War God Supreme

Chapter 1833: Son of the Holy Realm,...

Soon, Longda found a place to rest. [For more exciting novels, please visit].

It is better to say that it is a continent than an island.

On this island, there is everything, there are many peaks and mountains, the only thing is that there is no city in this place, all local residents are scattered on the island to reads;.

It is like a primitive tribe, but these residents do not practice.

Although they are not practicing, these residents are hundreds of years old to thousands of years old. Although some are incredible, think about the spirit of the fairy here. If you live in this place, you can live for hundreds of years without cultivation.

Li Lingtian came to the resting place that Longda was looking for, looked around, and nodded in satisfaction.

Immediately, the formation of the formation method, covering this place.

This resting place is inside a small canyon. The canyon is 100 meters wide and several miles long. Both sides are thousands of meters of cliffs, and the fairy spirit of this place is rich. It is a good place for strong people to practice. local.

After entering the canyon, Li Lingtian blocked the place with an array, and blocked it from above.

In this way, you won’t have to worry about other strong people disturbing you. In fact, there won’t be any strong people here, because there are not many strong people coming from Shenwu Continent, and these strong people are all for the sake of creation The door will not delay time in other places.

After doing everything, the consciousness moved, the dragon ring opened, and Huangfu Yuyan and others appeared beside Li Lingtian.

The first time I came out was to look at the environment here. I liked the spirit and environment of this place.

"Is this the door to creation?"

After Xuanyuan Yingying came out, he looked around, and finally his eyes fell on Li Lingtian, asking curiously.

Not only her, but other girls also looked at Li Lingtian curiously.

Indeed, this place is absolutely beautiful, and the spirit of the fairy is rich. Some people believe that it is the gate of creation.


"This place is an island of delusion, and the gate of fortune is above this island."

"Let's take a break at this place first, and wait for the rest to go to the doors of the book of fortune;"

Li Lingtian shook his head, this place is not far from the gate of nature, but it is not the gate of nature.

Coming here from the north of Immortal Territory, he flew for three months. He hadn't rested for three months. Although he didn't consume the spaceship, he would feel a little tired without real rest.

Moreover, before the opening of the gate of fortune, there must be a lot of strongmen competing for the quota of the gate of fortune. Instead of being watched by other strongmen in that place, it is better to have a good rest in this place for a few days. (

It's time to wait for your mental state to reach its peak.

"The gate of fortune is on this island!"

"Sure enough, the fairy spirit here is much stronger than Shenwu Continent."

"Do you want to go to the door of fortune?"

Tang Qingyue felt the spirit of the fairy here and asked Li Lingtian.

Since the gate of creation is above this island, the island is generally not large. For Li Lingtian's cultivation, it is only a moment of effort.

Now that I have basically faced the gate of fortune, I don’t know what Li Lingtian intends to do.

"Thirty-three places in the gate of fortune, there have been eleven in the Qingyuan sea area last time, and the other twenty-two places should be in the southern part of the fairy land and the Holy Land."

"In Shenwu Continent, the Gate of Fortune is seldom known, but this kind of thing certainly cannot be concealed from other strong men. Therefore, there are too few thirty-three places and too many coming strong men."

"The battle for killing is indispensable. The powerful in the Holy Realm is powerful and unmatched. The chance of winning is definitely the biggest. I must at least guarantee that I can enter the door of fortune, and I will not kill easily under the last resort."

"If it is really necessary, I may join forces with other powerful people to deal with the Holy Realm strongmen. After all, in the Shenwu Continent, the Holy Realm is basically no longer in the Divine Realm Continent. They will ignore the existence of the Shenwu Great Powers."

Li Lingtian pondered for a moment. When he learned that the Holy Realm was coming to the Gate of Creation, he was already trying to deal with the domineering reads that resisted the Holy Realm.

For the super powerhouses, they must look down on the weak powerhouses.

For the sake of the door of fortune, they certainly will not care about other things.

If it were not for dealing with the Demon Race, he would definitely not confine himself, but, at a certain time, he would not be soft-hearted. Besides, the power of the Holy Realm is powerful, even he feels afraid, let alone stop the killing of the strong. It is very difficult to keep yourself alone.

"Last time you have united the strong of the sea and demon clan, plus the nine priests and elf queens of the elven clan, and the strongest of the race of the giant clan and the blue phoenix. I believe that under the joint hands, you can save yourself There must be no problem."

After listening to Li Lingtian's words, Huangfu Yuyan already knew Li Lingtian's plan.

Moreover, from Li Lingtian's preparations some time ago, it can be seen that Li Lingtian will not be passive in the gate of fortune, and he will also take action at a certain time.

They naturally know that in the Dragon Ring, there are not only powerful beasts, but also the top strongmen of the hundreds of people. These people are the helpers Li Lingtian has found.

Li Lingtian ordered the Bai Clan, and the strong of the 100 Clan naturally had to listen to him, at least before the Demon was expelled from the Shenwu Continent.

This time Li Lingtian came to the door of fortune, and also found a lot of strong men. With the cultivation of these strong men as their strength, even if they are not opponents of the Holy Land strong men, they can also achieve a little deterrence.

"I hope so."

Li Lingtian nodded. Although he has approached the true God indefinitely, few people are his opponents, but there are also a lot of super powers in the Baizu territory.

For example, the elf queen and the high priest, as well as the giant guardian of the giant clan, the giant guardian of the dwarf clan, the high priest of the blue phoenix, and the first master of the white tiger clan, these super existences, Li Lingtian also felt terrified.

The existence of these people can achieve unexpected results at the critical moment.

At least, he can keep his own pearl of chemistry.

There are only thirty-three places in the world. Although he wants to get all the places, these places can be given to his wife and relatives, but he also knows that this is impossible. The people who must come here are all Shenwu Continents. Top presence.

Not to mention all the quotas, just keeping your quota is a bit dangerous.

Otherwise, it will not bring the strong men of the Bai Family to help.


The Tianmao Island is as big as two Tiancheng.

In this place, it is another continent beyond the Shenwu Continent. The spirit of the fairy is extremely rich, and the inhabitants here live a life without dispute.

Originally, no outsiders came to this place, and people here did not know the existence of Shenwu Continent.

However, during this period of time, a lot of super powers have appeared, and these powers appear to the local residents as a fairy.

The arrival of so many powerful characters shocked the residents of Tianyao Island.

I was relieved to see that these powerful men did not harm the residents here.

Moreover, the strong men who came here did not stay in the slightest, and flew directly towards the center of the island. The residents on the island, without cultivation, could not fly, and wanted to cross millions of miles to tens of millions of lives. They can’t do it, they naturally cannot know what is in the center of the island.

All the strongmen flew in the direction of the center of the island, and the residents on the island also recovered their previous stability.

In the center of Tianyao Island, there is no human being within a million miles. This is an uninhabited area. Ordinary people naturally cannot know that this is the center of the island, because there is a magical formation here. Keep out.

But for the super powerhouse, such an array is nothing, just fly in.

Within a million miles, there is no one, and the strong will not be afraid to harm ordinary residents.



In the center of the island is an altar with a size of a few centimeters. The altar has nine angles, and tall pillars rise above it. The nine pillars form a mysterious formation.

The altar exudes a mysterious breath, and the natural breath of heaven and earth pervades the space, making everything here more mysterious.

In the air, the immortal qi is vertical and horizontal. These immortals are all emitted from the battlefield.

Yes, it is fairy spirit, not fairy spirit.

The space within a million miles of the center of Tianmao Island is full of fairy qi, and the fairy qi is rich to an extreme. Even if the half **** realm comes here, it does not dare to easily absorb and refine the fairy here. Qi, because this fairy gas is too pure.

It can be said that the spirits of the fairy spirits in the entire Tianmao Island and even the hundreds of millions of miles around the Tianmao Island are emitted from this array, making the surrounding fairy spirits very rich.

Fairy gas is vertical and horizontal, and various arcs are not flashing in the air, it looks mysterious and ethereal.

In the sky outside this altar, there are more than sixty super powers suspended.

Each of these strong men is at the pinnacle of the semi-divine realm, and there are even a few that are infinitely close to the existence of the true god.

All the strong men are suspended in the air, the air exudes a weird atmosphere of depression, giving people a feeling of storms and winds up and down the building~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but no one made a sound.


At this time, a broken passage appeared in the air.

The sound of breaking the sky sounded. When the sound of breaking the sky stopped, a figure appeared in the sight of everyone. The comer was suspended in the air, with a high momentum, and he glanced disdainfully at the strong man present. .

The whole person is like a supreme true god.

This kind of feeling makes the strong people present feel uncomfortable. It is important to know that the people here are the top existence of Shenwu Continent, which is infinitely close to the existence of the true god.

All the strong men looked at the person who had just arrived. When they saw the person who came, they were shocked. The look on their faces became a little ugly, and it was obvious that they feared the person who had just arrived.

"Child of Holy Realm!"

Almost at the same time, the strong players present were exclaimed in shock.


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