War God Supreme

Chapter 1731: Star Power

Li Lingtian refines Xingjing, and the powerful force is more terrifying than divine power. 【Starting】

However, although he received a powerful force, he could not control it. Not only could it not be used, but on the contrary, he became a hidden danger. He also had to use a part of his divine power to suppress this power, making him feel speechless to the extreme.

A piece of star crystal, after refining, gets a mysterious power. This power seems to be few, but it is very scary.

Inside the palace, Li Lingtian and Xiaobai rested for a few days to make sure that this force would not affect his luck, before leaving the palace.

If this force affected his luck, when he met a strong enemy, he was not killed by his opponent, but by his own strength, it was an injustice at that time.

After leaving, there was a hint of intention in my heart.

Obtain the star crystal while inquiring about the way to leave the vast star palace.

Although he can't control this power, since he encounters such a powerful power, he won't let it go easily. Anyway, he has already come here, it is impossible to return empty-handed.

The vast Star Palace, outside is a mysterious world, trying to enter here is extremely difficult.

Moreover, even if it is inside, it is only on the periphery of the palace and cannot enter the center.

After Li Lingtian shouted Xiaobai into the Dragon Ring, he acted alone, flashing his body, shuttled between the palaces, took away the star crystal above the palace, and at the same time recorded the traces and tracks of the star crystal.

For three months, the power in the body has not been controlled by refining and refining. Instead, he has obtained more than 20 star crystals. The star crystals are exactly the same, and there is no slight difference.

At the same time, a huge map was formed in his mind.

This map is the traces of astral crystals and palaces. Three months later, Li Lingtian basically visited the palaces around the square one-tenth.

Stopped, remembering the map in my head, the look on my face changed.

Because the palace around the square and the location where Xing Jing stayed, it completely outlined a magical array. This array has surpassed any array. It is an array he has never seen.

Endless stars, endless palaces, each palace is a condensed star.

After visiting one-tenth, there are probably tens of thousands of palaces. Although not every palace has a star crystal, these palaces represent a star.

In other words, this vast star palace is completely a condensed version of the starry sky world, surpassing the starry sky world.

It is a vast palace built by the superpowers, which outlines a palace in the whole world.

Knowing all this, Li Lingtian did not stop, but continued to look for it, holding Xingjing as his own, and more of keeping everything here in his mind. Only in this way can he think about it with his own position. World, find a way to leave here.

"The world of vast expanse of stars."

"Sure enough, it is beyond human imagination."

Li Lingtian said to herself while flying.

During this period, I met countless super powers, killed countless super powers, got countless wealth and star crystals, and learned more about this vast palace.

He has now determined that this place is a concentrated version of the world.

The power inside the astral crystal refined by oneself is also the power of the stars. This is the power of nature, beyond the existence of divine power.

If there is no refining astral crystal, he may always think that the divine power is the most powerful, and the nine-day divine power is more powerful, but after refining the astral crystal, he knows that the divine power in this world is not the most powerful.

But no one knows this power, because no one has seen this power, and no one has surpassed the three realms and the five elements. Naturally, they do not know that these forces exist.

He also saw that the power of the Nine Heavens was completely in the face of this star power.

Now, not only have I learned some things about the vast astral palace, but also learned the use of the astral crystal, but I also know some key formations outside the astral palace. In his mind, the place around the square is well known.

Because he has mastered the battle line here, although he has not been to some places, but with the battle line, he can follow the coordinates above the battle line to find his target.

This is also his mind, if you use arrays and drawings, I do not know how many palaces and arrays to draw.

The dense stars, the dense coordinates, these coordinates and stars represent a palace, a palace imprinted with the stars.

The figure flashed quickly and flew away in the most central direction.

Because, in this place, there is a teleportation array, and the secret existence of the outer star palace.

Everything outside is centered around this central point.

However, if you don't get everything here and people who don't understand the battlefield, you can't find this place at all, unless your luck is extremely good.


"Click, click!"



The Southern Sanxian Alliance of Immortal Territories, the innumerable super leagues, almost all got the signs of the Supreme Guardian of the Supreme Alliance. Although these round cards were not given to them by the big guard, but by the means of these super leagues, There are many ways to get this round.

Ninety-nine round cards are ninety-nine needle-shaped signs, but there are far more than ninety-nine strong men entering the vast palace of stars. At least five or six hundred came in here.

These strong men are all in the late half **** state and the pinnacle of the great consummation.

However, the strongmen who get ninety-nine round cards are all in the presence of the pinnacle of perfection. Only these people have the strength to win the round cards from other strongmen.

After entering the vast palace of stars, countless powerful people wandered between the palaces, looking for the star crystal, and fighting each other.

Hundreds of strong men are completely mud bulls in the vast star palace.

However, the ninety-nine strong players who held the round cards gave up some of the star crystals and murderous treasures, and directly followed the needle-shaped light and shadow instructions on the round cards and flew toward the center of the vast star palace.

Although the vast Star Palace is vast and immense, it has been flying without delay, and it did not take much time to reach the center of the vast Star Palace.

When all the strong people gather together, it is natural that the war is constantly going on, not to mention encountering magical and powerful treasures.

The most central part of the vast palace is one of the most mysterious places in the vast palace.

Moreover, there is a powerful palace and a teleportation array. The teleportation array does not know where to teleport, but there are many treasures in this palace.

For these treasures, ninety-nine strong players holding round cards, as well as some other strong players, add up to one hundred fifty or sixty, but now there are more than forty and a half super powers of the gods.

"Do you still need to fight?"

"There are no treasures available, and now we have started killing each other, is that interesting?"

Zhao Dongyang wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth with his hand, and his face was pale.

The peak of Semi-God Realm is perfect, and its strength is incomparable. If it is in a place other than the supreme, it is also the existence of a hegemony, but in this place, in the face of countless strongmen of the same rank, he is also subject to A lot of injuries.

This war has lasted for two months.

For two months, the war has been endless, and more than 40 super powers have fallen in this place, but no one flinched.

Some people have long wanted to stop, but the tree was still and the wind stopped, and the war could not be stopped at all.

"Stop it first."

"No treasures come out, but they will kill each other here."

"Even if it falls like this, I won't be reconciled."

"We joined forces to destroy this array of stars, and after we got the treasure, we competed with our strength. In that case, it was worth it even if it fell."

Li Tiangong is also in favor of Zhao Dongyang. He is also a semi-deity peak consummate strong man, and he is not less injured than Zhao Dongyang. Moreover, he is also the elder of the elders of the Supreme League. Such an identity and status strength, in fact, chaos in this place. Injured, a little unwilling in my heart.

What is even more undesirable is that it is a battle if you see the treasure and not get it.

The treasures are indeed in this astral palace. There are countless treasures in a mask with layers of protection, but no one can take them out.

Although I don't know what level these treasures are, but based on knowledge and vision, and the place here, these treasures are definitely not visible, even more precious and powerful than the rewards of the Supreme Alliance.

It turned out that this place was called the Star Palace, a palace that was hundreds of miles wide and wide, and the palace was surrounded by vast open spaces.

In this palace, there is a huge photomask. The photomask is still a photomask. There are nearly a hundred layers of photomasks. Each layer of photomasks contains a powerful treasure.

The more you get to the center, the more powerful the treasure will be. Naturally, seeing so many treasures, all the strong people are immediately excited, and you can't control the excitement and excitement in your heart.

The battle lasted for two months, and there were also many strong men who tried to break this mask, but they were unsuccessful, or when they were about to succeed, they were smashed by other strong men. kill.

So, in two months, 40 or so super powers fell, but no one touched the treasure.

"Okay, stop first."

"If anyone starts first, we will join forces to kill him."

"Yes, you shouldn't do anything until the treasure comes out."

"First set this rule, if anyone violates it, it will become a public enemy."

"Yeah, it wouldn't be reconciled if even the treasure fell without touching it."

"Then stop the war ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and wait for the treasures to come out and compete."

"In this way, don't do it anymore, try to get rid of this star formation."


After hearing the words of Zhao Dongyang and Li Tiangong, all the strongmen agreed to come down. Even if the two-month battle did not fall, but the injuries were not light, and the mentally exhausted people could hardly bear it.

Suddenly, all the strong men stopped, and their flashes flew away into the distance.

All the strong men are far apart, beware of other strong men, and worry about being secretly attacked by other strong men.

For a time, the Star Palace was surrounded by strong men. The original war also gradually quieted down. There was silence around the Star Palace. The strange atmosphere made people run away.

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