War God Supreme

Chapter 1692: Heaven Tribulation, God Tribulation


The power of Wanjian Guizong can only resist part of the electric snake. After a moment of war, Wanjian Guizong was broken up.

All the swords fell into light and shadow, and finally floated in front of Li Lingtian, but at this time, there was no more power. Li Lingtian wiped with one hand in the air, and all the swords disappeared.

At the same time that Wan Jian disappeared, the devastating electric snake bombarded it, and bombarded the Li Wantian's Wan Yuanzong, which trembled.

The dark blue phantom array, flashing a dazzling blue light, turned this world into a dark blue piece.

Li Lingtian displayed his mighty magical power, and the magical blessing of the 10,000-dollar blue phantom array began to fight the electric snake world in the air, hoping to use his power to offset part of the power of Heavenly Tribulation.

However, the phantom array finally broke down, and the destroyed Electric Snake Sky Tribulation landed.

All the Electric Snake Heavenly Tribulation, Chaoyun Yaoyao and Shunmei'er bombarded away. The light shield on Li Lingtian's body shivered when the Destruction Heaven Tribulation landed, and finally Heaven Tribulation passed through his face and pressed down.

But none of these catastrophes landed towards Tang Zimeng.

The second Heaven Tribulation, although ruining the world, but after Li Lingtian resisted two horror supernatural powers, eventually became less powerful, at least to allow Yun Yaoyao and Shun Meier to bear it.

Li Lingtian's domineering, so that all the strong can only look up at shock.

The third Sky Tribulation came, so that Li Lingtian and all the powerful did not think of it, because the third Sky Tribulation was not as powerful as imagined. When he saw such a Sky Tribulation, Li Lingtian did not do anything, but showed the death of the sky, Let go of Heaven Tribulation.

Tiancao did not aim at him, but the three of Zhaoyun Yaoyao bombarded away, but Li Lingtian resisted Tang Zimeng’s skyjacket.

In this way, Yun Yaoyao and Shun Mei'er both carried blood on the corners of their mouths. The three Daotian Tribulation caused them to suffer a lot of pain, but they could not be avoided.

If you want to achieve demigod, you have to escape from death and then stand.

In the past of the third Heaven Tribulation, taking advantage of the arrival of the fourth Heaven Tribulation, the two men run Zhenyuan to recover their injuries. At this time, how much can be recovered, what is recovered is one point, as long as more recovery, At that time, the bearing capacity will be more.

Although all the strong men did not greet the Heaven Tribulation, the pressure they suffered was also huge.

I never imagined that one day I would have to bear such a strong pressure when I was watching others greet the catastrophe. network

However, this time watching Li Lingtian's three wives make breakthroughs, they got huge gains, and let them see that the world is not as simple as they imagined.

They also let them see Li Lingtian's power and Li Lingtian's true strength.

After the three days of Heaven Tribulation, Ling Feng’s super power is even more curious, because the more the Heaven Tribulation is behind it, the more powerful and terrifying it is, and the more this is, you can see Li Lingtian’s more powerful magic and killer skills.

Even if you will not be an enemy with Li Lingtian, it is an honour to be able to see the powerful myth of the Shenwu Continent.

Before the fourth Sky Tribulation came, the strong men present were relieved, taking advantage of this time to give themselves a sigh of relief, so as not to be suffocated by themselves.

Time, a second and a second passed, the sky became brighter and brighter, and finally returned to normal, and there are countless auspicious clouds and a bunch of vitality in the sky. These auspicious clouds and vitality are the auspicious clouds and vitality of Tang Zimeng’s breakthrough, only But now she has no chance to absorb these auspicious clouds and vitality, and only dare to do it after the next three days of Heaven Tribulation.



In the void, it began to change. In fact, the change of the void has never stopped, but it is just not so obvious.

At this time, the buzzing noises in the void continued, and I saw countless huge beams of light bombarded downward without any warning. Seeing this situation, everyone felt speechless. Isn't this a sneak attack?

Unexpectedly, Sky Tribulation will also sneak attack, feeling that the destruction of Sky Tribulation is coming, each beam of light is enough to destroy a half **** realm.

When the sky falls, I don’t know how many beams of light there are. In the face of such a sky-tribulation, the strong people present tremble. If I face such a sky-tribulation, I’m blinded at all. Resist the sky-tribulation, the end, that is, the smoke disappears.

"Tribulation of Divine Light!"

Li Lingtian looked at the Sky Tribulation landing in the air, the affection on his face was distorted, and said in shock.

The robbery of God's Light, the power of earth and earth, the penetration of space, the speed is extremely fast, and there is no response at all.

Seeing this heavenly catastrophe, Li Lingtian's mind turned inside, the whole body's real element was running, and the consciousness moved, the destruction of supernatural powers was displayed. Suddenly, the surroundings of Li Lingtian were full of destructive power and divine power, and the consciousness on his face became very serious.

The space is constantly torn apart. I don’t know if it was Li Ling’s Tian Yungong’s torn space or the sky-tribulation landed in the sky that tore the space. But at this time, all the powerful people were trembling uncontrollably, and there was no trace of blood on his face.

"Heavenly Tribulation."

"Then try the catastrophe of this seat."


Li Lingtian looked at the Void of God's Light, and the destroyed God's speed ignored the speed of the space and bombarded him.

Seeing such power, Li Lingtian's hands drew a mysterious aperture in front of him, and there was a trace of pride on his face. He said to himself, and at the end of the talk, Jiu Tian Shenli and Jiu Tian Shen Wei exhibited.

The power of a **** city in Jiutian God City is gathered together. This is the Jiu Tian God Tribulation that he obtained when the Jiu Tian God City broke through and used the power of the Jiu Tian God City to practice.

The power is equivalent to the power of a nine-day **** city. This trick Li Lingtian used less than ten times.

Nine Heavens Tribulation is also one of Li Lingtian’s most powerful killers. The power of the world is shocking, and the Nine Heavens Tribulation will not be performed until a last resort, because this move is too terrifying.

Now, in the face of the divine light, he did not dare to hesitate to directly explode the Jiutian divine disaster.

He, strong with the strong, becomes stronger when he encounters the strong opponent.

The robbery of God's Light is powerful against the sky, so that he aroused the fighting intention, and the Jiutian Robbery broke out.

Suddenly, the ruin of the Heavenly Dao destroying the heavens and the earth bombed toward the void. In this way, it was not the people on the ground who greeted the Heavenly Tribulation, but Li Lingtian's Nine Heavens Tribulation but punished Heaven.



Heavenly Tribulation collided with God Tribulation, suffered from the pond between heaven and earth, countless strong men, fled quickly, and dared not stay here. Although the impact of Heaven Tribulation and God Tribulation could not destroy them, but this terrible coercion and pressure So that they can't bear it, and if they don't leave, they will collapse here.

Li Lingtian was suspended in the void, and the devastating God Tribulation and Sky Tribulation continued to bombard.

The continuous collapse of space, the continuous shaking of the earth, and the sound of sorrow rang throughout the world, which made people feel the prelude to the destruction of the world, and they were uneasy in their hearts, just like the end of the world.



The firmament was completely irritated, but the firmament was trembling, because it never occurred to Li Lingtian that he was in full control of the God Tribulation.

Using the God Tribulation to deal with the Heaven Tribulation is simply a blow, and it is completely a crush.

Heavenly Tribulation is terrifying, but in front of the Divine Tribulation, it is completely weak.

The kung fu in the blink of an eye, the robbery of the Divine Light was mostly cancelled out, Li Lingtian’s hands were in a strange stroke in the void, and the Jiutian Divine Robber disappeared. Li Lingtian was finally bombarded from Li Lingtian's side, aiming at Yun Yaoyao and Shun Meier.

The fourth Daotian tragedy passed and Li Lingtian won.

Fifth Heaven Tribulation, coming, Li Lingtian's Divine Yuan annihilated and destroyed Heaven Tribulation, so that the three great guilds are all terrified.

The last Heavenly Tribulation, gradually formed, all the strong men tremble at this moment, wanting to see what anti-natural supernatural power Li Lingtian used to resist Heavenly Tribulation, the last Heavenly Tribulation.

No matter what the strong man is, every Sky Tribulation is the last strongest.

"This is the last sky-tribulation."

"I don't know what kind of supernatural powers Ling Tian will use to resist."

"Master Lingtian's supernatural powers have been so fascinating, beyond the imagination of ordinary people."

"The magical power that even Heaven Tribulation can hold down is simply beyond description."

"Breakthrough to meet the Heavenly Tribulation, if Lord Ling Tian is by your side, it is simply an invincible guarantee."

"Look, Lord Ling Tian is ready."

"Indeed, the last sky-tribulation is terrifying. This is the key sky-tribulation. Naturally, it will not be careless."

"This trick is a sword formation."

In the distance of Mingyan Peak, countless strongmen gathered. Here, there are tens of thousands of strongmen. These strongmen include the superpowers of the other two guilds. These strongmen were originally trained in the distance, but were trapped by the sky and the sky. The scene of destruction has attracted ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Powerful one million miles away from Mingyan Peak, and they have all seen the changes in the air.

When I came here, I was shocked to see Li Lingtian's grace and strength.

Gradually, with the passage of time, all the powerful people saw Li Lingtian suspended in the air to take action.

I saw that Li Lingtian in the air was full of powerful True Elemental Forces all over his body. At his side, the power of destruction stirred the space, the sword intention flew in the air, the sword flickered, and the sword domain formed.

At this time, Li Lingtian stood proudly in the air, that is, a sword god, invincible sword **** arrogant to heaven and earth.

Indeed, Li Lingtian did not dare to carelessly at this time. Although he did not know how powerful the Sky Tribulation was behind, he would not passively attack, but to take the initiative to attack. The most powerful attack, the most cutting-edge attack, that is, the nine-day Excalibur. Nine out of the sky sword array came out.

As long as the Nine Destroyer Sword Formation is exhibited, no matter what kind of Sky Tribulation can be weakened, if there are other changes, he can also deal with it at the first time, and will not let accidents appear in front of him. Accidents will make people fall. R1148


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