War God Supreme

Chapter 1984: Breakthrough, median...

The sublimation of the momentum, the sublimation of the temperament, the sublimation of the divine body.

The multicolored brilliance around Li Lingtian twisted up and finally entered the divine body.

The sound of wind and thunder in space stopped at this time, and everything was still.

Li Lingtian's body shook and his dignified complexion showed a look of excitement.

"It's done."

Excited, his eyes opened, and his eyes looked like bright stars in the endless sky.

The corners of the mouth are wide, and the simple words represent the happiness in my heart.

"Finally, this seat has broken through."

Not bad

It did break through. After hundreds of years of reaching the lower true god, it finally broke through to reach the middle true god.

This realm occupies more than half of his past life.

Now, come to the heaven, recover from the injury and break through the state.

The peak of the lower true **** seems to be only one step away from the median true god, but this step is like an insurmountable heaven.

The strength gap between the two is also very different.

Feeling the magical power of Dan Tian, ​​feeling the power of space control, Li Lingtian laughed.

The median true god, a true median true god.

A simple estimate is that now the self of the median true **** can completely kill the former subordinate true **** himself. Even Li Lingtian, who was the former ten subordinate true gods, can't have resistance in front of the current median true **** himself.

It can be said that one median true **** easily killed ten lower true gods.

Cultivation is a breakthrough in the realm. All strengths are sublimated.

The strength of the whole person has been improved a lot, and now if facing the real **** Aoki again, one finger will kill him.

This is the limit of the realm. This is the gap in strength.

A breakthrough in the realm, Li Lingtian threw a superb Tianyang Dan into the air, quickly stabilized the realm.

Because after the breakthrough of the realm, there is a certain period of weakness, and so is Li Lingtian. When the previous breakthrough encountered danger, he could only hold on. This does not mean that he did not break through the weak period.

Being able to sustain the weak period after the breakthrough is definitely a matter of turning against the sky, and this is also his skill at Li Lingtian.

at this time. Finally, it was difficult to break through to the median true god. If you carelessly caused the state to fall, you would cry to death.

In three days, the state has stabilized slightly.

right now. It is also true that the true God of the middle is reached, even if it is a hands-on battle, it will not cause the realm to fall.

Qingyuezong, deep in the pavilion.

Xiao Mengxuan and Lan Tianyue have completed their cultivation.

"I don't know what happened to the senior."

"After returning from Ming Island, he was closed in a secret place alone."

"It's almost two months now, and there is no news yet."

Xiao Mengxuan said, wanting to go to the secret realm, but worried about disturbing Li Lingtian's healing.

His eyes looked at his mother, Blue Sky Moon, and the two were mother and daughter. But it looks like a sister, with the same appearance and appearance. Lanyue looks like twenty-six or seven. Xiao Mengxuan looks only 16 or 7 years old.

"Looking at the appearance of seniors, there is Guiyuanxianxian Healing, and the injury should recover quickly."

"This period of time has also reached a critical period of recovery and must not be disturbed."

"Mother asked you something, is the senior a real **** realm?"

Lantianyue also wants to know what Li Lingtian is doing now. But dare not go to the secret realm to see Li Lingtian.

The last time Li Lingtian molested her, she still remembers it. As real.

In fact, Li Lingtian had long forgotten.

Now, I worry about Li Lingtian. This worry has nothing to do with Qingyuezong.

Ever since Li Lingtian killed a few semi-Goddess pinnacle powerhouses in a second, she suspected that Li Lingtian was a powerful True God Realm strongman, but Li Lingtian didn't talk about her realm.

When I went to Ming Island this time, when I came back, I met the lower real god. Li Lingtian killed the lower real god, and Xiao Mengxuan was fine.

Although she doesn't know how powerful the real **** realm is, she heard that the real **** realm can treat the demigod realm as a ant, and no more demigod realm is an opponent of the real **** realm.

Even the true gods can be killed, the means of supernatural powers are natural.

"Mother, as my predecessors said, his cultivation ground should not tell anyone."

Xiao Mengxuan was embarrassed for a while, Li Lingtian on one side and her mother-in-law on the other, making her extremely embarrassed.

When Lan Tianyue saw Xiao Mengxuan, she had confirmed her guess.

Knowing daughter Mo Ruomu, her daughter, she is naturally clear.

"You can do it."

"The lower true god, the injured lower true god."

"I didn't expect that my net worth was so deep. I was afraid to go to Ming Island when I was injured."

Hao Lingzong, Black Shadow Patriarch's face showed a vicious smile.

After seeing the half-discipline pinnacle congregation in front of him, he immediately waved his hand.

Then, the voice passed into the secret, and a command passed on. After that, the figure flashed strangely, quickly leaving the hall and flying away in the direction of the square.

Soon, nine strong men in black appeared on the square.

After seeing the Black Shadow Patriarch, nine strong men in black nodded to say hello.

"Ancestor, we can just go to one of these things."

"How can you do it yourself, isn't it exalting him?"

One of the strong men in black said, he respects the shadow ancestor very much, and is also the true god, but the gap between the two is ten thousand miles.

"This guy has been to Mingdao and got a bottle of Guiyuan Immortal Pills and Shenxiu Immortal Pills, which is very valuable."

"The ancestor of this ancestor took care of himself to avoid any mistakes."

"The battle of rankings is about to begin. If we can get some benefits from this guy, then Hao Lingzong might go further in the battle of rankings."

"Let's go, hide cultivation, and don't let others know that traces of clues have been found, and Qingyuezong will not stay."

When Black Silver Ancestor spoke. The whole body's cultivation was hidden in a semi-deity state, and the look of expectation appeared on his face.

At the end of the day, the look on his face became ruthless.

News from Ming Island. Coupled with the fact that Qingyuezong had two disciples leave some time ago, they combined to prove that the mysterious powerhouse is the lower true god, but only the injured lower true god.

In the underground city of Ming Island, some people saw through Li Lingtian's cultivation as a realm. This person is the demise of the Hao Lingzong. After practicing mysterious exercises, one can see the cultivation of a strong man who is more than one of his realms as a realm.

Got this news. Black Shadow Patriarch moved.

One can get Li Lingtian's wealth, and the other is to erase Qingyuezong, but he doesn't want other powerful people to find out that this thing was done by Hao Lingzong.



The quiet island was broken by bursts of air.

Above the small square of Qingyuezong. The alarm sounded.

The sound of this alarm naturally came from the defensive formation.

"A strong enemy is coming."

"A strong enemy is coming."

"Boom, boom"


The disciples of Qingyuezong were exclaimed when they heard the alarm.

At the same time, the defensive array outside Qingyuezong continued to withstand bombardments, and the explosions continued one after another. The powerful defensive formation also shook under the powerful bombardment.

However, this powerful formation did not break for a while.

"Not good. The strong man of the Hao Lingzong is here, the strong man of the true god."

When Lantianyue and Xiao Mengxuan were talking, they heard the sound of Zhenfa alarm. Hearing the sound of the alarm and the sound of magical powers attacking the formation, Lantianyue's face was shocked.

Because Li Lingtian once told her that this defensive formation could not be shaken by the strong demigods, even the true gods might not be able to destroy it.

Judging from the sloshing of the formation, it should be that several strong men bombard the formation at the same time.

Although this defensive formation can be supported for a while. But in the long run, it must be destroyed.

See here. Dare not to have a slight pause, the figure flashed quickly and flew outside Qingyuezong. As the suzerain, he naturally had to stand up at this time.

Xiao Mengxuan suddenly felt anxious when she saw her mother go to the Qingyue Sect formation method.

The true **** is strong, only Li Lingtian has the opportunity to resist.

But Li Lingtian was retreating in the secret realm at this time. If he disturbed Li Lingtian, it would be bad. If he did not go to Li Lingtian, Qingyuezong would be finished.

"I didn't expect such a powerful formation."

"It seems that there are really a lot of babies, but in the future it will be Hao Lingzong."

"Continue, this ancestor wants to see when this formation can support."

Black Shadow Patriarch suspended in the air and ordered nine powerful men to bombard the formation.

This formation envelops the Qingyuezong, which is hundreds of miles away. If you want to enter the Qingyuezong, you must first break this defensive formation.

He did not expect Qingyuezong to have such a powerful defensive formation. The more he is, the happier he is, because it shows that his opponent has a powerful baby.

In addition, Qingyuezong was also a super ancestor before, and it definitely needs a lot of treasures.

It’s just that I didn’t dare to mess up before. Now the ranking battle is about to begin. Take advantage of this opportunity to erase Qingyuezong, occupy the treasures of Qingyuezong, and take the treasure of the mysterious strongman as my own.

Although the formation was powerful, it began to sway continuously under the bombardment of nine powerful men.


"Boom, boom"

The nine strong men, all of them are true gods. Although they are the next true gods, they are extremely terrifying under the joint force of nine people.

The defensive lineup was shaken more fiercely, as if it was broken at any time.

"Hao Lingzong"

"It really is Haolingzong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Black Shadow ancestor, Haolingzong is an orange-level sect, and it is the most powerful sect within a thousand miles. Why did he come to bully Qingyuezong three times? Such a red-class sect?"

"Isn't it humiliating Hao Lingzong to be famous in Qingluo Xianhai?"

Blue Sky Moon flew to the place two hundred meters in front of the formation and stopped. Seeing the nine true gods bombard the formation, her face was shocked. She did not expect that the Hao Lingzong came to the nine true gods all at once. Lingzong's Black Shadow Patriarch was still watching in the air.

Obviously, Hao Lingzong wants to erase Qingyuezong this time.

Nine lower true gods, one median true god, such a lineup, placed in countless martial arts in Qingluo Xianhai is also a powerful existence that cannot be ignored, and now it is all about dealing with a red-level sect, it is simply crushing.

Feeling the terror spreading power from the shaking of the formation, Lan Tianyue's face became pale. To be continued


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