War God Supreme

Chapter 1738: Linghuying, out...

Faced with many treasures cherished, Li Lingtian was also moved. 【Starting】

These treasures are completely beyond his imagination. If they can get these treasures, their strength will be greatly improved.

Such a treasure is definitely not available in Shenwu Continent.

But at this time, the crisis rising in his heart made him not in a mood to see these treasures, because the life is important, if there is no life, these treasures have no chance to enjoy it, and even they have no chance to even move these treasures.

The imprisonment time, almost an hour, is his estimate.

True Yuan, the true Yuan of his body is gone for hours.

What can make him feel a crisis of death, at this time he can't tell who it is, because now at this time, any strong man who comes to the peak of a half-deity may threaten him.

His eyes looked solemnly in the air, his heart trembling and thumping, becoming stronger and stronger.

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, the strong players present were relieved.

An hour only, as long as no other strong people come within this hour, there is no danger.

However, after seeing the dignified look on Li Lingtian's face, they all felt uneasy for a while, and gradually felt the threat of death, and suddenly made all the strong men present tremble and frightened, and his face was pale.

There is nothing wrong with the induction of the strong. Although there is no true divine power and is imprisoned here, the threat to death can be sensed.

Feeling the crisis, the eyes of all the strong men shifted from the treasure to the void.

Because they knew that the crisis was not here, but outside, and there must be a strong man coming.

Looking at the light curtain defense above the void, my heart thumped.


Hundreds of strong men did not make the slightest sound in this space.

There was a silence in the whole star palace, a moment of effort, and a slight sound appeared on the light curtain. The distance of thousands of miles, if at ordinary times, could not be found at all.

But at this time, all the strong men paid attention to the light curtain defense, so the subtle voice was naturally heard.

The subtle voice appeared, which made all the strong men feel a tremor in the bottom of their hearts.

It was like the hammer of destruction bombarding on the chest, making the face of all the strong men even paler, eyes staring at the light curtain, and when the sound of the light curtain appeared, a red cloud was suspended in the air.

The appearance of the red cloud made all the strong men stunned, but then startled.

Because this red cloud is a strong man, the emergence of the strong man makes them feel the crisis of death.

For a time, everyone was completely stunned, and they did not dare to have a slight voice, hoping that the strong man in the red cloud was also imprisoned here by space imprisonment. In this case, everyone was imprisoned until the imprisonment was lifted. , Everyone is ready.

Li Lingtian, the look on his face was already ugly to the extreme.

Because the sense of crisis in my heart is getting stronger and stronger, like death is coming.

But there is still a hint of hope in my heart, because I have other means to save my life, but when I saw the appearance of the red cloud, the hope in the whole person's heart suddenly vanished.

It must be said that other strong men do not know the origin of this red cloud, but he is familiar with Li Lingtian.

I didn't expect this red cloud to chase this place, and it was the most critical moment for him to appear, it was almost to the extreme.

Yes, this red cloud is one of the Peerless Red Shadow Linghu Shadows, one of the ten supreme supremacy of the fairyland.

He was chased and killed by this Linghuying all the way. He did not expect to enter the sea for so long. He also entered the vast Star Palace. This Linghuying chased him again.

It's just like the shadows, the soul is not gone.

The top ten supreme-level powerhouses are extremely horrible. They are the most powerful powerhouses he meets in his life and his biggest opponent.

In the past, I was able to think of a way to escape, but this time, this opponent was too terrifying, and there was no chance at all. Besides, in this situation, there is not much chance at all.

This look is similar to a picture of the previous life, that is, the foot is stuck on the train lane, and the train is about to come over. The chance of trying to escape is gone.


"What a powerful space imprisonment."

The red cloud was suspended in the air, and finally a red woman in the peerless city was revealed. The woman in red was beautiful, but it was very cold.

The whole body is up and down, with a supreme breath, giving people a feeling of worshipping high above.

After the woman in red appeared, her delicate body shook in the air, as if she was about to fall down, but she finally stabilized her figure with a shock.

Obviously I was surprised by the power of imprisonment. I came here for the first time. I didn't know there was the power of imprisonment. Sudden imprisonment caused her to almost fall. However, the means of the Supreme Strongman was not imprisoned.

"Peerless Hongying!"

"Ten Great Supreme Peerless Red Shadows."

"Ten Great Supreme Linghu Fairies."

"Ling Fox Fairy, the Eastern Qingming Empire of Immortal Territory."

"Top Ten Peerless Peerless Shadows!"

Seeing that the red shadow outside Wanli just shook, and did not fall down, all the strong men were disappointed, and they felt desperate in their hearts, because the other party was so powerful that it was so strong that the space imprisonment was ignored.

I am waiting for others to be imprisoned. The people on the opposite side are not imprisoned. Haven't I waited for them to become lambs to be slaughtered?

When he saw the red cloud turned into a human form, all the strong men exclaimed in shock.

Although I don't know this woman in red, looking at this dress and cultivation as strength is definitely the mythical characters of Xianyu. Naturally, I think of the characters in the top ten supreme.

Finally determined that this person is one of the top ten supreme red shadow.

I didn't think it was a supreme person who came here, let alone the supreme situation, even an ordinary demigod might kill them instantly.

Now, the Peerless Red Shadow Linghu Ying, one of the ten great supremes, is only desperate.

Because, any of the top ten strongest players in Immortal Realm, in the face of these strongmen in the Star Palace, all disappeared with the wave of their hands. Even if they were not imprisoned, they were not opponents of Linghuying. They are now imprisoned. It has not been slaughtered directly.

Countless strong men, when desperate in their hearts, wonder why Linghu Ying came to the vast Star Palace. You must know that the top ten supremes of Immortal Realm are all in their own fields and rarely leave their own territory.

Linghu Ying appeared in the Star Palace, unimaginable.

They naturally did not know that this Linghuying came here because of the hunt for Li Lingtian.

"Li Lingtian!"

"Giggle, giggle!"

"Did you feel hopeless?"

What shocked all the strongmen and Li Lingtian was that this cold and proud and supreme supreme supreme smile appeared. In the fairyland, the strongmen were like clouds.

The one who can become the top ten supreme is definitely the most powerful existence in the semi-deity peak consummation in the fairyland.

The top ten supremes are no longer the semi-divine powerhouses that can be countered by quantity.

Every supreme has his own strengths and means, and has his supernatural powers and strength.

For the first time in tens of thousands of years, Xianyu appeared the supreme-level woman for the first time, and was two supreme-level women. The two supreme-level women immediately became the objects of chasing by the arrogant son of hundreds of millions of days, and became the female of Shenwu mainland. Worship objects, because women are no longer vases.

Among the top ten supremes, Peerless Red Shadow Linghu Ying, has amazing strength, and the means are universal, but it is cold, clear, and ruthless, just like an iceberg.

Not many people have seen the appearance of Linghuying, and the people who have seen her appearance have all become dead, and no one has heard that Linghuying has laughed.

Now I see Linghu Ying's smug smile, and suddenly let all the powerful people truly see what is called the charm of a smiling city and a smiling country.

Li Lingtian did not expect that this cold woman smiled so charmingly.

However, at this time, he didn't feel much heartbeat, more felt the tremor in his heart, because what made Linghuying smile was desperate.

It was his despair and despair that made Linghuying smile, and I don't know if it was an honor or a misfortune.

Now, all the strong people look at Li Lingtian, because they all know that this Supreme is for Li Lingtian, and this smile is also given by Li Lingtian.

Shocked, still shocked.

The Supreme Divine Pill Master really turned against the sky, even the Supreme Powerful got offended.

Moreover, the iceberg fairy also showed a happy smile, it is simply the iron tree blossoming.

"Linghuying, you really have a ghost."

"This seat is out of luck, and this seat also said that you better not fall into this hand, otherwise you will be yours."

"This seat is a little curious. How did you come here? You chased this place so far. Do you really want to follow this seat? You have said that although you are in a peculiar world, but compared to my wife, It's nothing."

Watching Linghuying step by step torn open the space of imprisonment, Li Lingtian was shocked. The Supreme Strong is indeed powerful~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even the imprisoned space can be torn.

Such a method can be called defying the sky, that is, he has the talent to control the space, as well as the magical power of the heaven and the dead, but it cannot be more powerful than Linghuying.

If he really started the war, he would take control of the space, and he would never take advantage of it.

When speaking, the body of the soul of the ice soul martial arts secretly worked, the whole person calmed down, his eyes watching the soul should come step by step, the look on his face became light and breezy, and a smile on the corner of his mouth.

In the face of such a desperate situation, you can still be so relaxed, and all the strong people are also shocked.

The smile on Linghu Ying's face was still missing, and the cold and ruthless expression was shocked in my heart. I didn't expect this young man in the mid-demisphere to be so relaxed and able to do this step. In addition to self-confidence, there must be A light mood of life and death.

Otherwise, in the face of such a desperate threat of death, it would never be able to pretend. The young man in front of him did not have the slightest disguise, but really relaxed and calm, while tearing the space, he slowly walked in the direction of Li Lingtian.


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