War God Supreme

Chapter 1706: Blood Flame Spirit Scroll

"The realm of earth-three thousand defenses!"

Seeing the destructive power change, Li Lingtian's face was stunned, knowing that the **** was about to cast a forbidden spell to make the power reach a qualitative change, and then he could accidentally injure him, so he could also have the opportunity to perform magical powers.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian had already calculated it.

The opponent's dog jumped the wall in a hurry, he didn't need to touch him hard, even if his nine-day divine power could crush him directly, but accidents would inevitably occur, so risky things should not be done.

Moreover, the other party is to perform supernatural powers. If he wants to do supernatural powers, he can have an advantage, because he has many peerless supernatural powers, and his innate artifacts are overbearing.

As soon as the consciousness moved, the five element primordial spirits in the body operated, and the realm of earth was unfolded.

Suddenly, a strong and thick soil breath appeared in the air. Li Lingtian was surrounded by the realm of the earth, the defense of the realm, and the realm of the earth was still the most powerful defense among the five elements.

The field of soil was exhibited. Hundreds of soil walls appeared in front of each. Each soil wall was 100 meters tall and 100 meters thick, and there was only a few tens of meters between each soil wall. Such overlapping defense, It is simply invincible defense.

Just as the defense was on display, the divine power of God's opportunity to destroy turned into a blood-red ray and bombarded Li Lingtian. The blood-red ray hit the earth wall.

Suddenly, the earth walls were continuously penetrated, and instant kung fu penetrated hundreds of earth walls.

Seeing this situation, the expression on Li Lingtian's face became very surprised. He did not expect that after the divine power changed, it would become so terrifying. Without defense, any attack would be destroyed.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian swiftly changed his mind and quickly considered the countermeasures.

"Heaven is gone-tear the void!"

Li Lingtian watched the blood-red rays of the divine power of destruction quickly penetrate the earth wall, and the look on his face was shocked. He didn't expect that God would be so powerful after he exhibited the change of divine power.

Although only more than one hundred earth walls were broken, according to the power of blood red light, it penetrates all the earth walls. It is not difficult to deal with even the divine power blood blood light weakening.

Impressed by the consciousness, the heaven and the heavens vanished, and a crack suddenly appeared in the space in front of him. When the crack appeared, Li Lingtian disappeared into the crack. The crack closed after Li Lingtian entered, and there was no slight change in the air.


Seeing Li Lingtian tearing the void's strength and power, all the powerful men could not help but sigh with air.

The half **** realm can do it by tearing the void, but like Li Lingtian, it is simply a delusion, and under the lock of the other party’s attack, it can also tear the space away so easily, relying on the lock of the gas machine, completely It is beyond the imagination of the strong players present.

Because, as long as it is locked by the air machine, no matter how it dodges, it is impossible to escape the lock of the air machine, unless the attack disappears, or is destroyed, otherwise, no strong person can dodge the lock of the air machine.

However, Li Lingtian faced the locking of the gas engine, but it was such an easy solution, and there was no difficulty at all.

Li Lingtian disappeared into the air, the earth wall smoke disappeared, and the blood-red light fell.

The space trembled, and Li Lingtian's breath disappeared into the air, as if it had evaporated.

Seeing Li Lingtian disappear, the **** waiting and all the powerful are shocked.

Originally, God wanted to perform a forbidden technique to force Li Lingtian back, and then use the magical power to fight Li Lingtian to change the situation that was just suppressed, but I never thought that after paying a great price, although Li Lingtian was forced to retreat. .

But he dare not use his magical powers now, because Li Lingtian disappeared in the air, and he could not find Li Lingtian anywhere. If he used his magical powers, he could not find his goal.

For a time, I was very angry and finally found an opportunity, but Li Lingtian easily cracked it.

Every action and decision of Li Lingtian can make him pay the big price.

All the strong men are naturally shocked when they see this situation. This is the strong men. The real strong men, all kinds of means come hand in hand, so that the opponents have no chance to attack.

This requires not only a strong calculation, but also capital against the sky. No matter how good the calculation is, without strong power to support it, it is simply empty talk.

"Nine Heavens Tribulation!"

In the air, a moment after Li Lingtian disappeared, a breath of destructive power filled the air.

In the blink of an eye, the breath of divine power spread the entire air. Just when the divine power appeared, Li Lingtian's figure also appeared in the air, showing in the sight of all the powerful.

At this time, even if he wants to hide, there is no way.

Because the emptiness of heaven can be turned into air hiding in any place in the space, but as long as the true element is displayed, whereabouts will be exposed, but he can rest in the air, can find a way in the air, and appear after being prepared, this It is also an irresistible advantage.

When Li Lingtian appeared, the Nine Heavens God ruined the world.

Nine Heavens Tribulation is one of Li Lingtian’s killer skills. The destroying killer’s power is earth-shattering. It is entirely a combination of the power of Nine Heavens Divine Power and the God Power of Nine Heavens City.

The power of this Nine Heavenly Tribulation is definitely not weaker than the three major Heavenly Tribulation of Shenwu Continent, and even more powerful.



In the air, the devastating arc penetrated the clouds, thundering and shaking Jiuxiao.

In an instant, the Nine Heavens Tribulation, which was about a hundred miles in size, was bombarded, and the whole space shivered and torn, just like the end of the world came. Seeing this situation, everyone's face changed dramatically.

This is not a supernatural power, but a complete disaster.

"Blood Flame Spirit Scroll!"

Seeing the Nine Heavens Tribulation ruined in the air, I felt the suffocating Shenwei Heavenly Tribulation, and the look on the face of God was changing dramatically.

In addition, Li Lingtian was forced to retreat by using his own forbidden technique. Instead of gaining the upper hand, he was passive and furious.

Under the anger, the blood in the corner of the mouth kept overflowing, and there was no trace of blood on his face.

With one hand, a **** air burst into the air, and a blood pressure appeared in his hand. A scroll was suspended in the air, and the air was filled with **** air.

Within a thousand miles of God's waiting side, there was a sea of ​​destruction. The monstrous blood sea made all the powerful people smell, dizzy, and the look on their faces was ugly.

When the blood sea appeared, the fairy spirits in a radius of a million miles immediately poured into the blood sea, and all the fairy spirits and the blood sea suddenly merged together.

A hundred-meter-long blood curtain rises into the sky under the reinforcement of millions of fairy spirits, and its power is against the sky, making the whole world tremble, as if it cannot bear the pressure of the blood curtain and the power is torn and destroyed general.

In the blood curtain is the blood flame of destruction, the blood flame that burns the world.

"Blood Flame Spirit Scroll!"

"It's the blood flame spirit scroll."

"The destruction of millions of creatures is in his hands."

"It turns out he did it."

"Damn it, use the blood of millions of spirits to practice the blood flame spirit scroll."

"Three hundred years ago, it was him who slaughtered the millionaires in Lingmingcheng."

"In order to cultivate such a wicked supernatural power, destroy innocent creatures."

Seeing the blood flames in the air, many strong men exclaimed, and suddenly thought of the murder of Lingchengcheng Acropolis three hundred years ago, countless innocent creatures were instantly exterminated, and all the essence and blood were collected by the strange blood curtain go.

More than one million warriors were destroyed once, and in the end, if there were super powers, there was no idea how many creatures were killed.

Even so, it shook the Pure Yang Empire at the time, making the world's strongest angry.

There is nothing to hate for the strong to kill people and to destroy the treasure, the war to destroy the city, because this is the world of the strong, but it is specifically cultivated with the blood of the soul of human beings, that is, the sin is very evil. Such a person is more than the Devil. Be cruel and hateful.

In the Shenwu Continent, such people will become the public enemy of the mainland humans.

Three hundred years ago, I didn’t know who the character was. Now, when I see the blood flame scroll displayed by God, all the powerful people thought about the thing three hundred years ago. Now I understand that three The man who was extremely fierce and fierce 100 years ago was the famous **** waiting.

One of the ten most powerful figures of the Chunyang Empire is also the guardian of the Chunyang Empire, but he did not expect that the person who guarded the Chunyang Empire was a villain who destroyed the innocent creatures of the Chunyang Empire.

"Boom! Boom!"





The blood curtain rose into the sky with blood flames of destruction, and suddenly clashed with Jiu Tianshen.

For a time, the sky shook and torn, the earth collapsed and overturned, and the whole world seemed to be destroyed.

The divine power and divine power of the Nine Celestial City, which was robbery by the Nine Heavens God, are terrifying and powerful, and they are also supernatural powers for chasing overlords. The blood flame spirit volume is an evil power magic power. One extreme.

Such extreme encounters together, natural rivals, two kinds of supernatural powers and horrors, if you want to separate the victory and defeat, you can't do it for a while.

Li Lingtian also heard the shock of other powerful people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hearing these news, I calculated it.

In front of such a horrible and venomous magical power, his Nine Heavenly God Tribulation may not be able to win. Even if it can be won, it cannot kill the god.

It is a scourge to keep such a malicious person in the world.

In my heart, I have thought about countless peerless supernatural powers, and human supernatural powers, it is impossible to destroy such venomous powers.

Just when Jiu Tian Shen Jie and Xue Yan Ling Juan clashed, Li Lingtian's face showed a smile, and when the smile appeared, his hands were wiped in the air, and suddenly a force of destruction appeared.

At the same time, the True Elemental Divine Power in the body bombarded downward, and the powerful and powerful Divine Power blessed the Nine Heavens Tribulation. Shivering.

But at this time, Li Lingtian's true element and divine power disappeared.


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