War God Supreme

Chapter 1893: Ice Flame Rage and...




A scream rang out from the mouth of Bingyun Demon Emperor, and at the same time, Li Lingtian and Bingyun Demon Emperor spouted a sip of blood at the same time. The field of five elements on Li Lingtian's body shivered, and the multicolored light shield also shook. 【Wu Ruo Novel Network】

It turned out that when Li Lingtian exhibited the ice flame nineth heaven and eighth heaven, although the space was still still in his fingertips, he also exhibited the eighth heaven's annihilation and the nine mysterious ice flames, but he was also iced during this period. Cloud Demon Emperor's destruction supernatural power hit.

Even with the five-element field and the multicolored light shield, he was strongly shaken and a spit of blood spewed out.

The Bingyun Devil Emperor, who suffered the mysterious attack of Li Lingtian and Bingyan's nine-fold heavenly silence, also appeared a terrible injury on his body, with nine fist-sized blood holes in his body.

If it weren't for the powerful repair of the Devil Emperor, he has now fallen.

"The gods are dead!"

Everything is in Li Lingtian's calculation.

When he rebounded from injury, he had already thought about the magical means to be played next. The extinct peerless magical power came out instantly, and the divine element was bombarded, and he was crushed towards the wounded Ice Cloud Devil Emperor. past.

The blessing of the Nine Heavens Divine Power, the strength of the Five Elements Great Consummation, the dominance of the Five Elements field, and the power of the divine element's death reached a new height.

Suddenly, the space was torn, and a vacuum channel was formed in front of the Divine Elementary Extinction Divine Strength Light Group. The Divine Elemental Extinction Divine Power bombarded Bingyun Devil Emperor fiercely.

If you make a mistake, you will lose the whole game.

Bingyan Nine Heavy Heaven and Eighth Heaven Silence bring the mysterious and terrifying power to the powerful and unmatched Ice Cloud Demon Emperor, who has lost the opportunity to become passive. Li Lingtian took the blow from the Ice Cloud Demon Emperor, but he took advantage.

The magical power of destruction came out instantly, and the death of the Divine Yuan bombarded the Bingyun Demon Emperor who had no time to defend. The body of the Bingyun Demon Emperor shivered violently and flew towards the back quickly.

Just when he flew away, Li Lingtian's supernatural power was once again displayed.

"God's sword mans, quartet!"

Six swordsman's sword mansions with the power of the sword domain, cut across the ancient time and space like the throwing ice cloud demon emperor, the speed is very fast, when landing on the ice cloud demon emperor, the ice cloud demon emperor has just just Tossed out.


Bingyun Devil Emperor's eyes were horrified and desperate, knowing that he had lost his chance.

However, he did not expect that Li Lingtian’s magical power was so fast, it was completely hand in hand, and the power of the magical power was also terrifying, so that a demon emperor like him suffered a blow and was seriously injured.

He was wounded by Li Lingtian’s mysterious attack and crushed by the destruction of the dead God Yuan. Now, the six swordsmans descended across time and space and there was no chance to resist it.

With a crunch, Jianmang fell in front of Bingyun Devil Emperor.

Bingyun Demon Emperor's defense was torn, and finally cut severely on his body. Suddenly, Bingyun Demon Emperor's body continued to tear. When Bingyun Demon Emperor was about to disappear, a flash of light flashed in Bingyun Demon Emperor's eyes. Scarlet, looks eerie.

A strange breath erupted from Bingyun Demon Emperor, and the endless ice cold demon qi formed a dreaded knife awn. The knife awn cut down to Li Lingtian, the trident in his hand waved, and the injury of Bingyun Devil Emperor temporarily stabilized. Mysterious and obscure formulas came out.

"Qingming Saint Sword!"

Li Lingtian did not expect that Bingyun Devil Emperor would pay a heavy price at a critical moment to display a horrific attack. With a sense of consciousness, Qingming Saint Emperor's sword appeared in his hands, and a sword of destruction was cut out with terror.

Daoman confrontation, two Daomang blasted together.

The space was all shattered, and the knife was raging.

Li Lingtian's body swayed, and the blade of the sword disappeared, but in this attack, the Bingyun Demon Emperor had cast the forbidden supernatural power, and the trident erupted into the column of ice cold light, which penetrated the space and was ruthless. Zhao Lingtian bombarded over.


The blades of Qingming Saint Emperor's sword and the forbidden blades exhibited by Bingyun Demon Emperor were constantly agitated. Fierce bombardment on Li Lingtian's field.

Daoman penetrated the field, although weakened by the field, but bombarded on Li Lingtian's multicolored light shield, Bingyun Devil Emperor's forbidden attack, shocked Li Lingtian's mind, and a mouthful of blood could not help spraying out.

At the same time, the destruction of the Trident's ice column of light penetrated the space, penetrated the realm of fire, and bombarded Li Lingtian again.

After two attacks, the chance is to land on Li Lingtian's defense at the same time.

Li Lingtian's body finally couldn't help shaking and flew out, the colorful light shield was trembling continuously, just like it was about to be destroyed at any time, the blood stains on the corners of his mouth kept overflowing.

His face was pale, and the Super Devil Emperor was the Super Devil Emperor. He clearly fell into a passive position. He did not expect to cast a forbidden spell at a critical moment and pay a heavy price to reverse Li Lingtian's injury.

"Ice Lotus is angry, let's die!"

Taking advantage of his illness and killing him, this principle, whether in the Demon Race or in humans, is an eternal rule.

Seeing Li Lingtian being injured by his two forbidden supernatural powers, Bingyun Devil Emperor was not at all happy, because he paid a heavy price, and Xiuwei would fall, and he might fall out of Demon Emperor Realm.

However, the only thing that is thankful is the ability to kill this young man.

I dare not have any worries anymore, the magical energy of the whole body is reversed, the terrifying magical power is violent, and the cold breath forms a strange lotus flower, a black lotus flower.

There are hundreds and thousands of these lotus flowers, and each one is terrifying.

The expression on Bingyun Demon Emperor's face was distorted, and two forbidden supernatural powers were displayed in front of him. If Li Lingtian survived like this, the price he paid would be in vain. Therefore, the more terrible forbidden supernatural powers were exhibited by him. The last killer.

The space on the ninety-ninth floor is constantly destroyed in front of the black lotus.

The battle between the Demon Emperor and the Demon Beast has not stopped, and it has entered the most critical moment. The cultivation of the Demon Emperor is lower than that of the Demon Emperor, and he has just merged the body of the Devil Emperor with the cultivation of the soul. , Has not yet reached the perfect position, it is already amazing to be able to contain the evil demon emperor.

Over time, the Demon Beast can no longer support it. Continuous passive attacks and more and more injuries on the body. In this way, destruction is only a matter of time.

But Demon King Beast will never let Devil Emperor Demise leave, desperately entangle Devil Emperor Demon King, Demon King Beast's desperate attack is also one of the keys to his resistance to the entanglement.

The Emperor Boiled the Devil Emperor watched Bingyun Demon Emperor show three forbidden magical powers in succession, and was very happy. In front of the Bingyun Demon Emperor's forbidden magical powers, Li Lingtian was dead, he could win without any effort.

As long as Li Lingtian falls, this big demon emperor in front of him can be solved. Bingyun Demon Emperor is not his opponent. Everything here is his.

With Li Lingtian's magic wand and holy demon dragon blade, and with the heart of the demon god, he can cross the world.

The air is constantly twisted.

The ruined black lotus skyrocketed rapidly, and the magic energy of the ice cloud demon emperor was even more violent.

Instant kung fu, thousands of black lotus flowers exude black flames, the space began to burn up, without the slightest resistance, all the black lotus flowers rotated around the ice cloud devil emperor.

Finally, all the black lotus flowers rolled towards Li Lingtian like the water of the Milky Way.

Suddenly the space suffocated, forming an endless channel, Li Lingtian had no defense in front of him.

"Rage of heaven and earth."

Li Lingtian's injury was torn, and he was recovering from his powerful defense.

At this time, he didn't have a chance to take care of his injuries, because the destruction of Bingyun Devil Emperor's Forbidden Supernatural Power was overwhelmed. If he didn't want to resist it, he would definitely fall, and he wouldn't have much hope for his undead body.

When the exercises are performed, the breath changes.

All spirits and spirits were operating at this time, and the natural breath of heaven and earth came out. Li Lingtian suddenly integrated the whole world into this heaven and earth. The terrifying natural breath became stronger and more and more scary.

At the same time, the most powerful and terrifying worldly fury of the elven clan spread out.

The wrath of heaven and earth, the first layer of cultivation to the realm, come to hand, and the power is clear, and it is only one step away from the second layer. Only one opportunity can be broken through.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of snow-white lotus flames appeared in the air, and each lotus was burned by flames into a vacuum, and these snow-white lotus flames were still constantly strong, and the breath of heaven and earth was constantly swallowed.

In an instant, the flaming lotus greeted the Bingyun Devil Emperor.

A strange scene appeared in this space.

The forbidden supernatural power performed by the Ice Cloud Demon Emperor is the black lotus flame, and Li Lingtian also displays the lotus flame, but it is only white. The supernatural powers performed by the two are peerless and unmatched.

The horrible black lotus flame exudes the ice devil's breath, and the white lotus flame fills the natural breath of destruction.

The continuous destruction of space seems to take a long time, but it is only an instant effort.




The magical powers of destruction rolled together, and the space continued to explode.

One is the forbidden supernatural power of the Super Devil Emperor.

One is the most powerful destructive power of the ancient elves.

The two powerful supernatural powers were crushed together, and they were suddenly destroyed in horror.

The expressions on the faces of Bingyun Demon Emperor and Boiled Devil Emperor were terrified. He did not expect that under such circumstances, Li Lingtian could still display such a domineering supernatural power, and this supernatural power is not human.

In my heart, I was deeply afraid of Li Lingtian.

At the same time, the killing in my heart is getting stronger and stronger. If Li Lingtian is not killed this time, no one will be able to contain Li Lingtian in the future, let alone them, even the entire Devil will be unlucky.


Finally ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Two kinds of ruined lotus flames separated.

The black lotus kept bombarding Li Lingtian, and the white lotus flame shivered as if it was about to disappear. In this case, it is known that Li Lingtian was defeated.

Emperor Bingyun and Emperor Bengming showed a smile on their faces. Although Li Lingtian was powerful, he eventually failed.

Seeing that Li Lingtian was going to be destroyed by the black lotus flames, the smiles on the faces of the two Devil Emperors were also more exuberant.

But it was at this time that the originally defeated white lotus flame spun strangely at this time. The first tens of thousands of lotus flowers were only half of the battle.

The remaining half of the lotus flames merged weirdly at this time, forming a huge lotus flame and rolled towards the ice cloud demon emperor.

[Ten chapters have been updated, ask for monthly tickets at the beginning of the month, brothers and sisters will vote for the guaranteed monthly ticket to the Supreme God of War! 】


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