War God Supreme

Chapter 1739: Li Lingtian, Ling...


Hearing Li Lingtian's words, all the strong men secretly sighed, and the look on their faces became horrified and numb. 【Starting】

Linghuying, the top ten supreme supreme, did not know what was the reason for chasing Li Lingtian, which had shocked them, and it was a miracle that Li Lingtian had not been killed by the supreme chasing.

Most strong men think of the relationship between Li Lingtian and Linghuying, is it because they love and hate these.

Coupled with Li Lingtian's words, all the powerful are even more puzzled and puzzled.

However, after Li Lingtian said it later, they were all frightened. Isn't this provoking Supreme Supreme's bottom line? This is obviously intentionally angering Linghuying, which is simply looking for death.

Li Lingtian’s death is not important, but don’t let them suffer from the fish pond.

If Linghu Ying is angry, he will kill them with a wave of his hand. In this case, it will be a real injustice.

To say such frivolous words to a girl, any girl will be angry and anger, not to mention this to a supreme woman, Li Lingtian did this to tease Linghu Ying, so that everyone's heart could hardly bear the collapse.

Shenwu Continent, who dared to tease the Peerless Red Shadow Linghu Ying among the top ten supreme supreme believes that only Li Lingtian.

"court death."

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, Linghuying almost didn't get angry, and had been said by Li Lingtian once last time.

Now, she is teasing her in front of so many strong men, and the tone is still frivolous. What is that, that is obviously the love between the loved ones.

The look on his face was even colder, and the whole body exuded a faint smell of destruction, the domineering and horror of the Supreme Powerful.

However, the look on Linghu Ying's face changed, and once again revealed the peerless smile, and said lightly: "Okay, you will kill them all, this palace will follow you."

"Moreover, you have to erase them all. If you do, the palace will be condescended once."

The speed of change of expression and the words spoken immediately shocked Li Lingtian and all the strong men.

This Peerless Red Shadow, though, smiled again, and agreed to Li Lingtian. Although the premise had strong requirements and conditions, or said to seduce Li Lingtian, it could definitely make Peerless Red Shadow, one of the ten great supremes, absolutely shocked. World.

As he spoke, Linghu Ying had a smile on her face, and a cold and ruthless beauty on her face showed a fascinating look. The cold woman showed a fascinating look and immediately dumped all beings.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian's face showed a trace of fear.

All the strong men were completely blindfolded. In this scene, where is there a chase after killing? It's just that the two are flirting.

The strong men present didn't know who Linghuying said they were referring to, but they thought of Li Lingtian's many wives. Li Lingtian's wife is very clear.

It is naturally impossible for Li Lingtian to kill his wife.

But when I heard Linghuying let Li Lingtian kill them, they all shivered. Fortunately, Li Lingtian was also imprisoned, otherwise it would not be a good thing.

However, they still found out that these super powers, in front of the Supreme, are completely grass mustard, life is worthless like ants, and Linghu Ying may also kill them.

"Look at this seat."

"Although you are in a peculiar existence, it is like the goddess of the mainland, but this seat does not want you."

"This seat is just out of luck. If you don't have such bad luck, can you help me?"

"You laughed pretty, but you are too cold."

The expression on Li Lingtian's face changed, the whole body could not move, and his fingers could not move, but this expression was very clear, that is, he refused Linghuying. Although it was a joke, it shocked Linghuying and all the strong men.

When talking, Li Lingtian's face is serious, beautiful is beautiful, beautiful is beautiful, he will not deliberately discredit each other because he is an opponent, this is not his character.

This life is also the first time he has met the opponent's female drop.

And he still encountered the most powerful opponent.

Looking at Linghuying tearing the space, walking towards him step by step, the distance of thousands of miles, Linghuying tearing the imprisoned space, it seems very slow, but each step is the distance of the upper and the inner, in the dialogue between the two With this effort, Linghu Ying has crossed a third of the distance, and is only six or seven thousand miles away from Li Lingtian.

At this speed, Linghuying came to him to kill him, it wouldn't take long.

In my heart, I am more and more anxious, but I am still thinking about how I can leave here, and I have to carry these treasures and leave this vast palace of stars smoothly, if I cannot leave the vast palace of stars, You can't escape Linghuying's palm at all, and she will stay in the vast Star Palace forever.

"This palace, still underestimate you."

"The one who can escape in the hands of this palace, in Shenwu Continent, you are the first."

"Your cultivation base is not high, but you have the courage to be a real strong man."

"If you give you another few decades, no one in Xianyu is your opponent. If you don’t provoke the Qingming Empire, this palace will not erase you. However, this palace must still be erased today, although there are some People are in danger."

"If you want to blame, blame you to provoke the Qingming Empire, if you want to blame you, you are too evil."

When Linghu Ying heard Li Lingtian's words, his heart shook, and the expression on his beautiful cold face changed. The young man in front of him was miraculously against the sky, and the means were thorough.

The talent is peerless. In just over a hundred years, he has achieved the Supreme Divine Pill Master and the Sky Array Master. The martial arts has reached the peak of its peak. If he is given to him for decades, no one in the fairy field can compete with it.

Such characters are scary and likable.

I heard Li Lingtian's words in front, although frivolous, but knew that Li Lingtian was deliberately angry with her.

Similarly, no matter what, she will kill Li Lingtian.

What Li Lingtian said just now is shocking. He can truly face his opponent at a critical moment, and is indeed a real strong man.

There are countless words that the world's strongmen praise her, but only Li Lingtian dared to tease her. Now she praises her all the time. Although the tone is not good, she still feels a moment of joy in her heart, inexplicably happy. The first time I heard others praise her, I am happy She didn't feel the slightest feeling when other countless powerful people praised her.

She didn't know why she felt a trace of happiness in Li Lingtian's praise, and this trace of happiness just passed away.


"Able to be recognized by the Top Ten Supreme Masters of Immortals."

"Should this seat be happy or sad?"

Li Lingtian laughed, and the whole person became very free and easy, completely as if he didn't feel dangerous.

His performance shocked and admired all the powerful.

Looking at the two super powers of the East of the Immortal Realm killing each other, the strong men of the Sanxue Alliance did not feel a little happy, because Li Lingtian did not belong to the East of the Immortal Realm, but only belonged to the Shenwu Continent. Division, the Supreme Divine Pill Division of the entire Shenwu Continent.

Linghuying is also the top ten supreme of immortal domain, and there is no boundary.

Moreover, now Linghuying is about to kill Li Lingtian, their life and death are also in Linghuying's thoughts.

Time, a little bit passed, but it was still too far away from the one-hour imprisonment time Li Lingtian said, but Linghu Ying stepped closer, step by step, as if stepping on the heart of all strong men.

The weird depression, the huge invisible oppressive force, let the strong players in the field breathless.

Soon, Linghu Ying came to Li Lingtian 100 meters away, it was just the closest distance between Li Lingtian and Linghu Ying, the two had a few battles, they were separated by hundreds of miles during the battle, and finally Li Lingtian escaped, the distance between them is also thousands of miles away outer.

Looking at the woman in red in front of her now, she was absolutely beautiful, cold and clear, with no emotion on her face, and a ruthless breath flew out, more of supreme majesty.

The entire star palace was extremely depressed, and Linghu Ying was suspended in front of Li Lingtian for 100 meters, and the eyes in her beautiful eyes were cold.

Shenwu Continent is rumored that Li Lingtian is the first martial art demon of Shenwu Continent, the first division of Shenwu Continent, the mythical **** of Danwu Continent, and the first dashing person in Shenwu Continent.

Now I see, as it is, cultivation, strength, temperament, and momentum are unique in Shenwu Continent.

This person is enough to make the world's women fall for it.

After glancing at Li Lingtian, he saw that Li Lingtian's face was light and breezy, and the corner of his mouth looked at her with a slight smile. There was no slight pressure at all, and the whole person was calm and calm.

Finally, his eyes shifted, and he looked at the entire star palace. When he saw the treasure on the steps of the pagoda where Li Lingtian was, the look on his face was the same.

She is the top ten supreme, cultivated to be powerful and unmatched, but there are no treasures against the sky, and it is controlled by two middle-grade congenital artifacts and one top-grade innate artifact, even if this is the case, plus her talents And supernatural powers, also firmly occupy the top ten thrones.

Now seeing the treasures so many people cherish is naturally shocking and exciting~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ With her current cultivation strength, if you get these treasures, you will not be able to cross the Shenwu Continent invincible within a few years.

The two were 100 meters apart, and the atmosphere of time and space was extremely strange.

All the strong men feel the power of destruction and oppression from the Supreme Strong, and they are completely ants in front of the Supreme.

Both Li Lingtian and Ling Huying looked at each other and did not speak, but the terror of the situation in the entire space was extremely dangerous. They all knew that Linghuying could kill Li Lingtian with a wave of his hand and kill everyone here.

The look on Linghu Ying's face changed a bit, and this change disappeared in a flash. No one noticed the change in Linghuying's look at all.


I don't know how long after that, Linghu Ying's face was extremely cold, and his eyes stared coldly at Li Lingtian.

At this time, the Linghuying red gauze fluttered, the sleeves turned into a rainbow, and they generally flew in the direction of Li Lingtian. The sleeves penetrated the space and went straight to Li Lingtian.


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