War God Supreme

Chapter 1746: Star Heart

In the Shenwu Continent, treasures and wealth are chased by the strong at all times. network

Moreover, the treasures and wealth that Li Lingtian has gotten are enough to shake the powerful and powerful forces of the entire Shenwu Continent. Greed is human nature. With so many treasures in Li Lingtian, he is naturally the object of being chased and killed.

There is the matter of the pure Yang Palace in the front, and now there is the matter of the vast Star Palace. All the treasures are on Li Lingtian. This does not let all the super powerfuls be tempted.

"Nature cannot let other powerful people know."

"But now, there are two people I can't deal with."

"It's great to be able to leave here safely. It's impossible to solve the two people again."

Li Lingtian shook his head, a bitter smile on his face.

Now I haven’t even thought of a way to escape from here, but I have to deal with Si Kong Tianyi. It’s just that I’m not interested in finding it. Besides, I have played down the killing of Linghuying. I want to raise the killing again. Impermanence.

He was originally going to the south of the fairy land, but he did not expect Linghuying to chase him up.

Things became more and more troublesome, Shenwu Continent became more and more chaotic, he didn't want to see the destruction of Shenwu Continent, if he really destroyed, he had no place to stand.

If he soared to heaven, he would not control the life and death of Shenwu Continent.

"So, you have to find a way to leave here."

"That Linghu Ying, I believe that the injury has not recovered. Taking advantage of this period of time, you can think of a way, or ask her to discuss, and the two reached a joint agreement to deal with Si Kongtianyi."

Looking at Li Lingtian, Xiaobai naturally understands that Li Lingtian is right.

Li Lingtian used to be strong himself. The purpose of being strong is to have the strength to protect his loved ones and wives. But when he came to the back, he had more contacts and he was involved.

Some things are compelling, and he doesn't want to provoke them.

But sometimes, you don’t want to provoke things, but there are things that must happen, and you will be involved.

"I still open this crystal box to see what is inside."

"This crystal box should be what Sikong Tianyi really wants."

When Li Lingtian spoke, his consciousness moved, the ring of Shenfeng opened, and a crystal box suddenly opened.

The crystal box is one foot high, one foot long, and one foot wide. The whole box is crystal clear, but the contents inside have a mysterious atmosphere, and I don't know what it is.

The box is lightly mysterious.

Seeing Li Lingtian take out the crystal box, Xiaobai quickly stepped back.

She didn't want to have an accident when opening because of her breath, anyway, it wouldn't be too late to watch after opening.

Li Lingtian looked at the box with his eyes and sensed the breath on the box with his consciousness. Even if it was just a box, he did not dare to mess up, but he never messed up. No matter what, as long as it is unknown, he will be careful. ,Caution is the boat.

After looking around, I don't know what this crystal box was made of.

But although the atmosphere above is mysterious, there is no harm.


Afterwards, Li Lingtian exhibited a series of laws to open the seal on the crystal box.

The items in this crystal box are mysterious. The crystal box is also mysterious, but the seal is not mysterious. Li Lingtian found the solution without much effort.

With the wave of law, the seal slowly disappeared.

With a clear sound, the crystal box opened.

At the moment when the crystal box was opened, there was a dazzling light in the gap of the box. The light was white and dazzling, just like the light of a diamond. Immediately let Li Lingtian become a strong man with strength, and he could not help losing his sight instantly. There was a blur in front of me, it took a long time to get used to it.

But this light has always been dazzling, making people unable to open their eyes.

This is the first time Li Lingtian has encountered such a thing. With the cultivation of the martial artists, even the dazzling light can't keep the strong from opening his eyes.

But this light is so powerful, Li Lingtian was shocked to the extreme.

In the blink of an eye, the light box slowly opened the crystal box with mysterious power, and finally the crystal box was fully opened.

"One billion and eighty million stars, the vast starry sky is boundless."

"The star palace is coming, and the trajectory of hundreds of millions of stars is changing."

"When the heart of the starry sky appears, the vast starry sky has changed, and the trajectory of hundreds of millions of stars has changed. Can you become the person who stirs billions of stars?"

"When you see the heart of the starry sky, hundreds of millions of stars, one billion and eighty million stars, one hundred thousand small worlds, and three thousand big worlds have already been reversed in the dark."

Li Lingtian's dazzling light shone so much that he couldn't open his eyes. When the box was fully opened, the whole palace was flooded with dazzling white light, and even Xiaobai closed his eyes.

This situation is shocking.

But even more shocking and horrifying things appeared, so that Li Lingtian and Xiaobai jumped up, the true elemental divine power of the whole body burst out instantly, and the peerless supernatural power in his hand was ready.

Glancing around, no enemies were found, which made Li Lingtian more shocked and scared.

Because when they were temporarily blind, a faint voice sounded.

The voice is dull, without any slight emotional fluctuations, and the voice also gives a feeling of emptyness.

At this moment, such a voice appeared, how could they not be shocked.

This time, the two of them can be scared. To know how close the voice is so close, how strong is the strength of the other's cultivation to achieve this step.

However, the two slowly shifted their gaze to the crystal box.

Because there is no strong figure around, the source of the sound is also emitted beside the crystal box.

When the two looked at the crystal box, the objects in the crystal box slowly turned and suspended, and they saw a fist-sized bead flying out of the crystal box.

The beads are full of light, white and dazzling light, the beads turn, the light turns, and the whole palace becomes magical.

Li Lingtian and Xiaobai glanced at each other, and they thought the same thing.

This voice came out of the beads, this is the first time such a thing has been encountered.

The beads kept spinning, Li Lingtian and Xiao Bai looked at them indifferently, the expression on their faces was shocked and dull.

"Heart of the starry sky?"

"What is the heart of the starry sky?"

"Three thousand big worlds, one hundred thousand small worlds, one hundred and eighty million stars, billions of stars."

"What do these mean?"

It took a long time for Li Lingtian and Xiaobai to wake up and talked to themselves.

These are beyond the scope of their contact, and they have no idea what they mean.

However, Li Lingtian has heard of the three thousand worlds and the one hundred thousand small worlds. This is the universe of heaven and earth, and it is also a matter outside this world. I did not expect that there are other things besides these.


I don't know how long after that, Li Lingtian and Xiaobai both pondered.

The beads kept turning. In the end, both of them probably knew something. This bead is the heart of the starry sky. Although they don't know what the heart of the starry sky is, it must be amazing.

This star palace is not from the Shenwu Continent, and everything here is not from this world.

Just like Li Lingtian, he did not belong to this world, or has always belonged to this world, but the plane and time are different. This is true of the Star Palace, and the heart of the starry sky. Everything here is the same.

A few words in this bead must have left something super powerful.

But it is impossible to understand everything with just a few words. Li Lingtian tried to push the beads of Zhenyuan towards the crystal box, hoping to put the beads into the crystal box, because the light was so dazzling that they could not open their eyes, and now it is Tears burst into tears.

Just when his true element had just appeared outside the body, he was suddenly bombarded with light and flew out, and finally fell **** the ground, and a spit of blood spurted out.

This light has no power and no power, but when he sees the true element, he has the power to destroy the sky. This situation shocked Li Lingtian.

The first time I saw such a thing, I must know that this light is almost static, and the static light is so domineering, completely beyond the scope of imagination.


"You try with the power of stars."

Hearing Li Lingtian flew out and fell to the ground, Xiaobai said with concern.

Because this place is not a Shenwu Continent at all, not even the Celestial Realm.

Everything here is related to the starry sky. Li Lingtian has refined a little bit of the power of stars, maybe this power of stars will not be rebounded.

Li Lingtian also thought of this problem, and then slowly stood up. Carefully exerted the power of refining a star, the whole person was extremely careful, so careful, this is definitely the first time.

A trace of weak star power slowly appeared outside the body, Li Lingtian's heartbeat accelerated.

Just after the power of the stars appeared, Li Lingtian's mind calmed down a little bit, because when the power of stars appeared in the air, it was not rebounded back under the dazzling light.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian exhibited more star power~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Finally, the star power turned into a ray of light, and slowly pressed towards the beads.

At the same time, the light and the power of the stars are related to each other, as if they are familiar.

Gradually, Li Lingtian's star power adapts to these dazzling lights. There is no slight conflict between the two, but they blend into each other, as if they are merging.


Soon, the power of the stars finally came to the rotating beads without any slight rebound.

With a slight sound, the beads were slowly pressed by Li Lingtian's star power into the crystal box. When he saw the beads entering the crystal box, Li Lingtian quickly covered the crystal box with his hand.

The crystal box was covered, and the light above the beads was blocked, and the inside of the palace suddenly returned to normal, and all the light disappeared.

Although the beads disappeared and the light disappeared, it took Li Lingtian and Xiaobai about ten minutes to return to normal because the light was too dazzling. R1148


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