War God Supreme

Chapter 1724: Boundless starry sky

The vast starry sky, among the stars, the stars scattered in the sky are scattered in the sky. The mobile address of the mobile phone of this novel: [first release]

The seemingly scattered stars are running with a mysterious trajectory. Each star has its own trajectory. These mysterious trajectories make the entire starry sky look magical.

Under this starry sky, a young man in white and a middle-aged man in black looked up at the starry sky with a horrified look on his face.

It turned out that the two men took off the ship and flew towards the palace.

But when flying in front of the palace, a magical force directly pulled them in. The place where they entered was not the gate of the palace at all, but directly penetrated the walls of the palace. This palace was completely a phantom.

However, this phantom gives people a physical feeling. Such a situation shocked Li Lingtian and the Black Dragon King.

However, this was not the case after the two entered, because after entering, they could not come out from inside at all, and the palace walls became magical and powerful light curtains. Even a powerful formation could not shake it. Naturally, supernatural powers cannot be bombarded and shaken, but if they are used to bombard, they will rebound.

When they came to the palace, the two entered another world, a world full of stars and stars, and the place where they stood was also above the clouds, not the ground.

Moreover, after entering it, I found that these palaces are all stars, and every palace is a star.

The palace is also running mysteriously, every second is a change.

Just one second after entering, they could not find the way to leave. They were completely blinded by the changes in this palace. It was a delusion to find the previous way.

Seeing all this, the two were shocked.

"What a magical vast expanse of stars."

"Here, it's another world."

"A world beyond human understanding."

I don't know how long after that, Li Lingtian slowly woke up, the expression on his face was horrified, his eyes stared at the formation in the air, and he said to himself.

He was the first division of the Shenwu Continent, but when he arrived at this place, he was a stupid idiot. He didn't know everything about it. The previous lineup, in this star palace, was nothing but a big witch.

Even if his position was cultivated, he could not understand everything here. He could only be sure that it was a heaven and earth avenue, an endless world, and a formation formed by an endless world.

I am a human celestial division, here is completely blind.

If you want to use your own position to understand this, it is a fool's dream. The starting address of the mobile phone of this novel:

"Indeed, this world is also the most amazing place I have seen."

"This world is definitely not the Shenwu Continent."

The Black Dragon King looked at the void, and the look on his face was always shocked, as did the speech.

He couldn't figure out how such a magical world would appear in Shenwu Continent. This world is inside the palace of the Lip Tower of Haishi. The world inside and what you see outside can only be said to be very different.

"This place should be an independent space."

"Looking at this situation, this palace should be an endless world of stars. What we are seeing now is just the compression of a world, and the real world is no longer here."

"Look, even Heavenly Tribulation Shenzhu will tremble here."

Li Lingtian looked at the void, and his mind moved, in front of a fist-sized bead appeared. After the bead appeared, it continued to tremble, just like trembling to this starry sky.

This bead is naturally the God of Heavenly Tribulation that Li Lingtian got in Lingfeng's summit.

Heavenly Tribulation Shenzhu represents the punishment of heaven, punishing all living creatures against the sky. Although Heavenly Tribulation Shenzhu was bombarded by Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian did not control this Heavenly Tribulation Shenzhu, but this Heavenly Tribulation Shenzhu was powerful, Born with supreme majesty.

But now that the Heavenly Tribulation Pearl is here, there is no look like the Heavenly Tribulation Pearl.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian has now basically determined that this place is not a Shenwu continent, but a more powerful world than the Shenwu continent and even heaven and earth.

The world of three thousand, the world of hundreds of millions, this world is only the most powerful of the world of three thousand, it is not the big world that dominates everything.

There are also a few worlds bigger than heaven and earth, and these are just no one knows.

In the consciousness of human beings and all creatures, heaven and earth are the largest, but they do not know that the world is not the largest.

Looking at the starry sky, Li Lingtian was shocked besides shock.

Afterwards, the Heavenly Tribulation Divine Bead was put away, and the mood slowly calmed down. The current situation, only to find a way to leave here, nothing else has to do with him.

If you can't leave here, it's a dead end.

Next, Li Lingtian looked at everything here with his consciousness. Although he was under the stars, he was inside the palace. The palace did not know how high it was, but the consciousness could not penetrate the height of a hundred miles.

Such a situation, that is to say, no matter how you fly, you can't leave more than a hundred miles, even if you can go up, you will also suffer a devastating spike.

The place where I stand now is the outer periphery of the vast expanse of the Star Palace. If I want to leave here, I must find a way out of these places. However, with his strength, it is simply impossible to find a way out.

Because the ever-changing and ever-changing Star Palace here, if you are staggered here, you cannot remember the route at all, nor can you see the route because you are already in this world.

That is to say, bystanders are fans of the Qing authorities. A piece of chess naturally cannot see its own course. Only the person who plays chess controls your course and direction.

However, he is now going to make that one piece of chess that is advancing, who wants to be a chess player, that is something that dare not dream of.


Li Lingtian cleared his mood and moved his consciousness, the Emperor Chariot sacrificed.

Such a vast and vast place can only be dealt with with an overwhelming flying treasure like the Emperor Chariot.

If you rely on people to fly in the air, it is to look at the mountains and run dead horses. Moreover, here you can’t even see the mountains, there is no goal at all, and there is only a little chance of flying.

Later, Li Lingtian took the Black Dragon King in the Heavenly Emperor's chariot, flying the Heavenly Emperor's chariot in the vast expanse of mind.

One day, two days, three days...

After flying for a full month, with the speed of the Emperor's chariot, I do not know how many billions of miles have been flown.

Finally, the Emperor Chariot stopped in front of a huge palace wall. There was no movement or change in this palace. Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian's face showed a trace of comfort.

Because this palace wall is not the same as the palace he started to enter. The palace wall he encountered when he came in moved and changed. After he entered, he didn't know how many times he changed.

He wanted to go out from the place where he had previously come in, he had never even had this idea.

If you can really go out from where you started, this is not a vast palace of stars.

"Lord, there is a passage."

"It should be the entrance to another palace."

The Black Dragon King looked at the side of the palace wall tens of thousands of miles away and exclaimed.

I saw on the wall of the palace tens of thousands of miles away, there is a passage light curtain with a size of a hundred miles. The light curtain is very mysterious. It is a light curtain that has never been seen in Shenwu Continent. I can't tell what kind of light it is. The curtain is indescribable.

However, when he had just finished speaking, the light curtain disappeared, the light curtain disappeared, the passageway disappeared, and the upper surface of the palace wall returned to normal.

Seeing this situation and this scene, the look on the Black Dragon King's face changed, seeing this situation for the first time.

Hearing the words of the Black Dragon King, Li Lingtian looked to the distance. Nothing was found. His eyes looked at the Black Dragon King with a puzzled look on his face, but he did not say anything because the Black Dragon King would not lie.

The magic of this place, even if he didn't understand Li Lingtian, the Black Dragon King would be even worse.

"Lord, that channel has only momentary effort."

"Absolutely not an illusion."

The Black Dragon King saw the disappearance of the light channel, and saw Li Lingtian's vision, so he quickly explained.

This kind of thing is really unclear, and it disappeared instantly when I saw it.

"Probably the battlefield."

"You and I pay attention to this palace wall, pay attention to the law of time."

Li Lingtian nodded, and the Black Dragon King said it was not an illusion, that is true, after all, the Black Dragon King's cultivation performance was much higher than him.

Coupled with the talents of the dragon family, the eyes will naturally not be hallucinated.

After talking, he put away the emperor’s chariot and suspended it in the air, paying attention to the long and endless palace wall and the changes on the palace wall.

Time, one second and one second.

One day's work, there was no slight change on the palace wall.

The next day, at noon, the Black Dragon King exclaimed again.

Li Lingtian naturally also saw the changes on the upper surface of the palace wall, and saw a passageway light curtain with a size of a hundred miles. The light curtain was magical. However, when he did not fully see it clearly, the light curtain passage disappeared again, and the palace wall did not Even the slightest difference ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This time, even if you want to enter inside, without a certain preparation, you have no time to enter.

"This time is almost the same as yesterday."

The Black Dragon King said, this kind of light channel only appeared in one day, and the time is the same as yesterday.

"We are in the past."

"Hold the time."

"Wait a few times to avoid problems."

Li Lingtian nodded his head, unfolded his body, and flew away quickly where the light curtain appeared on the wall of the palace.

When I came to the place where the light curtain appeared, I stopped and looked at the palace wall. The entire palace wall is exactly the same, and it is composed of the powerful and mysterious array of radiance, which looks very magical.

Where there is a light curtain passage, there is no strange thing above, but even in this case, Li Lingtian also saw the secret on the wall of the palace. .

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