War God Supreme

Chapter 1707: God waiting to fall

The power of Nine Heavens God Tribulation and Blood Flame Spirit Scroll hit the air.

Li Lingtian crushed the terrifying and powerful divine power, and immediately destroyed the huge divine power with the Nine Heavens Tribulation to suppress the blood curtain, but at this time, the true Yuan divine power of Li Lingtian disappeared.

All the powerful people felt that Li Lingtian's true elemental divine power disappeared instantly, and at this most critical time, they were shocked.

You should know that the strong fight is not only a magical skill, but the main thing is the true elemental divine power.

Li Lingtian now has an overwhelming advantage, and can take advantage of the opportunity to crush the waiting of God, but did not expect that at this critical moment the true divine power would disappear completely.

This kind of thing makes all the powerful people's faces change dramatically, completely blinded by this scene.

"Blood Moon Shines!"

Just when all the powerful people were shocked, the destruction power of the Nine Heavens Tribulation had almost shattered the blood curtain.

Jiu Tian Shen Jie lost its support of divine power and disappeared.

However, when Jiu Tian Shen Jie had just disappeared, the original elements and divine power that had disappeared in Li Lingtian's body were replaced by a terrifying and powerful atmosphere.

The powerful yin and qi are filled in the air, making the whole air cold and abnormal, and feel a gloom.

Li Lingtian put away the divine power and the true element, and turned the Xuanming sacred scripture. The divine power and the true element instantly turned into yin and qi. When the yin and qi appeared, the ruined blood moon flared out.

Blood Moon Yaoshi is blood moon's peerless supernatural power, extremely powerful and terrifying, and one of the most powerful killer skills Li Lingtian cultivated some time ago.

To deal with the horror and evil magical powers such as the blood curtain, Jiu Tianshen Tribulation did not have much confidence, nor did he take the opportunity to destroy the opportunity to kill God. If this opportunity is lost, it will be difficult to deal with the opportunity of God.

Resolutely abandon Jiu Tianshen Tribulation to show off the blood moon, but before giving up Jiu Tianshen Tribulation, he still crushed the most terrifying divine power, so that he could also create opportunities and time for himself.

The haunting atmosphere of destruction and terror explodes, and the blood moon shines at the same time.

In the void, a blood moon hangs in the air, and a thousand miles of blood is red, which looks strange and scary.

The domineering coercion is like a blood moon rolling over.

In the blood of the thousands of miles, all the powerful people were shocked and their bodies quickly retreated. Under the pressure of this **** moon, even the demigods who were thousands of miles away felt the feeling of being suppressed.

In the blink of an eye, the blood curtain and blood flames bombarded up, and the blood color and blood moon of the blood moon shined down fiercely.

For a time, the whole world was like the world to be merged, and the expression on the face of all the strong men was terrified.


The muffled noise appeared.

The blood curtain fluctuated, and Blood Moon Yaoshi adhered to the blood curtain with a terrifying gloom.

Looking at this situation, the strong man present saw at a glance that Li Lingtian's blood moon Yaoshi had become the nemesis of the blood curtain, constantly crushing the blood curtain, and it was only a matter of time to destroy the blood curtain.

However, Li Lingtian did not wait, and the kung fu in the blink of an eye didn't want to wait, because the master's victory or defeat was an instant kung fu.

Xuanming Holy Scripture is running, blood moon lore, blood moon brilliance, two strokes mortal supernatural power bombardment.

Suddenly, the blood moon shines, the blood moon lore, the blood moon's brilliance, and the three terrifying and underworld supernatural powers are crushed.

The three supernatural powers overlap, and they all destroy the strange power.


Finally, Shenjihou Yuxuan Wukong finally could not bear the bombardment of the three magical powers, the blood curtain also broke, and the blood flame disappeared into the air.

That spirit scroll burst and destroyed in the air in an instant.

"Ming God Ring-Chi tomorrow Emperor!"

"Ming God Ring-Colorful Spirit Mountain!"

The **** was crushed by Li Lingtian's **** moon, and the whole person was on the verge of destruction.

Li Lingtian did not dare to pause at all, because such a strong man would jump into the wall in a hurry, and the strong man in the semi-divine peak peak would be indescribable if he jumped the wall in a hurry.

With his left hand stretched out, the Mingshen Ring opened, and Chi Mingtian's destruction light bombarded it.

The white light of Chi tomorrow emperor, surrounded by the blazing flames, the speed and power are tens of thousands of times that of Li Lingtian itself. When Chi tomorrow emperor appeared, he had bombarded the **** waiting.

I saw that God was waiting in front of Chi tomorrow emperor, his body was trembling, and the cultivation of the pinnacle of the semi-god realm was very powerful, and his defense was very powerful. Even Chi tomorrow emperor did not destroy it.

Just as Emperor Chi tomorrow went on display, the colorful Lingshan Mountain also rolled down, and the three colorful Lingshi Mountain Ranges, like Taishan Mountain, bombarded God's waiting plane.

The crushing of gravity crushed the God's waiting moment into ashes, and the God's waiting moment disappeared, and the smoke disappeared.

Between heaven and earth, gradually recover.

The air is normal, the spirit of fairy spirits is stabilized, Li Lingtian's consciousness moves, all kinds of treasures are put away, and the look on his face is plain.

The hatred that chased him down three years ago was finally reported.

All the strong men looked at Li Lingtian suspended in the air from afar, and the expression on their faces kept changing.

Shenwu Continent, the first day array division, supreme Divine Pill Master Li Lingtian, cultivated in the middle of the half-divine realm, and killed the **** of the complete perfection of the half-realm peak of the Pure Yang Empire.

The whole process seems to be a long time, but the real time of the whole process is just a moment of effort.

But this moment of kung fu was full of thrills. One accidentally disappeared. Li Lingtian's magical powers and means of destruction, as well as terrible calculations, the opportunity of God also disappeared in his hands.

On the ground where a space ring appeared, Li Lingtian grabbed it with one hand, and the space ring returned to Li Lingtian.

The consciousness moved, and the consciousness entered the space ring.

The space in this space ring is not small. It is about two to three miles in size. It is full of spirit stones and some treasures, as well as some herbs and materials. Li Lingtian stares at a meteor hammer, a middle-class congenital artifact.

Seeing the objects inside, Li Lingtian moved his mind and wiped the breath and imprint on the space ring.

Although the eyes looked at this space ring, this space ring is not so much a space ring as a finger, a green jasper finger.

Li Lingtian knows that this jasper finger is the Tianxuan Divine Mirror that issued the light of the Divine Profound Xuan last time, but he doesn't know how the Tianxuan Divine Mirror is displayed.

This is a good treasure, accepted.

With everything collected, the lingering spirit in Li Lingtian's body was replaced by the true element, and his body disappeared in a flash. When he appeared again, he was silent in front of Li Zhengyang.

Throughout the space, there was no trace of fluctuations and no trace of Li Lingtian's breath.


Li Zhengyang saw Li Lingtian appear in front of him, and respectfully performed a salute.

The look on his face was respectful, waiting for Li Lingtian's command after saluting.

At this time, other powerful people discovered Li Lingtian.

At this moment, everyone feels a lot of pressure. Even a strong person like God is waiting in front of Li Lingtian, and Li Lingtian doesn't even have any injuries.

Such strength is almost shocking to hear that in the Shenwu Continent, the semi-deity is already the supreme existence, not to mention the existence of the peak of the semi-deity.

Such a strong man, if he wants to destroy it, it is simply impossible, even if he can't fight, he can escape, unless it is a few fighters of the same rank joining forces to ambush.

Now, Li Lingtian, a middle-aged young man with a half-divine realm, is as easy as possible to kill the strongest of the half-divine realm.

"Go, go back."

"Let's wait and see. There is another one with eight mouths saying that you should not inherit Datong."

Li Lingtian reached out and patted on Li Zhengyang's shoulder, with a faint smile on his face.

In his eyes, what holy emperor and all princes are shit.

Now that Li Zhengyang wants to become the emperor of the Pure Yang Empire, he is obstructed by all kinds of people. Naturally, he will not stand idly by.

After he finished speaking, he took a step towards Chunyang Tiancheng, which seemed to move slowly, but each step could span hundreds of miles. The whole person was very chic. In a blink of an eye, Li Lingtian was already in the sky.

It felt like Li Lingtian had slapped his palm on his body, and when he reacted, Li Lingtian had disappeared.

There was an excited look on Li Zhengyang's face. When Li Lingtian was there, no one dared to object. If he dared to object, God would wait until the end. With such a lesson, who else would dare to object.

Besides, there is such a powerful uncle, and there are still people who dare to blame them.

Immediately, Li Zhengyang, the emperor of the emperor Li Zhengyang, saluted and quickly flew towards the pure city of Yangyang. He naturally knew the importance and importance of Li Lingtian.

Naturally, he did not dare to be indifferent. In a blink of an eye, the whole person disappeared.

The other powerful and prince ministers present, as well as representatives of the super family of the empire, looked at this situation, and their faces changed, and they flew away in the direction of Chunyang Tiancheng Palace.

Those who support Li Zhengyang are naturally very excited, and those who began to oppose Li Zhengyang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now I feel very regretful and do not know what to do.

Lord Shenfeng had a faint smile on his face, and thought of Li Lingtian's destruction just now, his heart shivered.

The look on Nantianjun God's face was ugly. He didn't expect to help God's waiting. In the end, God's waiting was wiped out by Li Lingtian. Not only did he offend His Royal Highness, he even provokes Li Lingtian.

His strength is incomparable, and he is much stronger than God's waiting, but even if he is stronger than God's waiting, he cannot be stronger than Li Lingtian.

In a blink of an eye, the locals in the war went empty, and all the strongmen returned to Chunyang Tiancheng.

Soon, Chunyang Tiancheng shook, Shenwu Continental Supreme Divine Pill Master Lingtian Lord War God's waiting, God's waiting fell, Li Lingtian was intact, the divine peak of the divine realm was the perfect superpower, and finally was still in the middle of the semi-divine realm. Li Lingtian killed.

The fact that Li Lingtian reached the mid-semi-realm was also spread throughout the Chunyang Tiancheng, and finally the news spread. This news soon spread throughout the Chunyang Empire.


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