War God Supreme

Chapter 1748: Linghuying's Article...

"It's really a practice."

"With this exercise, you can solve the power of stars."

"At that time, a little control of the power of stars can resist the power of Sikong Tianyi."

After hearing Li Lingtian's words, Xiaobai was very happy. Everything in this vast star palace was magical, and the heart of the starry sky was magical.

The heart of the starry sky is the most precious treasure in this vast star palace. The exercises in it are naturally powerful and unmatched.

If you don’t say anything else, just say that the problem at hand can be solved.

"You first enter the Dragon Ring."

"I went to see Linghuying and discussed with her, and the two joined forces to have a little hope."

"If you can't solve her, there will be no solution to Si Kongtianyi."

Li Lingtian groaned for a moment and said lightly.

Other things have a chance to be resolved, but the most important thing is to watch Linghuying. If Linghuying really joined forces with him, then the two can join forces to fight Si Kongtian, but the premise is that they need each other. Full trust is enough.

"it is good."

"Brother, be careful."

Xiaobai nodded cleverly, and then waited for Li Lingtian to open the Dragon Ring.

Li Lingtian didn't say anything. When the consciousness moved, the dragon ring opened, and Xiaobai disappeared. When he appeared again, he entered the dragon ring.

After a little rectification, Li Lingtian opened the palace formation and walked outside.

With a faint smile on his face, the smile was full of confidence.

Glancing at the void, this place is truly beautiful, quiet and full of life, and gives a sense of openness.

Once I looked at the palace landscape and walked in the direction of Linghuying again. Although I don’t know which palace Lingling was healing, but with his cultivation behavior, Linghuying could not escape his glance at all.


Whoosh! Whoosh!

Inside a palace in the vast Star Palace, a woman in red sits cross-legged, waving her hands and turning mysterious exercises.

Beside her, there is a faint radiance, radiance and holiness, which looks very mysterious.

Among the holy glory, the woman in red is even more beautiful. At this moment, although she is cold and ruthless, she has a little more mystery and holiness, and it seems to be superior.

She, of course, is the top ten supreme of immortal domain, the Peerless Red Shadow Linghu Ying, the patron saint of Qingming Empire.

She is also a super genius of the Shenwu Continent. She became a **** of war before the age of 100, and a demigod before the age of 300. Now she has reached the peak of the demise.

Become the youngest demigod, the youngest supreme, and the most beautiful supreme.

All the people in the world are ants in her eyes. Even if the demigods are in her eyes, they are just slightly larger ants.

For hundreds of years, the Qingming Empire imprisonment has never been left.

With her identity, it is impossible to leave the Qingming Empire in this life.

But Wan Wan did not expect to leave the Qingming Empire because of a young man, chase this young man for hundreds of millions of miles, and chase into the Qingyuan waters, but he still could not regard himself as a larvae-like youth extermination.

This young man was in the middle of the half-god realm, but only a hundred years old. This young man who got the half-god realm is definitely the first demon in Shenwu Continent.

In the Shenwu Continent Powerhouse, the 100-year-old can only be a baby. In front of the God of War, hundreds of years are just youth. In the face of pseudo-deity and demise, hundreds of years are completely children.

For example, Li Lingtian reached the semi-divine state at the age of 100, and standing on the summit of the Shenwu Continent is completely a miracle. In front of the other semi-divine state, this age is just a baby.

Because in the semi-divine realm, it is the Shou Yuan of 3,000 to 4,000 years. If you become a strong superpower, it is not difficult to live for 5,000 years.

After chasing into the Qingyuan waters, he inadvertently entered the vast Star Palace.

In the vast Star Palace, I walked around for half a year, finally caught up with Li Lingtian by my own feelings, and finally found Li Lingtian's position and entered the Star Palace.

But Wan Wan didn't expect to enter into the Star Palace a change that could not be imagined for a lifetime. He was injured by the sky protector, one of the top ten Supreme Masters, and even more unexpectedly, in the end, the person who pursued and killed her saved her.

If it were not for the person who chased her to save her, she had disappeared.

Now he is injured, and the panacea for healing is still the enemy, and there is even a panacea for promotion.

In my heart, the killer did not know when to disappear.

For more than a month, the injury was stable, but it did not recover. If you want to really recover, it is impossible without two or three years. This is also an eight-element elixir. If there is no such elixir, it will be longer. Too.

With continuous healing and the operation of exercises, the Light Bible will stabilize the injury a little bit.

At this time, Linghu Ying, who was working on healing, frowned, and stopped her hands. The exercises started automatically, her eyes opened, and her beautiful eyes carried a trembling chill.

The holy glory of the body slowly disappeared, and the whole person was extremely cold, like an iceberg.

Stop training and slowly stand up, disappearing between the flashing figure.

When it reappeared, Linghuying had left the palace and came outside the palace. His eyes looked coldly at the young man in white in the distance, with a faint smile on his face, and the whole person was chic and elegant.

"How is your injury?"

Li Lingtian looked at Linghu Ying and said lightly.

For the supreme strongman in front of him, Li Lingtian is used to the coldness of this woman.

If this woman becomes more like the third sister, he may be scared.

Everyone's personality is different, just like the sisters Tang Qingyue, Tang Qingyue is also an iceberg fairy, but Tang Zimeng is lively and lovely, and Beimingxue is also cold and noble.

The same is true of the Second Sister Hanshuang Palace. The whole person is cold. The whole person is like an iceberg, a real iceberg fairy.

"The injury has stabilized."

"Do you think of a way to leave?"

Linghuying didn't feel the slightest surprise about Li Lingtian's arrival.

When I heard Li Lingtian ask her, it was also a cold answer. The whole person was like a piece of cold ice. There could never be temperature, and it also made people feel cold.

While speaking, Li Muo looked at Li Lingtian coldly, and the majesty of her majesty was revealed to her.

"I did find a way to leave here."

"That's when you and I joined forces to defeat Sikong Tianyi."

"If you want to leave here, you can only defeat Sikong Tianyi and leave the teleportation array in the star palace."

Li Lingtian nodded and said lightly.

He is now negotiating with Linghuying. The two must have a tacit understanding and trust. Only in this way can they deal with Sikong Tianyi. If there is no trust between them, there is no way to defeat Sikong Tianyi.

"Beat Sikong Tianyi?"

"It is not the ambition of others in this palace, even in the heyday of this palace, it is not his opponent to join hands with you."

"If he doesn't have the power of stars, one person in this house can contain him. The power of the stars has been seen by you. It's not that the powerful martial continent can resist the confrontation."

"Furthermore, although the present injury of the palace is stable, but it is really necessary to recover, it is impossible for one or two years."

Linghu Ying heard Li Lingtian's words and suddenly showed a trace of disdain.

If Li Lingtian had such a way, then Li Lingtian would not be Li Lingtian.

Such a method is not a method at all, but to die.

Although the tone of speech did not ridicule Li Lingtian, it was obvious that he did not agree with Li Lingtian's so-called approach.

"This seat doesn't say to leave here now."

"Are you going to death when you are here? Although you are confident, you are not so blindly confident."

"To come to you today is to look at your injury and discuss things with you. As for the way to deal with Sikong Tianyi, there is naturally a lot in your heart. You will never think that this seat is all right to die."

"And, even if we join forces, it will take a while, because there are other things to prepare for this seat."

Li Lingtian naturally knew that Linghuying dismissed his so-called method, and he didn't care.

As he spoke slowly, the confidence in his face was even stronger.

Looking at the appearance of Linghuying in front of him, it is impossible to recover from injury in a year or two.

This has no effect, because he can't leave here for the time being, not because he doesn't want to leave, but because he has no strength to leave, there are still many things to do.

If there is no certainty, he will never go to Sikong Tianyi. If he really rushes to Sikong Tianyi, he will go to death.

"As long as you can leave here, this palace will cancel your grudge."

"The premise is that you can't deal with the Qingming Empire, and the Qingming Empire will not provoke you."

"And, come here, do you want this palace to go empty-handed?"

Linghu Ying's eyes looked at Li Lingtian coldly, and the two eyes looked at each other. The eyes are the windows of the soul, and it is impossible to deceive people.

Seeing Li Lingtian's clear and deep eyes, her eyes were like the stars in the night sky, with the wisdom that people could not see through, but she could believe that the youth in front of her did not lie.

Then he said seriously, this month's healing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ also sorted out some things.

Li Lingtian took away Qingming Ziyi for the Pure Yang Empire, and she hunted down Li Lingtian. Later, Li Lingtian rescued her, and gave Qingming Ziyi back to her. He also gave her a cure-all medicine and an elixir to improve cultivation.

The grievances between the two have long gone.

However, for the purpose of the Qingming Empire, she did not want to fight against this young man. During this period of time, she had real knowledge of Li Lingtian's turning against the sky, and no one could defeat it.

Now, she just wants her Qingming Empire not to provoke Li Lingtian, and Li Lingtian will naturally not deal with Qingming Empire.

At the end of the day, there is a smile that is rare for thousands of years in the eyes. For a cold woman, the smile can be said to have no chance with her, but now, the ten most exalted peerless red shadow Linghu Ying, the iceberg fairy, the eyes But there was a smile.

However, after hearing Linghuying's words and seeing the smile in his eyes, Li Lingtian was not happy, but felt helpless. Who are these people? At this time, he still has to share a treasure. R1148


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