War God Supreme

Chapter 1834: The demon clan is in vain...

Deep in the center of Tianmao Island, the edge of the altar.

The battle of destruction finally stopped, and Haotian, one of the ten gods of war in the Holy Realm, fell.

The son of the Holy Land, known as the first person of the Shenwu Continent, also fell in this battle.

The two super powerhouses were both standing at the peak of the Shenwu Continent, but fell in the hands of Li Lingtian. All the powerhouses were shocked.

Li Lingtian's power and strength forced the Holy Realm to surrender the Pearl of Creation, and only five of the Holy Realm remained.

The other holy realm powerhouses all left the center of Tianmao Island, and the powerhouses in Xianyu who did not have the Pearl of Nature also left the center of Tianmao Island. There are only 33 people here.

Of the thirty-three people, twenty-eight are on the side of Li Lingtian.

At this point, the door of fortune has basically been in the hands of the powerful fairy field. Naturally, the real core is Li Lingtian, and everyone is centered on Li Lingtian.

There are powerful people in the fairy field around here, Li Lingtian can also heal the wound with peace of mind.

The injuries he suffered were all concussion, and there was not much hindrance. Although the **** body was torn in the end, it was quickly repaired, and now only a slow healing can recover the injury.

It will take some time for this door of fortune to open. He happens to be practicing healing in this place.

At the edge of the battlefield, there is no sound. Every strong man is refining the fairy energy here, and strengthening his own cultivation. Such fairy energy, even in the Holy Land, is rarely seen, there is such a rich fairy energy, Cultivation is naturally more effective.

Time, day by day, Li Lingtian's injuries have completely recovered.

His methods have almost been seen by the strong players present. So, even if it is a war, he will be at some disadvantage, but no one dares to provoke him.

Even if he knew his supernatural powers and means, he was not sure about cracking and catching.

Although the presence was quiet, the atmosphere was strange.

Because in addition to the twenty-eight people in Immortal Realm, there are five powerful sacred realms, and five powerful sacred realms. The cultivation of the Divine Machine is the most mysterious and the most mysterious.

Moreover, this **** machine also brought him a strong threat.

This kind of threat arises psychologically, and it is more terrifying than Haotian God of War and the Son of Holy Realm.

However, he can't tell what threatens this **** machine in the end. The more he is, the more careful he is, and the more vigilant he is.

As time passed, the fairy spirit in the center of Tianxu Island became more and more intense.

We all know that the door of fortune is about to open. As long as the door of fortune is opened, there is hope for the great fortune, and there is a chance to ascend to heaven in the days to come.

Calculating the time, it is only nine days before the opening of the door of creation.

Nine days, and thirty-three beads of integration are needed, and some formations are needed. In this way, it only takes three or four days. After three or four days, everyone will use the beads to open the door of creation.

If this opportunity is missed, the door to fortune will have to wait for three thousand years, and it will open again after three thousand years.

With the time getting closer, Li Lingtian was not only unhappy, but rather nervous. This was the first time he encountered such a situation.

No one knows what Li Lingtian thinks, and everyone is quiet in the excitement of entering the gate of fortune.



The calm space was interrupted by the sudden sound of breaking the sky.

Hearing the sound of breaking the sky, the strong men on the edge of the Tiantan Island formation were shocked, and their eyes could not help looking away.

Because there are countless local residents on this Tianmao Island, but these residents have not cultivated and will not come to this place. The other strongmen have left here, and the last strongman of Xianyu has also arrived here.

Therefore, it is impossible for anyone to dare to come here, but someone flew here.

Seeing the strong in the air, the look on the face of the strong on the scene kept changing.

The look on Li Lingtian's face also changed. I didn't know what happened.

Because the strong man flying in the air is not someone else, but Long Da staying on Tianxiao Island, Li Lingtian let Long Da be on the island, did not let him follow up, did not expect to come here at this time.

What shocked Li Lingtian even more was that Long Da's whole body was destroyed by injury, and flew to this side, completely escaped.

The breath of the body is weak, obviously the injury is too heavy, and the impact after exhaustion.

The strong men in the Holy Realm naturally do not know Long Da, but most of the strong men in Immortal Realm know Long Da, because Long Da is the most trusted **** by Li Lingtian.

Although Xiu Wei is not high, he has followed Li Lingtian for the longest time. Since Li Lingtian was very low, he has followed Li Lingtian.


When Long Da saw Li Lingtian, he was relieved and a spit of blood spurted out.

When the body fell towards the ground, when watching Long Dayao fall to the ground, a strange ray of light flashed in Li Lingtian's eyes, and the entire space seemed to freeze and freeze.

Long Da Andy's body also slowly fell towards the ground, and finally stabilized his body.

"The Lord."

When landing on the ground, Long Dahao shouted to Li Lingtian.

What I want to say, but I can't say anything for a while, it is obviously too excited and nervous.

"what's going on."

Li Lingtian was shocked to see Long Da's situation.

I have been nervous during this time. Now that I see Long Da, I know that something has happened, but I don’t know what is happening. I have to know that Long Da has followed him for a hundred years, no matter what happened. Will be so excited.

When speaking, one-handed strokes in front of him, a powerful dragon air appeared in the air, and finally the dragon air covered the dragon, and the dragon's injury was also stabilized.

All the strong men are also curious and shocked. They don't know what happened, and even Li Lingtian's subordinates dare to provoke them.

Even the strong men who left Sacred Realm and Immortal Realm would not have any hands on Li Lingtian's subordinates, because since they can't even enter the gates of creation, there is no need to provoke Li Lingtian.

"The demon invaded and slaughtered all the residents of Tianyao Island."

"The Demon Race that arrived this time is too powerful, and the subordinates also escaped by chance."

The look on Long Da's face kept changing. He was originally waiting for Li Lingtian on the island, but he didn't expect the monstrous magic energy to appear. After the magic energy appeared, there were countless super demons.

Any of these strong men can easily kill him.

There are even several Mozu cultivation practices that have reached beyond his imagination. When the Mozu came to the island, they ruthlessly slaughtered the residents here, and for a time the island became a **** on earth.

In order to inform Li Lingtian, he was eventually hunted down by countless demons.

He finally came here, and his injury was extremely serious. In his heart, the only thought was to send this news to Li Lingtian before the Demon Race.

He followed Li Lingtian's thought for a hundred years that Xiu Wei was already very high, and his knowledge had increased a lot. Naturally, he knew that the Mozu came here, and he must have gone to the door of fortune.


"The Demon Race is here."

"The Demon Race came to Tianxue Island."

"It seems that the Demon Race is also coming towards the door of creation."

"I didn't expect the Demon Race to come."

"It's abominable that the Mozu slaughtered local residents."

"The demon are really everywhere."


Hearing what Long Da said, everyone was shocked.

The powerful in the Holy Realm naturally does not know about the fairy land, but the powerful in the fairy realm naturally knows the harm of the Demon Race to the Shenwu Continent. For the past ten years, the devil qi has greatly affected the Shenwu Continent.

In the north of the fairy land and the south of the fairy land, powerful demons appeared, and the north of the fairy land and the south of the fairy land suffered from the devil.

Now that the Demon Race is coming, everyone is afraid of it, and they are afraid of the Devil Race.

"Sure enough, it's still here."

"Everyone should be more careful, the Demon Race is coming on for the sake of this gate of fortune."

"This seat says, why the Mozu hasn't done it in recent years. The original purpose is here. It seems that this place is also very important to the Mozu. If everyone does not take it seriously, let alone enter the gate of fortune, just leave alive. It's all a problem here."

Li Lingtian groaned for a moment, and when the consciousness moved, he shouted the dragon into the dragon ring.

Long Da is injured now, and he has no time to help Long Da. He only has to let Long Da heal himself in the world of Dragon Qi. He is now facing the endless doors of fortune, but the menacing Demon Powerhouse.

It is conceivable that the top human powerhouses come here, and the Mozu powerhouses want to take advantage of it here, and they are certainly powerful and unmatched.

This time, it was another battle of destruction.

"Lord Ling Tian."

"It is said that there is a strong defense in this altar. As long as this defense is turned on, it can block the entry of the Demon Race. Now that the Devil Race has slaughtered the residents on the island, as long as they are not allowed to come in."

"Lord Tian Tian is the first division of the Shenwu Continent. I don't know how sure I am of this formation?"

The dignified look on the face of Gongzhi Yichen, the strong man of the Holy Realm, was also a headache for the Demon Race.

However, he glanced at the altar, and finally turned his attention to Li Lingtian. He said aloud that he did not want to fight against the Demon Clan. If he entered the gate of fortune after being injured, the chance is even smaller.

And ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The demon is powerful, so he also feels afraid, if you can block the demon outside before entering the door of fortune, that would be a great thing.

"This seat naturally knows."

"Don't you think about it, even if you keep the demon outside, wait until we enter the gate of fortune, the devil destroys this altar, we can never return."

"Don't you break your own course?"

Li Lingtian's eyes looked coldly at Gongzhi Aichen. He naturally saw the defense above this formation, and if there was any resistance to the Demon Race, he could also cast some Divine Array and use a powerful line to resist the Demon Race a period of time.

At least he has the ability to resist the demons before he enters the gate of fortune.

But if you leave the demon here, and you wait for others to enter the gate of fortune, the demon will destroy the battlefield, and maybe there will be no chance to return. Although you do not necessarily need this battlefield to return, he does not want to Do unsure things.


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