War God Supreme

Chapter 1737: Countless treasures

In the Star Palace, the energy is vertical and horizontal. (Starting)

Ninety-nine strong men exert the power of stars from the star crystal fragments and quickly spread them to the mask.

Suddenly the photomask wobbled, and Li Lingtian also displayed the tricks to make the coordinates on the photomask rotate, and the mysterious trajectories were all printed in his mind.

These trajectories are like running in Li Lingtian's mind.

"Hold the mask."

"Bless all the power and true divine power of Xingjing, pay attention to balance."

Li Lingtian said loudly that the power of the ninety-nine star fragments is only as strong as a complete star crystal, and it is not even as good as a complete star crystal.

Among these strong men, there are a lot of complete astral crystals, but Li Lingtian dared not use these astral crystals, because the power is too large, and there are no ninety-nine pieces. When used, the power is uneven, which will cause the formation to be not balance.

This is also the key to the photomask. It is not a complete star crystal that can be opened, but ninety-nine strong people are needed to firmly exert the power of the star crystal.

Seeing that the power inside Xingjing is getting less and less, the photomask is shaking more and more, Li Lingtian quickly shouted loudly.



When Li Lingtian's voice sounded, more than twenty strong men hurriedly exhibited the true element of divine power.

True Elemental Divine Power came to the mask and slowly stabilized the mask.

However, the powerful True Elemental Divine Power is not useful for this mask at all. The Divine Power enters the mask and is quickly swallowed. Only part of it can stabilize the mask.

Li Lingtian's hands waved quickly, and a series of laws were displayed.



Gradually, a strong light appeared in the mask, and the light became stronger and stronger.

Hundreds of layers of photomasks have undergone mysterious changes at this time.

A layer of photomask is already powerful, and the more it goes inside, the more powerful the photomask is. The hundreds of layers of photomask can not be imagined as powerful.

Looking at the movement of the mask, all the strong men were excited, but they were all uneasy.

Because the photomask is open, some people will be out of luck, the true element and divine power will be lost, and the space will be confined.

"The power of stars, break!"

At this time, the heavenly roulette in front of Li Lingtian exuded a mysterious heavenly atmosphere. The heavenly atmosphere formed a faint light curtain. The breath on Li Lingtian's body gradually merged with the atmosphere of the heavenly roulette.

The decision in hand slowed down, and finally my hands waved quickly, condensed with mysterious gestures. Under the mysterious gesture, a powerful and mysterious **** was slowly formed.

Slowly, a huge glory appeared in front of Li Lingtian.

The brilliance flashed dazzlingly and looked amazing.

In the end, Li Lingtian sipped softly, with one hand ignited, and the radiance bombarded towards the bottom of the mask. Suddenly, a mysterious force landed on the mask.

The mask shivered at this time, and the air became strange.

All the strong men, the look on their faces shocked, looked at the photomask in horror. I wondered whether it was a shock to the changes in the photomask, or whether they were shocking Li Lingtian's magical means.

I saw the mask slowly dissipated.

It is like the melting of winter snow and spring sun. The original mask of one mile in size disappears layer by layer, like the disappearance of air. The treasures inside are also displayed one by one in the sight of everyone.

However, at this time, the destruction and dissipation of the reticle emits hundreds of millions of mysterious forces. The mysterious forces are engulfed, and the space is gradually confined. It is impossible to move the finger.

The whole space became very strange, and the faces of all the powerful people were shocked, making it difficult to look.

Under the swallowing of endless mysterious power, the true elemental divine power of the powerful one quickly drains away. In the end, there is no trace of the true element and divine power. Without the divine power and true element, the space is imprisoned, and everyone is imprisoned in place. Move every minute.

Li Lingtian also landed slowly. The look on his face was shocked. The place where the whole person landed was on the center of the pagoda.

It is not so much a pagoda, but rather a pagoda-like step. There are a total of 33 steps. The bottom layer is one mile in size, and the smaller the top, the smaller at the top. There is only a radius of less than five meters at the top.

The pagoda-shaped steps are made of mysterious spar. This spar is not a star crystal or something, but there is a mysterious formation and brilliance on this spar. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t know if it is What, Li Lingtian refined Xingjing, and was most familiar with this breath, and suddenly knew that this pagoda-shaped step was made by Xingjing.

All people are imprisoned.

The same is true of Li Lingtian. In this imprisoned space, it seems to be solidified by ice sculptures. All people stand like statues and their gestures and movements are all solidified.

Seeing all of this, all the strong men are horrified. In such a situation, any ordinary person can kill them. If a person comes, they will be super powers at half a god. The smoke disappeared.

This time, when he opened the mask, Li Lingtian used the method of turning against the sky.

Although all the strongmen are still imprisoned, part of the price is paid, but it is better than starting to fall partly.

Now, there are 127 people here, and the late half-god realm and the half-god peak are perfect.

More than one hundred people, there are forty-one people who have lost their true elemental divine power, and there is no chance to fight anymore. The lost true elemental divine power is not because of cultivation level, but is immediately given by hundreds of millions of rays of light Calculation.

If according to cultivation, Zhao Dongyang and Li Tiangong are definitely the top ten strong men, but the true elements of both of them are lost.

However, some semi-divine realms were not distorted in the late stage, so all of this is random and Li Lingtian cannot control it.

Seeing that he was imprisoned and the loss of true yuan were shocked and scared.

At this time, there is no true element and divine power, and it is destined to suffer a loss, and even if there is a strong element of the true element, they are also worried about the arrival of other strong persons, so that their destiny is controlled by others.

All people are imprisoned, but they are able to speak, looking at the pagoda-shaped steps, with shock, shock, surprise, excitement, fear, fear, greed in their eyes.

Because, now they are imprisoned, some people lose their true primal power.

But the sight can see the treasures. Above the steps, at first statistics, there are a total of 107 treasures.

On the front steps, there are some inferior congenital artifacts, followed by middle-grade congenital artifacts, in the middle are top-grade congenital artifacts, and on the top two steps are five unique congenital artifacts.

Above the last step, there are two mysterious treasures. Above the top, there is a square crystal box. I don’t know what is in the crystal box, but according to the quality of the step treasure, this treasure is definitely the best.

Looking at these treasures, all people directly ignore the inferior and middle-grade congenital artifacts, and look at the congenital artifacts and superb congenital artifacts of the top grade. More people look at the last step and the top crystal box.

Because, the value of all the treasures here is not as precious as the following treasures.

However, when everyone stares at this treasure, they also know that the competition of these treasures is the most fierce.

With the eyes of the strong players in the field, it is impossible to know the two treasures and crystal box items on the last step, and at this time, I don't know how long this imprisonment will last.

At the same time, it is also calculated that as long as the first hour of imprisonment is to fight for the treasure to escape.

The strong man with the distortion of the elemental power, he quickly fled after intending to be imprisoned, and waited for the restoration of the treasure after the true yuan recovered. If there is no true yuan to compete for the treasure, it is simply death.

For a time, all strong men are calculating, waiting for the imprisonment to be released.

His vision also gradually looked at Li Lingtian, hoping that Li Lingtian would give a time, and now seeing that Li Lingtian had no real power and was imprisoned, and knew that Li Lingtian had no exceptions in this place.

"My truth is lost."

"What a horrible swallowing power."

"I don't know when this imprisonment will be."

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​how long do you know this imprisonment?"

"My truth is not at all."

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​do you know how long the space is imprisoned?"

For a time, everyone looked at Li Lingtian.

Under such circumstances, treasures are important, but life is more important. If you can't solve the imprisonment, just come alone and kill them, let alone get any treasures.

Now, I want to know when the imprisonment can be released. If this imprisonment has not been released, I and others must not be imprisoned like this forever.

"This seat is also uncertain."

"According to the understanding of this seat, this imprisonment is short, and the time should be about one hour."

The look on Li Lingtian's face became ugly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seemed like he was facing a crisis of turning against the sky.

His eyes have shifted from the previous treasure to the void, as if in his eyes, the treasure is nothing.

When he landed, he had already looked at the treasures on the pagoda-shaped steps. The value of these treasures was indeed shocking, exceeding the wealth he encountered in any of the previous secret realms.

Needless to say, the inferior congenital artifacts are in his hand, and there are several middle-grade congenital artifacts in his hand, but he has only one of the inferior congenital artifacts. As for the superior congenital artifacts, he has never seen it.

I did not expect that there are so many innate artifacts and treasures beyond the innate artifacts in this place. Although I don't know what is in the crystal box, I know that the objects in this crystal box are the most precious treasures.

Seeing these treasures, Li Lingtian was completely shocked.

But it didn't take long for the look on his face to change, because a strong death crisis rose from the bottom of my heart.


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