War God Supreme

Chapter 1750: Practice the power of stars

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Heavenly Emperor’s chariot quickly cut through the void

With his cultivation practice and the starry sky's induction on the star crystal, as long as it is within a million miles, he can clearly feel the position of the star crystal. Along the way, Li Lingtian directly snatched

If he handed over the astral crystal, he wouldn’t move the other party. If he didn’t, he would kill it directly.

There is no hesitation at all, and all of them are directly displaying horror supernatural powers. In front of his supernatural powers of destruction, they are completely crushed and destroyed.

Time is also passing day by day, Li Lingtian’s Heavenly Emperor’s chariot has been flying in the air for a year

In this year, Li Lingtian did not delay. When he did not encounter Xingjing, he enlightened the sky on the heavenly chariot. When there was Xingjing, he shot

In one year, Li Lingtian already owned 170 crystals

With so many astral crystals, Li Lingtian also drove the Emperor's chariot toward the cultivation palace. After returning, he put away the Emperor's chariot and entered the palace with a faint smile on his face.

When he entered the palace, Linghuying happened to rest outside the palace after the healing, and when he saw Li Lingtian coming back, he looked at Li Lingtian.

She wondered what Li Lingtian had left for a year, and she didn’t know what Li Lingtian was going to do.

However, based on the woman’s sixth sense, Li Lingtian will return after leaving

After a year passed, I finally saw Li Lingtian coming back again, but now I am curious about what Li Lingtian went out, and it will never be a big battle to find Si Kongtian alone.

"Yes, the injury recovered so quickly"

Li Lingtian took the lead in opening his eyes, and looked at Linghuying for a moment. He said lightly, with a faint smile on his face. This look was not frivolous.

While talking, I stopped 100 meters away from Linghuying


"When are you going to the Star Palace?"

Linghuying nodded and said coldly

The sound is as cold as ever, and the whole person is also cold

The face is ruthless and ruthless, without any change

"It will take a while"

"You still have control of that innate artifact. I still need a while to leave here. During this time, I will retreat and practice. I will go to the Star Palace after I get out of the customs."

When Li Lingtian was talking, he walked towards his previous palace

Finally, he entered the palace. After returning to the palace, the formation was opened, and his consciousness moved, and he shouted Huangfu Yuyan and others.

After Huangfu Swift and others came out, they didn’t say anything, they just went to the place to settle down.

During Li Lingtian's search for Xingjing for a year, Li Lingtian always shouted them out and practiced in the Emperor's chariot. Li Lingtian also said this to this place.

So I came to this palace without any surprise

After Huang Yuyu and the others settled down, Li Lingtian asked them to pick one of the inferior congenital artifacts and a middle-grade congenital artifact. The top-grade congenital artifacts were also given to them.

The unique congenital artifact was given to Shunmeier, because Shunmeier's cultivation method used this congenital artifact to refine it slowly, and later became a life artifact. This unique congenital artifact is most suitable for Shunmeier

Everyone has an innate artifact, and the inferior and upper grades are available. As long as the power of the innate artifact is exerted, plus his own talent and strength, the whole person's strength is greatly improved

Settling in Huangfu Yuyan and others, Li Lingtian began to practice

This cultivation is not cultivation of true elements and divine powers, nor cultivation of supernatural powers, but cultivation of the Supreme Starry Sky, which is used to refine the Star Crystal

When I got the astral crystal before, when I was refining, I completely supported it by my strong strength

Now that there are exercises, plus a hint of star power in the body, it is much easier to cultivate and practice

Star Crystal, Refinery

Star Crystal, Refinery

Refined astral crystals, with the power of mysterious and overbearing stars, with the supremacy of the starry sky, you can control the power of the stars. Although you can’t control and use it, you will not let the power of the stars hurt you.

It also solves the problem of the aftermath of the formation of the Star Power in the body. Now as long as we work hard to refine the Star Crystal, the Star Power of the Star Crystal is stored in the Dantian. In the Tiantian, in addition to the treasures and the true Yuan Divine Power, there is a corner Mysterious power

This force no longer needs to be suppressed by the divine power as before, and now there is no slight movement, quietly growing strong in a corner of Dantian

Each refining of a star crystal, the power of stars in Dantian is more, and the power is also stronger.

Refining astral crystals, refining the power of stars, two astral crystals a day

The star crystal consumes a huge amount. In just two months, it has refined 120 pieces of star power, 120 pieces of star crystal essence, and the star power of stars is only 100 in Li Lingtian's Dantian. Less than one-quarter

In other words, the power of the stars transformed by these astral crystals is only one percent of Li Lingtian's divine power and true yuan.

Even if all the star crystals are refined, there is not much star power, but this star power is extremely terrifying, and any trace of star power will tremble with divine power.

The consciousness looked at the power of the stars in Dantian, and there was a baby's look on his face. This power of stars was very cherished.

After refining the star crystals for two months, I stopped and no longer refine the star crystals, but slowly tried to control the power of the stars and cultivate the starry sky.

There is no way to starry sky, plus the power of stars, the power is terrifying

Evolve the star finger while controlling it, now with the power of the star, it is enough to support the star finger

This practice is half a year, half a year, the power of the stars has a lot of control. Although it is not controlled like the divine power, it can be used so as not to kill itself.

The Star Finger is also continually cultivating and slowly taking control. For a few months, the Star Finger has also mastered a little fur. Compared with the previous supernatural powers, this Star Finger is much more difficult to cultivate. I want to cultivate the Star Finger to the realm. , Simply dreaming

Half a year later, Li Lingtian also plans to leave the palace to find Linghu Ying. The two of them have to cooperate with each other for a period of time, so that there will be a lot of tacit understanding during the war.

However, on this day, his cultivation became loose in the mid-peak state

Seeing this situation, my heart is very excited, this is to send charcoal in the snow.

At this time, the state is loose, which is the prelude to the breakthrough. As long as you break through at this time, you can cultivate yourself to reach the late stage of the semi-divine state, and then you will have a greater grasp of Sikong Tianyi.

Nothing is more joyful than a breakthrough in cultivation. At the same time, Huangfu Yuyan and others found that Li Lingtian was about to make a breakthrough

Li Lingtian's realm is loose, and the world becomes strange

In this case, as long as the strong one sees it, it is the arrival of the heavenly disaster, and it is also the heavenly disaster that the strongman broke through.

Heavenly Tribulation is everywhere, Li Ling Tianxiu finally reached Heavenly Tribulation




The sound of thunder and destruction, electric snakes in the sky, the whole space is unpredictable

All of this looks terrifying. In this situation, Linghu Ying naturally discovered it. Seeing the changes in the air, Linghu Ying's calm and cold face finally showed a surprised look, and the look on his face changed.

As the Top Ten Supreme Masters of Immortal Territory, it is natural to know what this situation stands for. This is someone's breakthrough, and the breath of this breakthrough person is very familiar. In this place, the only person he is familiar with is Li Lingtian.

In the sky, there is a lot of terrible disasters to land, and every one of the disasters destroys a palace

Before Tiankai appeared, Huangfu Yuyan and others had quickly left the palace and looked at Li Lingtian's place from afar

Heaven-striking ruining the world is like destroying this vast palace of stars

"What a terrible sky-tribulation"

"After reaching the later stage, who else can kill him?"

Looking at the horrible sky-tribulation, Linghu Ying couldn't help but tremble a bit. Such sky-tribulation, even when she reached the peak of the semi-god realm, could not be compared with it.

Now that my cultivation is a supernatural power, in the face of this sky-tribulation, it is also a direct disappearance

I was worried about whether Li Lingtian could withstand this catastrophe. I must know that this catastrophe's strongman completely covered her imagination. In her cognition and knowledge, there would be no such horrible catastrophe.

The more powerful the catastrophe is, the more dangerous it is

The more powerful the Heavenly Tribulation is, the more benefits it gains. The power of the Heavenly Tribulation is proportional to the strength of Xiuwei

Such a domineering and ruinous sky-tribulation can only be attracted by a devil like Li Lingtian, and even heaven is jealous of Li Lingtian's devil

Looking at the advent of Heavenly Tribulation, Linghu Ying didn't know whether he was expecting Li Lingtian to break through, or expecting Li Lingtian to be killed by Heavenly Tribulation. After all, Li Lingtian was too terrifying

If you let Li Lingtian make a breakthrough~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are almost no people in Xianyu who want to kill Li Lingtian

However, if Li Lingtian was killed by Heavenly Tribulation, she would not be able to leave this vast palace of stars. Gradually, she hoped that Li Lingtian would make a breakthrough

Now that the grievances of the two have disappeared, Li Lingtian returned the Qingming Ziyi to her, and gave her the supernatural healing remedy and the elixir to improve the cultivation. Even the unique congenital artifact was given to her. If you want to fight against him, it’s your own

And this is also causing trouble for myself and the empire. I believe that no one in this world is willing to provoke Li Lingtian easily.

Indeed, Li Lingtian is the Supreme Divine Pill Master, the myth of martial arts, the supreme in the array

Such a person would not easily provoke and offend without compelling circumstances. In general, there is no chance to frustrate, who will provoke and offend?

Even if she is Linghuying, the Top Ten Supreme Master of Immortals, she doesn’t want to provoke such a demon R1148 (..)

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