War God Supreme

Chapter 1990: Go to Aoki Fairy Mountain

"This battle of rankings is hosted by our Thunder Sword Pavilion. Even if Thunder Sword Pavilion does not participate in the ranking battle, it will allow the Thunder Sword Pavilion to rise in the blue sea. www.geiliwx.com"

Yang Boyu watched as the preparation for the ranking battle came to an end, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

In order to rank the battle, Thunder Sword Pavilion has invested a lot of human and financial resources to ensure that the ranking battle will not make a little mistake in the middle, at least the environment and layout must not have any mistakes.

"Now what you should prepare is ready, and there will be a ranking battle in half a month."

"Some strong men from Qingluo Xianhai have arrived, and it is up to Brother Fengting to receive things. Brother Fengting has no problem."

A smile appeared on the face of the next true **** next to Yang Baiyu, and they arranged for this ranking battle. They made contributions and would get a lot of benefits by then.

Although it has reached its true state, resources are still the most important thing.

"Hundreds of disciples have been arranged for the brothers in the True God Realm rest area and the ordinary rest area, and naturally there will be no problems."

"This time Zongmen came here to participate in the ranking battle. There are as many as 4,000. Although most of them are red-level Zongmen and families, the level of excitement is also unusual."

Fengting said lightly that in order to rank the battle, Thunder Sword Pavilion specifically used two islands with a radius of nearly 100,000 miles.

An island is dedicated to the strong than trying it out, and an island is dedicated to let the strong rest.

Naturally, with the gathering of so many strong people, there are naturally some transactions that appear. Various transactions are arranged on the island every day, and there are various immortals and treasures on the island for sale.

Over time, more and more powerful people on Xiaoyun Island.

This little cloud island is also the place where Thunder Sword Pavilion arranges a rest for the strong people who come to the competition, and temporary caves are scattered all over the island.

Those who come to this island are not the strong men who have to participate in the competition. There are also some strong men who come to watch the battle to see the excitement. For these people, Thunder Sword Pavilion will not stop them at all.

And, on the contrary, Thunder Sword Pavilion also welcomes the arrival of these powerful men.

The more powerful people, the more they can show the fairness of the competition, allowing more powerful people to witness the ranking battle, so that the ranking battle can be clearly seen by all the powerful people.

"The lord of Dong Yunzong has reached the peak of the next true god."

"That's Long Tiande, the owner of the Dragon family, the median true god."

"This is the ancestor of the Chen family, the median true god."

"The Taifeng elders from the Tianfeng School are also here. The median true **** is at the peak and his power is terrifying."

"The battle for rankings is mainly about the 50 ancestors and families. The ranking of the top ten will basically not change."

"There are more than ten days before these guys come, and it seems that they value this ranking battle very much."

"That's natural. The higher the ranking and the higher the status, the greater the right to speak and the more resources you get."


The arrival of the strong men shocked and excited countless monks.

The ranking battle can be said to be the top competition in Qingluo Xianhai. It can be said that it is the most powerful strongman and the most super strongman who gathers Qingluo Xianhai, because each sect is sent with the best sect. character.

Most of the sectarians came from the most powerful characters, striving to elevate their sectarian family status.


Inside the secret realm, a mysterious mark landed on the ground, and the entire secret realm shivered.

Imprinted into gold, with a golden light, it looks mysterious and powerful.

"Fang Ming Wang Yin is really powerful."

"I don't know how much power is achieved."

Satisfied look appeared on Li Lingtian's face. During this period of cultivation, Fudo Ming Wang Yin finally succeeded in cultivation and was in full control. However, in this secret realm, he dared not exert his full strength to avoid destroying the secret realm.

"There are a few days to stop practicing."

"Even if you practice, you won't be able to improve your practice."

After receiving the merits, he stood up, glanced at Xiao Mengxuan who was practicing in the distance, and nodded with satisfaction.

Then he walked out of the secret realm, left the secret realm, and came to the pavilion where he lived before.

His two residences were usually in the secret realm, and when he was not practicing, he took a rest outside.

After all, the outside world is still better than the inside.

If you practice, the outside is not as good as the secret realm. If you rest, the secret realm is not as good as the outside.

In the evening, Li Lingtian came to the place where Blue Sky Moon lived.

"Son, you are here."

Lantianyue was practicing, and suddenly felt a familiar breath appear, and his heart shook.

Opening her eyes, she saw Li Lingtian appearing in her room, the shock on her face disappeared, and she received surprise and joy.

She didn't know how Li Lingtian came in. She didn't even have a voice.

But Li Lingtian's arrival made her very happy.

There was a hint of blush on her face, but it quickly calmed down. After all, she was not the first time with Li Lingtian.

But Li Lingtian came to her room for the first time, which naturally made her feel abrupt.

Between speeches, slowly take credit.

"Your cultivation speed is good."

"It is now the pinnacle of the early half god, and it is only one step away from the middle."

"After Qingyuezong is on the right track, you will put your mind on cultivation and strive to reach the true **** realm as soon as possible."

Li Lingtian sat down on the chair beside the tea table and looked at the blue sky.

When I first saw the blue sky moon, the blue sky moon was in the early stage of demigod, but it was very weak at that time. Now it is also in the early stage of demigod, but it has reached its peak and is only one step away from the mid-term. It is possible at any time. Enter the mid-term.

This is mostly based on his immortality medicine and guidance. Qingyuezong used to be powerful, but after the decline, all the treasures and wealth have been exhausted. The immortality medicine is even a dream.

What's more, the elixirs brought out by Li Lingtian are of unparalleled quality, and they are all eight-grade, nine-grade, and ten-grade.

"Well, the concubine understands."

"Have you practiced well?"

After receiving the merits, Lan Tianyue came to Li Lingtian and poured a bowl of fragrant tea to Li Lingtian. The slim and delicate fingers massaged on Li Lingtian's shoulders, which looked very gentle.

With the passage of time, she put on Qingyuezong's mind, and slowly transferred to Li Lingtian and Xiao Mengxuan.

"Twenty days before the battle for ranking."

"Before going to Thunder Sword Pavilion, this seat still has to solve one thing."

"Tomorrow you and Xuan Xuan will also go with this seat. You won't have to come back and go directly to Thunder Sword Pavilion."

Li Lingtian's eyes closed slightly, and one hand was already swimming in the blue sky moon clothes. He obviously felt the hot body of the blue sky moon's delicate body, and the smooth and tender body leaned tightly on his hand.

"Everything you listen to."

"Son, will you stay?"

Lan Tianyue's eyes blurred, and subconsciously answered Li Lingtian.

His face was blushing, and his ruddy mouth was close to Li Lingtian's lips. The language was soft and silky, with a hint of begging.

In this way, Li Lingtian can't stand it anymore.

This is undoubtedly invincible. He originally came here to relax, naturally he will not worry about anything, he reached out and copied it, hugged the blue sky moon, his lips printed, and kissed the rosy little mouth.

Aoki Immortal Mountain, not far from the Qingluo Xianhai, only ten thousand miles away.

A huge spaceship, flying fast through the air, very fast.

On the spaceship, a young man in white was exquisitely peerless, with a cloud of light wind on his face and a confident smile on the corner of his mouth. The whole person has the tendency to come to the world, and the air of the world is gloomy. This look is enough to make the whole The proud daughter of the world is overwhelmed.

At this time, on his left was a woman in purple clothes, the appearance of a woman in two or seventy-eight, she was stunningly stunning in the world, and on the right was a sixteen or seventeen year old girl in light green clothes. Although the girl looked small, she was born with a beautiful charm The girl in the light green shirt is somewhat similar to the purple charm of the girl in purple.

If the girl grows up, it will definitely not be worse than the purple girl, and she will even be slightly better.

Such a combination makes men and women in the heaven realm envious and jealous.

They were Li Lingtian who had left Qing Qingzong, and Lan Tianyue and Xiao Mengxuan's mother and daughter.

The three people left Qingyuezong, flying aboard a spaceship above Qingluo Xianhai.

"Young Master, flying a thousand miles to the north, is Aoki Immortal Mountain."

"Aoki Immortal Mountain is in Dongmu Shengjing, and it is just an optional small mountain range. Like this kind of fairy mountain, Dongmu Shengji does not have 100,000 but also 99,000."

"This Aoki Immortal Mountain, inhabited by a true **** realm named Aoki True God, the median true god, commanding monks and strongmen within a million miles, monster monsters and beasts belong to him, counted as a soil emperor Now."

On the spaceship, Lantianyue held a jade jade in his hand. After reading the jade jade, Shenshen said to Li Lingtian.

She didn't know what Li Lingtian was going to Aoki Xianshan for her trip, because she knew that some things shouldn't be asked if they shouldn't be asked. Although she was Li Lingtian's, she definitely didn't want to make Li Lingtian hate and bore her.

"You want to know why this seat is going against Thunder Sword Pavilion and going to the blue wood fairy mountain in that area."

After listening to Lan Tianyue, Li Lingtian already knew.

Looking at Xiao Mengxuan and Lantianyue, he spoke nonchalantly.

"Senior has a hatred against True God Aoki?"

"Otherwise~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seniors will not go to Aoki Immortal Mountain for a median true god."

Xiao Mengxuan tentatively replied, thinking of Li Lingtian's cultivation as the realm, and reminiscent of the scene when his mother and daughter met Li Lingtian. At that time, Li Lingtian was in a coma and was dying.

Now Li Lingtian recovers from injury and cultivates a breakthrough, reaching the median true god.

Going to Aoki Immortal Mountain should be the trouble to find Aoki True God. If there is no hatred, with Li Lingtian's identity and cultivation strength, I will never go to such a place as Aoki Immortal Mountain.

After Xiao Mengxuan answered, he looked at Li Lingtian curiously, wondering if he guessed right.

Lan Tianyue also looked at Li Lingtian curiously. He already knew a rough idea in his heart, but he still had to wait for Li Lingtian to say it himself before counting.

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