War God Supreme

Chapter 1732: Star Palace, defense...

In the Star Palace, all the strong men of the war stopped. 【Starting】

Originally, there were 150 or 60 superpowers here. Forty-three people fell during the two-month battle. Forty-three of them, 18 of them were half-divine peaks, and the rest were half. Powerhouse in the late stage of the gods.

During the two-month battle, all the strong men were also scarred and exhausted. Once they stopped, they took the opportunity to practice and restore the true unit.

No matter how powerful the strong are, they are all weak before the time.

Now, all people are looking for safer places to practice meditation and recover from their injuries.

However, no one can leave the star palace within a thousand miles, because there is a powerful defensive light curtain outside the star palace, which can’t see the presence of the light curtain when it comes in, even the consciousness and cultivation. Sensing the presence of the light curtain.

But after entering, you can see the existence of the light curtain. The silver-white light curtain cannot be easily seen when it is integrated into the air. Moreover, it is not so easy to go out after entering.

If you can easily go out, the strong man in the war here has long left, and there is no need for the forced war here, and no one will fall here.

It can be hidden far away and wait for the treasure to appear and fight again.

With this defensive light curtain, the strong man who comes in will not be able to go out unless he is defeated to the end.

"There are 119 people here."

"The treasures inside the mask are about 100 pieces."

"That is to say, if you want to get the treasure, there will be 20 people who want to disappear in this world. This proportion is already very small in Shenwu Continent."

"Now, as long as we remove this mask, we will fight again after we get the treasure."

Five days later, all the strong men repaired their injuries, and Zhao Dongyang carefully checked the number and mask of the place, and then said loudly to all the strong men.

These treasures know that the outside is not as good as the middle, but there are a lot of these treasures.

It seems that people here are basically able to get a treasure, but it will definitely be a battle for the good or bad of the treasure, and no one wants to see a lot of treasures divided into only one.

Besides, there are not many people who can really leave here. People who can leave are all top-notch.

Therefore, there are not many people who finally get the treasure, but there are more people who get the treasure. In any case, the war cannot be avoided.

Even if everyone knows it, they don't want to say it.

"Indeed, the rest of us have almost the same treasures."

"You should join forces to find a way to break this mask. If you can't break the mask, you won't be able to get the treasure. Everyone is fighting here, and it's a futile fall."

"Everyone should also see the situation here, whether it is a photomask, a teleportation array, or a defensive light curtain, it is not one or two that can be broken."

"So, you don't have to be greedy, in case you can't leave here, you will be wronged."

When Li Tiangong saw Zhao Dongyang talking, he also stood up.

Both are top-notch powerhouses, and at least in this place are the top ten. No matter their status and identity, or their cultivation and strength, they are top-notch.

Naturally, it is them who are most afraid of the current war.

If there are too many people killed in the war, the formation and mask can not be removed.

Now these people still have the value to use. If they get the treasure at that time, he can’t wait for all the strongmen here to fall. The treasure is his own.

"Here are all the hegemons on the south side of the fairyland."

"Everyone thinks of a way, is there any good way to break this mask."

"Or, whoever knows the battlefield, if this mask is removed, the treasure will have the right to choose first and get the two treasures here."

"What do you think of the comments below?"

There is a faint smile on the face of the ferris wind. Some smiles are in the market, and there is no trace of a strong man at all, just like the shopkeeper in the shop.

However, don’t be fooled by this smile, because this skyscraper is the elder of the Southern Sky Alliance of Immortal Realm, and it is extremely powerful. Even if it is here, it is also in the top ten. No one dares to provoke him easily. .

"Brother Mo is right."

"We agree with this proposal."

"Just don't know who will be here?"

"Whoever takes the position will destroy this mask, as long as you can destroy these masks, you have the right to choose the treasure first, and the treasure can get two pieces."

"Array, this mask may not be so easy to crack. In Shenwu Continent, Lord Ling Tian's array is unparalleled, but unfortunately Lord Ling Tian is in the east of the fairy land."

"If Li Lingtian came here, it would be bad. Although his cultivation behavior is not very good, but this person is a change, it is best not to provoke him easily."

"Yeah, in the east of Immortal Territory, no one dared to provoke him. If he came to the south of Immortal Territory, no one would easily provoke him."

"However, as a casual repairer, he is enough to resist the sky, and one person will let the strong men of the East of the Immortal Territory fight."

"If Li Lingtian can appear in this place, it really convinced him."


For a time, all the strong people were discussing, talking and talking, and they all brought the topic to Li Lingtian.

However, after a while of kung fu, the strong people present began to carefully observe the mask with their consciousness to see if there was a way to remove the mask. To know that if you want to get these treasures, you must remove the masks. .

Soon, four Divine Array Masters looked at the mask, and shook their heads reluctantly. They couldn't understand the mask completely.

They naturally can't understand it. The Tao in this place is the avenue, which has surpassed the ordinary one.

Not to mention them, even if Li Lingtian started to come to the vast palace, he didn't understand everything in the vast palace. Finally, it took him a few months in the palace to figure it out.

What kind of person is Li Lingtian, the first day of the Divine Martial Continent, the peerless demon, even he must be like this. Naturally, no Divine Array Master can remove this mask.

In the end, everyone started to attack the mask forcibly.

Photomask, the treasures inside are separated into layers by the photomask, and the steps showing the treasure are like a pagoda. The first mask is very large, and it is very small when it reaches the center. Natural, the center of the treasure It is also the most precious. This treasure is placed on top of the spire, but it is protected by countless layers of photomasks.

Moreover, under this step of displaying treasures, there is an altar about the size of a thousand kilometers, inscribed with countless mysterious runes, which is also the teleportation array of the Star Palace.

That is to say, when entering the light curtain, don't want to go out from the light curtain, if you want to go out, you must move this step away to open the transmission array.

If you want to move the steps away, you need to break the mask, all of which are interlocked.



The blast of destruction continued, and dozens of strong men teamed up to bombard the mask, but the power emanating from the mask directly swallowed all the attacks.

Each time, dozens of powerful men teamed up to attack, and the rotation would destroy the supernatural powers.

No matter how bombarded, the mask is only a slight fluctuation. Under the fluctuation, the destruction power is swallowed. This situation makes all the powerful people almost collapse.

The line cannot be cracked, nor can the force attack be cracked.

For a time, the face of the strong man present was a bit ugly, and if this mask could not be cracked, it would not only be said that no treasure could be obtained, even the way to leave was gone.


At this moment, a subtle voice sounded from the light curtain thousands of miles away.

This sound, near the Star Palace, thousands of miles away, could not be heard at all, and with the detonation blast, there was no strongman who found a white figure at the light curtain.

A white figure traditionally used the light curtain, entered the inside, and the figure fell quietly on the ground, and then it was hidden. The whole person's sign was air, and there was no trace of breath from the beginning to the end, just like evaporation in this The air is general.

"What a magic light curtain defense."

"I didn't expect there to be a defense here, and I can't even feel it."

Li Lingtian is hidden in the air, completely like it has evaporated.

After hiding in the air, it was easy to know that the strong man in the distance did not notice his arrival, but when he found this light curtain defense, the look on his face was shocked.

I didn't even find it in my own place. This defensive light curtain is too amazing.

If it hadn't been when I came in and walked through the light curtain, I wouldn't find it at all outside.

Looking at the light curtain in front of me, I looked carefully.

The more I looked at it, the more shocked my heart was, because this light curtain is so amazing that even its own line of practice can't penetrate this light curtain. Just a defense is so powerful, this vast palace of stars is really not ordinary.

Looking at the star palace thousands of miles away, watching hundreds of strong men bombard the mask inside ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are also many treasures in the mask, it seems that these strong men have no way to deal with the mask Otherwise, it will not force to attack the mask.

Next, Li Lingtian exhibited the emptiness of the sky, the whole person gliding in the air like air, came to the star palace, and looked at everything inside and outside the star palace.

Soon, he knew the situation here.

In this place, dozens of superpowers fell. It is impossible to return from the light curtain. If you want to go out, you have to remove the steps inside the mask. When you remove the steps, you must open the mask. The mask opens naturally. You get the treasure.

It's a matter of getting something done in one fell swoop, but only if the mask is broken, you can get the treasure by breaking the mask, and then open the teleportation array to leave here.

All of this is interlocking, and it's not enough to lack it, so these strong men can't open the mask and force bombardment.

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