War God Supreme

Chapter 1736: Join forces

The strong man who holds the round card will take it out and sense it with Xingjing. Copy URL visit %77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d

Xingjing and the indicator needle in the round card are instantly connected. Seeing this situation, all the strong people believe Li Lingtian's words, because this round card is a fragment of Xingjing.

Xingjing fragments and Xingjing naturally have an inductive connection. Naturally, they also enter the vast palace of stars by the Xingjing fragments.

Now, there is no powerful star crystal, only star fragments can be used.

For a time, all the powerful people admired Li Lingtian even more, and felt that the Celestial Master was powerful and mysterious.

The mysteries and gods of the Sky Array Master are not at all understood by ordinary powerhouses, and even the God Array Master cannot understand the power and gods of the Sky Array Master.

Li Lingtian looked at the changes in the face of these powerful men, and was also very happy.

His guess is indeed correct. There may be items in the vast star palace in the round card. Only in this way can these powerful men find here.

As it turned out, the round card was indeed a star fragment.

However, he is now even more certain, and he is sure that Wu Tianmeng's great protector knows here, otherwise he will not get the astral crystal, nor will he know the key to entering this star palace.

The more this is, the better Li Lingtian is for this big protector.

But why this big protector didn't come here on his own, it was a little puzzling to ask other strong men to come here.

The ability to create a round card with Xingjing for the strong to come in, and the way to open the Xingong mask is the power of the stars, naturally knows that there are countless treasures in the Xingong mask.

Well, this great protector must have control of the power of the stars. If there is no control, there are ways to control it, or that we are looking for a way to control the power of stars.

All this is calculated by the elders of the heavenless alliance, and all the strongmen may be using the big protector.

Gradually, Li Lingtian felt that he was caught in a conspiracy, a conspiracy that shocked the rise of the powerful in the world, because if the Grand Guardian really controlled the power of the stars, then no one in Shenwu Continent could be the opponent of the Grand Guardian.

The more I thought, the more shocked I was, I wanted to see this big protector, and I was afraid of encountering it.

The purpose of seeing the Grand Guardian is to know how he can control the power of the stars, or how powerful it is.

I don't want to see it, it is naturally very simple, it is worried that he will be killed by the big protector.

The Grand Guardian is a super powerless man in the skyless league, and one of the top ten supreme powers in Immortal Realm. If such a powerhouse controls the power of the stars, there is nothing like his opponent.

He is not even an opponent of Linghuying, even saying that he has no resistance, if he encounters a big protector, it is equivalent to death.

"Sir Ling Tian is right."

"This round card was really created by the star crystal fragments."

"I don't know what Master Ling Tian will do?"

Li Tiangong saw that everyone's round card was connected with Xingjing, and he believed in Li Lingtian's words completely.

After pondering for a moment, he asked Li Lingtian.

The strong man with Xingjing was present, put Xingjing in his hand, looked at Li Lingtian, and waited for Li Lingtian to break through. As for the things that paid the price, I had already considered it well.

"Not a star crystal can open this mask."

"Instead, you need to use the power of the astral fragments to condense the power of the astral crystal. This seat can use this power to cast a line to open the mask."

"Let's prepare for it, and do it when you are ready."

"If there are no astral shards, you can only protect the dharma, use the true element and divine power to stabilize the mask, so that the mask will not disappear."

Li Lingtian said lightly, and after sitting cross-legged to meditate, the whole person entered into a fixed state.

As for how the astral shards can exert the power of God, I believe that these powerful people understand it, otherwise they are not super powers in the semi-divine realm. This mask.

Next, all the strong men try to exert the power of the star crystal fragments in the round card indicating the light and shadow of the needle. Since Li Lingtian said that this is a star crystal fragment, it can naturally exert the power inside.

The strong men present are all in the late half-god realm. They are old monsters that are hundreds of years and thousands of years old. Naturally, they know the way to play the stars inside.

However, it is not so easy to show that all the power is to be displayed in a weak and flowing manner, and that all the strong people cooperate in unison.

Although it is difficult, it is not too difficult for the demigods.

Suddenly a lot of powerful people cooperated with each other, temporarily reaching a level of tacit understanding.

After two days passed, the ninety-nine rounds of the powerful players were finally able to unleash the power of the astral shards in a coordinated manner. Under the instructions of Li Lingtian, the remaining strongmen also knew how to stabilize the mask. .

When ready, Li Lingtian and ninety-nine strong men began to crack the mask.

Ninety-nine strong men stood around the mask and surrounded the mask. Li Lingtian was suspended in the empty space of the mask, forming a divine formation.

Other strong men without astral shards are protecting the law on one side, waiting for Li Lingtian's movement at any time.




"call out!"

All the strong men came to their place, Li Lingtian suspended in the air of the mask, the whole body had no momentum, like a ball of air.

If you observe carefully, you will find that he is integrated with this heaven and earth, and the whole person is fused in this star palace and becomes a part of the star palace.

Gradually, Li Lingtian exuded a faint momentum, a mysterious and domineering atmosphere, and this momentum became stronger and stronger.

At the end, the strength of the momentum and breath amazed all the strongmen, because Li Lingtian was at the peak of the semi-deity period, and the momentum and breath have exceeded all the strong men present, and even exceeded the semi-deity.

Finally, I understand that the power is not a legend, but the real power.

Li Lingtian slowly adjusts the divine power in his body, allowing himself to blend into the world as much as possible.

Soon, the whole person was in a calm state of mind, blending into this world.

A series of mysterious dharma decisions were exhibited. The dharma decisions turned into countless breaths of light and shadow. The entire air breathed vertically and horizontally, and the light and shadow flickered, which made the star palace that is a hundred miles in size become even more divine.

"God array, sacrifice!"

Tens of thousands of law-makings were completed in a moment, and all the strong people who watched were shocked.

In front of such a decisive battle of the gods, martial arts are too simple.

The four Divine Array Masters were completely stunned, and finally saw the power of the Celestial Array Master. No matter whether it was a decision or a tactic, the Divine Array Master could not be compared.

Moreover, they did not understand a little bit of the legal decision played by Li Lingtian. In front of Li Lingtian, they did not deserve to say that they would be in a position, or dare to say that they were Divine Array Masters.

"Heavenly Roulette, sacrifice!"

After a while, Li Lingtian didn't know how many laws were cast again. The **** array surface radiated a golden light. The golden light landed on the mask surface, and suddenly there were countless coordinates on the mask surface, and each coordinate was light. Brilliance.

If it weren't for the golden light of the Divine Array, these coordinates could not be found at all. The coordinates are dense and dense, like the stars and stars, seemingly scattered coordinates, but these coordinates have mysterious rules and trajectories.

When the coordinates appear, the look of Li Lingtian's face is solemn, because the critical moment is coming.

Now we need to find the center point of the coordinates, and let all the coordinates run. Only when we run, we can stabilize the law of the coordinates with arrays and forces, and finally open the mask smoothly.

At the same time when the Divine Array picture was put away, the consciousness moved, a streamer flashed, and the streamer suspended in front of Li Lingtian.

Suddenly the air exudes a strong heavenly air, making this world full of strong heavenly air. A roulette wheel rotates in front of it. The roulette wheel is one foot in size and looks mysterious.

This is his arsenal of treasures, Tianbao roulette, the treasure of battle.

Now, we must use this heavenly roulette to guide all the powerful stars to open this mask, and this roulette is also the key to protecting him.

Because, as he said, when the mask is opened, there are accidents that he can't control, the loss of the true element divine power, and the space confinement. These are the things that the strongest people are most afraid of.

Although he can resist some and control a little, he is not completely sure.

Faced with this, he will certainly not take risks, and he must leave and prepare for himself.

Tiandao Roulette appeared, Li Lingtian's decision was faster.

The air completely stretched Li Lingtian's breath and strong wind.

All the strong men looked at Li Lingtian, the look of their face changed, and they were shocked.


With the passage of time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Li Lingtian has not stopped, the whole person is flashing in the air, waving the law.

When the mask surface flashed a faint glow, Li Lingtian said aloud, waking up all the shocked strongmen, and when he heard Li Lingtian, all the strongmen quickly burned the star crystal fragments, exuding the power, and finally the power Press towards the mask face.

The powerful star power is extremely terrifying. To display the power of the astral fragment surface, you must have a powerful divine power, and use the real power to stabilize the power of the star. One can accidentally be destroyed by the power of the star.

The power of ninety-nine stars landed on the face of the mask, and the mask suddenly shivered gently.

Li Lingtian looked at the reticle, and a series of decisive actions were displayed. The rays of the array also continued to fall. At this time, although he was not the main force to open the reticle, he was in control of it. Without him, the power of the stars The mask cannot be opened when it is exhausted.

With a dignified eye, he carefully looked at the changes and regular trajectories of the mask's coordinates, and recorded all the changes in his mind. This change will be of great help to him in the future, and he will not miss it. ()

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