War God Supreme

Chapter 1749: Search Star

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There was a trace of helplessness on Li Lingtian's face, and his mind was turning sharply.

I met the treasure here, and it was her who went to the treasure first. If he was killed first, he would disappear.

And although no one in the world has a share, but the woman in front of him is the supreme strongman of the pinnacle of the semi-god realm. If he does not give it, he will definitely not stop like this.

However, it is simply impossible to give the inferior artifacts of the inferior grade, neither the middle grade innate artifacts nor the top grade innate artifacts.

However, the unique congenital artifact, and he can't bear it, such a treasure is absolutely unique in the Shenwu Continent.

I finally got a few pieces myself, and if I take one out, it is really distressing.

As for the two mysterious treasures and the heart of the starry sky in the crystal box, that is impossible. Even if Linghu Ying does not join forces with him, he will not take this treasure out.

Soon, it was decided that the consciousness moved, and the heavenly treasure ring opened.

A treasure flew towards Linghu Ying, and the look on Li Lingtian's face was plain, with no change at all, and I didn't know what was in my heart. Linghu Ying didn't know, Li Lingtian was bleeding.

The treasure came to Linghu Ying, suspended in the air.

Linghu Ying looked at the treasure in front of him, and he was stunned. He did not expect Li Lingtian to actually take out the treasure. You know, there are rumors in Shenwu Continent that no one ever took the treasure from Li Lingtian, as long as he entered Li Lingtian. It’s impossible to get it.

When he saw the breath above the treasure in front of him, the look on his face could not help changing.

I saw that this treasure is indeed a unique congenital artifact, a unique congenital artifact.

This is a treasure that the Shenwu Continent does not have. Even the most powerful, there is no unique congenital artifact. Their top ten supreme are the top congenital artifacts.

Now Li Lingtian has taken out the unique congenital artifact, which is beyond her imagination.

"how about it?"

Li Lingtian said faintly, looking at Linghu Ying with a breath of nothing.

When talking, there is a faint smile on the corner of the mouth.

"I didn't expect that even the unique congenital artifacts were taken out."

"Enough is enough. Although there are many treasures this time, this palace will not be greedy."

"Shenwu Continent rumored that the treasure entered into Li Lingtian's hands would never be available again. It seems that this palace is the first person."

When Linghu Ying was serious, her expression changed. When she grabbed it with one hand, she grabbed the treasure in front of her. Without looking at it, she put away the treasure and saw it inside. Linghu Ying had a delicate ring on her right hand. This ring, if guessed right, should be a space ring.

"This is indeed the first time this seat takes out a treasure."

"This treasure can't be used so much in this seat. It doesn't matter if you take out one."

"There are still some things that need to be dealt with during this time in this seat. Only after these things are handled well, you can have some confidence to leave here. You can heal here, and then the seat will call you."

After Li Lingtian finished speaking, he turned around and left. Instead of returning to the palace this time, he walked out of the palace.

Finally, the back disappeared at the corner of the palace and disappeared.

Seeing Li Lingtian leave the palace, Hu Ying was curious and wondered why Li Lingtian left the palace.

But at this time, she did not think much, but continued to heal and refine treasures.

A supreme powerhouse has a top-grade congenital artifact that stretches across the fairyland. If there is this unique congenital artifact, its strength will be greatly improved. When it comes time to deal with Sikong Tianyi, the grasp will be even greater.

She also understands that Li Lingtian generously took out the unique congenital artifact to her. First, she blocked her mouth, and secondly, to deal with Sikong Tianyi. Only she got such a unique congenital artifact. Just bigger.

However, there is still a part of her curiosity. Li Lingtian is not only giving Sikong Tianyi her unique congenital artifact, but also a kind of courage, powerful courage, and even the courage that the unique congenital artifact can bring out.

You know, even if Li Lingtian still has several unique congenital artifacts, even better treasures than congenital artifacts, but who thinks there are too many treasures.

Such courage is definitely the first person in Shenwu Continent.

Supreme Divine Pill Master, it really is the world's first, evil spirit is evil spirit.

After Li Lingtian left the palace, he took the Black Dragon King and Xiaobai to fly away. After leaving the palace for millions of miles, he sacrificed the Heavenly Emperor's chariot.

After the three of them got into the Heavenly Emperor's chariot, they drove the Heavenly Emperor's chariot to fly fast, and began to look for the star crystal in the vast Star Palace.

There is the speed of the Emperor's chariot, and the flying speed is extremely fast.

At a speed of two thousand miles, it traverses the vast star palace. When it encounters the star crystal, it is taken away. When it sees the star crystals of other powerful people, it also grabs it.

The treasure that comes into his hands will not be taken out.

But this time he brought out a unique congenital artifact, which almost made his heart bleed.

But this is also something that can't be done. He doesn't want to be entangled with Linghuying, hoping that Linghuying will cooperate with him sincerely to deal with Si Kongtianyi, and then leave here.

This unrivaled innate artifact now has no time for refining. It is better to give Linghu Ying to let Linghu Ying get this unique innate artifact. The strength is greatly increased, and the chance of leaving is greater.

If you are unable to cooperate with Linghuying for the treasure, don't say leave here, maybe you will also be killed by Si Kongtian. There are so many treasures, and it's no good to have no life to enjoy.

Now that the unique congenital artifacts are taken out, the losses must be recovered from other places.

Along the way, I collected it when I met Xingjing. When I saw the strong one, I took it away. I wiped it out without handing over Xingjing. Anyway, these people are not so easy to leave here, maybe they are Here is sleepy.

"Hand over Star Crystal!"

Above a palace, a huge chariot suspended in the air, the air of domineering shaking the space.

On the chariot, there is a young man in white, and a young girl in white and a middle-aged man in black. The young girl in white and the middle-aged man in black stand beside the young man in white.

The young man in white looked at the half-sacred peak consummation strongman below and said coldly.

The young man in white is naturally Li Lingtian. With his starry sky and the previous refining of a star crystal, he can naturally sense the existence of other star crystals.

Although I didn't see the following super powerhouse with astral crystals, the existence of astral crystals can be sensed from the breath.

"court death!"

Seeing the three people in the sky, Dong Yangfeng, compared with him, was not at all a grade. He dared to rob him blatantly and suddenly he was furious.

As soon as the figure flashed, it rose into the sky, and a ruinous coercion struck the chariot.

The practice of the semi-divine peak peak consummation, to destroy the mid-term strong, can be crushed with coercion, and overwhelmingly kill it.


The pressure of destruction stirred the air, and the air twisted.

In the face of such coercion, the space continued to tremble, Dong Yangfeng looked at the three people without any slight resistance, and was overjoyed that they were shocked by his powerful repair.

Seeing the coercion of destruction is about to crush and destroy the three men, the white man's plain face showed a faint smile, a disdainful smile. Dong Yangfeng was puzzled when he saw this smile.

However, before he was happy, his face suddenly became horrified.

When the pressure of destruction came to Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian exploded with the destruction of Nine Heavens Divine Prowess. The Nine Heavens Divine Prowess skyrocketed and bombarded the coercion directly.


The coercion and Shenwei bombarded together, and suddenly a muffled sound burst, and the space shivered and torn.

Jiutian Shenwei, directly crushed the pressure, and finally bombarded and rolled towards Dong Yangfeng. In an instant of time, Jiutian Shenwei was brutally crushed on Dong Yangfeng. The overbearing Jiutian Shenwei made Dong Yangfeng's heart shake without the slightest resistance. , The whole person threw it out.

While in the air, a spit of blood spewed out, his face pale, no trace of blood.

He was more frightened. He didn't believe that this young man in the mid-demigod had such a terrible divine power. Such a divine power, even the Supreme Power, might not be so overbearing.

The gods are dead!

Li Lingtian didn't pause, his hands flicked, and in his hands I saw a beam of light, which was formed by the horrifying nine-day divine power.

Suddenly, the space was constantly distorted and stirred, and all the forces came towards the light group. Li Lingtian pushed both hands, and the light group broke through the space and bombarded Dong Yangfeng.

After the show of Divine Elemental Silence, the Three Swords of the Sword Territory broke out, and the Three Swords of the Sword Territory followed the light group of the Divine Sect's extinction and severely cut it.




Dong Yangfeng was crushed by Li Lingtian's Nine Heavens Divine Prestige, which was completely beyond his imagination. Without any precaution, he was directly crushed. When the body was thrown away, Li Lingtian's instant supernatural power was bombarded in front of him.

The peak of Semi-God Realm~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Facing the magical power of destruction and the death, a horrible forbidden defense broke out.

But the Divine Elemental Extinction is the most powerful supernatural power Li Lingtian exerted with the nine-day divine power. Even if the Supreme Power encounters it, he will be seriously injured, not to mention the temporary defense, not to mention the temporary defense. In the face of extinction, Dong Yangfeng was bombarded fiercely, his heart trembling, and his body almost disappeared.

At the same time that the forbidden defense resisted the death of the Divine Elemental, the ruined sword territory was bombarded.

The three swordsman swordsmans, with an ancient atmosphere of destruction, bombarded the power of time and space on the body that was about to be destroyed, and a click sounded.

All of Dong Yangfeng's defenses disappeared, and Jianyu Jianmang directly stirred Dong Yangfeng into pieces.

A storage bag flew out, Dong Yangfeng disappeared into the air.

Li Lingtian grabbed it with one hand, and the storage bag returned to his hand. The consciousness glanced inside the storage bag and found that there were two star crystals in it. Shot away.


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