War God Supreme

Chapter 1804: Elven Temple

Li Lingtian looked at the castle in shock, and the look on his face gradually calmed down. network

"Lord Tian Tian, ​​this is a holy place for elves."

Lord Lach saw a sudden change of pride at Li Lingtian and others.

You should know that Li Lingtian was so shocked when he saw the Holy Land of the Elven Clan. He was naturally very proud of it.

"It's really different from what you think."

Li Lingtian nodded, with a smile on his face.

This place is a forbidden place for other races. If you look at it unscrupulously, you will inevitably be rude.

Soon, a group of people came to the front of the castle’s crystal door, watching Lord Rah’s mysterious technique to open the crystal door, which made several people feel more solemn.

With the opening of the crystal door, everything inside was clearly seen.

At the same time as the crystal door opened, a supreme coercion pressed over, and the look on Li Lingtian's face flicked, taking a step back.

The magical power in the body works to resist the strong pressure. Xiaobai and others have stepped back.

Feeling such a powerful coercion, Li Lingtian was shocked.

Because he knew that this was not intentional by the other party, but that the strong man in it unintentionally exuded, and the breath inadvertently exuded, so horrible, I can imagine how strong the strong man is in it.

This is also Li Lingtian, if other semi-godly powerhouses, it would be weird not to be crushed by this coercion.

In the sight, inside the crystal gate is a huge palace, a crystal-like palace.

Inside, there are dozens of elf powerfuls, and at a glance, these elf powerfuls, except for six or seven male elves, are all female elves. All elves sit in two rows, and the top is a luxurious throne .

Sitting on the throne is a beautiful elf. The beautiful elf exudes a breath of superiors, a breath of heaven and earth.

"Li Lingtian, have seen Her Majesty the Queen."

Li Lingtian's eyes fell on the elf above the throne, his eyes were frank.

He knew that this woman was Her Majesty the Queen of the Elves.

Feeling the bland breath of this woman, she was shocked. With his strength as a cultivation base, she could not see the true cultivation of the elf queen.

But one thing, even if you are not the opponent of this woman, although there is no attempt to compete, but this is a strong feeling.

Salute a fist towards the elf queen, a regular ceremony, just like seeing a strong man in your life.

As he spoke, he walked into the palace step by step. Xiaobai and Ji Yi and others also followed Li Lingtian closely and entered the palace.

After entering the palace, I felt strong pressure, and my heart was very shocked.

For the first time, facing so many super top powerhouses, everyone here is not easy to deal with.

By feeling, there are at least twenty people here who are equivalent to the top ten supreme powerhouses in the fairyland.

Walking towards the palace step by step, the expression on his face was dull, with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth, calm and calm, like a stroll, and finally came to the elven queen 100 meters before stopping.

Faced with the pressure of terror, Li Lingtian was like nothing.

In such a situation, everyone present was shocked and shocked Li Lingtian's powerful cultivation strength, which was as powerful as the legend. In the late half **** state, he was able to calmly face such a powerful pressure.

"Li Lingtian, the Supreme Divine Master of Shenwu Mainland."

"Here is the elven race. Humans are not allowed to enter. Why are you here?"

The elf queen looked at Li Lingtian and looked at Li Lingtian seriously.

She also wants to see what the first demon of Shenwu Continent is. It can be said that it is a mythical character in the legend, and it was passed to the gods by the powerful of Shenwu Continent.

With her powerful cultivation behavior, Li Lingtian's cultivation behavior and strength at a glance were also a bit shocking.

I didn't expect to have reached this level of practice only in my 100s, and there are still a lot of mysteries in her body that she can't see through. Although Xiuwei is only in the late stage of semi-deity, but the strength is so daunting, because this young man's divine power is perfect, Also achieved a divine body.

A list of talented people, naturally chic, is enough to make the world's women fall for it.

The first impression is good, this is the impression given to the elf queen, but if this Li Lingtian came here for the elven clan, then the impression will be reduced.

The young man in front of him is a dragon and a phoenix, and the real one is a dragon and a phoenix.

Regardless of cultivation, strength, appearance, character, and talent, none of the Shenwu Continent can be compared. Even with time, even she cannot suppress this young man.

"I have something to do with Her Majesty."

"There are three things."

"I don't know if Her Majesty knows her."

The face of Li Lingtian was light and breezy, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. In the face of so many superpowers, there was no slight tension. On the contrary, it was extremely relaxed.

When she saw the question of the elven queen, she said unhurriedly, a folding fan flashing gently in her hand, and the whole person was slick.

Speaking of the end, Li Lingtian looked at Ji Yi beside him.

Ji Yi also unfolded the wings of the elves. The breath and temperament of the whole person changed rapidly. This breath is similar to that of all elves, but in this breath, there is a little more mysterious nobleness and a supreme majesty. And holy.

After Ji Yi showed his breath, all the elves looked horrified.

"Ancient breath!"

"An ancient elf race."

"There is the breath of Lord Lord."

"How could the ancient elves appear in the Shenwu Continent?"

"Sure enough, with an ancient breath, there is the breath of the Lord Lord."


For a time, the priests, guardians, and chief guards in the entire temple were exclaimed, and their eyes were about to fall out. They could not believe that the elf in front of him was real.

Their knowledge naturally knows a lot about the secrets of the elven clan, and they are very familiar with the breath of the elf in front of them. They did not expect that the elves of the ancient elven clan appeared on the Shenwu Continent, and they also carried the breath of the Divine Lord.

"Do you have Xuantian Divine Bow?"

The elf queen also moved, the expression on her face kept changing, and finally she calmed down, looking at Ji Yi.

He asked anxiously, all knowing that the elf queen looked calm, but she must be overturned.

It's just that her cultivation base has reached an extremely high level, and she can cover up everything in an instant, with joy and ecstasy.

She has determined that the elf in front of her is not from the Shenwu Continent, but a level of ancestor of the elven clan. Why she came here, she naturally did not know, now she wants to know the true identity of the elf.

"Not bad."

"You also know Xuantian Divine Bow."

With a flowery smile on his face, Ji Yi stretched out with one hand, and a bow-shaped mark appeared in the palm of her hand. This mark came alive, just like coming out.

Just when this mark appeared, the entire elven temple was filled with an ancient breath. Everyone felt the arrow of destruction directed at himself. The elven temple also emitted a mysterious radiance, this mysterious radiance Sensing with the mark in Ji Yi's hand, and finally gradually sensing with Ji Yi.

This glorious, very gentle, when he came to Ji Yi, it was like a kind parent gently touching his child, this feeling, everyone felt it.

Ji Yi's face also showed a faint look, like seeing his mother.

For a time, the entire temple was very quiet, afraid to break the quiet and warm scene.

Gradually, the corners of Ji Yi's eyes were wet, and two crystal clear tears rolled down, just like seeing a mother who had been scattered for a long time, and naturally felt the warmth of her mother.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian reached out and patted Ji Yi on the shoulder gently.

Ji Yi also came out of this dullness and warmth, but she still showed that kind of reluctance on her face, and looked at Li Lingtian with her beautiful eyes, leaning on Li Lingtian's arms.

"Big brother."

Ji Yi shouted Li Lingtian lightly, and only Li Lingtian knew about her.

Because she has always been Li Lingtian watching her take care of her growing up, in her heart, Li Lingtian in this world is her only relative, and the relatives like her parents and elders.

Li Lingtian did not speak, holding Ji Yi in her right hand and gently stroking her hair.

One look is enough to let the other party see his comfort.

"This is the first thing that the elves have come here."

"The second thing is to let you see something."

Li Lingtian comforted Ji Yi and looked at the elf queen.

Speaking is still plain, not fast.

When the voice fell, the consciousness moved, and a golden jade pendant had appeared in his hand.

However, this jadeite was different from other jadeitees. This jadeite exudes golden brilliance, and there is a mysterious breath. This breath makes all the elves have an impulse to worship.

Yupei, the size of a slap, is not so much a jadeite as a jade token.

After Li Lingtian took out Yu Pei, he slowly let go and suspended Yu Pei in front of him.

When Li Lingtian loosed his hand, Yu Pei turned in a direction.

Yu Pei appeared, and all the elves had a serious look on their faces, but they all refrained from worshipping, but after Yu Pei turned around, his face changed greatly.

"The Throne of Heaven and Earth!"

"The token of Lord Lord!"

"Holy relic of the elves!"

"Heaven and earth royal family commanding a hundred people ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ how do you have the token of Lord Lord."

At this time, the elves present did not want to worship.

All the elven priests, guardians, and chief guards worshipped, and the look on their faces was extremely respectful.

However, all the elves are very curious and want to know why Li Lingtian has the token of the Lord Lord. This token is a sacred item of the elven clan and a token of the commanding hundred clan.

The token of the elven clan appeared on a human, which naturally shocked them.

All of this in front of me was too sudden, the Xuantian Divine Bow appeared, and the elven clan's relic heaven and earth throne also appeared, and they appeared at the same time, which is naturally unusual. R1148


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