filled with terror.

All the strong men are looking at the Mingyan Peak, but they dare not display their true elements and consciousness.

Li Lingtian came a hundred miles away from Mingyan Peak and spread an idea into Mingyan Peak, telling Tang Zimeng that they opened their hearts to break through, and everything was watching by him.

Although Yun Yaoyao and Shun Mei'er didn't make a breakthrough together, Li Lingtian comforted them so as to avoid any accidents.

The three of Tang Zimeng got Li Lingtian's idea and knew that Li Lingtian was by his side. His heart was calm and quiet, and there was no fear or worry at all.

Withdrawing his mind and mind, Li Lingtian looked quietly at Ming Yanfeng with a faint smile on his face.

In fact, to break through this kind of thing, the key is to look at his talent and chance, and Li Lingtian gives them only comfort in the heart, not letting them have a trace of burden and worry.

Girls, born weaker and more fragile than men, naturally need to rely on, rely on the soul, Tang Zimeng and others depend on Li Lingtian.

"The catastrophe caused by my sister is terrifying."

Tang Qingyue stood beside Li Lingtian, with a little anxiety on her face, more nervous and worried than her breakthrough, because this is his sister.

Although he knew that his sister was so talented, she had great confidence in her breakthrough, but she was still worried.

Huangfu Yuyan and others also stood beside Li Lingtian, looking at Ming Yanfeng. At this time, they did not speak, as long as they waited quietly.

"Mengmeng is a body of mystic spirit, and its talent is so high that the natural disasters it attracts are naturally powerful."

"When you break through, it's the same, and so is Mingyue. The blood of the three of you is similar."

Li Lingtian's face is quiet, without any slight emotional fluctuations. The more calm he is when he encounters things, only when he is calm can he reach his peak, so that he can cope with everything in a full state.

He is right. Tang Zimeng is the body of Xuan Ling, Tang Qingyue is the body of Taiyin, Nangong Mingyue is the body of Tianfeng. The blood of the three people makes him achieve the swallowing talent. Such talent is inseparable from his achievement today.

Now, all three are his wife, which is destined.

"Ling Tian, ​​how do you say your sister has a breakthrough?"

Tang Qingyue nodded, she knew Li Lingtian was right, but she was still worried.

"It's a great grasp."

"Even if there is something, am I not here."

Li Lingtian gently touched Tang Qingyue’s hair, and said softly that Tang Qingyue is an ice-type attribute, born like an iceberg fairy, beautiful and cold, the giant is thousands of miles away, but after following Li Lingtian, there is a gentleness beside Li Lingtian Wife, a tender little woman.

I only have my sister and Li Lingtian, as well as my parents and these sisters around me.

In this world, no one is more important than Li Lingtian.

After Li Lingtian finished speaking, Tang Qingyue nodded cleverly and relied on Li Lingtian's side, but did not dare to influence Li Lingtian, so as not to affect Li Lingtian's help to Tang Zimeng.

At this time, Yunsheng Divine Pill Master and others also came not far from Li Lingtian, looking at Mingyan Peak, not only a few Divine Pill Masters, but also other super powers, as well as heaven Some strong on the top of inorganic.

These strong men are the most important core characters of the three major guilds, and only such characters dare to come here.

"The sky is terrifying."

"Such auspicious signs completely surpassed the breakthrough of the pseudo-realm, even if it was a mid-to-late breakthrough of the semi-god realm.

Yunsheng Divine Pill Master looked at the changes in the sky, and the look on his face changed. When he broke through before, he was far from this. I didn’t expect that the false **** realm would have such a powerful sign to break through the half **** realm. This can be confirmed. The stronger the celestial sign, the more terrifying the sky-tribulation, and the more benefits will be gained.

"It's a little difficult to resist such a catastrophe."

"Master Ling Tian should be prepared. If Master Ling Tian is here, nothing will happen."

"Yeah, this immortal medicine made by Master Ling Tian, ​​plus Master Dan's Tao and magical powers, there is not much threat to this Sky Tribulation."

"This kind of heavenly catastrophe can only be compared with the shrine and the two hall masters. When the former strong men of the shrine and the two hall masters broke through, there was such a strong heavenly catastrophe."

"I'm really curious about it, how terrifying Ling Tian is when he breaks through."

"Yeah, there are several consecutive breakthroughs in Yuding Peak in Yuding Tiancheng. Although the sky is robbing the sky, it is certainly not that Lord Ling Tian is breaking through."

"Doesn't Ling Tian no longer break through the Shenwu Continent!"

Yun Yuan Sheng Dan Shi and others looked at the change of the horror of the void, and the look on his face was shocked. However, Li Lingtian was also a semi-deity. When he reached the pseudo-deity before, the sky-tribulation was terrifying, breaking through the semi-deity. Heaven Tribulation is also powerful and terrifying, but no one saw Li Lingtian's breakthrough and was very curious.

Speaking of the back, Master Tongtian Divine Pill showed a horrified look on his face. These years, Li Lingtian was in Immortal Territory. He had not left Immortal Territory, but he broke through, and no one knew that the breakthrough was not in Shenwu. mainland.

Thinking of this, I was frightened, and immediately thought of the destruction of more than ten heavenly cities of the Pure Yang Empire. Before and after the destruction of more than ten heavenly cities of the Pure Yang Empire, that is, the time between Li Lingtian’s pseudo-realm and demigod realm.

Suddenly, everyone looked at Li Lingtian. If that was the case, it would be too much.

"Not bad."

"This seat is a breakthrough in Chunyang Palace, and it is also a testimony to the Supreme Divine Pill Master in Chunyang Palace."

Li Lingtian looked at Ming Yanfeng with a dull look on his face, with no change at all.

He said lightly that for his breakthrough in the Pure Sun Palace ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there is no need to hide it. Now that he has reached the semi-deity, even if people outside know that his breakthrough in the Pure Sun Palace will be pure The Yang Empire has destroyed more than a dozen heavenly cities, how can there be?

Besides, Li Lingtian entered the Chunyang Palace, the Chunyang Palace changed, and the heaven city of the Chunyang Empire was destroyed. Li Lingtian was all connected. It is natural for the super strong to think of these things.

Recognized by Li Lingtian, Yunsheng Divine Pill Master and others were stunned, and the expression on his face kept changing.

Guessing is just speculation, although it is shocking but it is not sure. After all, it is only speculation, but Li Lingtian personally admitted that this shocking thing that people cannot believe has become true.

Thinking of the dozen or so heavenly cities where Chunyang Palace is away from the destruction of Chunyang Empire, it is completely separated by a mysterious and weird. In this case, Li Lingtian’s breakthrough will also destroy Chunyang Palace, and even the power of the spread will directly destroy Chunyang Empire. The destruction of a few heavenly cities, how terrifying this is, I dare not imagine.

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