War God Supreme

Chapter 1753: Li Lingtian's repair...

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Heavenly chariot pierced the void and flew straight towards the sky

The direction of flight is the very center of the vast Star Palace

Li Lingtian has been practicing with Linghuying for three days. The two did not practice the exercises and supernatural powers, but sensed each other to strive for a trust and understanding.

It’s a great help to join hands in the battle, and for three days, the two opened their eyes at the same time

Because they have reached a kind of trust and understanding

Linghuying has been curious in her heart, to what extent Li Lingtian will reach after reaching the late stage of semi-deity, and the appearance of Li Lingtian gives her an invisible force of oppression

This feeling made her feel that it was an illusion. You must know that she is one of the ten most exalted immortal realms, and her cultivation strength has reached the peak of semi-god realm.

Even if Li Lingtian reached the later stage, it should be far from her

I didn’t expect that after Li Lingtian reached the later stage, she would instead give her enormous oppressive force, and this is just an invisible pressure, which will only appear when her strength exceeds her.

She couldn't think of anything that Li Lingtian could scare such a supreme lady

Standing on the heavenly chariot, looking at Li Lingtian's chic style, the whole person is like the power of the ordinary, giving an unparalleled feeling

Moreover, she found in her heart that this young man could not be provoked and was in extreme danger

From knowing Li Lingtian to the present, it took only three or four years, but in three or four years, Li Lingtian gave her the feeling that she was completely reborn.

The difference between God and Fan, such an illusion, made her a little uncomfortable

"How sure are you?"

Linghuying looked at Li Lingtian coldly, and after a long time, he couldn't help but feel the curiosity in his heart, and the cold voice sounded

After speaking, he waited coldly for Li Lingtian's answer

Still the kind of cold and relentless momentum, this is her character, this is the attitude of the ten supreme supreme, it can’t be pretended at all, but it is like being born.

"When we left, he was also injured, and the three of us were even."

"Now that your injury is recovering, and you have a unique congenital artifact, plus this seat, even if you can't defeat him, you won't be defeated, and you should have no problem turning on the teleportation and leaving."

Li Lingtian didn't turn around, he said lightly, and his speech was not dripping, but he didn't say how confident he was.

But my heart was full of blood, and I wanted to see to what extent my own strength had reached. By now, my own strength could only be tested by a strong man like the Supreme

The general demigod is not his opponent at all.

"What the **** are you controlling?"

"Say it, this palace has some bottom"

Linghuying saw that Li Lingtian did not say how much he was sure, but he was curious.

A woman, even if she is cold and clear, but when curious, God will be afraid

When speaking, stepped forward step by step, came not far from Li Lingtian, stood side by side with Li Lingtian on the chariot of the Emperor, and looked at Li Lingtian with cold eyes

Li Lingtian clearly felt a icy breath, but this icy breath carries a girl's unique body fragrance, which cannot be concealed by any breath.

"Have you seen the true God?"

Seeing Linghuying coming to his side, Li Lingtian turned his head to look at Linghuying, the smile on his face became more and more intense

He asked faintly, although he knew that there would be no gods in this world, but he was still a little more careful. Things he didn’t know, the 10 Greatest Sovereigns of Immortal Realm should know

The top ten supreme of Xianyu, standing at the pinnacle of the strong, the higher the cultivation status, the higher the status, the more things and secrets he knows, naturally, he also wants to get some secrets from this Linghu Ying

Besides, this sentence of my own is undoubtedly a joke

Although he is powerful, he is still a little further away from the true god, because his cultivation practice is just in the late stage, but the conditions of various true gods have been met, and there is only waiting time to improve cultivation practice

"True God?"

"True God"

Listening to Li Lingtian’s words, Linghuying was immediately blindfolded and puzzled.

There is also doubt in the cold eyes, why does this Li Lingtian say the true God?

But after pondering for a moment, the whole person was horrified, and the cold eyes were also shocked. The figure could not help but stepped back a few steps, unconsciously pulling the distance away

She is the top ten supreme, cultivated behind the strength is extremely incomparable, the means is universal

She was as cold as an iceberg, the whole person was ruthless and ruthless, regarded the weak in the world as ants, never looked at anyone in the eyes, and nothing surprised her, but now it is terrified in front of Li Lingtian's words.

The whole person looked at Li Lingtian as if he was seeing ghosts, and the look on his face changed constantly.

"Will this seat eat people?"

"If you ask me, you haven't answered it yet"

Li Lingtian looked at Linghu Ying, the smile on his face was happy, but he was only one sentence, and he scared Linghu Ying so terribly, is it really terrible?

Even the true God is not terrible

The tone of the speech is bland, without any slight emotion

"I have never seen the true God"

"But in the Holy Land, there is infinitely close to the existence of God, and the power is shocking"

"Even in this palace, there is no slight return"

"You, to what extent has your cultivation practice reached?"

Linghuying looked at Li Lingtian's smile, the look on his face was cold

He pondered a little, calmed his mind, and said lightly, looking at Li Lingtian coldly, as if to see through Li Lingtian, but no matter how he looked, he couldn’t see Li Lingtian’s cultivation, and he couldn’t see the slightest. Strange

The more she is, the more curious and shocked she is. Curious about the extent to which Li Lingtian’s cultivation ability has been reached, shocked why Li Lingtian asked such words

Have you reached the level of fearing the true God?

After talking, looking at Li Lingtian curiously, although his eyes were cold, it was not hard to see the curiosity in his heart

Li Lingtian did not speak, stretched out with one hand, and a faint glow appeared in his hand

When this glory appeared, the whole space suddenly shattered thousands of miles

Thousands of miles of space are all shattered, and an invisible divine power destroys the void, making Fox Shadow feel a burst of destruction and attack the heart, the whole person has no sense of resistance, and his fingers can’t move.

Fortunately, after the glory in Li Lingtian's hand appeared, it was put away again

The space returned to normal, Shenwei disappeared, and the pressure felt by Fox Shadow disappeared

Everything is back to normal, but the whole person's mind is still shaking, the vest is slightly cool, it turns out that the vest has been soaked with sweat, and in his life, he has never encountered such a terrible thing

In the face of such destructive power and means, her supreme strongman felt extremely small

He looked at Li Lingtian in horror and said nothing for a while.

"This is the real divine power"

"Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, Sweeping the Eight Wastelands--Nine Heavens Divine Power"

"This seat is close to the true God indefinitely, but it is a little weaker, otherwise this seat has already ascended to heaven, and will not be distracted by the matter of Shenwu Continent."

Li Lingtian glanced at Linghuying and said lightly

Now that the two are already cooperating partners, reveal a little to her, or give her confidence, it will be easier to join forces when the time comes

Besides, his current cultivation base is the strength, and the opponents he meets are all half-god peak pinnacles of the strongest. In front of such a strongman, as long as he shot, the other party will find his cultivation base

Now tell Linghuying that afterwards she found out that the benefits are mostly

I will know it sooner or later, since I will know by then, there is nothing to tell her now.

"Sure enough"

"You have controlled the divine power for a long time, and look at you. This breakthrough to the later stage, all the true elements have reached the level of divine power. With such divine power, your strength is more similar."

"Indeed, you have controlled the power of the Great Consummation, possessed the divine personality, possessed the innate artifact, controlled the peerless supernatural powers, and it is only a matter of time to become the true god."

Linghuying sighed, she did not expect Li Lingtian's strength has reached this level

In the middle of the half-god realm, the divine power was already very strong, but when it reached the late half-god realm, the divine power was already fully completed. Such divine power, coupled with Li Lingtian’s talent and the conditions of the true god, the strength is thorough.

Moreover, I am envious in my heart. The powerful and low-level warriors of the Shenwu Continent want to become the God of War. When they are level strong, they want to be a god-like existence. If they cannot become gods, they will always be just a warrior, a slightly stronger warrior.

And after thousands of years have passed, it will turn into a cup of loess, just like ordinary people

However, after reaching the true God ~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Shou Yuan will skyrocket, which is directly the Shou Yuan for thousands of years

Become a true god, you can go to heaven, the cultivation resources in heaven are rich, and cultivation is extremely fast. As long as it is not waste, the strong people who rise up live for tens of thousands of years, and even further

However, there are too many conditions to become a true God

Divine personality, divine power, divine power, congenital artifacts, peerless supernatural powers, all these, forge the divine body, achieve the supreme true god

On the Shenwu Continent, these conditions are simply not met. At least in the past ten million years, no strong man has ascended to the heavens. The strong man of the Shenwu Continent, who wanted to ascend to the heavens, has never forgotten, but no one has really ascended.

Now I heard that Li Lingtian has taken control of various means, making Huying envious to the extreme

Unfortunately, this is only enviable. Such a thing can only appear on a demon like Li Lingtian, otherwise Li Lingtian can't be so devious.

Heavenly Emperor's chariot flew fast, Li Lingtian did not speak, Linghu Ying was as cold as the beginning R1148 (..)

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