War God Supreme

Chapter 1838: War Soul Array...

The Eastern Demon Lord completely ignored the other Demon Clan Powers, and looked at Tona Demon Emperor. Baidu search to Lili Literature Network (800) [super nice]

When speaking, the tone is bland, and it is completely speaking with the strong of the ordinary.

Seeing the reaction of Tona Demon Emperor to East Demon Master, all the strong men who don't know the practice of East Demon Master, probably also know that Master Demon's cultivation is the state.

This Divine Soul Array Master cannot see cultivation as the realm.

But at the moment, everyone can guess the cultivation behavior of this Eastern Demon Lord.

Devil Emperor is another Devil Emperor.

It's a terrible Emperor and a Divine Soul Array Master.

"It's almost done."

"Now look at your skills."

"When the time comes, we will kill all these abominable human beings and give them a heavy blow."

Tona Demon nodded and said lightly.

The tall Tona Demon Emperor, facing the only human-sized Eastern Demon Lord, did not dare to have the slightest contempt. On the contrary, he felt some fear for the Eastern Demon Lord.

"Several human beings also want to enter the door of fortune, and they don't know whether they deserve it."

"Wait for this Devil Emperor to destroy this formation of formation."

Lord Demon looked at the defense with disdain, and said lightly.

In his view, it is simply not a matter of thinking that a series of innovations is justified.

Moreover, before the Demon came to the Tianmao Island, he already knew the strength of the Formation, and he also thought of a way to break this formation. Now when the Demon Strong attacked this Formation once, He played.

"Eastern Demon shot, this tactical team is coming."

"Surround this place, all humans cannot stay."

Yan Yun Devil Emperor smiled on his face, as if he saw that the strong humans were all destroyed after the formation was destroyed, then he waved one-handedly, indicating that all the demon strongs surrounded the formation defense, and waited until When the formation was broken, all humans were slaughtered.


Master Dongmo didn't speak. One-handed strokes in the sky, a dark array appeared in front of him. The original array was only one foot in size. It instantly became a few meters in size, and the mysterious demon radiated from the several meters in size. Qi, and there are some weird runes on it, which are similar to human's nine palaces and eight diagrams.

At the same time, the horror of his body erupted, and the cultivation of the Devil Emperor was revealed at this time. (Thousands)

The Devil Emperor is powerful and unmatched. Compared with the true God of mankind, there are now three Devil Emperor Powers and two hundred Demon Super Powers in the center of this Heavenly Island. txt download/[super nice]

This combination shocked the thirty-three martial arts continents in defense.

The eyes are all looking at the horrifying cultivation and power of the Eastern Demon Lord. Finally, they look at Li Lingtian in the center of the battlefield. Now, only Li Lingtian can confront the God Soul Array Master.

If Li Lingtian was not even sure, then they would have to wait for death and be destroyed by the demon strong.

"Concentrate on the power and listen to the command of this seat."

Li Lingtian didn't say much, and looked coldly at the Eastern Demon Lord above the defense.

The thing he hates most is that someone is above him. This East Demon Lord stands above the defense, which is above him. This feeling makes him feel uncomfortable. The killing intention in his heart is getting stronger and stronger, but the whole person is coming. The colder, the mood is extremely calm.

Impressed by the consciousness, Tiandao Roulette was exhibited.

Suddenly, the momentum of the whole person changed, and a breath of Heavenly Dao radiated out. For a time, the entire array of defenses was filled with Heavenly Dao.

The strong atmosphere of heaven fills the space, and the momentum of Li Lingtian's body has changed greatly. It seems that he is like heaven, or punishment for heaven.

The body was suspended above the central pillar, and an overwhelming power was revealed to him.

This is the power to control the sky and the road, and it is also the power of the first day of the Divine Martial Continent. It is also the power of the vast starry sky. After the matter of the vast star palace, he has reached another level above the line.


The Eastern Demon Lord above the defense was about to cast a powerful line to destroy this defense. Suddenly he felt a strong breath of heaven. The breath of heaven made him feel uncomfortable for a while.

With such a breath, he, as the Divine Soul Array Master, naturally knew what was going on, and only those Super Array Masters could have it.

I didn't expect to encounter such a powerful array master in this place, and I was shocked. At the same time, there was a war intention on my face, and a war intention issued when I met an opponent who could fight.

Among the demon clan of Shenwu Continent, he is unparalleled, and he is the first deity of the demon clan.

For thousands of years, there has not been a Divine Soul Array Master who can match him in the array. Now I have not thought that such a powerful Array Master has appeared among the humans on the Heavenly Island.

With a look in his eyes, he saw Li Lingtian suspended in the air.

That powerful scent of heaven was brought out from this young man, and in front of this young man, there was also a powerful array of treasures, but unfortunately such treasures are human and cannot be used by the powerful demon.

Discovering Li Lingtian's powerful heavenly breath and strong line power, the East Demon Master was shocked.

"I didn't expect such a powerful line master among humans."

"It's your pleasure to be defeated by the demon emperor today."

Lord East Demonic's fighting intention is Ling Ran, the devil qi on his body rises to the sky, the powerful array in front of him also spins, and mysterious runes flash, and Master East Demo displays the lawful decisions.

There is an atmosphere of domineering destruction on the array, and this atmosphere alone is not comparable to the general Divine Array Master.

The magical energy in the air is constantly twisted and stirred, thunder and thunder are rolling, the arc is vertical and horizontal, and the whole space looks terrible, just like the end of the world.

When speaking, the whole person carried an unmatched arrogance, this is the style of his strong man.

"Devil, there is a habit."

"That's arrogance and ignorance."

"Devil, there is an advantage."

"That's a thick skin."

"Since such ignorance and arrogance, this seat will let you see the real position today."

Li Lingtian was shocked when he looked at Master Mo's momentum.

This Eastern Demon Master has reached the Devil Emperor's cultivation base, possesses the Devil Emperor's cultivation base, and has the power of Divine Soul Array Master. Such a character is not easy to deal with. This character can be said to be the strongest he encountered in Shenwu Continent The big one.

As for Tona Demon Emperor and Yanyun Demon Emperor, although they are very powerful, they are better to deal with than this Eastern Demon Master.

Because the Tona Demon Emperor and the Yanyun Demon Emperor are powerful, they also use powerful attacks, and this Eastern Demon Lord does play Yin, controlling powerful gods and soul attacks, and overbearing and terrifying positions. Such characters are more difficult to deal with. .

Feeling the demeanor of Lord Dongmo above him, Li Lingtian's shock turned into a murderous intention. This gesture was what he hated most.

He hates people standing on him.

The people who stood above him were all gone.

In the defense, all the powerful men were shocked when they looked at Li Lingtian's momentum.

In the face of the powerful Devil Emperor, it can still be calm and breezy, it is indeed not comparable to ordinary people.

Now, everyone’s hope will be placed on Li Lingtian. I hope that Li Lingtian will be able to resist this Eastern Demon Lord from the front. As long as he can resist the Eastern Demon Lord before the door of fortune is opened, it will be safe. Say again.

"Thousands of demons are upset."

"The magic cloud is coming, and the magic path is unparalleled."

"God's Soul Cohesion-Destruction!"

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, the Eastern Demon Lord and the Demon Strong were shocked and furious.

I originally thought that the strong human beings should be afraid of trembling, but I never thought that Li Lingtian's insulting Demon clan like the light and breezy, it was unforgivable, and I wished to take Li Lingtian's bones and spirits to the soul.

Both Tona Demon Emperor and Yanyun Demon Emperor were shocked and furious.

None of them are stupid, knowing that Li Lingtian scolded not only the East Devils, but the entire Demon Race.

At this time, all the demon clan did not speak, watching the East Demon Lord cast a line, use the line to tear the defense, and then let the humans in the defense rejuvenate.

The look on Master Dongmo's face was distorted, and he calmed down.

The decision in hand quickly showed up, and the endless magical energy rushed towards him.

Rolling magic energy, the momentum is violent, the formation of a spirit soul division, the power exerted by it is even more terrifying than the two hundred demon super powers teamed up.

For a moment of kung fu, I saw a hundred-meter-thick devil qi continuously rotating. When it was rotated, it brought a terrible vortex, and the void was stirred. At this time, the devil qi was bombarded towards the defense.

This power, this power, the defense is too small in front of it.

Looking at the powerful demonic energy, countless demons are excited. At the same time, the expression on their faces is shocked and frightened. It is not the ordinary demons that can resist.

Even the two, Demon Emperor Tona and Emperor Yanyun, could not help seeing this mighty power, and they could not help but look like a demon emperor, but Master Demon was so horrible~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Mo Qi, bombarded the defense in a blink of an eye.

Suddenly, the power of destruction stirred the defense and really shook it. Numerous cracks appeared on the defense. In this case, it goes without saying that the defense is torn and destroyed.

The magic energy of a hundred meters in size stirred the void and bombarded the formation of formation, which suddenly affected the defense tens of thousands of miles in size.

Seeing that the defense of the Formation was about to be torn and destroyed, the battlefield displayed by Li Lingtian in the defense also exploded. I saw a mysterious glory erupted from the heavenly roulette in front of Li Lingtian.

The glorious condensed fairy spirit and the magical power of the thirty-two strong men instantly formed a colorful beam of light.

The colorful beam of light, under the guidance of Li Lingtian's decision, bombarded upwards ignoring the distance of space, and the target was the location where the evil spirits of the Eastern Demon Lord attacked.


The colorful beam of light displayed by the Tiandao roulette, bombarded fiercely at the position of the devil qi, suddenly burst into a shocking explosion. This explosion went straight to Jiuxiao, and countless Mozu strongmen were instantly stunned.

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