War God Supreme

Chapter 1740: Top 10 Supreme Sikong...

The Peerless Red Shadow Linghu Ying, one of the ten great supreme, came to the front of the Star Palace with the imprisonment of tearing the space. (Starting)

All the strong men felt the severity of the destruction brought by the Supreme, and were almost crushed into powder by coercion. The look on their faces was pale. The imprisoned body could not move, but the heart was shaking.

Linghu Ying's cold breath radiated in the air, staring at Li Lingtian.

After a long silence, Linghu Ying raised it with one hand, a sleeve of water penetrated the space, and went straight to the direction of Li Lingtian. The sleeve of the sleeve was like a rainbow, with a strong wind.

The silent scene was broken, watching Linghuying shot Li Lingtian, decisively, cold, and ruthless, all the strong men were shocked, and they were terrified in their hearts.

The distance of 100 meters is not a distance in front of all powerful people like this.

In the blink of an eye, the sleeves bombarded Li Lingtian.

Linghuying's sleeves are extremely terrifying. This is clear to everyone. It seems like a simple blow, but under the circumstances of Li Lingtian's imprisonment, any ordinary person can kill it, not to mention the Supreme Power. attack.

Faced with the bombardment of Supreme Linghuying, the look on Li Lingtian's face was plain and relaxed, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing that when Li Lingtian was about to be destroyed by bombshells, something unexpected happened.

The sleeves shifted slightly between them. The target was not Li Lingtian, but the crystal box beside Li Lingtian. The sleeves shot straight towards the crystal box, and the power disappeared, but fluttering lightly.

Seeing such a scene, all the powerful people know that Linghuying's goal is not Li Lingtian, but the treasure here. It must be that the treasure is first taken away before killing Li Lingtian.



The crystal box was wrapped in water sleeves, and Linghu Ying was gently around, but when she was surprised, the crystal box was still.

The water sleeve made a subtle sound, as if it were about to be torn off.

Linghu Ying saw that the crystal box was completely immobile, and there was a trace of surprise on her face. The sleeves left the crystal box and flew toward the treasure on the steps below Li Lingtian.

On the steps below Li Lingtian are two mysterious treasures.

If the crystal box cannot be removed, first remove the other treasures.

In the blink of an eye, Sleeve came to two mysterious treasures. When I saw that the two mysterious treasures were going to be taken away by Linghu Ying, a silver light flashed in the void in the distance, and silver time ignored the space imprisonment and space distance. In a blink of an eye, came hundreds of miles away from Linghu Yingying. At the same time as the silver light and shadow arrived, a starlight bombarded behind Linghu Ying.

The starlight is faint, just like the light of fireflies, but this starlight has the power to destroy the world. Wherever it passes, the imprisoned space forms a fragmented passage.

Feeling the power of destruction, Linghu Ying’s cold face changed, and he was afraid of a death threat behind him. Such threats and attacks have never been encountered in the fairyland, unless they are of the same rank. The supreme strongman secretly shot.

She didn't think that in such a situation, in such a space, even if someone came to her, ignoring the space imprisonment, and looking at this, there was already a plan waiting for her.

Those who can accomplish this step will never be weaker than themselves, and the opposite will be more terrifying.

Thinking of this, I could not help but tremble a little, because I entered a conspiracy.

While trembling at the bottom of my heart, my heart was very angry, and I was in the top ten supreme supreme, but I was threatened by others.

If you take away two treasures yourself, you will surely be killed by subsequent attacks.

In the blink of an eye, there were countless consequences in my mind. I waved my sleeves and gave up two treasures.

The sleeves of water turned into a starlight behind the rainbow, and the whole process flicked.




There was a muffled sound, followed by the sound of the piercing cloth.

At the same time, a 100-meter-sized hole was torn in the space, and a clicking sound was made.

In an instant, the two attacks disappeared, but the situation between them was extremely dangerous.

Linghu Ying didn't have time to turn around and cast her sleeves to meet the attack behind her. When the sleeves collided with the attack, a terrifying force shocked her, and Jiao's body strode forward stiffly to stabilize.

And the silver light and shadow behind him did not shake at all, floating in the air without any movement.

Linghu Ying turned around and looked coldly at the silver light and shadow in the distance. His eyes glanced at the ground. The thirty strong men on the ground were dispelled by two attacks.

After being imprisoned, the strong did not have the slightest strength and opportunity to resist, and it was completely the lamb to be slaughtered, not even the lamb to be slaughtered.

The lamb to be slaughtered was still able to struggle, and the strong man in the imprisoned space couldn't even move his fingers a bit, and in the face of the devastation, the smoke disappeared instantly.

Seeing such a situation, all the strong men looked pale, trembling in their hearts, and despair in their eyes.

For a time, everyone looked at the silver light and shadow in the air.

I don’t know what kind of powerful people in this fairy field can come here regardless of the imprisoned space. Even the ten most supreme Linghu shadows have to tear the space to come over. The distance of thousands of miles is also used for a moment. effort.

And this person completely ignored the imprisoned space and directly penetrated the thousands of miles of space, which is more powerful than teleportation, which is simply shocking.



The space around the silver light and shadow was constantly imprisoned and destroyed, and a hissing sound was made.

The whole situation was terrifying. The silver light and shadow stopped in the air, a figure appeared, a silver shirt all over the body, a middle-aged man, the face of the middle-aged man was also cold, but with a trace of ruthlessness.

The terror and the atmosphere of destruction make the middle-aged man seem overbearing.

The silver-haired middle-aged man glanced at all the strong men, his eyes were full of disdain, and finally his eyes fell on the treasure, and he looked at everything here.

"The Supreme Guardian of the Supreme Alliance, Sikong Tianyi!"

Linghu Ying's icy expression is even more icy, and the entire popularity is also icy, making this space as cold as entering the Wanli Glacier.

His eyes looked at the middle-aged man in silver clothes a hundred miles away. The look on his face changed, and he said coldly, telling the identity of the middle-aged man in silver clothes.

She did not expect that since she met a strong man of the same level in this place, and seeing this strong man, her strength was better than her own, and she felt a trace of fear in her heart.

"Great protector!"

"One of the ten great supremes, Sikong Tianyi."

"Against the ten most powerful."

"The Supreme Guardian of Supreme Alliance has come here in person."

"Is this task still to come in person?"

"What does it mean?"

"The big guardian of the sky is empty."

Although the strong men present had not seen this silver-clad man, they immediately exclaimed when they heard Linghuying's words.

They naturally do not believe that a supreme person such as Linghuying will recognize the wrong person. After all, they are supreme, and there are only ten supreme ones. Naturally, people of the same rank will not be mistaken.

In the fairyland, only the supreme level of the strong can come here so horror.

It was shocking to see Si Kong Tianyi coming.

Because this three S-level mission was issued by the Supreme Guardian of the Supreme League, he issued the mission himself, and it appeared when he finally saw the treasure. Such a thing was suddenly confusing.

Immediately, it is not difficult to think that all of this is a conspiracy of the big guardian. The big guardian can't get the treasures here, and by issuing three S-level missions, let other super powers come in as cannon fodder.

Came here, not looking for any star crystal, but to use them to obtain treasures for him, he took advantage of the fisherman.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain all this.

"Linghuying, it's been a long time."

"I didn't expect to be more and more beautiful, but the deity didn't expect you to come here."

"Wait for the deity to solve everything here, and then solve you."

Si Kongtian had a smile on his face, his eyes fixed on Linghu Ying, his eyes unscrupulously glanced at Linghu Ying, when he spoke, he completely ignored everything here.

The powerful and domineering momentum has a great sense of coming to the world.

At the end of the day, I looked towards the steps in the shape of a pagoda. When I saw the treasure on the steps, my eyes showed a greedy look. More often, I looked at the crystal box and the steps.

At the same time, murderous intentions flooded violently, and the space trembles. In the imprisoned space, the strong man is like a mirror that is shattered, and the kung fu in the blink of an eye, and more than a dozen super semi-godly strong men disappear.

However, within the steps of the pagoda, the space is extremely stable, because Si Kongtian dare not move here, so as not to destroy the treasure.

When I saw Li Lingtian, there was a smile on the corner of my mouth, but this smile, no matter how it seemed, had no kindness, but a cruel color.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, I didn't expect your strength to reach this step."

"Want to kill this palace, hum!"

Linghu Ying heard Sikong Tianyi's words~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The look on his face was serious and became more cold.

More is that anger rises in my heart, the whole person's terror and breath burst out, and the war is about to strike.

In front of this guy Li Lingtian teased her, now this Sikong Tianyi, glanced at her unscrupulously, to make her feel so embarrassed, a woman being looked at by a man like this is a frivolous insult.

Her top ten peerless peerless actresses are so irritating.

However, at this moment, the murderous opportunity rose in his heart, but he began to count. The various methods Sikong Tianyi had just demonstrated were terrifying to the extreme, which made her feel terrified. If she hurriedly, she would definitely suffer.

If she is no longer in this imprisoned space, she will not be afraid of Sikong Tianyi, but this place is imprisoned, even if she controls the space, but it is obviously inferior to Sikongtianyi.

While speaking, his eyes looked at Si Kong Tianyi coldly, and finally his eyes turned to Li Lingtian above the steps.


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