War God Supreme

Chapter 1768: Demon King, Supreme

The war is getting more and more tragic. (First published by шщш.щ Novel Network)

The turbulent waters have never stopped from beginning to end.

The demon and humans, as well as the strong of the sea clan, continue to fall and destroy.

Time, a little bit past, the islands above the sea have long disappeared, these islands, all affected by the war and sink, no longer see a little shadow.

I don't know how long it has passed since the powerful real power above the sea area has been exhausted.

However, all the beads of chemistry in the sky have been taken away by the strong, but the beads of chemistry have been taken away, but it is inseparable here. After all, there are too few 11 beads of chemistry, which is simply not enough for distribution.

Now there are fifteen strong men above the sea.

Of the fifteen strong men, eleven have obtained the pearl of fortune, and four of them have not.

This situation was immediately reversed, and the strong men who got the Pearl of Mercy teamed up to kill the strong men who did not get the Pearl of Mercy, because only by killing the strong men who did not get the Pearl of Mercy, they could leave safely.



The four superpowers were constantly bombarded by eleven superpowers, and the situation was extremely critical for a time.

At this time, there is no chance to escape.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for the strong man who got the Pearl of Fortune to leave the future troubles. If other strong men are allowed to escape, the whereabouts of the Pearl of Fortune will be spread out, and be known by the other strong players in Xianyu. After that, they became dangerous.

At that time, you can't wait to enter the gate of fortune, and you will be exterminated by the endless power of Immortal Realm.

"Ah! Ah!"

"Ah! Ah!"

Four screams sounded at the same time, and the four strong men would have fallen, and the rest would be happy.

Because there are only eleven super powers left in this place, and eleven people all have the pearl of chemistry. Under such circumstances, the powers born on the spot will not have another war.

However, the eleven strong men not only did not have the slightest happiness, but more terrified, the look on their faces became ugly.

Because, although the four powerful men were in a critical situation, it was not so simple to want to kill them, but at this time, four strange magical powers appeared in the void. The magical speed was extremely fast, and the power was against the sky. Through the void, kill the four semi-divine peaks and consummate the super powers.

Such means, such supernatural powers, such power, even they feel powerless to cope.

Such a strong man is definitely here to fight for the Pearl of Creation, and it is still hidden here, even they have not found it, how powerful it must be.

In the current situation, they are all scarred, and the true element of divine power is exhausted, and no matter how big the battle is, there is not much assurance.

Their cultivation ability is able to survive in such a battle, not only luck, but also relying on powerful cultivation against strength. It can be said that those who survived are definitely among the most powerful people in the semi-divine peak. The pinnacle exists, the top strong like the king.


At the same time that the four powerful men fell, a tall figure appeared in the void.

The tall figure, with a terrifying enchantment, the space trembling and tearing in front of the enchantment, you can imagine how powerful this tall figure is.

"Sea Saint Demon King!"

Seeing this figure, the demon and sea clan strongmen exclaimed. Even the remaining four human strongmen were shocked. The look on their faces changed, and the whole person could not help shaking.

This tall figure is a five-meter tall strong man.

Horrible demon power broke out throughout the body. Within ten meters of the surrounding area, the space was full of debris. Under such circumstances, it was obvious that the cultivation had reached a terrifying level.

The whole person gives a rude feeling, needless to say, is a super strong of the sea clan.

The sea clan and the demon clan, in this sea area, naturally heard of this sea holy demon king, and nothing else, just the huge trident in his hand can determine his identity.

The strong man of the human race, even if it rarely hangs in the waters of Qingyuan, also knows that there are eight demon kings in the waters of Qingyuan, and this sea holy demon king is one of them.

Every demon king is more terrifying than the Ten Greatest Supreme Master of Immortal Realm.

It's just that these demon kings are basically in the sea, and rarely appear on land. The general strongman is not clear about the eight demon kings.

The eight demon kings, commanding the sea area of ​​Qingyuan, are extremely terrified.

I didn't think that this thing came to the demon king, and it really exceeded everyone's imagination.

But the thought of the gate of fortune was relieved.

"Hey Hey!"

"Several old ghosts, don't you plan to hide in the air like this?"

The sea monster demon king's gray eyes looked at the eleven strong men above the sea, and then he laughed, as if he saw his own beautiful meal.

All the strong men felt suffocated under this look, their faces changed dramatically, as if they were being stared at by a snake.

However, fortunately, the eyes of the Sea Saint Demon King shifted, which made people feel able to breathe.

Looking away, the Sea Saint Demon King looked at the void, then shouted loudly.

This way, it made the eleven strong people tremble in their hearts. It is impossible that there were other strong people hidden in the air. Even the sea Saint Demon King valued it, and it must be the strong man of the same rank.



Just as the sound of the Sea Saint Demon King fell, there was a slight wave in the void, and the sound of breaking the sky sounded.

Suddenly, there were seven figures appearing in the air, not far away from the sea demon king, and suspended in the air.

I saw the seven figures that appeared, three of them were strong human beings, two of them were sea clan strongmen, and two were monster clan strongmen.

The place where the three strong human beings landed appears on the human strong side, the demon clan is on the strong side of the demon clan, and the sea clan is on the side of the sea holy demon king.

The appearance of the seven strong men shocked and shook everyone, and the look on his face was shocked beyond recognition.

They did not expect that they were fighting to death here, but several Supreme Powers and the Demon King were waiting in the air, this is the mantis catching the cicada.

"Aotian Supreme!"

"Shenyang Supreme!"

"Holy Supreme!"

"Haiyun Demon King!"

"Sea Demon King!"

"Fire Dragon Demon King!"

"Splinter Demon King!"

Suddenly, the eleven super powers were exclaimed. These powers are the most powerful characters of the three races.

It is also the most powerful person in Xianyu and Qingyuan waters. Their existence and strongmen fully represent the three major races, and their cultivation strength is unparalleled.

Aotian Supreme is the supreme strongman of the God Punishment Hall.

Shenyang Supreme is the Supreme Strong of the Longyang Empire.

Shengyuan Supreme is the Supreme Master of the Danshi Guild.

Haiyun Demon King and Sea Eclipse Demon King are one of the eight demon kings in the Qingyuan Sea.

The Yanlong Demon King and the Divided Demon King, both of whom are powerful monsters, are kings in the air, one is the powerful and unmatched Yanlong, and the other is the heir to the ancient blood veins.

The strong men present naturally couldn't think of them coming out of the thirty-seven super strong men and competing for the pearl of fortune, but all this is to make wedding dresses for others. These supreme strong men and demon kings have always been Watching them fight in the air.

The eight supreme level strong men who emerged strongly distorted the air, and the atmosphere of the entire space was very strange.

Here, three sea clan demon kings, two demon clan demon kings, three human supreme, can be described as the gathering of the strong, this place gathers the most powerful existence of the entire fairy field.

"Haisheng, Haiyun, and sea erosion."

"I didn't expect to meet again."

"What are your views on your site here?"

Aotian Supreme exudes a strong breath, completely interpreting the identity of the Supreme. His cultivation as a strength is comparable to the Supreme Guardian of the Supreme Alliance. In the Supreme, it is also regarded as the most terrifying character.

At this time, it is obvious that the strong human beings are not as good as the demon and sea tribes.

Although the demon race and the sea race are not the same race, in the Shenwu Continent, no matter which race is targeted at humans.

Moreover, in this sea area, you have to take care of the face of the Hai tribe.

After all, these characters are the top presence of Shenwu Continent, representing a race.

If they really angered these strong men, they would not be able to destroy the human supreme strong men, but entering the land is definitely a threat to destruction for human beings.

"Aotian, I didn't expect you to come here too."

"The news is really well informed."

"We have eight people here, needless to say, each one is a pearl of chemistry."

"With your cultivation as a strength, if you want to fight to kill the other party, it is simply delusion."

"As for them, there are only three people who can stay. Does it need us to solve it, or do they do it by themselves, just look at them, split, Yanlong, what do you think?"

The Sea Saint Demon King glanced at the Sea Cloud Demon King and the Sea Eclipse Demon King.

Cultivation of strength to get them to such a degree is not a quantity that can change everything at all. Even if two demon kings join forces to attack a supreme, they may not be able to defeat a supreme, even if they defeat each other, it is impossible to kill each other. .

Naturally, the two Supremes joined forces to deal with a demon king, and it may not be possible to win.

At this time, there was only consultation, let alone, the eleven pearls of make-up, they had only eight people, and it would be useless if they wanted more. It would be better if they could not fight against the strong men of the same rank. This is true of the demon and sea clan.

"Ben Wang has no opinion."

"This king has no opinions~www.wuxiaspot.com~The deity has no opinions."

"If at other times, they can all leave, but in the current situation, it is impossible to leave, so there are only three people staying here, and the rest will fall. You can do it yourself."

Hearing the words of the Sea Saint Demon King, several Supreme and Demon Kings present had no opinion.

However, the look of the other powerful men on the face became extremely unsightly.

Because, at this time, even if you surrender the Pearl of Nature, it is impossible to leave here. In front of these Supreme Demon Kings, there is no chance to escape.

For a time, the atmosphere over the entire sea was extremely strange, and the invisible force of oppression became more and more scary.

"Slow down."

At this moment, a faint voice came from the far away void.


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