War God Supreme

Chapter 1747: Starry sky

"What a terrifying light!"

Li Lingtian collected the beads, and the light suddenly disappeared inside the palace. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable)

Although the dazzling light disappeared, but the strong light dazzled, the power brought by the two still a little uncomfortable, after a long time to slowly adapt.

Xiaobai couldn't help blinking, it looked funny.

With a sigh, the power of this light shocked the two.

The magical powers he used to perform before were also light, but those were the powers of destruction, and this light was very dull, but in the dull stillness, it possessed the magical power to destroy the world.

Immediately, Li Ling sat cross-legged and began to recover the truth, thinking about how to deal with this bead.

The bead was so magical that it made him feel curious and itchy.

It is not yet known what power this bead has and what it is used for, but it is known that this bead is called the heart of the starry sky and may have something to do with Xingjing. Sikong Tianyi may have come to this thing.

In other words, Sikong Tianyi does not know what is inside this crystal box, but just wants to find a solution to his cultivation problem here.

After a good rest, Li Lingtian asked Xiao Bai to leave the palace and hide in the side hall. This light was too dazzling, but even if the light was too strong, it could not penetrate the palace wall.

After Xiaobai left, Li Lingtian took out the crystal box again.

With preparations this time, Li Lingtian was no longer as surprised as he started.

With a soft sound, the crystal box was opened, and a dazzling light radiated out. The entire palace was once again filled with white light, making the palace all enter a magical world.

The heart of the starry sky slowly rotates and suspends again.

However, Li Lingtian did not let the heart of the starry sky leave the crystal box, but showed the power of the stars to suppress the heart of the starry sky with the power of the stars in the body.

Although the heart of the starry sky is dazzling, it does not have much power.

Later, Li Lingtian opened the consciousness, and the consciousness extended towards the heart of the starry sky. Soon, the consciousness came to the heart of the starry sky.

Just as the consciousness approached the heart of the starry sky, the heart of the starry sky seemed to have a terrifying attraction, directly pulling Li Lingtian's consciousness into it.

Li Lingtian's body shook, his mind was swallowed by the heart of the starry sky.

After the Divine Consciousness entered the heart of the starry sky, he no longer encountered the voice of the beginning, and Li Lingtian had already made preparations, and also gave those few sentences to enlightenment and understanding.

Those few words simply talked about the heart of the starry sky and the world. The heart of the starry sky is the most critical item in the world. The specific use of it is unknown to Li Lingtian.

At first, Li Lingtian and Xiaobai were shocked. They didn't pay attention to those few words. After he had collected the heart of the starry sky, he pondered and understood them.

After understanding a few words, this made Li Lingtian dare to touch the heart of the starry sky with his consciousness.

After Divine Consciousness entered the heart of the starry sky, Li Lingtian saw that there is a world in the heart of the starry sky, a world of starry sky, but this world is small. Although small, it is like condensing the entire starry sky.

Moreover, in the space of the heart of the starry sky, there are countless mysterious fonts, yes, these fonts are seal body, small seal.

Tens of thousands of Xiao Zhuan flashed with dazzling light, Li Lingtian's consciousness was inside, he was like a person inside, the situation at the moment was like a person standing in the endless starry sky, and standing in a full Inside the small seal glowing font.

Gradually, Li Lingtian sank into all the fonts.

The mind turned inside Xiaozhuan, completely contemplating in it.

Numerous messages, a brain came to him, and finally entered his mind, these fonts were also imprinted on the consciousness, and these fonts also quickly disappeared.

Just when the last Xiaozhuan font disappeared, the entire mysterious world became empty, with only a little mysterious power drifting from time to time.

Li Lingtian's consciousness was also squeezed out, and he wouldn't want to go in again.

After the consciousness was squeezed out, the look on Li Lingtian's face was dull. After a while, the light above the beads disappeared. The dazzling light now turned into a faint radiance, mysterious color, and it looked absolutely beautiful and attractive.

Looking again, there is no change in the heart of the starry sky. Except for the lack of previous glare, there is no slight change in the heart of the starry sky.

Then the heart of the starry sky was put into the crystal box, and when the consciousness moved, the dragon ring was opened, and finally the crystal box was put into the most precious treasure in the dragon ring.

In his hands, there are several space rings, the Dragon Ring is the most powerful space treasure, the Ring of Divine Phoenix and the Heavenly Ring and the Holy Ring are second, and the Ring of Nether God, these are space rings, but Li Lingtian does not He will use the meditation ring to put things, because he has regarded the meditation ring as a treasure.

The dragon ring is dedicated to the settlers and precious treasures, here is all Li Lingtian's net worth.

The Ring of Divine Phoenix and the Heavenly Heavenly Ring also store things, as does the Holy Ring, but the stored things are all just obtained or unimportant.

He separates the treasures and materials of each level according to the degree of cherishment.

Naturally, the heart of the starry sky in this crystal box is also the most important treasure.

After collecting the heart of the starry sky, Li Lingtian meditated and digested the information obtained by digesting the heart of the starry sky. These messages are mysterious and powerful. Although the number of words is small, the words are subtle and obscure, and they cannot be understood at all.

In this way, Li Ling meditated cross-legged and digested the information.

Xiaobai helped Li Lingtian protect the law on the side, but neither of them left the palace.

In this way, after a month, Li Lingtian finally opened his eyes, the look on his face was dull, he could not see the slightest change, and did not know Li Lingtian's mood and feelings.


After a long time, Li Lingtian gave a sigh of relief, and the look on his face became normal, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

This month, I finally digested this information, but I was only able to understand it a little bit.

It can only be known that this information is a kind of ruinous exercise, and within a month, he can only realize one thousandth of this exercise, that is to say, he hasn't even realized anything.

The exercises are extensive and profound, which exceeds Li Lingtian's imagination of exercises.

The exercises he practiced are all holy scriptures of various races in this world. With knowledge in the Shenwu Continent, no one can surpass the slightest.

But in front of this exercise, he was completely an idiot. This exercise subverted his knowledge of the exercise.

The skill is so profound that people dare not imagine it. Fortunately, within a month, he can only learn a little bit. If he knows too much, he will be even more shocked.

Starry sky is supreme!

It's true that this method is called the supreme starry sky, and it is an overbearing and mysterious method. Li Lingtian can only understand a trace of fur, because with his cultivation, he can only understand such a point.

Even if the information behind is in his consciousness, there is no way for him to comprehend and understand. If he forcibly touches it, he will destroy his own consciousness sea. Even if he destroys his consciousness sea, he will not be able to comprehend the following exercises.

Therefore, Li Lingtian did not dare to have the guts to touch anything he could not touch.

The starry sky is supreme and the exercises are overbearing. Li Lingtian is unable to comprehend the things behind, but the first point is still comprehended, that is, the power to cultivate stars.

The power of the stars is too far away from the starry sky in Shenwu, and the absorbed power of the stars is extremely small.

The only way to cultivate the power of the stars is to absorb the power of the star crystal and use the essence of the star crystal for your own use.

Knowing all this, Li Lingtian's heart was extremely excited.

Sikong Tianyi really came for this exercise, but did not expect to be one step ahead of himself. If Sikong Tian gets this exercise, the entire Shenwu Continent's powerhouse will be finished.

After comprehending the previous exercises, Li Lingtian also got a kind of supernatural power.

This trick to destroy the world's magical power, known as-the stars means!

Li Lingtian doesn't know how powerful it is, because he hasn't realized it yet. He just knows that there is such a magical skill. Only after the power of the stars is cultivated, can he understand the stars.

This star finger, just like the death of the divine element, needs strong divine support, but the star finger means the support of the powerful star power. The star finger completely interprets the power of the star to the extreme.

Others are the latter things. Now, he seems to be in control of a treasure trove, but he cannot bear it now.

However, now you can practice slowly, as long as you find a way to practice, then there is hope to solve the problem.


"Looking at you so happy, what is inside this starry sky heart."

Xiaobai asked Li Lingtian when he woke up.

In this month, Li Lingtian has not digested information and understood the sky, and has not talked to Xiaobai~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xiaobai is curious to the extreme, what is what will make Li Lingtian so happy .

"The heart of the starry sky is a kind of practice."

"The way to solve the power of training stars, as long as you cultivate this power of stars, you should be able to solve the problem at hand."

With a faint smile on his face, Li Lingtian spoke out the news he got from the heart of the starry sky.

But now if you want to practice this starry sky, you have to find the star crystal.

Only Xingjing can allow him to absorb the power of the stars. Without Xingjing, his starry sky is no more powerful, and he cannot practice unless he finds another way.

At least there is at least a sure way to solve cultivation. With his cultivation as his strength, it is not difficult to find Xingjing.

What's more, there are some star crystals in his own hands. Refining these star crystals also has more star power. Thinking of this, I am even more happy in my heart. R1148


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