War God Supreme

Chapter 1983: Thunder Sword Pavilion

The consciousness withdrew, Li Lingtian pondered.

To make plans for the future in the realm of heaven, the realm of heaven is too powerful.

My current cultivation is only the lower true god, which can be said to be the bottom of existence.

If you want to walk in this heaven, you must improve your cultivation ability. Otherwise, you must drink and hate heaven, strength, or strength.

In this world, no matter where you go, strength is always the first.

Qingxian Xianhai, vast expanse.

The powerful Qingluo Xianhai is only a part of Dongmu Shengjing, but it is a very important part.

A Dongmu Holy Realm is several times larger than Shenwu Continent, that is to say, a Qinglu Xianhai is as big as a Shenwu Continent. This refers to the region. To speak of strength, Qingluo Xianhai is just a subordinate true god. The Shenwu Continent was destroyed.

Each holy land is like a continent. Each holy land has strong barriers and defenses. If other powerful people in the holy land want to come in, they must pass through a special passage entrance, and they must also get above this holy land. The permission of the strong will do.

Moreover, to enter other holy places, you have to pay a certain fee.

This is true throughout the heavens.

In the depths of the Qingluo Xianhai Sea, there is a huge island with a size of millions of miles.

Immortals lingered above the island, and pavilions and palaces were everywhere.

In a powerful palace, more than ten super-powerful people sat on the floor, eyes closed slightly.

However, at this time. The slightly closed eyes of more than ten super powers opened at the same time.


An old man in black headed the opening, his voice was very bland, and there was no slight emotion.

The voice fell. He stood up and walked out of the hall.

More than ten strong men came to the square and looked at the void.



Amidst the vast void, a muffled sound rolled, and at the same time, a colorful fairy gas appeared in the air.

Suddenly, countless powerful people on the square looked into the air, all showing shocked expressions.

at this time. In the void, a gilt car with a length of 20 meters and a width of 10 meters came quickly. However, there was no one to lift the sedan chair, but a huge ancient flame beast pulled by the ancient beast.

Where the flamingo passes, the air twists. Colored clouds scattered around the luan.

This scene shocked countless powerful people on the square.

"Congratulations to the messenger on the thundering sword pavilion of the Qingluo Xianhai."

"Congratulations to the messenger at the Thunder Sword Pavilion."

"Congratulations to the messenger at the Thunder Sword Pavilion."

The old man in black, headed, looked at the sedan that came in the air, his face changed.

The faces of more than a dozen other super powers are also constantly changing, and at the same time, after looking at each other for more than ten powers, they bow down and salute to the chair in the void, looking very respectful.

At the same time, the countless powerhouses on the square were even more shocked.

To know. The Thunder Sword Pavilion is undoubtedly the first-class ancestor of the Qingluo Xianhai. The ancestor and the sect master are the upper true gods, and the dozen or so protectors are also the median true gods. Moreover, the Thunder Sword Pavilion is innumerable, and its forces are all over the Qinghai Xianhai.

Now the ancestor and the patriarch and more than a dozen guardians are so respectful to a chair.

However, when they saw their ancestors and their lords saluting, they did not dare to take the risk and hurriedly saluted the passenger in the void. For a time, the atmosphere in the entire square was extremely depressed.

"Sister Wenren. You don't have to be more polite."

"Brother, I am here on behalf of the Holy City, and Thunder Sword Pavilion will receive the Holy Oracle."

There was a faint voice above the sedan chair. Although it said that it was not necessary to pay more courtesies, it was in a high posture.

When the voice fell, the four green-dressed girls stepped out of the sedan and were suspended in the air.

After the appearance of the four girls, a young boy in Jinyi walked out of the sedan. The young boy's eyes glanced at the Thunder Sword Pavilion Square, his eyes squinting the world.

With one hand, a golden light appeared in front of him, and the golden light exuded a powerful and mysterious atmosphere.

All the strong men in the square felt the look on their faces constantly when they felt the breath of golden light.

The ancestor of Thunder Sword Pavilion Wenren Wuren and Sect Master and more than a dozen protectors naturally know the purpose of the arrival of the Holy City messenger. Seeing the golden light in front of the teenager is a respectful salute and bowing his head.

"Wenren has no hate and welcomes the Holy Oracle"

Wenren Wuhen bowed his head to salute, the sovereign and protector, as well as the strong men above the square, all respectfully saluted.

Waiting for the teenager to read the sacred oracle, the sacred oracle, that was passed down from the holy realm of Dongmu, and no one in the holy realm dared to rebel.

"Holy Lord Shengyu, Qinglu Xianhai Thunder Sword Pavilion presided over the once-in-a-decade ranking of the Zongmen family."

"The Thunder Sword Pavilion abides by the Holy Lord's oracle and treats the ranking battle fairly and fairly. If there is a violation, the Thunder Sword Pavilion is removed from the Dongmu Holy Land."

The young man in Jinyi opened his mouth to read the oracle, which was extremely simple.

After reading the oracle, the Jinyi teenager waved it with one hand, and the golden light in front of him flew toward Wenren without hate like a sword.

When the golden light fell into Wenren Wuhen's hands, it became a slap-size curl.

"Strictly obey the sacred oracle of the Lord."

"Brother Dongguo, please go to the younger brother Jiang Ge to talk about it."

Wenren Wuhen seems to be at least 60-70-year-old old man. Although the true God is strong, he can’t see the age on the surface, but it still seems awkward for an old man to call a young boy a brother, but Wenren Wuhen doesn’t feel the slightest awkward feeling. .

"Well, I do have some things to explain."

The young man of Jinyi came from the holy city of Dongmu, representing Dongmu holy realm, don't look at him as a teenager, but he is one of the twelve messengers of holy realm.

Nothing happened to Dong Guo Nanming, and the whole person had appeared strangely in front of Wenren Wuhen.

A group of people walked towards the Thunder Sword Pavilion.

"Brother Dongguo, is there anything else to be ordered above?"

Wen Renwuhen walked and asked Dong Guo Nanming, and now Dong Guo Nanming finished reading the oracle, and the two were talking about private, so the title also changed from the messenger to the brother.

"This time the ranking battle between family and Zongmen. The top 100 families and Zongmen, that is, the top 100 strongmen, can enter the holy city to fight the war of true gods."

"So. There is no cheating in the ranking battle. This is what the Lord has asked."

Dong Guo Nanming showed a serious look on his face, and looked at Wenren without hate.

In the past, the Lord did not care about these things at all, but this time he personally came forward to deal with these things.

Therefore, he did not want Wenren to hate the slightest omission in this matter, lest the Lord punish him. No one can bear the wrath of the Lord.

"The top 100 strong men entered the holy city to fight the war of the true gods?"

"The battle of the true gods, but once every five thousand years. It seems that it is not in five thousand years, brother, what is going on, give the little brother a little news. The little brother is also a little prepared."

When he heard people, he was shocked, and the other protectors and suzerains were also shocked.

The Battle of the True God, that is the strongest and most authoritative contest of the entire Dongmu Shengjing, and the one hundred strong men who can stand in front of Dongmu Shengjing are the existence of one party overlord.

This is also the best chance to become famous in the world. As long as you can become one of the top 100 in Dongmu Shengjing, you will have many benefits in the future.

Whether it is status, treatment, or resources in Dongmu Shengjing. Are unmatched.

"You came out of the Holy City, so this ranking battle is hosted by your Thunder Sword Pavilion."

"A lot of things, even if I know. I can’t tell. It’s about the life and death of Dongmu Shengjing, and it’s also the rules of Dongmu Shengjing, but what you can tell is that the top 100 strong men participated in the battle of the true god, Have the opportunity to enter Gale Canyon."

"I can only say so much. I can't say anything else."

When Dong Guo Nanming spoke. With one stroke, a simple sound insulation is forbidden to be exhibited, just like worrying about being known by other powerful people.

The cautious look made Wen Wenwuhen feel serious.

When he heard it in the end, the whole person was completely shocked, and the suzerain and other protectors were also shocked.

"Gale Canyon"

"That's the uninhabited area between the Dongmu Holy Land and the Southern Extinct Holy Land, but the first dangerous place of the two major Holy Lands, the entry of the true God and the Powerful is the existence of nine deaths."

"Isn't the Gale Canyon sealed by the gods and kings of the two holy realms, how can I still go in."

Wenren Wuhen and others were shocked, and his voice was trembling.

This gale gorge is like a devoured devils, which has made countless powerful people smell discolored.

"These things are only known to the Holy Lord."

"You only need to host the ranking battle of the Qinglu Xianhai."

"In the afternoon, I need another place for my brother, hey."

Dong Guo Nanming said with a proud look on his face.

The last group walked into the hall of Thunder Sword Pavilion. The countless powerful people on the square discussed the messengers who came to the Holy City, and more about the battle of ranking the family ancestors in the Qingluo Xianhai.


In the secret world, Li Ling sat cross-legged.

Around him was a multicolored light, which enveloped him and made him look mysterious.

The Five Elements Xianqi continually drifted out of the divine body, and then entered the divine body for refining.

The Five Elements Xianqi naturally came from the world of Five Elements in his body. Although there are countless Five Elements Xianqi in the Ring of God fèng, he now does not want to use the Five Elements Xianqi of the Ring of God fèng.

After the injury recovered~www.wuxiaspot.com~He did not leave, but cultivated.

But I did not expect that the state that has not been loosened for hundreds of years has reached a critical point at this time.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian's face showed a look of excitement.

The Five Elements Xianqi was mobilized and then refined into its own divine power.

Inside the Dantian, the Five Elements Yuanshen is getting stronger and stronger, only one step away from the breakthrough.



The air in the secret realm is constantly twisted, and Li Lingtian sitting cross-legged waving his hands, twitching the mysterious decision.

The body's momentum and temperament are constantly changing, and his face shows sweat marks.

In the air, the sound of wind and thunder appeared, all of which looked amazing. To be continued


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