War God Supreme

Chapter 1688: Tang Zimeng's stubborn...

"Lord Tian's retrograde, very human thinking can be understood. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable)"

"Now Lord Lingtian's semi-divine realm has already destroyed God's waiting for this powerful avatar. If it reaches the mid-level of Semi-Divine Realm, I believe that even if God's waiting encounters Lord Lingtian again, it will no longer be so simple. ."

It took a long time for Master Celestial Master to recover from the shock. The look on his face kept changing, and even the idea of ​​jealousy was gone. Such a character is simply not understandable by ordinary people. If you compete with such a character , It's just that I can't find myself happy.

The other Divine Pill Masters, Divine Array Masters, and Divine Makers also nodded, and they can only be shocked by Li Lingtian's defeat.

It is conceivable that even the sacred **** realm that breaks through the semi-god realm can destroy the Pure Yang Palace, and the aftermath can destroy more than ten heavenly cities. What a horror is such a thing. It is simply beyond description and imagination.

Even such a horrible heavenly catastrophe can be avoided. The strength is naturally terrifying. The strength of the heavenly catastrophe is proportional to the strength of the strong man. The stronger the heavenly catastrophe is, the greater the strength of the strongman who bears the heavenly catastrophe after success. The stronger, the more benefits you get.

However, this Heavenly Tribulation also varies from person to person, and it is based on the degree of the strong against the sky.

"The higher the strength, the more you undertake."

"When one day you know that this seat is saying this, you will be able to feel the feeling of this seat at the moment. You have to say your knowledge and understanding of the Shenwu Continent. This seat is not as good as you."

"But what you have experienced in these years is not what you can imagine. However, I believe you also know that this Shenwu Continent is not so simple on the surface."

Li Lingtian turned around and turned his head to look at the strong men present. Those who came here were all in the late half-god realm or above, or they were the core figures of the three major guilds.

If he didn't know something, he wouldn't say that.

Although it seems that there is not much danger in the Shenwu Continent at present, at most it is historical changes and the strong domineering, but the participation of the Mozu is not so simple.

And the strongman of Tianmen is also waiting for him, plus some of the things he encountered, he must quickly improve his cultivation practice, and then he will have a punch.





When Li Lingtian spoke, the sky-tribulation in the sky had already coalesced.

Just finished, the first Heaven Tribulation has landed. Tang Zimeng's talent is extremely high. Although he can't compare with his Li Lingtian's talent, but he has the same talent, but the power is more horrible. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable)

The landing Sky Tribulation is also extremely horrible. The first Sky Tribulation is several times more powerful and horrifying than the ordinary Heavenly Tribulation breakthrough.

All the strong men, when they heard Li Lingtian's words, suddenly felt stunned. They did not understand the meaning of Li Lingtian's words, but they can be sure that everything Li Lingtian said will happen in the future, although they don't know what will happen.

However, even Li Lingtian was shocked, it must not be so simple.

Just when they were curious, the sky-tribulation landed in the sky, and all the attention was attracted by the sky-tribulation.

Looking at the sky-destroyed sky-tribulation, Yunsheng Divine Pill Master and other people's faces were shocked. Li Lingtian was just going to go against the sky. What was even more speechless was that the people around him were also terrifying against the sky. After that, the ordinary strong man was simply garbage in front of her.


Tang Zimeng withstood the first catastrophe, completely resisted with his powerful defense.

Although she is lively and naughty, she is a little girl who will never grow up in front of Li Lingtian, but she knows the weight and she decides to be a strong person when she is alone.

Now, in the face of the first Sky Tribulation, it is completely resisted with its own defense.

Because using physical strength and defense to resist the sky-tribulation is much more beneficial to one's own strength and benefits. If you use a treasure to resist, you will suffer less sky-tribulation and less intensity to withstand attacks in the future.

In Li Lingtian's side, she generally doesn't shoot, but she doesn't want to make a vase, and she wants to help Li Lingtian by her own strength.

Moreover, such a breakthrough is also a challenge to yourself.

At this time, she seemed a little stubborn, and another kind of strength was revealed on her beautiful face.

Heaven Tribulation bombarded him, although he withstood it, but a mouthful of blood spewed out. There was no slight blood on the small face, and the blood in the corner of the mouth kept overflowing, which looked a bit sad.

But he resisted the first Sky Tribulation with defense, and he was very happy.

I feel that an achievement dared to come to my heart, because I defeated myself, and took another step away from my victory.

While the second Sky Tribulation was still brewing, Tang Zimeng took his face seriously, stabilized his injury, and waited for the arrival of Dao Tian Tribulation, and at the same time was considering whether to use defense to resist the Sky Tribulation.

If you use defense to resist, your own danger will increase.


In the sky, a black arc quickly condensed, and horrible spiritual pressure appeared in all directions. The emptiness of thousands of miles trembled and mourned in front of the destroyed spiritual pressure.

Li Lingtian and others outside Mingyan Peak also clearly felt the horror of sky-tribulation in the air, and their expressions on their faces changed. This kind of sky-tribulation was extremely terrifying, and it was complete destruction.

Moreover, the black arc has reached the size of several meters in an instant. The arc has a breath of destruction, and the space is constantly torn, just like the broken mirror.

Li Lingtian also saw the appearance of Tang Zimeng in Mingyan Peak, knowing that Tang Zimeng was hesitating at this time, and had not yet determined whether to sacrifice a treasure to resist Tiancai or use his body to greet Tiancai.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian began to worry.

Although Tang Zimeng is a body of Xuan Ling, she is always just a woman. Heavenly Tribulation will not be divided into men and women, and the power has not weakened because the other party is a woman.

For Li Lingtian, Tang Zimeng and others only need to break through to improve their cultivation. As for strength, these things don't need them, because all the enemies have him to solve.

Now I just want Tang Zimeng to resist this Heavenly Tribulation and resist it intact, so that there will be more spirit and strength to resist the more terrible Heavenly Tribulation behind.


In the void, the black arc has reached tens of meters in size, and the power is directly bombarded through the void.

In front of this ruined Heavenly Tribulation, the space becomes a little bit smaller, and it can only tremble in front of Heavenly Tribulation. In the blink of an eye, the destruction of the black arc strikes Tang Zimeng.

At the last moment, Tang Zimeng chose to use her body to resist the Heavenly Tribulation, because she would use her strong strength to help Li Lingtian and conquer the Shenwu Continent with Li Lingtian.

Therefore, even if she is adventurous, she must insist on what she thinks.

The ruined black arc, bombarded Tang Zimeng fiercely, Tang Zimeng's body shivered, and a spit of blood spurted out. The destroyed black arc continually destroyed her body.

Such destruction made her almost disappear.

However, at this juncture of destruction, Tang Zimeng was calm in his heart, and the powerful kung fu was running. He used powerful exercises and real elements to resist the arc of destruction. For a time, the real elements and the arc in the body constantly confronted each other.

"Mengmeng is so stupid."

"It's impossible for her to resist such a catastrophe."

Li Lingtian looked at Tang Zimeng's pain, and his heart was very painful.

Huangfu Yuyan and others were also very worried, and the expression on their faces was concerned, but at this time, no one could help her at all, only she herself could help herself.

Under Heaven Tribulation, no one can help those who suffer Heaven Tribulation, only to see their own strength.

"She wants to improve her strength."

"If I were, I would do the same."

Tang Qingyue looked at Tang Zimeng from Mingyan Peak in the distance. His face was calm, but his heart was worried.

Although everyone is a hundred miles away from Mingyan Peak, this distance is not a distance at all for a strong person like them. Tang Zimeng's every move can be clearly seen.

Li Lingtian is not a fool. Tang Zimeng has followed him for decades. Naturally, Tang Zimeng’s thoughts and the girls around him all want to improve their strength to help him. Why don’t he know these things?

"In the future, don't be so stupid."

"With me, no one in the world can hurt you."

"If anyone dares to hurt your mind, this seat will put him down."

Li Lingtian said seriously, looking at Huangfu Yuyan, he didn't want any of them to be hurt at all. If so, he didn't know how to deal with it.

The strong men present were shocked to see Tang Zimeng's strong character above Ming Yanfeng.

Time, one second and second passed, the second Heaven Tribulation passed, Tang Zimeng finally got through, and what is even more shocking is that Tang Zimeng completely destroyed the Heaven Tribulation. This situation shocked everyone and even surprised Li Lingtian. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is the only person who can destroy Heavenly Tribulation. His destruction supernatural powers often destroy Heavenly Tribulation when he suffers Heavenly Tribulation.

I didn't expect Tang Zimeng to be able to destroy Heavenly Tribulation. It seems that one's potential can never be estimated.

At critical moments, the potential that is realized is often beyond the scope of human imagination.

The second sky-tribulation disappeared, and the sky quieted down briefly, but everyone knew that this short-term silence was the tranquility before the storm when the horror sky-trimming was brewing.

As soon as the third Sky Tribulation arrives, this space will once again be destroyed and collapsed.

Moreover, the quieter the day, the more terrifying the sky-tribulation will be.

In the air, the atmosphere gradually becomes strange, giving people a strong sense of oppression, as if the whole sky is about to fall down, and the original dark cloud sky has now become brighter.

Because, a mysterious light appeared in the sky, the light slowly gathered together. R1148


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