War God Supreme

Chapter 1705: Divine confrontation


The two attacks struck together in an instant. Although Li Lingtian shot later, he was always ready, and his supernatural powers were instantaneous, which is his talent. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable)

The light of Shenxuan and the Divine Yuan are extinguished and hit hard together.

Suddenly, a thousand-mile-long crack appeared in the space, and then the crack was covered with void, and the entire void became fragments in a flash, just like a broken mirror.

At the same time, two ruined peerless supernatural powers collided to produce a ruined light curtain. The ruined light curtain emptied in the void, and everything passed by was nothingness. When the light curtain arrived, Li Lingtian completely ignored it, and his eyes were cold. Watching God waiting.

At this moment, he did not have instant magical powers to attack the gods. At this level, he did not need to grab hands, but calculated step by step, and could not let himself fall into the destruction of the other party.

And every step is meticulously calculated, every magical power is to destroy the space in a shocking way.


When the body of the **** was waiting for the destruction of the light curtain to shake, the body shook, the look on his face was stunned, a spit of blood spewed out, and his face was white.

Space, shock!

The light curtain of destruction spread across thousands of miles, and the endless waves spread far away.

All the pure Yang Empire strongmen who came to watch the war were defending to block the light curtain, and cultivated as weak strongmen, with blood on the corners of their mouths, and the look on their faces was shocked.

Between the two super powers, there is a difference between the two.

God was waiting for the semi-deity peak to be the perfect superpower, and he was defeated by Ling Tian in one move, and Ling Tian was only the strong man in the early stage of the semi-deity. In this case, all the strong people were shocked.

And Li Lingtian completely ignored it in front of the light curtain of destruction. Such free and easy can only be achieved by strong strength and self-confidence.

"Shenhua Power."

The expression on Shen Ji's face was constantly changing, and the true elements in his body were operating, which put down the shock and injury just now.

The most powerful Zhenyuan was working, and the divine power of his body condensed to form a light and shadow. The light and shadow covered him, and his body immediately bombarded Li Lingtian. The perfection of the semi-divine realm peak was fully revealed at this moment.

Based on divine power, directly use the advantages of the realm to fight against Li Lingtian.

In this situation, all the powerful people are shocked. I didn’t expect that the great semi-divine realm of the great consummation peak will play such a rogue play, but the countless powerful people present are shocking. Sure enough.

In a blink of an eye, Kung Fu crossed hundreds of miles and came to Li Lingtian. network

All supernatural powers, all skills, were abandoned by God's opportunity, and bombarded Li Lingtian directly with divine power.

But to the shock of all the strong men, Li Lingtian also gave up his magical powers, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Since you want to use your divine power to shake this seat, then this seat will fulfill you."

"Nine Heavens Divine Power."

Li Lingtian had a faint smile on his face. If he wanted to bombard him with his divine power, he would simply find himself dead.

Speaking of cultivation as a realm, he is really not an opponent of the semi-deity realm of the pinnacle of the powerhouse, but to say the divine power, no one in the Shenwu Continent is his opponent.

The true element in his body was basically replaced by four-fifths to become divine power, and the purity and hegemony of the nine-day divine power were not comparable to ordinary divine power, let alone a trace of divine power cultivated by the martial arts warriors of the mainland.

Moreover, after he reached the middle of the half-god realm, he refined the nine-day divine power even more, and it was basically pure nine-day divine power.

When speaking, the terrifying power of the body worked.

The cultivation practice in the mid-semi-real world was also revealed at this time.

However, Li Lingtian did not have the kind of divine light that was waiting for him, because his own divine power was already so powerful that it was naturally terrifying, and naturally no need to protect the body with divine power.

With a punch, he directly bombarded the flying god.

Although this punch is not a supernatural power, it is also a Xuanjie skill domineering fist. The current domineering fist combined with divine power is more terrifying than powerful supernatural powers.




Suddenly, the two figures in the air were vertical and horizontal, and fists bombarded toward each other.

There were continuous explosions, and the power of destruction wrecked the space. The space showed countless debris, and there were cracks everywhere, and the wind ripped through the air.

Li Lingtian’s dreadful divine power and instantaneous skills have evolved into the realm of enchantment. The powerful and terrifying divine power and powerful instantaneous skills have caused the **** to be beaten and the expression on his face is constantly changing.

"Mid-Semi Realm!"

"Sir Ling Tian has reached the mid-semi-real world."

"It seems that Lord Ling Tian hasn't broken through for a few years, how could it be so early that it has reached the middle of the half-god realm."

"Yes, Lord Ling Tian seems to have no breakthrough after Chunyang Palace came out, even if it was counted from the time when Chunyang Palace opened, it will not be ten years now."

"It is so terrifying to cross two realms in such a short time."

"In the early stage of semi-deity, you can fight with God, but now you have reached the middle of semi-deity, and you are waiting for war with God."

"Sir Ling Tian has reached the middle of the semi-deity, you are against the sky."

"So terrifying practice speed, horrible means, who is still his opponent."

The strong who watched the battle saw Li Lingtian’s destructive power and powerful momentum, which was obviously only possessed by the strong in the middle of the semi-divine realm. The strong could hide the cultivation as a realm, but also when he did not shoot, but in the war At that time, it is difficult to hide the state.

And Li Lingtian did not want to hide, so that it can give a good effect in the future.

Seeing that Li Lingtian's cultivation practice had reached the mid-semi-real world, all the strong were shocked.

In the early days of the demigod realm, it was terrifying, and now in just a few years, it reached the mid-god realm. In the mid-god, what other powerful people can defeat it, do you need the supreme strongman?

Now he has reached the mid-semi-realm in a few years. If he is given another period of time, will he reach the late semi-semi-realm, or even the pinnacle of consummation?

"I didn't think about the mid-period of half god."

The expression on God's waiting face was constantly changing, and the blood on the corner of his mouth continued to overflow. Now he regrets to the extreme.

Wan Wan did not expect Li Lingtian to reach the mid-semi-real world, nor did he think that Li Lingtian's divine power had reached such a pure level. Compared with Li Lingtian's divine power, it was simply that he could not find himself happy.

Moreover, his own divine power is gradually being consumed, but Li Lingtian's destructive divine power is as deep as the true element, which is completely inexhaustible.

The body was getting more and more serious, with a bitter smile on his face. This time, he didn't even show a few magical powers, so he was beaten so fiercely by Li Lingtian. In this way, there was only one in the end, which was the death of the other party.

It’s true that sin can live, but not sin.

He intended to destroy Li Lingtian with his divine power, but he never thought of his killer skills and advantages. He became a disadvantage in front of Li Lingtian, because his advantage is Li Lingtian's advantage and strength. It feels really uncomfortable to kick on the iron plate.

However, there is not much chance to perform magical power now, because Li Lingtian's destructive power constantly crushed him, so that he had no chance to withdraw.

"Even if it is not in the middle of the semi-deity, this seat can kill you."

"This seat doesn't want to talk to anyone, but someone has to come to death."

The look on Li Lingtian's face is calm, and the fists of both hands will come out constantly. These fists seem to be extremely fast and magical, but Li Lingtian's fists are all with terrifying and magical skills, but Li Lingtian has evolved these skills into the realm, every punch All come in handy.





The explosion of the fist against the boom, the sound of space tearing, filled the entire space with destruction.

All the strong men keep receding back.

Although the two did not perform supernatural powers, such a battle is even more exciting, because both of them use the most powerful divine power to attack, and each hit can kill an ordinary semi-death power.

The divine power, the demigod powerhouse is only a little bit, just one ten thousandth of the true element in the body.

Even in the mid-half-divine realm, there is only one thousandth of divine power.

In the later period, there is a one-hundred-yuan divine power, reaching the peak of the semi-divine realm, and the divine power in the body reaches one-tenth of the real yuan. Every divine power is ruined.

The more divine power, the more terrifying the power, the more pure the divine power, the stronger the power.

The **** was waiting for the peak of the semi-god realm to be consummated, and the divine power in the body occupied one-tenth of the true yuan, but his divine power was completely in front of Li Lingtian.

All strong men can see that the power of Li Lingtian has exceeded the number of true elements.

Moreover, the divine power controlled by Li Lingtian is purely overbearing, and it is not comparable to the divine power of the same level.

I don’t even know how Li Lingtian’s divine power was cultivated, but he understands that the powerful of Shenwu Continent wants to compare with Li Lingtian’s divine power.

"Change of Divine Power~www.wuxiaspot.com~Destroy!"

At this moment, the look on God's waiting face became crazy.

Now, the face of his divine waiting is gone. In the presence of the strong in the world, he is at the top of the semi-divine realm at the peak of the perfection of the strong, and he is beaten by a semi-divine mid-level strong with his divine power. It is simply a kind of shame.

Moreover, this is not just a matter of face. If he doesn’t want to get away from Li Lingtian, he will not have the opportunity to perform supernatural powers. Naturally, he will not have the chance to turn over.

At this moment, no longer dare to hesitate, the divine power in the body became strangely crazy, and the entire space suddenly followed the violent rage, and all the strong people felt a restless and irritable.

I saw that the divine light of God's body was getting stronger and stronger, and finally became strange.

In this way, all the strong men are aware of this. It is obvious that God is waiting to reverse the divine power and burn his own divine power to pay a heavy price to deal with Li Lingtian. Seeing this situation, all the strong powers retreat quickly and fully back. Wanli stopped. R1292


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