War God Supreme

Chapter 1839: God of all things...

Lord Demon's formation is to destroy the defense. Baidu search to the latest chapter of the full-text reading of Lili Literature Network txt download/

The law of Li Lingtian's formation is to strengthen the defense. For a time, the two battled to the top.

One is the Devil's First Divine Soul Array Division, and the other is the Divine Martial Continent's First Day Array Division. The duel between the two is more terrifying than the battle of the super powers.

When the huge magic energy bombarded the formation, the formation trembles, and cracks appear within tens of thousands of squares, and cracks appear on the defense halo. This is the prelude to the destruction of the defense.

At this time, Li Lingtian exhibited the colorful beam of light, bombarded at the position where the magic energy shot down.

Suddenly there was a shocking explosion. Above the defense, there was an endless spread of dark magic energy, and the defense was quickly destroyed. Under the defense was a multicolored light, which quickly repaired the defense.

The horrible blast, with its overbearing power, defended the Devil outside, and was stunned a lot.

The other powerful demon clan were also flew out at the time of the explosion, and one can imagine how terrifying the two powerful formations were.



The strong wind raged, tearing the space constantly.

Cracks continued to appear in front of the destructive attack of the defensive magic energy, and the cracks were continuously repaired by the colorful lights, and the defense was strengthened. For a time, the two super lineup divisions were deadlocked.

The Eastern Demon Lord floats in the air, bringing down the endless magic pressure.

The magic energy at this time was not only the attack of the super powers, but the power of destruction and supremacy, beyond the imagination of the powers of the same rank, the Divine Soul Array Master was basically swept in the same rank. presence.

But when Li Lingtian resisted his formation, he was shocked.

On the front, he has always been invincible, and now he meets a strong human front, and he is excited, but now he is shocked, and he also thinks of meeting his opponent.




The blast of destruction is constant, the defense is destroyed and repaired instantly.

The dark magic energy and multicolored light, although separated by defenses, confronted each other.

The magic energy is an array of powers exhibited by the Eastern Demon Lord, and the power is horrible. The colorful light is an array of forces exhibited by Li Lingtian. It bursts out with divine power and fairy energy as the background.

Although Li Lingtian only had the cultivation practice in the later period of Semi-Divine Realm, it occupied a strong advantage. In this case, even if the Devil Emperor wanted to defeat him, it was not so easy.

However, he knew that in the formation, he had the power to fight against the demon emperor, but after leaving the formation, he was no longer the opponent of the demon emperor. [Super beautiful] 800

He rarely uses defensive formations, and when he fights against the strong, he basically attacks.

It is the first time to use defensive formations to fight against opponents.

Although I feel a little unaccustomed, there is no way right now. The Demon Race is too strong. If you don’t resist the opponent, the strong people here will all disappear.

What really tests the Array Master is not attack but defense.

At any time, destruction is stronger than defense, and so is the position.

Seeing that he had resisted the formation of the Eastern Demon Lord and had his advantage, the formation continued to strengthen the formation of the formation, so the formation of the formation became stronger and stronger.

For the defense of one's own purpose, as long as the door of fortune is not opened, the demons will not destroy the formation, they will be able to enter the door of fortune, and other things will not matter.

Now, Master Demon’s formation can’t break the defense, and he won’t ask for trouble to fight Master Demon.

In my heart, the fighting intentions have been suppressed, there are priorities, and if you take risks with your own fighting intentions, then maybe all humans will be killed.



The destruction continued, and the formation continued.

The thirty-two strong men in the defense saw Li Lingtian resisting the formation of the Eastern Demon Lord, and they were very happy. They were all super powers, and naturally they could see that the defense was getting stronger and stronger.

In this way, everyone will be able to stand still. The longer the standstill, the more beneficial they will be to their benefit.

"An hour has passed."

"Waiting for tomorrow will open the door to nature."

Suo Antu, the first master of the dwarves, said seriously that a formation stalemate for an hour, so that it will continue to support tomorrow.

Looking at the situation above the altar in front of us, we will definitely be able to open the door to nature tomorrow.

"Be careful."

"The demon people are very cunning, and there must be other means that have not been displayed."

The giant clan guardian Ji Yuntian shook his head and had a deep understanding of the power of the demon clan.

The Gate of Fortune is the most magical place in the entire Shenwu Continent. If you get the heaven and earth fortune, you will have the opportunity to ascend to the heaven. Although the Demon Strong does not ascend to the heaven, you want to get a breakthrough in cultivation and cultivation, or get some treasures.

For this gate of fortune, the demon strong will naturally not give up, otherwise there will not be so many demon strong and three demon emperors, and even a **** soul division.

For the strong human beings and their own Demon Soul Array stalemate stalemate, all Demon Strong People are shock.

At this time, they did not dare to speak out, and they did not dare to disturb the East Demon Lord to cast a decision.

Looking at the situation of the defense up and down, we can see that although the Soul Array Division is powerful, the human Array Division is more overbearing, and it can repair the attack defense of the Soul Array Division, and the defense is becoming more and more powerful.

"Not bad."

"There are two things, but even if you are strong, you are doomed to fail today."

The demon in the hands of Master Dongmo stopped and looked at Li Lingtian coldly.

Although the attack of the line is not as magical as the strong war, but the power of destruction is more than that. Just after the first blow, the strength of the other party was tested.

Where did he not know that Li Lingtian was delaying time and did not really want to fight.

Now for the following humans, defensive success is the biggest victory.

If you can't break through this formation defense, don't want to enter the gate of fortune, the demon will lose a lot.

The voice fell, and the horrible and mysterious decision was shown again.

However, when he cast his decision, the powerful pure magic energy of the two hundred super powers of the demon race was automatically drained out, and the pure magic energy of the two hundred and a half peaks of the realm of the perfect superpower was unmatched.

Master Dongmo now uses the magic energy of these powerful men as the source power of the battlefield. When the battlefield is displayed, the power is shocking.

In an instant, two hundred to powerful and pure magic qi appeared in the air.

Every magic energy is a powerful destructive force. Although it is a little worse than the formation magic energy that the East Demon Master exhibited, but two hundred terror magic energy, this power alone, is already terrifying enough.

Two hundred horror demonic qi rose into the sky, and finally condensed together.




A roaring sky, a thundering thunder, a magic cloud flashing, and a strange arc across the space, this scene is the scene of the world's destruction, just like the world is about to be destroyed.

All the powerful demon clan will continue to display the magic energy to help the East Demon to display the formation.

Under the defense, despite the defense, in the face of terror and pressure, all the strong men are pale.

The power alone is enough to make them tremble, but at this time, they dare not be distracted at all. If they are distracted, Li Lingtian will fail and everyone will die.

"Everything dies God array!"

Li Lingtian did not dare to hesitate to see the other party performing a horrible battle.

As soon as the consciousness moved, the law of the hand changed, and the speed became faster.

At the same time, the Fa Jue towards the thirty-two position, the thirty-two divine powers suddenly burst out under the traction of Li Lingtian's Fa Jue, and the powerful divine power led to quickly condense away into the air.

With thirty-two divine powers, Li Lingtian’s decision was even easier, but he didn’t dare to be distracted.

The mysterious and obscure decision, which draws thirty-two divine powers, suddenly has a mysterious formation.

Gradually, a huge light curtain radiated from the defense. The light curtain grew larger and larger, and finally spread to hundreds of thousands of miles in size. Moreover, the light curtain had not stopped and continued to extend.

With powerful divine power and immortal energy, the light curtain is more and more intense.

This light curtain is somewhat similar to the defense formation.



The magic of the thirty-two strong men stirred the space and made a hissing sound.

The powerful light curtain inside the defense is getting stronger and stronger, and it looks very mysterious.

At this time, the Eastern Demon Master gathered the magic energy of the two hundred Demon Super Powers and bombarded them downward. Suddenly, the defense in the radius of a million miles shivered, and a terrible crack appeared on the defense.

Seeing this scene, all the strong men were horrified. I didn't expect this defense to be shattered by bombardment. Although only a part of it was broken, in front of the super strong men, as long as there is a crack, they can come in.

In addition, the formation of defense, cracks will instantly disappear like bubbles.

On the contrary, the Mozu outsiders were very excited when they saw this scene.


At this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The law of Li Lingtian was quoted, the powerful light curtain was pressed upward, and the broken formation was immediately repaired, and the light curtain just closed the broken place.

The kung fu in an instant, the destruction of the destruction of the formation is generally the same as before, and the defense of the formation of the formation becomes stronger than before. The magic energy that was originally left in the attack of the two hundred demon strongs is also here. Time was crushed by the light curtain.

At this moment, the formation of nature is completely restored to its original state.

The Kung Fu attacked by the demon strong for a few days turned into nothingness.

However, the formations exhibited by the Eastern Demon Masters have not disappeared. They used the magic energy of the two hundred Demon Super Powers to bombard the formations. Although the formations were shaking, they did not appear to be destroyed at all.

Li Lingtian also used the power of the thirty-two strong men to form a powerful formation. The light curtain became stronger and stronger, and the formation of the formation became more and more stable.

Thirty-two strong men have the support of immortal energy, and it is impossible to consume the divine power in a while, so that they have the qualifications and capital to consume with the devil.

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