War God Supreme

Chapter 1725: Powerful channel

The walls of the palace were exactly the same, and nothing was strange. 【Starting】

But Li Lingtian saw the difference on it. This palace wall, I don't know how long it is, but it's basically a strange, mysterious light composition. There are countless stars on these brilliant palace walls.

The stars flow and look amazing.

However, Li Lingtian saw that the number and density of these stars, as well as the direction and speed of operation, were completely different from other places.

He is an array division, the first division of the Divine Martial Continent. Although facing the array of the vast star palace, there is no use at all, but in a small area, he can exert some power.

The vast palace of stars is the avenue, and his line is a trail, but the avenue is also composed of hundreds of millions of trails.

Using trails to break trails is naturally no problem, but you have to find trails you can deal with.

"It's full of magic and magic."

"This is the real world, a world unimaginable, a world beyond human imagination and cognition."

Li Lingtian sighed, facing the palace wall, and the whole palace, a shocked look appeared on his face.

I saw the stars circling on the palace wall, which left a trace of mysterious atmosphere, letting him see the trails and trajectories of the stars. For half an hour, the whole person entered the stars' trajectory.

In this star, it is a world beyond human imagination.

Here, there is no immortal energy, no aura, no divine power, but there is a breath of empty atmosphere.

Although there is only a trace, this breath of magical empty atmosphere is enough to kill any fairy energy and divine power. In front of this breath, all human cognitive power is weak.

Previously, I thought that the inside of the Nine Palaces Gossip Roulette was unparalleled, difficult to understand, and ever-changing.

But now seeing this star's running track, everything before was too small to see the big witch, and now what I see is only a little bit, if the whole palace is merged together, what nine palaces and gossips are too weak.

The moving stars, the mysterious trajectory, the unparalleled.

Next, Li Lingtian and Black Dragon King observed here for four consecutive days.

In four days, there were four channels of light curtains appearing exactly the same time, without any errors.

Li Lingtian also saw that these stars run one week, that is, one day, one week, and the channel is opened once.

Seeing all this, I felt suddenly enlightened in my heart. The puzzles I had encountered on the front line were solved at this moment. All problems are now not problems.

I can feel my own sublimation and sublimation to the point of being a person.

A kind of **** is like a god, Xuan Hu Qixuan feels a bit ethereal.

The sublimation of the battlefield showed a slight smile on Li Lingtian's face, with a breath of Dao on his body, which made people dare not look down upon him, a kind of presence that could see Dao even when he raised his hand.

This is the sublimation of the front, but even if the front is sublimated, there is no way to face the palace now.

After all, his position is too small, and he can only face such a magical palace after waiting for what kind of magical position he has reached.

On the fifth day, Li Lingtian was ready. A force was shown. Pure divine power. After the pure divine power appeared, he waited for the light curtain channel to open again.


The time is very accurate and the light curtain channel opens again.

Just when the light curtain passage appeared, the pure divine power in Li Lingtian's hands flew towards the passage.

Suddenly, a subtle voice sounded, the divine power disappeared, completely swallowed by the power of the light curtain, the divine power disappeared, the light curtain disappeared again, and everything was calm.

However, the look on Li Lingtian's face was extremely ugly, because when the divine power and the power of the light curtain channel collided together, the consciousness had discovered the horror of the power of this light curtain channel.

The power above the light curtain destroys everything, and even the divine power has no ability to resist.

"Good strength and breath."

"It seems that trying to cross here is really not a simple matter."

After Li Lingtian calmed down, he spoke lightly, and the expression on his face kept changing.

The divine power just now is to test whether this light curtain has the power of destruction. If you rush forward and encounter the breath and power of the light curtain, it has not been directly killed.

Therefore, even if he knew that the passage could enter, he did not dare to go alone, and he had to clarify this place before he dared to leave.

Next, Li Lingtian thought about all the ways and tried all kinds of strengths.

Finally, in the sixth time, the brilliance above the heaven and earth dynasty tripod resisted the power above the passageway. Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian put the Black Dragon King into the Dragon Dragon Ring and prepared it alone.

Prepare the heaven, earth, and earth, and the faint light flashes.

Brilliance wrapped Li Lingtian, and Li Lingtian's body was also prepared. When the light curtain appeared, it turned into light and shadow. The body came to the light and shivered.


With a soft bang, the brilliance above the heaven and earth tectonics collided with the power of the channel light curtain. Li Lingtian was shocked, but his body had entered the channel light curtain.

In the consciousness, the light curtain quickly disappeared behind him. This situation is like the speed of the light curtain disappearing to catch up with him. If he can’t leave here before the light curtain disappears, he also completely disappears with the light curtain. In the light curtain, the whole person will disappear.

In an instant, the light curtain disappeared, there was nothing strange on the palace wall, everything became calm.


boom! boom!

Endless palaces, full of brilliance.

Each of these palaces is an independent world, but when gathered here, it can only be like a star.

There are hundreds of millions of stars, endless palaces, and there are a hundred and eighty thousand palaces.

These palaces are scattered in the starry sky, and, from the outside, these palaces are slowly running. After entering these palaces, you can’t find the operation of the palace, because you have followed the world, but just I can't find it.

Between each palace, it looks like there are only dozens of them apart, but it takes a long time to fly.

Tens of miles away, but the real distance is hundreds of thousands of miles.

In the center of these palaces is a square of unknown size, all palaces are around the square.

Some strong men flew from the other side of the square palace to this side. It took ten days of effort. One can imagine how big this square is. Such a large square is like a few heavenly cities.

In the corner of the square, the two strong men blamed on each other, and the magical power of destruction caused the space stars to tremble, but all the attacks and aftermath disappeared at the edge of the square, and were resisted by the star-like palace.

The two strong men are the perfect practice of the pinnacle of the semi-divine realm.

Cultivation strength has reached the peak level of the semi-divine realm, and the power of the show is all amazing.

The power and horror of the semi-deity peak consummation have been fully exerted to the extreme. The two are also fighting endlessly and endlessly. Such a battle is also the most intense.

"Li Han, this star crystal was discovered by the deity."

"If you say you want a little face, just stop and don't compete with the deity."

Zou Yu showed anger on his face. He, who was at the pinnacle of the semi-divine realm, was always the one who murdered and robbed treasures from others, but he never thought he would meet him one day.

The opponent's cultivation base is comparable to his own strength. If he wants to defeat the opponent, he will have a hard time.

When there is no last resort, I will definitely not fight against the strongmen of the same rank, but now I have found a star crystal by myself, but this star crystal, but in exchange for a trillion inferior spirits and treasures.

What was originally happy, did not expect to be meddled in by a strong man.

"Haha, Zou Yu, because of your clever life, there are times when you are confused."

"This astral crystal is not yours, it's just a step ahead of me. The treasures are able to live there, and whoever can get this astral crystal is who it is."

"Are you going to give up this star crystal?"

Hearing the words of Zou Yu, Li Han smiled on his face. The strong man of the same rank, he naturally had to fight for the treasure. Know that if you come in here, you can find a star crystal.

This vast star palace, the powerful of the Shenwu Continent, did not know, and did not know how the Supreme Guardian of the Supreme Alliance knew about the vast star palace and the star crystal, and released such a mysterious and powerful mission.

It's not easy to get in here, it's even harder to find Xingjing.

"In this case, let's see who can get this star crystal."

When Zou Yu heard Li Han's words, his face was flushed with rage, and the whole person was about to run away.

As soon as the consciousness moved, the real element of destruction broke out, and the powerful and overbearing divine power circulated in the real element, making it powerful to a terrible level. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When the sound fell, a magical power of destruction was brewing, Supernatural power bombarded Li Han fiercely.

On the other side, Li Han looked at a slap-shaped diamond crystal above the palace. The crystal gleamed with a faint mysterious light, and there was no breath, no spirit, no fairy energy, no divine power, no magic energy. It’s not dragon spirit, it’s not yin qi, it’s not the breath of human continent.

Moreover, the awakening of this diamond continuously rotates, and the mysterious radiance merges with this palace.

Inside the palace, there is also a mysterious brilliance. The diamond-shaped spar and the brilliance of the palace are imprinted together, which is even more mysterious and attractive. This spar is the mysterious star crystal of the mission item released by the Supreme Guardian of the Supreme League.

The goal that all the strong men are looking for, came in here just for this spar. Now that we have seen spar, we will naturally not let go easily.

The magical power of destruction tore the space, so that the stars in the space also shivered, and in an instant, Zou Yu's magical power of destruction was bombarded in front of Li Han.


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