War God Supreme

Chapter 1813: God's Sword,...

"I didn't expect you to accomplish the divine body completely and achieve the divine perfection."

"Even if my Supreme Alliance disappears, it won't make you feel better."

Yun Dongming's face was ugly and shocked, and the look of despair in his eyes flashed away.

I originally thought that crushing Li Lingtian with countless strongmen and killing Li Lingtian by the tactics of the sea of ​​people, but now I know how ridiculous my thoughts are.

Because the most powerful warriors are all human beings, but those who possess divine power and perfection are the gods.

Man and God are not a concept at all. Although Li Lingtian is still in Shenwu Continent and has not reached the true divine realm, he has possessed the divine body and divine power, and already possessed some skills of the true god.

No matter how powerful, they are not opponents of God, like a group of ants and a dragon.

Attacking Li Lingtian can't destroy the **** body, and the momentum and coercion crush Li Lingtian, not Shenwei's opponent.

On the contrary, Li Lingtian's divine power crushed him directly, Shenwei suppressed them, and the **** body ignored the attack.

Now, in the presence of hundreds of thousands of powerful players watching the battle, it is already difficult to ride a tiger, even if you lose face and retreat, it is impossible for Li Lingtian to bypass them.

At this time, the only thing that can be done is that all the powerful people desperately attack Li Lingtian, consume Li Lingtian's divine power, damage Li Lingtian, and then let the supreme and allied leaders of the Supreme Alliance to kill Li Lingtian.

The voice fell and waved with one hand, all the strongmen forced to get rid of Li Lingtian's Nine Heavens Divine Prestige and did not fight against Li Lingtian.


A series of blood-spraying sounds sounded, and escaped in front of Jiutian Shenwei, which only gave Jiu Tianshenwei a chance to crush. Suddenly, countless half of the gods' strong minds were injured.

However, fighting against the danger of injury, all the strong men were scattered, and the true power of destruction exploded.

More than two thousand super half-god realm powerhouses are running the true element divine power at the same time, the power is shocking, the world trembles and tears, the space is constantly destroyed and restored, and it is extremely terrifying for a time.

Within a radius of a million miles, it was all destroyed.

"Supreme True God Formation, the world is destroyed!"

All the powerful people run the True Elemental Divine Power, which immediately raises the True Elemental Divine Power to the pinnacle, and the most powerful power bursts out, but these powerful people did not do it.

Yun Dongming shouted, and his power has reached its peak.

Suddenly, all the strong people flashed crosswise, forming a powerful momentum and light and shadow.

Instant kung fu, more than two thousand semi-divine super powers, formed a powerful and terrifying formation, all of which were formed with semi-divine super powers.

These strong men seem to be scattered, but there is a mysterious connection between each strong man.

This is the formation, a powerful alliance.

It is also the most powerful joint formation of the Supreme Alliance, which has not been used for tens of thousands of years since it was established. However, today when Li Lingtian met, he exhibited such an alliance.

This is because the power of this formation destroys the world, and the cost of performing this formation is also very large.

The formation of hundreds of miles, with a breath of destruction, the dark clouds of the sky rolled, the thunder roared, and the sky was also angry.

This mighty power is enough to crush the true **** strong.

The powerful players watching this horrible formation, all with a horrified complexion, their eyes are full of horror, like seeing ghosts, if they face this formation, they have no sense of resistance to resistance .

But at the moment, Li Lingtian, the partner of the Supreme Alliance for the formation of the array, is suspended in the void, the look on his face is calm, and there is a hint of nonchalant smile on the corner of his mouth.

His eyes looked coldly at the formation.

Feeling joyless and worry-free, he was a first-day formation master of the continent, and he realized a mysterious avenue in the vast star palace. Against him, it was just funny.

"In front of this seat, also use the formation method?"

"If you are in this position to defeat you, that will give you face."

"The starry sky is supreme-the stars mean!"

Li Lingtian looked at the following formation, and the power was shocking. This power, in the Shenwu Continent, absolutely no one can break it. If you use this formation to deal with the Demon Race, it is definitely a killer.

It's a pity that these strong men use it to deal with their own kind, which is abhorrent.

My own position is strong, and it is not impossible to get rid of this formation, but now we can not delay the time to break the formation here, but we must tear it directly and destroy these powerful ones.

He is worried about these strong men, but he is worried that there is still a super strong man hidden in the Supreme Alliance, waiting for a sudden attack when he is injured or when the divine power is consumed.

Inside the body, the divine power is running, the starry sky is running, and the look on the face is extremely flat, with no slight emotional changes.

The opening said lightly, when the voice fell, Li Lingtian's star power was already running, the index finger of his right **** merged, and the world trembling strangely.

It's like this world can't bear the power of Li Lingtian's **** merging, but Li Lingtian's right hand has no power, but this mysterious power can make the world tremble.

All the powerful people can feel a terrible threat, and a strange sense of coercion overwhelms their hearts.

Gradually, Li Lingtian's **** showed blue and white brilliance, the brilliance was shining and dazzling. At this time, the sky and the sky were disturbed, the world changed color, and the space was destroyed.

This shows how terrifying the power of this finger is, it has been so powerful before it has been shown.

Hundreds of thousands of powerful people watching the battle, looking at the right hand of Li Lingtian in the void, the look on his face was shocked, completely attracted by the magical power on the finger.

At this time, Li Lingtian's right hand undertook an understatement, and began to point towards the formation below.

A finger, through the void, went straight to the formation of hundreds of miles in size.

This finger force is completely invisible. It is too small to face a formation of hundreds of miles in size. However, all the superpowers of the Heavenly League who are in the formation of the formation face this invisible finger force, but Feeling a terrible threat, his face was pale.


No space distance, no time interval, while Li Lingtian's finger force was on display, the finger force bombarded the formation, the first day of the Divine Martial Continent, when facing the powerful and unparalleled formation, it was not necessary The position is to break the position, but it is an overbearing forced attack, and the card is not played according to common sense at all.

Under the vision of all the strong people's expectation and curiosity, the invisible finger force bombarded the formation.

Suddenly, a clicking sound sounded. This sound was very crisp, reaching all the powerful people's ears. Hearing the sound, it seemed that this fingerstrike hit their minds.

I saw that in the formation of hundreds of miles in size, a two-finger hole appeared, and the finger of destruction directly penetrated the formation and bombarded Yun Dongming.

The formation of hundreds of miles in size, only a two-finger hole appeared, and for a time, countless powerful people were stunned. This finger strength is unprecedentedly domineering and unrivaled in penetration, but it cannot break the array.


A screaming sound rang out, a blood hole appeared in Yun Dongming's eyebrows, despair appeared in his eyes, and gradually turned into ashes, and finally the whole body turned to ashes.

"Sword Field, God's Sword Mansions!"

Just as Yun Dongming was destroyed by finger force, Li Lingtian's voice also sounded.

When Li Lingtian's voice appeared, there were three sword awns in the space in front of him. The sword awns carried the sword domain. Li Lingtian also exploded with the sword spirit and sword potential, and finally formed the sword domain.

When the three sword awns in front appeared, they bombarded below. The three sword awns were thousands of meters long, and the three sword awns overlapped and fell.

These three sword awns are three of the nine avenues that Li Lingtian obtained in the Jiutian Temple. The three sword awns with the supreme sword realm, as if they had come across ancient time and space, severely fell down.

Li Lingtian's divine power is complete, and the breakthrough that was close to the **** body indefinitely, also achieved a true **** body after he refined the second undead golden pill.

Now he is infinitely close to the true God, and even some means and talents have reached a terrifying level.

Any magical power he shot can be transformed into magic, and all magical powers can be added with a word in front of him. The three swords are also his name, named after the sword.



With the power of the sword domain, with the power of the nine-day divine power and the realm of gold, the sword of the gods fell to the hole above the formation, and the hole also became the ant cave of the dike. The three swords looked like three Dao, but basically fell at the same time, the overlapping power torn directly from the hole.

Numerous cracks are formed on the body, just like the dry and cracked ground.

At this moment, Li Lingtian's face showed a smile, and his left hand lifted, and suddenly the space burst into a cold breath.

Thousands of devastating lights and shadows bombarded towards the formation method. Each light and shadow brought the power of the middle class congenital artifact. In the face of such destruction attacks, the formation method instantly disappeared.

Before he had time to bombard Li Lingtian with his array, he had been forcibly removed by Li Lingtian.

Moreover, the destruction of the formation has made all the powerful players in the Supreme League unprepared.

what! what!

what! what!

For a time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the light and shadow of destruction, countless powerful people instantly disappeared.

A terrifying nine-day divine power broke out on Li Lingtian, a faint light flashing, a consciousness moving, a brow flashing, and a golden streamer sword appeared on his right hand.

The terrible innate artifacts came out at the same time, at the same time, the realm of gold also exploded to the extreme at this time, and the sword and sword were also unfolded. Everything was completed in an instant, and the figure stirred the sky and flew down. go with.

When Li Lingtian's figure entered the countless powerhouses, the golden sharp edge suddenly crossed, everything was destroyed.

In front of the golden edge, the half-god powerhouse is like a ants, without any resistance.

All the strong, only then knew that the life of the semi-divine realm was also so fragile.

All the strong men have been sluggish. In addition to shock or horror, Li Lingtian has never been so powerful.


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