War God Supreme

Chapter 1805: Elf Queen's Shock...

"The throne of heaven and earth, the token of the Lord Lord. (Baidu search network update is the fastest and most stable)"

"How can the sacred things that control the world's hundreds of people be in your hands."

The Queen of Elves has many questions, but what I most want to know now is how this token and Xuantian Divine Bow are in Li Lingtian. Xuantian Divine Bow can only be refined by the bloodline descendants of Lord God Lord, and the Throne of Heaven and Earth and Xuantian Divine Bow appear at the same time, all this , She was more anxious than anyone else.

As a queen of elves, seeing the relic appeared, she was naturally excited and nervous.

"Because this seat is the inheritance of the Lord Lord."

"Sir Lord Lord was killed. When this seat was only Martial Spirit, I accidentally encountered the remains of Lord Lord Lord. This seat got the Promise Feather of Lord Lord Lord and Xuantian Divine Bow."

"In the underworld, there are only martial spirits, which merge with all spirits."

"And she is the daughter of Lord Lord. Over a million years ago, Lord Lord might have known that something happened and sealed her. She wakes up every 10,000 years for a month. This seat was rescued when she was 13 years old. Got her."

"Her name is Ji Yi, this is the second thing this seat wants to tell you."

Li Lingtian said nonchalantly, looking at the elf queen seriously.

In the temple of Li Lingtian, everything except Li Lingtian's voice was very quiet. All the people were shocked and dull. Everything he said to Li Lingtian was completely beyond their imagination.

Even the queen of elves, the expression on her face is constantly changing at this time, and she is no longer as calm as she started.

Because, the first demon of the Divine Martial Continent in front of him is indeed the heir to the elder clan supreme **** master, who is in charge of the throne of the heaven and earth of the elven clan.

Another elf is the existence of the ancient elven race. The biological daughter of Lord Lord Lord controls the Xuantian Divine Bow of Lord Lord Lord.

Both of them are undoubtedly the supreme existence of the elven race.

In the Shenwu Continent, although the elves are powerful, they are all juniors among the juniors in front of the inheritor of the Lord Lord and the daughter of the Lord Lord.

"Holy Weaver, the heir of the fairy elf family. Tisha."

"Meet the young master, see the princess!"

Holy weave. Tisha reacted and bowed respectfully.

At this time, she knew everything clearly. The two in front of her, one is the inheritance of Divine Lord, and the other is the daughter of Divine Lord.

The identity of the two people is supreme in the elven race.

At the same time, it is also associated with Li Lingtian's sacred continent because of the Divine Master of Divine Lord.

A martial spirit, fused with the divine personality of the Lord Lord, can’t be explained except for God’s will and God’s destiny, because Lord Lord Lord even falls, but Yu Wei is enough to destroy any warrior.

"The elven priest, meet the young master, and the princess!"

"Elf clan protector, meet the young master, the princess!"

"Elf clan guard, meet the young master, and the princess!"

After the elven queen saluted, the other priests and guardians, as well as the chief of guards, all awakened and hurried to salute Li Lingtian and Ji Yi, with shock and excitement on their faces.

Suddenly, the suppressed atmosphere in the temple was even more terrifying.

It's just that the situation has now turned upside down. At first, everyone's breath made Li Lingtian and others suppressed, and now the identity of Li Lingtian and Ji Yi made other elves feel depressed.

"This seat does not participate in your elves."

"Ji Yi is my sister, I will always be with me, and I will not participate in it."

"As long as you remember, Lord Lord is not a legend, it is just being harmed by someone. Who is this, this seat is not clear yet, but there is a clue in this seat, this place where the remains of Lord Lord Lord was encountered, it was the suppression of the Demon Race The place."

"The first two things, this seat does not want to repeat the second time."

"The third thing, this time I came to the north of Immortal Territory for the Demon Race. The Demon Tribe has infiltrated the Shenwu Continent humans, demon tribes and sea clan. Yes."

"This place is not familiar with life here, so first come to the elves to find a solution."

Li Lingtian waved his hands to indicate that these elves were exempt from courtesy. Although their identities and that of Ji Yi were higher than them, they were only confined to the etiquette and had not yet won their trust. Therefore, everything had to come slowly.

Subsequently, he stated his purpose of coming to the north of the fairyland.


"The throne of heaven and earth, ordering hundreds of people, young masters can use the throne of heaven and earth."

"The fairy elf family is willing to follow the footsteps of the young master."

"Although the elven clan does not leave here for generations, the elven clan knows everything outside clearly, knowing the harm of the demon clan to the Shenwu continent, the elven clan is the most peaceful race in the world, so I don’t want to see my home destroyed."

The elf queen left the throne and walked down to Li Lingtian and others. The other elves dared not sit down any longer, because the identities of the two people in front of them were much higher than them.

Counting, all elves are the elders of this elf in front of him. Although this young man is a human being, he is the inheritance of the supremely great Divine Lord and represents the Lord Lord.

Looking at the token of the throne of heaven and earth, the elf queen said respectfully.

Although she is an elf and a woman, she is the queen of the elven tribe, and her cultivation is thorough, even Li Lingtian is also a fear from the bottom of her heart.

"A human in this seat, who controls the throne of heaven and earth, who can convince?"

"Besides, will this seat use the throne of heaven and earth to threaten other races?"

"It doesn't matter if the Demon does not invade the Shenwu Continent. This block only needs to solve the devil qi in the north of the Immortal Territory. If the Demon invades and the eggs are completely buried under the nest, everyone knows."

"This seat is not a savior. I don't want to delay cultivation for things here, I just want to upgrade cultivation to ascend to heaven."

Li Lingtian made a move, and the tokens were collected.

There was an air of self-confidence on his body. If he could use the throne of heaven and earth to order hundreds of people, he would not be so troublesome. It was mainly because he was a human who controlled the throne of heaven and earth. No one was convinced at all.

Although he cannot be helped by the strong men of the Bais, he really wants these people to help him.

Before coming to the north of Immortal Territory, I had such an idea. When I came to the north of Immortal Territory, I was very eager to see the power of the elven clan. If there is help from the hundred clan, you can use the strong of the hundred clan to sweep. Shenwu Continent.

Control Shenmu Continent in your own hands, twist the power of Shenwu Continent into a ball, and exert the most powerful power. At that time, you have the opportunity to confront the Demon Race.

"The young master and the princess came from afar and were very tired."

"Let's stay in the wizard city first and slowly discuss the things behind."

The elf queen was shocked when she heard Li Lingtian's words. The Li Lingtian in front of her was worthy of being the first demon of Shenwu Continent, and her style of doing things was different.

If other people, holding tokens that can command the Bai Clan, have already made great efforts to use the strength of the Bai Clan to fight the world.

At least I wouldn't think that Li Lingtian would give up the token like this.

This is just like the style of Divine Lord. Lord Divine Lord is in the world. His inheritors are naturally extraordinary people.

After listening to what Li Lingtian said, the elven queen looked at Li Lingtian with questioning eyes, asking for the meaning of Li Lingtian. Now, although she is the queen of the elven clan, she dare not show a little bit in front of the young man and elf in front of her.


"This seat will introduce you."

"This is the dragon under the seat, the dragon family."

"This is my wife Nangong Mingyue, the Phoenix family."

"This is my younger sister, the Dragon Princess."

"This is the wife of the seat Xuanyuan Yingying, the princess of the Xuanyuan family."

Li Lingtian nodded and immediately thought of something.

Introduced Long Da and others. When introduced, the face of the elven strong changed again, and began to see the origin of Nangong Mingyue and others, but did not expect that the identity is so noble.

And these people are also surrounded by Li Lingtian.

The daughters of the Dragon, Phoenix, Xuanyuan, and Elven God Lords.

None of these can be compared.

Apart from the shock, they all greeted Nangong Mingyue and others.

Finally, the elf queen let the others back, and nine priests remained, because only the elf queen and nine priests can live in this place, and the others must leave the center of the elven city.

After the others left, the elven queen holy weave. Tisha took Li Lingtian and others to walk outside the palace.

This palace, even the elven queen, cannot live, and can only be cultivated here.

The place where the elf queen lives is right next to the elven temple. Tisha took Li Lingtian and others to the pavilions on the other side of the palace. It can also be said that these pavilions are the only resemblance of the elven clan like a place of residence.

All other places are where the elves live. The rooms are very simple and return to nature.

The pavilion next to the temple, as if integrated with this palace, is also suitable for human habitation.

When Li Lingtian and others were settled, Tisha retreated and said that he would wait for Li Lingtian and others to rest and discuss the matter.

"This place is good. Let's take a break."

Li Lingtian watched Tisha leave and spoke to Ji Yi and others.

The consciousness looked at this place for a moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is no formation method, and it completely returns to the nature of the world. The spirit of the fairy is extremely rich, and the more is the fresh natural breath, which makes people feel extremely relaxed.

This place of residence is also very good. There are seven or eight pavilions forming a courtyard. The three-story pavilion is enough to accommodate all of them. This place may be the place where they will practice in the future.

After speaking, he shouted Huangfu Yuyan and others from the Dragon Ring.

These places are enough to live in, but he doesn’t want to play in this formation. After all, he has to show his defense when he comes to the territory of others, which is too cold.

Besides, with his own identity and Ji Yi's identity, the other party will not make a villain.

If the other party has any means, they can directly exhibit it. After all, the elven clan's strongman can directly crush him, there is no need to play some means, and the elf clan will not do so.

At this point, he can rest assured of the elven clan. If even the elven clan can't believe it, there will be no one in the world to believe. R1148


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