War God Supreme

Chapter 1767: Battle of life and death

Eleven beads of fortune scattered from the void thousands of miles away, and the dive force was enough to make the demigod powers vanish. 【Starting】

However, in the face of such devastating dive power, the super powers present did not flinch, but instead flashed their bodies and fought desperately, because this pearl of fortune was the key to entering the gate of fortune.

Get a great fortune, a super treasure that surpasses all.

Thirty-seven super powerhouses are competing for eleven pearls of creation.

Even if you get the Pearl of Fortune, you will be attacked by other supernatural powers.

For a time, a world-wide battle broke out in a sea of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles. The sea shook, the water column soared, and the islands collapsed.

"Click, click."

"Boom, bang."


The magical power of the strong is banging, the space is trembling and tearing, the tearing is restored, the tearing is restored, and it is repeated repeatedly.

In a moment of kung fu, there is a super strong man falling, I do not know whether it is a human strong man, or a demon clan strong man, or a sea clan strong man.

Even if there is a fall of the strong, there is no way to stop the fight of the strong in the field.

On the contrary, when you hear the scream of a strong man, the war is even more tragic, because as long as you kill a strong man, there will be one less rival.

Time, one second and one second.

The sea is constantly tossing and turning, and the powerful sea clan is naturally talented to control the water attribute. In the sea, it is their world.

The demon clan powerful body is against the sky, the power is shocking, even in the sea, there is no slight fall.

The strong human beings are not as good as the demon and sea clan in front of their physique and power, but the wisdom of the strong human beings stands at the top of the Pyramid of All Souls, and knows the way of cultivation and the way of refining. The power of magical power and treasure is unique.




With the passage of time in the war, the power consumption is also serious.

There are more and more screams. In such a battle, it is not a one-on-one battle. If you see you get the pearl of fortune, there will be several strong men attacking you at the same time.

This is not a joint, but a subconscious attack, because you have the Pearl of Nature in your hand, you can get the Pearl of Nature if you kill it.

Fourteen human powerhouses, fourteen sea clan powerhouses, and nine demon clan powerhouses continue to fall with the war, and within half an hour, there are already thirteen powerhouses disappearing.

The reduction of the strong did not stop the war.

However, the battle situation has changed. The demon and sea tribes, as well as human beings, the strongmen of the three camps, do not attack the strongmen of the same kind, but attack the strongmen of other races.

The strong demon clan kills the sea clan and kills humanity.

Humans kill the sea clan, kill the demon clan.

The Hai tribe kills the demon clan and kills humanity.

Such a fight suddenly turned into a war between races.

Although it is not a large-scale racial battle, in this case, only inter-ethnic teaming up can be guaranteed to win in the end. If all the strong men of the same race fall and only one of them is left, even if they are made. The Pearl will also be annihilated by the strong men of other races.

Such a thing, the strong here, is naturally clear.

At any time, it is normal to join forces, not to mention the strong race of the three races for treasures, even if countless strong races of a single race compete for treasures, they will all choose to join forces.


The three ethnic camps joined forces to make the war even more tragic.

If you are a little careless and hit by more than a dozen ruined supernatural powers, it will disappear instantly.

In the void in the distance, a spaceship was suspended in the air, tens of thousands of miles away from the place of war.

The spaceship is in the air, with a mysterious formation outside. The existence of this formation hides the spaceship in the air without any trace, even if it is a demigod powerhouse, it may not be found.

Li Lingtian stood on top of the spaceship and looked at a distant place, where a battle of destruction was taking place.

Seeing this war, Li Lingtian and others were shocked. They came from Qingzhou and went to Xianyu. What kind of things have not been seen and what kind of wars have not been seen.

But no matter what kind of war, in front of this semi-god superpower war, it is weak and explosive.

These strong men are the real wars, and they are completely wars of life and death.

Moreover, the strong here is not one or two, but dozens, each of which is equivalent to a supreme strong.

"A terrible war."

"What treasure are they fighting for?"

"It doesn't seem to be powerful."

"Can it be a super treasure?"

"It shouldn't be. These strong men are the semi-deity peak consummation, which is equivalent to the existence of the supreme level. It should not compete for any treasures and fight for life and death."

"To their level, it is impossible to die for the treasure."


Tang Qingyue and others whispered on the spaceship, the expression on their faces was shocked.

Hesitating too far apart, I don't know what the strong men are fighting for.

Even Li Lingtian did not dare to extend his consciousness too far, so as not to be discovered by other super powers. In this place, not only the powers of war, but also others hidden in the air, the powers hidden in the air Is the real overbearing.

If it weren't for his emptiness and cultivation, he wouldn't be able to find some strong men in the sky.

Before these strong men did not appear, he dared not show up, facing a mantis catching the cicada.

Now, the strongmen on the opposite side are fighting fiercely, but no one can escape from this place, because as long as the content that gets the competition wants to escape, it will be attacked by other strongmen at the same time.

"What is the key thing they are fighting for."

"And still something amazing."

"Otherwise, there will not be so many strong men to fight."

Li Lingtian's eyes looked at the fighting in the distance, and the consciousness saw him around, guarding against other powerful attackers. In this place, his cultivation strength was no matter how high and confident he was, and he dared not care here.

Slowly, Li Lingtian extended his consciousness towards the place of war.

In such a place of war, the space is constantly torn and the sky and sea are constantly destroyed. No one dares to extend the consciousness too far, otherwise it will be torn by space.

The more this is, the more assured Li Lingtian is that his consciousness is so powerful that it is terrifying.

It can also be said to be an indestructible place with strong consciousness.

Divine consciousness cannot be cultivated, but Li Lingtian’s eye of the soul is an exception. There is also the eye of death. With the help of the eye of death, his consciousness is even stronger.

Coupled with the swallowed body achieved by the swallowed light, the consciousness and soul of the strong can also refine it for its own use.

The consciousness is naturally more and more powerful. In the later period of the semi-divine realm, his consciousness can extend at least 100,000 miles away. This distance is more powerful than the two or three thousand miles of the peak of the semi-divine realm. It is more than three. Times, but countless tens of thousands of times. Because of the purity and power of God’s consciousness, the slightest difference is a world. A little weaker can’t take advantage, and can only be crushed.

Seeing the calm look on Li Lingtian's face, Xuanyuan Yingying felt that Li Lingtian's consciousness was away from the body, knowing that Li Lingtian was looking at the things in front of him, and did not dare to disturb Li Lingtian.

Although Li Lingtian's consciousness extended to only one-thousandth, but if escape was an interruption, it would be difficult for Li Lingtian's consciousness to be damaged and want to recover. The strongest, the most difficult thing to recover is the consciousness.

Li Lingtian's consciousness went through the space and came to the war, clearly seeing everything in the entire battlefield.

Moreover, several light and shadow beads can be seen suspended in the air and not taken away by other powerful people. It is not that no one wants, but no one has the opportunity to collect this bead.

Beads, like light and shadow, multicolored beads.

Seeing this bead, Li Lingtian thought of his multicolored spirit beads and the beads in the Pure Sun Palace.

It's just that this bead is relatively small, only the size of a big finger.

After observing for a long time, there is no slightest discovery.

The consciousness looked at the strong here, and immediately withdrew the consciousness.

"What a magic bead."

"This bead should be the pearl of nature."

"A key item that opens the door to nature."

"At first I didn't dare to get too close to hide, I didn't hear the origin of this bead."

"After the war is over, go check it out."

After Li Lingtian withdrew his consciousness, he said lightly.

The look on his face was also very curious, but it was a pity that they started to hide from others in order to prevent other powerful people from discovering, causing the scene where the beads began to be missed, and only a little was heard.

Naturally, he doesn't know what these powerful people really do with these beads.

Now look clearly at this bead, and probably this is the bead of chemistry, but until now I don’t know what magical effect the bead of chemistry can make, but it is certainly not easy to make these powerful people fight so hard.

"Then wait a minute."

"Wait for you alone, or do we join forces?"

Yun Yaoyao came to Li Lingtian and asked softly.

Their current practice has reached the peak of the early semi-deity, and Shunmeier has reached the mid-term.

With their talents and skills ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the treasures and supernatural powers in their hands, there is no problem in dealing with a half-divine peak pinnacle powerhouse, but in the face of such a battle, there is nothing Grasped.

"Wait a moment, you will still be back in the Dragon Ring."

"I'm fine by myself, even if it's dangerous, I can come and go as I please."

Li Lingtian didn't hesitate, if he meets a few strong men alone, he doesn't have to worry at all, but now facing a large number of strong men, and they are still endless battles, he dare not let Huangfu Yuyan and others stay in outside.

"Then you should be more careful then."

"Anyway, we don't need any treasure anymore, there is no need to compete with them."

Huangfu Yuyan nodded. Although he wanted to help Li Lingtian, he knew his strength and cultivated his ability. It was already a great help to Li Lingtian not to burden Li Lingtian.

When speaking, everyone else nodded, beckoning Li Lingtian to be more careful.


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