War God Supreme

Chapter 1752: Late half god

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A million miles of auspicious clouds and vitality engulfed in less than half an hour in front of the engulfing power of the engulfing body.

Li Lingtian endured half an hour of torture like death. The whole person was completely destroyed. The starry sky in the body operated incomparably, and the reincarnation of heaven and earth operated, making him almost torn.

Xiangyun and vitality disappeared in the air, and finally returned to normal in the sky.

However, Tang Qingyue and others all looked at them from a distance, with a worried look on their faces, because at this time, Li Lingtian was mysterious and glorious within a kilometer around him. How is it?

At this time, Li Lingtian devoured Xiangyun and vitality. The vitality and Xiangyun continued to strengthen themselves, and the cultivation base continued to rise, and finally stabilized in the late stage of the semi-deity.

Xiangyun and vitality, constantly sublimating the physique, true Yuan, has completely turned into divine power.

Dan Tanaka, to say that it was originally an ocean, it is now a sea area at this time, an endless sea area.

In the sea, it is full of powerful and unparalleled divine power, but on the side of the ocean is a mysterious force.

There is no slightest conflict between the mysterious forces and the sea, and they live in peace and harmony.

Li Lingtian has also entered the realm of emptiness. The two exercises in the body work on their own. The real dragon body protector and the five-element sacred body recover the body. The state is slowly stabilized, the body recovers slowly, and the spirit recovers slowly.

I don't know how long after that, the light around Li Lingtian disappeared and was completely absorbed and refined by Li Lingtian. Li Lingtian also meditated with his eyes closed.

Huangfu Yuyan and others were relieved when they saw Li Lingtian, and they were very happy.

This way, it shows that Li Lingtian has passed the dangerous period and is now in a stable state. It will be fine after a while.

Yes, Li Lingtian is now in a stable state, adapting to the realm of the late semi-real world.

At the end of the semi-deity, finally reached.

Although it was previously the peak of the mid-semireal world and only one step away from the later period, this step is an insurmountable sky. The difference between the two is a few heavens and earth, and it is different.

Now, let alone say, the power of Dantian alone is countless times more than before, and the true elements are all converted to divine power. Nine-day divine power is all nine-day divine power.

The gap between the divine power and the true element, needless to say, know how much the difference is.

Although the difference between God and Fan is only power, this power is not comparable in quantity.

In addition to divine power, the body of the whole person has also sublimated, almost similar to the legendary divine body. The current defense is not a horror to describe.

His current divine power, even if he is a semi-divine peak and a great consummate, is weak in front of him.

Because the divine power of the pinnacle of the great consummation is only one-tenth, and his Dantian is full of divine power. The true element and the divine power are mixed together, and there can never be a separate divine power.

In terms of quantity and purity, the demigods cannot match him.

What's more, he still cultivates the Nine Heavens Divine Power. The Nine Heavens Divine Power sweeps all the divine powers and is the supreme existence in the divine power.

The sublimation of the divine power, the body has been infinitely close to the divine body, plus the real dragon body, the undead body, the engulfing body, the body of the sky sword, the flame body, the five element body, the body of the **** phoenix, his body is beyond the general The **** body can also be.

With pure nine-day divine power, all kinds of supernatural powers have also turned into magic, and all supernatural powers have reached their realm.

The temperament and breath of Li Lingtian's body also became mysterious. This kind of breath definitely does not mean that the Shenwu Continental Powerhouse can possess, but a kind of high-powered powerhouse breath.

Every day, it is to stabilize the state, control the divine power of nine days, adapt to the changes of the state, and feel the world.

Now that we have reached this level of cultivation, not only is our own strength, but we must also realize the world and borrow the power of the world for our own use.

Cultivating supernatural powers, controlling divine power, improving physique, and refining treasures, all these have become the regular laws of Li Lingtian every day. Feeling his own strength, the whole person enters a kind of selfless cultivation.

Time is also a day in the past, this mix is ​​another year.

In a year, Li Lingtian was completely reborn, and his temperament, momentum, and breath showed a kind of upsurge.

The whole person is more chic and elegant, there is no trace of dust, like a super-dispelling powerful real god, the ice **** and fire **** in the body have also been played to the extreme, fully integrated, like this The divine personality itself is the same as he cultivated.

In the course of this year, Li Lingtian, besides practicing magical powers and treasures to stabilize the realm, then cultivated to enlighten the Supreme Master of the Starry Sky and study the stars.

As for the unique congenital artifacts and two mysterious treasures, I didn't pay attention to them. At the point of his cultivation, the treasures are secondary, and they will only be used under compelling circumstances.

Moreover, there is no time to sacrifice these treasures now, only to leave here and make plans, after all, his treasure is an advantage against the sky.

What's more, he has completely entered the state of cultivation at this time. There is not much chance to touch some treasures that have not been refined, but slowly control the treasures he has refined.

Only in this way can the power of treasures be exerted to the extreme, even superpower.

Now, he wants to break through his own limits, instead of using the most unfavorable advantage to deal with others, but using his own strength to fight the enemy. Only in this way can he be more powerful. When he can't solve his opponent, he can use the external The advantages.

If you have been relying on foreign objects to kill your opponents, this will make you sink, blindly arrogant, and make yourself a puppet and waste. When one day you have no advantage in foreign objects, you will be nothing.

"Ling Tian, ​​we should leave here now."

After Li Lingtian finished his training, Huang Fu Yuyan and others gathered around Li Lingtian and asked gently.

This year's time is all serious cultivation. Now that cultivation is completed, there is no other thing. It is normal cultivation and promotion of cultivation.

"Well, it's time to leave."

"Just see how powerful the Top Ten Supreme Masters of Immortal Realm is."

"Look at whether this seat is powerful or the so-called supreme powerful."

Li Lingtian nodded his head, exuding a breath of dust, a breath only possessed by the powerful.

When speaking, the whole person took the glance of the world, with a trace of disdain in his tone.

After reaching the later stage, Jiutian Divine Power also exerted half of its power, plus his own physique and various means, he did not pay much attention to this supreme in his heart.

Although his cultivation practice is only in the late stage of semi-deity, the strength and various means of the whole person have already surpassed the semi-deity, and are no longer within the semi-deity.

He has already obtained the conditions for becoming a true God, but he has not reached the state of cultivation.

"Your current practice has reached the later stage."

"The strength is unpredictable, and it is time to leave."

"Things in this world will never be finalized. Who would have thought that you would enter the Qingyuan Sea and enter the vast Star Palace."

Nangong Mingyue came to Li Lingtian with a smile on her face, and said softly.

Last time, when the two came from the Cangnan domain to the east and fell into the domain, they did not expect to enter the Wanhua Holy Palace and let his cultivation strength increase. Now they go to the south of the Immortal Domain and enter the vast Star Palace. This progress is completely detached.

"Master, can you let your disciples watch you fight against Si Kongtian?"

"Yeah, Uncle, let's look at the style of the Top Ten Supreme Masters of the Uncle War vs. Xianyu."

Wang Xiaoman spoke at this time. When speaking, he was respectful and polite, but he couldn't hide the expectation on his face.

In general, Li Lingtian fights, she is in the dragon ring.

This time, Li Lingtian's cultivation base broke through, his strength soared, and he was still the top ten Sikong Tianyi of the Xianyu of the Great War. Such a war is definitely a rare event for a thousand years. If you miss it, you will regret it for life.

"Okay, then you should be careful."

"You will also participate in future battles, it is good to see them."

"Wait until that day when you are alone on the side, even if the cultivation is no higher, it is in vain without any experience, so from now on, you have to learn to survive by yourself."

Li Lingtian pondered for a moment, and looked at Wang Xiaoman and Du Gu Zi Yin Xuanyuan Yingying three people, and said seriously, the three had never seen Li Lingtian so serious.

Suddenly the three listened respectfully, and finally nodded cleverly.

"Aren't you going to practice with Linghuying for a while?"

"Although your cultivation is improved, the two are more confident in joining forces."

Tang Qingyue looked at Li Lingtian and said seriously that Linghu Ying is also a supreme. The top ten supreme powerhouses in Immortal Realm, as long as they are not imprisoned in the Star Wars, will not lose their strength to Sikong Tianyi. They will join forces with Li Lingtian. If you do, the grasp is even greater.

"Well, naturally I was looking for her."

"I have robbed a unique congenital artifact here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I definitely wouldn't have done that."

"When you can join forces, you have to fight alone, this kind of thing will definitely not be done."

Li Lingtian did not hesitate, nodded and said with a smile on his face.

No matter how powerful you are, you won't take risks easily. There is a supreme strongman here.

If Linghuying knew that he had such an idea, he would not know what he thought.

Next, Li Lingtian accompanied Huangfu Yuyan and others to chat. During this period of cultivation, they did not get close to them. Now cultivation is promoted, their strength has soared, and the pressure in their hearts has disappeared. They can naturally relax for a while.

Li Lingtian and Huangfu Yuyan and others rested in the palace for a full month before leaving. When they left, they still called them into the dragon dragon ring, and then called them out when the war was over.

After handling everything, walk towards the direction of Linghuying. R1148

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