War God Supreme

Chapter 1894: Demon Killer

The snow-white lotus flame of the world's fury suddenly mutated, so that the smiles on the faces of Bingyun Devil Emperor and Boiled Devil Emperor froze.

I never imagined that this scene of the Snow White Lotus Flame would appear. All the Flame Lotuses merged together and were crushed towards the Ice Cloud Devil Emperor.

They naturally didn't know that the real power of the wrath of heaven and earth was at the end when the flames merged.

"Heaven is gone!"

"Space torn!"

Just as the wrath of heaven and earth's wrath was crushed towards the Ice Cloud Demon Emperor, the black lotus flame was also crushed towards Li Lingtian, and it was about to be destroyed by the ruined black lotus flame.

Li Lingtian sipped softly, and his hands made a weird stroke in front of him.

The space immediately in front of him was completely torn by him, and a huge space crack appeared. This space crack was not a space crack that occurred during the war, but was torn by Li Lingtian, and the crack was still very stable.

When the crack appeared, the black lotus landed right in front of Li Lingtian.


"Boom, boom!"

The black flaming lotus entered the crack of the space, and it rang continuously.

At the same time, Li Lingtian's body moved strangely and moved hundreds of meters away from the destructive power of the cracks in space.

On the other side, the Ice Cloud Demon Emperor was completely crushed by the huge lotus flame of the world's wrath, and the air was constantly twisted. The destroyed Snow White Lotus Flame continuously destroyed the Ice Cloud Demon Emperor.

The ice devil's breath flashed on the ice cloud demon emperor, trying to resist the erosion and destruction of the snow-white lotus flames of the wrath of heaven and earth.

"Jiuxiao Thunder!"

Li Lingtian didn't mean to stop at all. With a sense of consciousness, a scepter came out of his hand.

The scepter erupted with terrifying coercion, the prestige of the innate artifact.

The pressure is overwhelming, the scepter emits a hissing arc, and there is constant thunder and thunder in the sky. The terrifying scene makes people feel trembling.

The thunder system is unmatched in destruction and unmatched.

The scepter in Li Lingtian's hand is the Nine Xiao Thunder, not the Sky Wand.

As Jiu Xiao Thunder appeared in Li Lingtian's hands, Li Lingtian's Jiu Xiao Thunder waved, and several arcs of destruction suddenly bombarded Bingyun Demon Emperor. The arc penetrated the space and shot down on Bingyun Demon Emperor.


Under the flame of the snow-white lotus, a scream screamed through the world.

The destroyed Nine Xiao Thunder arc bombarded the Bingyun Demon Emperor. The Bingyun Demon Emperor could no longer support and resist, the body was beaten and collapsed, and the whole person disappeared.

In the ninety-ninth layer of the heavenly demon tower, as the arc and the white lotus flames crushed, they continued to tremble and tear, and the space cracks exhibited by Li Lingtian were also torn, and the black lotus flames bombarded the ground.

Just as the Ice Cloud Devil Emperor disappeared, a light and shadow flashed. This light and shadow was like ice light.

Seeing the appearance of this ice, Li Lingtian's mouth overflowed with an evil smile, and his strange shape disappeared.

This ice light is suspended in the air, revealing its true face, is the primal **** of the ice cloud devil emperor.

Seeing the disappearance of Li Lingtian, the primordial **** of Bingyun Modi suddenly froze, but then he was horrified and wanted to flash away, but it was too late, and a huge palm grabbed him.

The palm has strong suction and magical winding power, so that the primordial **** of the ice cloud demon emperor has no chance of escape, and he is firmly caught in the hand.

Bingyun Devil Emperor, the early peak of Devil Emperor, flesh was smashed away, and Yuanshen was captured by Li Lingtian.

During the whole process of kung fu, the look on the face of the demon emperor who was fighting on the side was shocked. I never thought of the things that I had captured, and I ended up with such an outcome.


Just as Li Lingtian grabbed Bingyun Demon Emperor's Yuanshen, a strange force behind Li Lingtian bombarded him. This Li Lingtian directly penetrated Li Lingtian's five-element field and multicolored light shield.

The destruction of the strange power made Li Lingtian's body tremble, and his face changed.

I couldn't help but spit out a bit of blood, and looked at the side of the Devil Emperor.

I saw three fine black glazes in front of the Devil Emperor. This sharp ridge is as good as his ice spirit needle, except that this sharp horn exudes terrifying pure magic energy, which is more powerful than ice. The spirit needle is even stronger.

I was just calculated by Devil Emperor.

It turned out that the Emperor Boiled the Devil Emperor was shocked to see Li Lingtian destroy the Bingyun Demon Emperor.

His cultivation base is not stronger than Bingyun Devil Emperor. Even Bingyun Devil Emperor was killed. If Li Lingtian joined forces with Demon Beast, he would not be able to win. Even if he defeated Li Lingtian, he would have to pay. A heavy price.

As soon as the thoughts moved, a flash of resoluteness flashed in his eyes, and the unwilling look on his face disappeared.

Three powerful blades appeared in front of them. The blade penetrated the space regardless of the speed of the space, and finally penetrated Li Lingtian's defense to hurt Li Lingtian. The magical overbearing magical energy on the blade was eroding Li Lingtian's meridians and gods.


The destructive qi constantly eroded the gods and meridians, and Li Lingtian fell to the ground.

With terrified eyes, he looked at the three blades in front of the Demon Emperor, shocking the power and strangeness of the three blades.

He used to kill a lot of strong men with the ice spirit needle, but he did not expect that one day he would be injured by such an attack. At this critical moment, it was a fatal threat.



At the same time, the huge fist of the demon emperor, bombarded the demon beast fiercely.

With a loud bang, the tall body of the Demon Beast was thrown up, and finally hit the wall of the 99th floor fiercely. The magically destroyed halo severely flicked the body of the Demon Beast.

The demon beast fell to the ground, no longer had the slightest fighting power.

The unwilling roar sounded, and his eyes were blood red, as if to be violent, but there was no fighting capital on the Demon Beast.

"You are indeed strong."

"But after today, that is also the past."

"Everything about you will be the Devil Emperor in the future."

Boiled the devil emperor's tall body, stepping towards Li Lingtian step by step, blood red eyes staring at Li Lingtian coldly, as if to choose someone to eat.

Between the words, there was a bloodthirsty smile in the corner of the mouth, just like Li Lingtian was the lamb to be slaughtered.

He saw Li Lingtian's strength with his own eyes, but now Li Lingtian and Bingyun Demon Emperor were seriously injured in battle, plus his three sharp calculations, the mysterious and strange devil erosion constantly eroded Li Lingtian's meridians and gods, and Li Lingtian had no chance to resist. .

"Do you think you can kill this seat?"

The divine power in Li Lingtian's body was constantly being eroded, and the divine body was constantly being hurt.

I was so shocked in his heart that he could not imagine what kind of magical energy was so terrifying, even his **** body could be so eroded. He practiced the true solution of the holy demon, he knew a lot about the devil, but he did not know What magical energy can hurt him.

As soon as the consciousness moved, a strange seal was unfolded, and the seal of the Bingyun Devil Emperor's Yuanshen was put into the Holy Ring. The whole process was extremely fast. His eyes kept watching the coming Devil Emperor.

A quick turn in my mind, trying to solve the problem at hand.

Solved a Bingyun Devil Emperor, but he was passive, and he was seriously injured. If he does not want to come up with a good countermeasure, he will be killed by the Devil Emperor.

Even if he is a Demon Race, the Devil Emperor will kill him for the treasure, let alone reveal his identity. My current Shenwu Continent mythical character, Shenwu Continent soul character, as long as he is killed, Shenwu Continent will be finished.

"Do you think you still have a chance?"

"Under the devil's needle, even if you go against the sky, you will only fall."

"The Demon Spirit Elimination Needle is a treasure created by the Demon Devil Ancestral Spirit. It is a fusion of Devil Aura and Aura. No one can resist the power of the Demon Elimination Needle, and so are you."

Emperor Boiled Devil looked at Li Lingtian calmly and calmly, and his heart was suddenly blocked.

At the same time, I also felt a little difficult to deal with. This Li Lingtian was strangely powerful. It was clear that many times the Ice Cloud Devil Emperor had the opportunity to kill him, but he was reversed by him, and the Ice Cloud Devil Emperor also fell into his hands.

Seeing Li Lingtian still so calm in the desperate situation, he also felt his scalp numb.

During the speech, the demon qi on the demon emperor was even more terrifying, and his eyes kept staring at Li Lingtian.

"Demon kills the needle?"

"Then let you see how this seat can resist your demon extermination needle."

"True deity."

"Tian Moqin, Tianmo fifth tone!"

Li Lingtian was shocked when he heard the words of Demon Emperor.

He now finally understands why the devil qi in his body is so weird and overbearing. It turned out to be the power produced by the fusion of aura and devil qi. The demon ancestor is a powerful existence in the demon clan.

This powerful ancestor of the Devil Ancestor is a descendant of humans and Devil Races. He practiced Devil Qi and Reiki, and finally merged the Devil Qi and Reiki to a terrifying level. Among the Devil Ancestors, it is also a top-notch existence.

This demon extermination needle was also created by the demon devil ancestor, no wonder such a horror.

Since it is a fusion of magic energy and aura, he is no longer afraid.

The divine power of the body disappeared, and the true solution of the Sacred Demon ran quickly. The qi of the Sacred Devil immediately crushed and suppressed the devil qi in the body. At the same time, a trace of immortal gas appeared in the body. The damage of the Spirit Extinguisher was instantly crushed~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ On Li Lingtian, the horrible spirit of the Holy Demon burst out.

The spirit of the Holy Devil is the most terrifying evil spirit of the Demon Race. Even the Great Demon God Emperor Heaven can't have it. Even the Great Demon God Emperor Heaven doesn't know that there is the Holy Devil's Qi.

However, the holy spirit that this holy spirit really solves and cultivates, the degree of horror is unmatched by any magic energy.

The spirit of the Holy Demon erupted, and the Demon Qin appeared in front of him.

Tian Moqin no longer wanted to be blocked by the magic energy as before, but showed it completely. When Tian Moqin came out, it suddenly became three feet long. Li Lingtian moved the strings with both hands, and the horrible piano sounded.

The endless Qin Yin attacked the Demon Emperor with the power of destruction. With the breath of reincarnation in the Qin Yin, a strange scene appeared on the 99th floor of the Tongtian Demon Tower.

Seeing the changes in Li Lingtian's body, Emperor Boiled the Demon Emperor, the look on his face changed as if he had seen ghosts.


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