War God Supreme

Chapter 1989: Ranking battle

"Welcome the thunder sword pavilion messenger to visit Qingyuezong.

"I am the lord of Qingyuezong, do not know why you came to Qingyuezong?"

Lantianyue was shocked when he heard the arrival of the Thunder Sword Pavilion, but he immediately thought of something general and hurried to the place of the square formation to open the formation.

Shouted the middle-aged man above the loud spaceship.

"This is the entry token for Qingyuezong to participate in the ranking battle."

"The battle for rankings begins two months later. If you miss the time, you will be disqualified."

"In Lower Donglingyun, say hello to Elder Qingyuezong here, and say goodbye!"

When Dong Lingyun saw that Lantianyue was only a woman in the early stage of the semi-deity, she didn't even think about it. A suzerain in the early stage of the deity, you can imagine how weak this sect was.

But at this time he did not dare to offend this woman, because Qingyuezong had a true **** strong who could destroy Hao Lingzong. Although Thunder Sword Pavilion was powerful, he would not easily offend a true **** realm.

One more friend is better than one enemy.

The woman in purple in front of her couldn't be repaired on the table, but she was absolutely beautiful.

During the talk, a jade card flew towards the blue sky and then quickly left Qingyuezong while driving the spaceship.

"Your Excellency, let me go, I will bring words to the elders."

Lan Tianyue replied loudly, and did not leave the square with the jade sign until the spacecraft disappeared from her sight.

When seeing the messenger of Thunder Sword Pavilion, I would like to say hello to the elder Qingyuezong. This is a kind of glory for Qingyuezong. If in the past, Qingyuezong suffered from oppression.

Holding the jade card, Blue Sky Moon quickly walked towards the direction of the secret realm.

This jade card was not useful for Qingyuezong before, because Qingyuezong's power is always at the bottom of the Qingluo Xianhai. Now Qingyuezong has a true **** realm who can make Qingyue Zong's ranking has improved a lot, and more resource allocation has been obtained in the future.

However, the premise is to see that Li Lingtian does not participate in this ranking battle.

Qingyuezong's disciples are naturally excited too, and are excited that Qingyuezong has a powerful and invincible Taishang elder.

Li Lingtian became the elder of Qingyuezong, which is undoubtedly the happiest thing for Qingyuezong disciples.

Moreover, this Taishang elder has a profound cultivation method, and the means are universal. After taking office, Qingyuezong's welfare has doubled, and there are treasures and cherished exercises.



Inside the secret realm, Li Lingtian exudes multicolored brilliance, the multicolored brilliance runs, and then enters the Dantian.

Using the Five Elements Xianqi cultivation in the Five Elements World is faster than using ordinary Xianqi cultivation, and the purity of the divine power is also more powerful.

While practicing, he discovered the arrival of Blue Sky Moon, and slowly regained his merits.

In just a few seconds, the effort has subsided.

This is Li Lingtian. If other strong people want to stop during cultivation, it will take at least a few hours. If they stop forcibly, or if cultivation is interrupted, they will definitely be injured by the impact of divine power.

But Li Lingtian's practice of reincarnation of the world, as well as his strong physique and talent, he can stop practicing at any time.

"come in."

After receiving the power, Li Lingtian opened his eyes and shouted lightly.

"The concubine has seen the son."

Lan Tianyue came to Li Lingtian, with a gentle smile on her face, and she was full of gifts.

In front of outsiders, she called the elder Li Lingtian too, but when he was alone, he called Li Lingtian the son, which was also Li Lingtian's command.

"What's matter?"

Li Lingtian pointed to the chair next to him and motioned to Lantianyue to sit down.

Then he asked, under normal circumstances, Blue Sky Moon will not come to the secret realm at this time. If it comes, it will be at night, or he will call Blue Sky Moon to come over.

"Son, Thunder Sword Pavilion comes the qualified jade card for the ranking battle."

"The battle of ranking is a comparison between all ancestors and families in Qingluo Xianhai. Each ancestor or family can only send one representative. The higher the ranking, the more resources they get and the higher their status."

"I don't know if the son will participate in the competition."

Lan Tianyue handed the jade brand respectfully to Li Lingtian, and slowly spoke about the ranking battle.

Speak out some of the benefits and rules of the ranking battle.

After talking, Meimu looked forward to Li Lingtian.

Qingyuezong's status and resources depend on Li Lingtian's words.

"The battle for rankings."

"It's interesting to compare the strong men of the entire Qingluo Xianhai."

"When and where?"

Li Lingtian took the jade card and looked at it carefully, but there was nothing special about this jade jade. It was just a simple token with three, three, two, and four characters engraved on it.

These four words are just numbers.

When I came to Qinglu Xianhai, this was the first time I encountered such a thing. I didn’t expect Heaven to have such a ranking. It is really good to compete for resources by my own strength.

If you are not in Qingyuezong, you will naturally not participate, but quietly cultivate and improve yourself.

Only if you are strong, everything can be controlled by yourself.

Now that you are in Qingyuezong, you have to stand in the perspective of Qingyuezong.

However, in this ranking battle, the strong players of the entire Qingxian Xianhai took part, so that they could also communicate with these strong men and compete with them.

"This time the ranking battle is presided over by Thunder Sword Pavilion."

"The time for the competition is September 16, two months later, on an island near the Thunder Sword Pavilion."

"The Thunder Sword Pavilion is the top ten ancestors of the Qingluo Xianhai. There are countless strong men in it. The ancestor of the Thunder Sword Pavilion is from the Holy City of Dongmu Holy Land, and it has a high status."

"Even the three super-sect families in Qingluo Xianhai will not easily offend the Thunder Sword Pavilion."

Lantianyue gave a brief account of the situation of Thunder Sword Pavilion, because she didn't know much about Thunder Sword Pavilion.

After talking, I was looking forward to it.

"Two months, there is plenty of time."

"This seat just happens to handle some things."

"Well, ten days before the battle for rankings, you came to call this seat. During this time, this seat will be closed to practice."

Li Lingtian pondered for a while. Calculating the time, two months was enough.

In these two months, I can just review all the magical powers and try to cultivate these magical powers to the extreme, exerting the greatest power, and can also cultivate the immortal king seal to the realm.

Immediately, he spoke to Lantianyue.

"Concubine obeyed."

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, he naturally knew that Li Lingtian was going to participate in the ranking battle.

Suddenly, I was very happy.

After all, this Qingyuezong is his own, if it can make Qingyuezong strong, this is naturally better. Now in her heart, her biggest wish is to bring Qingyuezong to glory, more is hope Being able to stay by Li Lingtian, Xiao Mengxuan can grow up happily without being bullied by anyone.

When talking, Jiao leaned gently in Li Lingtian's arms.

The retreat for nearly two months is just a matter of time for the strong.

However, she missed it very much, just did not say it.

Now, taking advantage of Li Lingtian's retreat, he and Li Lingtian can get the warmth of the person they like in their heart, which is naturally a kind of happiness.

She knew that things she liked about Li Lingtian could not be shown, and Li Lingtian could not be embarrassed.

Moreover, in her heart, she is not worthy of Li Lingtian.

Although she is one of the best beauty in Qinglu Xianhai, but she already had the daughter of Xiao Mengxuan when she followed Li Lingtian. The only thing she wanted was to be able to see Li Lingtian.

Since you want to participate in the ranking battle, you must compete with countless true gods. That is to say, your opponents are all true gods, and the lower true gods do not need to be considered at all. They are mainly the middle true gods and the upper true gods, even the true gods. Complete the strong.

Taking advantage of the rest of my time, I happened to review some of my magical skills.

His main supernatural powers are still the Nine Heavens Tribulation, the Divine Elemental Extinction, the Blood Moon Yaoshi, the God King Amethyst Ice, the Blade of the Burning Flame God, and the World of Destruction.

Defensive, it goes without saying, the multicolored light shield, and the five elements area, as well as his true dragon body protection, as well as the powerful and unmatched **** body.

The killer skills are: Destroyer Sword Array, Star Finger, Wrath of Heaven and Earth, and the eighth and ninth heavens of Ice Flame Nineth Heaven.

However, there are still immortal Wang Yin, but they are not completely in control. If they are in control, it is also a terrible killer.

Treasures are naturally unique congenital artifacts, as well as pure sun fairy swords. Pure sun fairy swords are congenital treasures. Although they are only middle-class congenital treasures, they are tens of thousands of times stronger than unique congenital artifacts. The gap between the two is fundamental It’s indescribable.

These treasures, these supernatural powers, are their most powerful existence and their own life-saving means. Then they will use these supernatural powers and treasures to compete with the powerful people in the Qingluo Xianhai.

Thunder Sword Pavilion, the first-class sect of Qingluo Xianhai.

The ancestor came from the holy city, Xiu Wei has reached the peak of the upper true god, and his strength is unmatched.

In the Thunder Sword Pavilion, there is also a Sovereign and a dozen skin care, all of them are median true gods, plus other elders, this Thunder Sword Pavilion orange-level sect, there are a total of more than forty real gods~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Such a force, in the Qingluo Xianhai, is completely the top ten sect, even the three most powerful sects will not easily offend the Thunder Sword Pavilion.

This time the ranking battle is presided over by Thunder Sword Pavilion.

The reason is that the ancestor of Thunder Sword Pavilion came from the Holy City and has a great relationship with the Holy City.

Besides, this ranking battle was personally ordered by the Holy Lord, and there should not be any flaws, so the matter was given to the Thunder Sword Pavilion to preside over it.

Over time, the Thunder Sword Pavilion's preparation for the ranking battle is also coming to an end.

In order to rank the battle, Thunder Sword Pavilion spent a lot of money and spent a lot of energy to deal with it, and did not dare to make the slightest mistake.

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