War God Supreme

Chapter 1814: Qingming Shenghuang Dao

Six swordsmanship of the destructive gods, with the power to cut through the world, bombarded the atmosphere across the ancient time and space, the goal is the true devil emperor.

The domain of swords, the realm of gold, the divine power of nine days, and the body of the heavenly sword are brought to the extreme at this moment.

This move, originally three swordsmanship, is one of Li Lingtian's killer skills, but it is not the most powerful killer skill.

But now that he has achieved this step, he has exhibited six swords, which is so powerful that he has become one of his most powerful super killers. This is also the first time he has exhibited.

God's sword mansions bombarded, and immediately the space split in half.

With a sword, the world changes color.

A sword, turbulence.

With a sword, the look of all strong men changes dramatically.

A sword is like falling on the minds of all the powerful players present.

True Devil Emperor, his face also showed a horrified look. For the first time, he was really afraid of Li Lingtian. At the beginning, Li Lingtian did not show his full strength even if he played a showdown with him.

Because he wanted to destroy Li Lingtian at the least cost, so as not to affect his realm.

Therefore, he has been consuming Li Lingtian all the time, looking for a chance to kill Li Lingtian, otherwise, with his devil emperor's cultivation behavior, Li Lingtian was directly crushed.

"The hands of the devil, the world is extinct!"

Zhenwu Devil Emperor roared, waving his hands, and the endless world of demon tremor shivered.

This devil qi is more powerful than the devil qi in the south of the fairy field. No matter the quantity or purity, it is stronger than the south of the fairy field. The cultivation of the true devil emperor does not stir up the devil qi and condenses the devil qi. stand up.

Suddenly, the magic energy formed two powerful and terrifying arms.

The arm, which is dozens of miles long and hundreds of meters thick, where the arm passes, the entire world is constantly collapsing and destroying, the space bursts and tears, and finally, the two arms bombard the sword of Li Ling Tianshen fiercely. Here.



In an instant, the god's sword and the hand of the demon bombarded together.

The space clicked, bursting with shocking sounds of destruction and strong winds of destruction, and the rays of destruction scattered all over the place, with the devil's magic energy and sword awns sandwiched in the strong winds of destruction, within tens of thousands of miles, everything All turned into nothingness.

The six swordsmands seem to have landed six times successively, but the six swordsmands bombarded the demon emperor's hands almost at the same time, just like the six waves. This power is the most terrifying.

The sword mansions and the hands of the demon emperor were bombarded, and suddenly the sword mansions disappeared and destroyed, and the hands of the demon emperor were destroyed and the smoke disappeared.

However, the expression on Li Lingtian's and other strong men's faces was horrified.

Because Li Lingtian destroyed a Devil Emperor's hand, but the other Devil Emperor's hand bombarded Li Lingtian from another direction. The Devil's Hand penetrated the void like a devil's claw.

This power is more powerful than the hand of the Devil Emperor.

Seeing that Li Lingtian was about to be photographed by the Devil Emperor's hand, Li Lingtian's side exploded with nine swords and nine swords, each sword was several kilometers long, and each sword was a color.

The nine sword sword awns exploded from the nine-handed congenital artifact. When the nine sword sword awns broke out, the nine sword sword awns instantly fused together to form a nine-color sword awn.

In the sword mansions, with the sword array, the endless destruction of sword gas sword silk and sword mans sword shadow tear the space.


There was another click, and Jiucai Jianmang met another Demon Emperor's hand. The Demon Emperor's hand and Jiucai Jianmang bombarded together, and the destruction appeared again.

This space is full of endless destruction.

Both hands of the Devil Emperor were destroyed, and Li Lingtian also exhibited two of the most powerful killer skills.

God's sword mansions and one nine destroy sky sword array.

In front of the strength of his nine-day divine consummation, coupled with the sword domain and the realm of gold and the body of the heavenly sword, he could only share the same with the devil emperor, and even fell out of favor.

The latter hand of the Devil Emperor was destroyed by the hand of the Devil Emperor unless he possessed the instantaneous anti-natural talent.

However, the look on the face of Zhenwu Demon Emperor is also ugly. Although there is endless magic energy, the hand of the Devil Emperor is the magical power of destruction he exhibited. With the cultivation of the Devil Emperor, plus such magical powers, any true **** and demon The strong under the emperor will disappear.

But this young man beat him indiscriminately.

Such a situation is completely beyond the scope of imagination, and the killing in my heart is getting stronger and stronger.

Immediately, the hand of the devil broke out again.

This time, the hand of the Devil Emperor is even more terrifying. The whole Devil Qi world, in front of the True Devil Emperor, is like he is the master. All the devil qi is used by him.

I saw Zhenwu Devil Emperor's hands stirring Devil Qi, and a terrifying Devil Emperor's hand appeared in Devil Qi.

The hand of the Devil Emperor was like to penetrate the world and bombarded Li Lingtian.

One Devil Emperor's hand is several times stronger than the first two Devil Emperor's hands.

This is the strength of the Devil Emperor Powerhouse. In the face of such supernatural powers, the human powerhouses must not be defeated. Even if they escape, they are all delusions. In front of such supernatural powers, no matter how many human beings will disappear.

"This is the magic power of the Devil Emperor!"

"What a terrible means."

"I don't know if you can resist Ling Tian."

On the edge of the spaceship, there is Ji Yi's powerful breath, and the magic energy and magic power cannot be approached.

Countless hundreds of strong people watched Li Lingtian's cultivation practice in the later stage of the semi-real world, and they fought against the Devil Emperor.

In the late period of a half-sacred realm, he was able to be comparable to the devil emperor. If he hadn't seen it himself, he couldn't believe it was true.

"I don't know if the young master can resist it."

"I didn't expect that there would be a demon here who has become a devil emperor."

"The Young Master and the Peerless Supernatural Power haven't been exhibited. Be prepared. If the Young Master is in danger, we will do it."

The priests and elf queens on the spaceship were also worried about watching the war outside. The first time they saw Li Lingtian shot, they are now very shocked.

Looking at Li Lingtian's strength, the nine priests did not dare to say that they were Li Lingtian's opponents. Even the high priest and the elven queen, they no longer have the confidence to defeat Li Lingtian.

All the strong men are worried, and look at the distance without turning their eyes.

At this time, Li Lingtian faced the hand of the Devil Emperor, and the look on his face became ugly. He understood that this time was the real means of the Devil Emperor, and the previous battles were all warm-ups.

In other words, the previous Devil Emperor did not use his full strength at all, just wanted to destroy him at the minimum cost.

For the super powerhouses, they all want to destroy the most powerful opponents at the least cost. Because the powerhouse wars, if they fail, they will be injured by the other party's dog jumping the wall.

Soldiers who can surrender without fighting are the best. If they cannot destroy their opponents at the least cost, then use the most powerful means to crush them.



In the face of the hand of the Devil Emperor, Li Lingtian's five-element primordial spirit worked to the extreme, and the nine-day divine power also broke to a limit.

The whole person's momentum has reached a critical point, and the world is constantly torn apart.

At this time, Li Lingtian was a true powerful and true god. Although his realm was worse, all kinds of talents and supernatural powers had surpassed the general true god.

The Nine Heavens Divine Power reached a critical point, and the Nine Heavens Divine Prestige also rose into the sky.

Within a hundred miles, Li Lingtian continued to oscillate.

The divine body exuded a faint radiance. The look on Li Lingtian's face was dull, but there was a trace of self-confidence in his eyes, and a confident arc was drawn across the corner of his mouth.

With his right hand extended, the space vibrated.

At this moment, a coercive pressure of destruction broke out in space.

This pressure is the pressure of the artifact, the pressure of the innate artifact.

The coercion and crushing of the unique congenital artifacts filled the void, and all the creatures in the heavens and earth must be suffocated in front of the majestic pressure of this unique congenital artifact, and all trembling before the pressure.

I saw a long knife in Li Lingtian's hands, and the long knife carried a breath of emperor.

This long sword is like an emperor in a sword, an emperor who scorns the world, and only the emperor can have such a breath.

The sword appeared, and the sword intention and sword domain of Li Lingtian disappeared. The sword intention came with it, which was powerful and unmatched.

In the same city, Long Sword and Li Lingtian merged into one, becoming Li Lingtian's left arm and right arm, and Li Lingtian's momentum also reached a terrifying level.

The whole person no longer seems to be a powerful true god, nor does it look like a long sword standing proud.

However, now he looks like an invincible sword of destruction that can split the world.

"Qingming Saint Sword!"

With a soft drink, Ruolong Yin rushed straight to Jiu Xiao.

When this sound sounded, all the terrified strong men awakened, awakened in the face of the pressure of the unique congenital artifact.

That's right, this is Li Lingtian's unique congenital artifact, the Qingming Saint King Sword, the unique congenital artifact handed down from Taikoo.

With his right hand, he lifted the Qingming Saint Emperor's Sword, and suddenly torn the world, enough to see the power and horror of this Qingming Saint Emperor's sword.

The left hand, resting on the handle of the knife, holding the knife in both hands, eyes and mind, are placed on the Qingming Saint King's sword, the whole person also seems to be integrated into the Qingming Saint King's sword.

Li Lingtian felt that the hand of the Demon Devil was squeezed, he no longer hesitated, holding the Qingming Saint Emperor's sword with both hands, and slashing towards the front. Suddenly, the Qingming Saint Emperor's sword sent out a ruined sword maneuver , Torn the void to meet the hand of the devil.

Looking at Li Lingtian's Qingming Saint Emperor's Sword, Zhen Wu De Emperor's heart trembles~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But it is too late to try other defenses and supernatural powers.



The domineering sword, with a blade of destruction, fell on the hand of the Devil Emperor.

This situation fully demonstrated Li Lingtian's peerless style.

The clear roar, Demon Emperor's hand and Daoman's hand bombarded together, for a time, Daomang and Demon Emperor's hand stalemate together, there was no distinction between up and down, but the wind of destruction and the devil's qi scattered.

The space is constantly torn and torn, like the broken pieces of a broken mirror.

Li Lingtian held the sword of the Qingming Saint Emperor and faced with the hand of the Devil Emperor. It was not a matter of moments if he wanted to separate the victory and defeat. The True Devil Emperor was also shocked to look at the sword of the Qingming Saint Emperor's sword. .

For a time, the entire space was filled with destruction and repression.


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