War God Supreme

Chapter 1691: Against Sky Tribulation


Heaven Tribulation, feeling the provocation of human beings, has become more and more terrifying.

The sky was furious, as if it were to destroy this human provoking him, not only to destroy this human provoking it, but also to destroy this world.

In an instant, Tianzhu's beam of light and Li Lingtian's beam of light finally bombarded together.

All of this, from the landing of Heavenly Tribulation, to Li Lingtian's rise to the sky and the destruction of supernatural powers against Heavenly Tribulation, and then the collision of Heavenly Tribulation and Li Lingtian's supernatural powers, the whole process is just a momentary effort.

This moment shocked and stunned all the strong men, which allowed them to see what is called a strong man, what is a bully, what is a strong man, and what is a strong man.

The young man in white above Mingyan Peak was the strong man, and he was called overbearing, also called strong, and even against the sky.


The turbulent sky and heaven and earth, when the two destructions bombarded together, exploded in a horrible explosion, suddenly the space was still, and the still space showed countless cracks.

The short rest is a second, a century, or just a snap.

The stillness is destroyed, the world is destroyed, the cracks in the space are completely torn, and the space is completely broken at this time, the Mingyan Peak disappears, the white-clothed youth in the air disappears, and all this disappears.

Everything that disappeared reappeared, the space was restored, Li Lingtian was suspended in the air, and the arrogant momentum was like a true god.

The Heavenly Tribulation was destroyed, and Yujin of the Heavenly Tribulation landed towards Mingyan Peak, but the landing location was the place where Yun Yaoyao and Shun Meier were. There was no trace of space fluctuation above Tang Zimeng, just like being imprisoned.

Li Lingtian destroyed the Heavenly Tribulation and controlled the power of the Heavenly Tribulation. The Heavenly Tribulation was divided into three parts. The two parts bombarded Yun Yaoyao and Shun Meier. The one from Tang Zimeng was resisted by Li Lingtian.



Seeing all this, all the strong men have not awakened from the shock, and were shocked by Li Lingtian's movements again.

Now, even a fool can understand the intention.

Understand Li Lingtian's intentions, the strong men present are afraid to imagine.

Because, Li Lingtian wanted to shake Tiankai alone, and control Tiankai to break through for Yun Yaoyao and Shunmeier, and protect Tang Zimeng.

A person, even if there is such a skyward, I dare not imagine.

Others are resisting the Heavenly Tribulation and passively accepting it, but he is going to control the Heavenly Tribulation, control the world, and control everything in this world.






At this time, all the strong people have no other language. The only thing that can be said is that the sky and the overbearing are powerful. All of this cannot describe Li Lingtian's powerful sky. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable)

It can only be said that it is unimaginable. All the illusions in front of you are just fine.

However, they all understand one thing, that is, this person is not a person, but a more terrifying existence than God.

They will also remember one thing, that is, even if they want to die, don't provoke this character who is more terrifying than God.



The ruined Heavenly Tribulation was destroyed by Li Lingtian’s magical power, and part of the power was bombarded towards Yun Yaoyao and Shun Meier. The two used their bodies to withstand the power of this Heavenly Tribulation.

Although he was resisted by Li Lingtian, it was also terrifying, and the power was almost beyond the tolerance of the two.

Naturally, all this was arranged by Li Lingtian. If they let the two resist so easily, they would harm them. Now, not only must he resist the Heaven Tribulation to protect them, but also bombard them with Heaven Tribulation, leaving them on the verge of destruction. Breakthrough, this degree is under his control, but it is really difficult to control this degree.

The first Sky Tribulation resisted, and Li Lingtian was also shocked, and his face changed calmly.

The divine power in the sky disappeared, and the ice-cold world and flame world behind Li Lingtian also disappeared. All this is like an illusion. If Li Lingtian was still standing in the air, they would think that all this is not true.

"Come out."

"Look at whether you are better, or this seat is stronger?"

In the air, after the first Sky Tribulation was destroyed by Li Lingtian, it quieted down, but the strange atmosphere in the air made people feel uneasy.

This uneasiness heralds the horror of the second Sky Tribulation.

Although the first Sky Tribulation was destroyed by Li Lingtian, it does not mean that Sky Tribulation is weak, but it shows that Li Lingtian is powerful, and Li Lingtian's power has exceeded the power of Sky Tribulation.

The first is already so powerful, the second is unimaginable.

However, it is unimaginable that Li Lingtian was suspended in the air, waiting for the cohesion of the Sky Tribulation, and the Sky Tribulation had not landed. Li Lingtian roared into the void, and the sound of Longyongdong lived for nine days and ten days.

The strong, there are three realms, the first is to fight against people, the second is to fight against the sky, and the third is to fight against yourself.

Now, Li Lingtian directly fights Tiancai and controls Tiancai.

In this situation, all the powerful people felt the gap between them and Li Lingtian. This gap was no longer martial arts, but a level gap. This gap was an insurmountable sky.



Above nine days, there was constant anger. At this moment, even the sky could not tolerate Li Lingtian's provocation again.

Moreover, after being provoked for the first time, not only did the Heavenly Tribulation not destroy this provocative person, but it was also destroyed by this human being, which has seriously touched the majesty of Heaven.

Tens of thousands of miles of void, endless Tianwei came together, and hundreds of millions of electric snakes condensed in the air, but did not land, but more and more, the entire sky was a ruined electric snake.

The two electric snakes merged together, and the merger was repeated again and again, and the electric snakes in the sky became huge.

The change above the void makes all the strong men shocked and scared. All this is beyond the scope of the Heaven Tribulation, but the two gods are fighting.

One is human beings, the other is heaven. Heaven is preparing for destruction. It is imperative that the human beings who provoke it are crushed into powder.

When the electric snake was condensed and powerful, Tianwei in the air continued to land. This time the goal was Li Lingtian, who was directed against Li Lingtian, because Cang Tian sensed that Li Lingtian was the most powerful and also the person who provoked it.



In the blink of an eye, the endlessly ruined electric snake bombarded it.

There are thousands of endless electric snakes. In the face of so many electric snakes, one person can't resist it. In the eyes of everyone, Li Lingtian can't resist the heavenly disaster this time.

Even if Li Lingtian is not destroyed by the Heavenly Tribulation, the people below must bear this terrible disaster.

"Wanjian returns to the sect!"

"Ten thousand yuan return!"

Indeed, Li Lingtian felt a headache in the face of so many devastating electric snakes. If a single attack was even powerful, he could cope with it, but with so many electric snakes, one person could not resist them all at all.

However, nothing can beat him, let alone retreat.

He also thought about several supernatural powers, but this type of supernatural powers cannot be used at this time, because this is a Heavenly Tribulation breakthrough. In case of using other magical powers to make Heavenly Tribulation mutate and make Tang Zimeng and others fail to break through, then you really want to not Finish.

After a week of Zhenyuan's operation and a sense of consciousness, Wan Jian returned to Zong Shi.

In the past, all the swords he obtained were destroyed, but Li Lingtian considered that when he encountered a large area of ​​enemies, Wan Jian Guizong was the best group attack. For these swords, he also paid a lot of money to collect them.

A full ten thousand celestial weapon swords took trillions of spirit stones to gather together.

However, this time the sword is neat compared to the previous one, and its power is naturally many times stronger, because the previous swords have low-level weapons, and now they are all swords of the celestial weapon level, plus the sword of domination, Shenwu Xuan Tian Jian, as well as the nine-handed sword that he built before, and some artifact-level long swords he left from the storage bags of other strongmen are used in it.

In other words, the quality and rank of the sharp sword alone have been tens of times and hundreds of times stronger than the previous Wan Jian. With his current cultivation as the realm, plus the sword power of the sword domain, the decay is magical, and the power is reached. An unimaginable degree.

Sword intention, soaring sword intention.

Sword potential, splitting the sword potential.

Sword domain, the sword domain of the sky.

Li Lingtian stood proudly in the void, and the sword was filled with air. The whole person was like a sword suspended between heaven and earth.

With one wave of one hand, Wan Jian returned to Zongzong's display, and suddenly Wan Jian surrounded him, forming a world of swords.

Between heaven and earth, it is completely filled with swords and swords.

Tens of thousands of swords have a mysterious connection between them. This is the sword array. The sword array and the array are inseparable, or this is the array, but the introduction is the sword, and the sword is used as the array. Tao attack.

Within ten miles of the circle, Wan Jian formed a mysterious world. Li Lingtian was suspended in the mysterious world of sword array. The whole person was extremely chic. His eyes looked at the sword array. His eyes suddenly became Li Lingtian. Just when his eyes were sharp, Wanjian Guizong's sword array bombarded the endless electric snake in the void.

After the sword array was exhibited, Li Lingtian waved one hand in the void, and suddenly a dark blue world appeared around Li Lingtian.

Lights and shadows of a size of ten miles appear. The dark blue light and shadow are like a virtual disk. The virtual disk continuously rotates and finally presses up into the void.

Two magical powers, one main attack, one defense instead of attacking~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Looking at this scene, all the strong men are terrified, this is the strong man, even with such a domineering supernatural power, everything is in their own hands. In front of Li Lingtian, they could not think of what they could not do.





In the air, the endless electric snake stormed down below, which is bound to destroy this human being, but in midair, he encountered an endless sword array. The swords of the sword array seem to be scattered, but they have a mysterious relationship with each other. .

The sword array exudes sword awns, sword gas and sword shadow, these are the existence of destruction. For a time, the power of the electric snake and the sword array fought in the air, and the space was suddenly broken.

The confrontation between Heaven Tribulation and Supernatural Power was the first time the strong players were present. Others were fighting against the Strong, but Li Lingtian had already fought against the Heavenly Tribulation. R1148


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