War God Supreme

Chapter 1993: The ranking battle,...

"This seat is Qingyuezong Li Lingtian. Baidu Search to Lili Literature Network"

Li Lingtian glanced at the middle-aged monk in front of him and nodded.

"It really is Senior Li."

"There are still two days left in the ranking battle, and the juniors will take the seniors to their place of stay."

Long Duolin heard that this young man was really the elder of Qingyuezong, and he was also shocked. Perhaps many strong men in Qingluo Xianhai didn't know about Qingyuezong and Haolingzong, but he knew about Thunder Sword Pavilion.

A red-level sect gate destroys the orange-level sect gate, no matter how powerful this red-level sect gate is.

After that, he took Li Lingtian and three people to walk towards Xiaoyu Island.

There is a lot of talk about the strong.


The three of Li Lingtian followed Rondolin towards Xiaoyu Island. On the way, Rondolin introduced the battle of the ranking.

Lan Tianyue and Xiao Mengxuan were very excited.

The first time I saw so many strong men, each one was a false god, a demi-god, and even the true **** could see a lot. If I had seen these strong men in the past, they all fought hard.

But now, he has no fear at all in front of these strong men.

And these strong men also cast envious and respectful eyes. Although it was because of Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian was the elder of Qingyuezong himself.

"Senior, this is where you rest."

Long Duolin took Li Lingtian and three people to a small pavilion. There was a light mask outside the small pavilion. It was a simple formation to prevent others from sneaking and peeping.

There are one hundred such small pavilions here.

And this small pavilion is a few hundred meters away from other small pavilions.

Along the way, other places are simple cave houses. Compared to this small pavilion, it is completely different. This is the gap between strength and identity.

Li Lingtian did not expect Rondolin to arrange them here.

But I didn't think much about it. This is the world of the strong.


Li Lingtian nodded and expressed satisfaction with the small pavilion.

Seeing Li Lingtian's expression, Rondolin was also relieved a lot. He was specially responsible for receiving some powerful powerful real gods, but he didn't dare to provoke these real gods. In his eyes, these powerful real gods are all It is an ancestor, and there should be no carelessness.

Although this young man saw him for the first time, it was only the elder of Qingyuezong, but this young man was a super strong man who could destroy Hao Lingzong.

"Senior, this accommodation is specially arranged for the strong men above the median true god, absolutely no one comes to disturb, seniors can rest assured."

"Something, the senior only needs to give a command."

"The battle for rankings will start two days later, and the Thunder Sword Pavilion will send someone to notify the seniors."

Long Duolin said conscientiously, and when he spoke, handed a token to Li Lingtian.

This token is the key to starting this small castle defense formation.

"There is work."

Li Lingtian took the token and said, with a smile on his face.

Then Long Doolin looked at Li Lingtian without any other orders and retired.

Li Lingtian opened the formation and entered the pavilion.

The two floors of this pavilion can be accommodated even by ten people. The interior is elegantly furnished, giving people a pleasing feeling. The pavilions temporarily created by the Thunder Sword Pavilion can be thought of how much effort they have given to these buildings.

However, those who can live here are strong men above the median true god, or top ancestors and families.

After entering the inside, look inside and sweep the consciousness. There is no monitoring arrangement here, but it is also correct to think about it. They are the median true gods here, and the Thunder Sword Pavilion will naturally not do these small family means.

Inside the pavilion, there are six rooms, as well as a living room and a place for cultivation.

"The Thunder Sword Pavilion is really not easy."

"This is the world of the strongest."

"The strong men and sects below the true **** live far from here."

Lan Tianyue sighed in his heart, this is the rules and phenomena in this world.

The place where the average strong lives is too far away from here, and if the general strong come here, he will surely be greeted by a disciple of Thunder Sword Pavilion.

"You take a break first."

"There is nothing fun in this place."

Li Lingtian found a room and meditated and rested when he walked in.

No matter what kind of strong man he faces, he will put all his spirit in one place and go all out.

This time, the powerful people gathered in the immortal sea just happened to see the strength of the powerful players in heaven.

For two days, for a strong practitioner, it is just a matter of time.

Li Lingtian practiced supernatural powers for two days, and the time passed quickly.

After being informed, all the strong men participating in the ranking battle went to Xiaoyun Island.

Bringing Lantianyue and Xiao Mengxuan to Xiaoyun Island, this place has long been crowded with people, at least hundreds of thousands of strong men and monks. These strong men are basically watching and watching lively.

There are not many strong players who really participate in the ranking battle, and it looks like 20,000.

Each strong represents a sect or family.

Powerhouses and families participating in the ranking battles have special positions.

The Chi-level Zongmen and the Chi-level family are on one side, and the orange-level Zongmen and the orange-level family are on the side. As for the yellow-level family and the two yellow-level families, they did not come at all, but sat on the judges’ steps. With.

Both Huangzongzongmen and Huangji's family must have a **** level to become a Huang.

Li Lingtian looked at the environment here. There are four steps above the island.

There are only one hundred positions above a tall staircase, which is the place for judges and superpowers.

There are two more steps where the red-level Zongmen clan and the orange-level Zongmen clan are located. The remaining one is the largest step, which is used by the demigods and gods.

Within ten miles of these four steps, there is no strong man, and the other monks watching the battle are on the edge.

There are more than 15,000 Zongmen families and families at the red level, and more than 4,000 Zongmen families at the orange level.

From noon to noon, the time for the ranking battle is up.

The ranking battle is stipulated. If you have not entered the battlefield after this time, you will be deemed to give up.





At this time, the sound of drums sounded on Xiaoyun Island, and the drum sounds ran through the clouds and spread throughout Xiaoyun Island.

Zhen Tian's drum sound stirred the blood of the strong players present.

As everyone knows, this drum sound comes from the sky drum. The sky drum is made by the holy Lord to kill an ancient beast. The sound spreads millions of miles away, and it can also arouse the blood of the strong and the monks.

It can be regarded as a powerful treasure, but this canopy has no attack and defense.

Twelve stunning drums represent the beginning of the ranking battle.

When the drums sounded, all the strong men were quiet.

On the judging platform of the center, all the super strong people walked up. The strong people who went up were basically the middle true gods, and only a few lower true gods.

Sitting at the very center are the elders of the ten true gods. Look at the signs. These ten elders are from the holy city of Dongmu Shengjing and supervise the ranking battle.

"Welcome your Excellency to Xiaoyun Island."

"This battle of rankings is hosted by Thunder Sword Pavilion and supervised by the messenger of the Holy City."

"I am Wen Rentian, the lord of Thunder Sword Pavilion. I preside over this ranking battle. I swear by Thunder Sword Pavilion to ensure that the ranking battle is fair and just."

"Now, I announce that the battle for rankings has officially begun."

After all the judges and strong men were seated, a middle-aged white man sitting in the center stood up with a faint smile on his face, looked around and said aloud.

Hong Liang's voice resounded through the world, and all the powerful people heard clearly.

"I, Wang Tianling, on behalf of Dongmu Shengcheng, oversaw this ranking battle."

"Guarantee the fairness and justice of the ranking battle. Try to stop as far as possible during the war."

After Wen Rentian finished speaking, Wang Tianling stood up and said lightly that as the representative of the messenger of the Holy City, he naturally had to stand up and say a few words in this battle to supervise the ranking of the Qinglu Xianhai.

After speaking, he sat down and didn't mean to speak again.

"The ranking battle is held in two parts."

"One part is the red-level clan sect gate competition, the other part is the orange-level clan sect gate."

"The red-level family and the Zongmen, who have a true divine state, can apply for the orange-level Zongmen clan, and then compare with the orange-level Zongmen clan."

Wen Rentian spoke and said aloud.

At the time of his speech, there were already three true **** strongmen in Thunder Sword Pavilion who came to the red-level family and Zongmen. As long as they reached the true god, the family and Zongmen would become orange-level.

After becoming an orange level, you must compete with the orange level. If the monks who hide the true **** red level sect in the red level family will be punished, any sect cannot be severely punished.

Soon, the Chi-level clan and the true **** strongman in the Zongmen came out, a total of 63 true-god strongmen, that is to say, there were 63 red-level Zongmen clan became orange-level.

Qingyuezong, Chi-level sect, also became orange-level sect.

A red-class sect and family, because a person reaches the true god, the status changes dramatically.

"The red-class Zongmen family challenged according to the previous ranking. A challenged opponent cannot be challenged continuously."

"The orange-level Zongmen family, the lower true gods against the upper and lower true gods, the median vs. the middle, the upper ranks against the upper ranks, the Great Consummation vs. the Great Consummation, and the elimination system.

"Finally, the top two hundred will be set, and the challenge will be made within the top two hundred. If the top one hundred is set, if you are not convinced of this ranking~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you can continue to challenge, there is only one chance for the challenge, and the challenged can only Accept two consecutive challenges, you can choose to rest for an hour.

Wen Rentian reiterated the rules of the competition. This rule is universal in the world. Everyone knows it clearly, but Wen Rentian said it again.

Li Lingtian listened to Wen Rentian's words and agreed with such a test in his heart.

After all, there are too many people participating in the contest, and they are all the battles of the true gods. The battle of the two true gods is very long.

Such a elimination system can quickly determine the ranking, and then those who are not convinced can challenge.

Moreover, these judges are extremely powerful and experienced. The so-called authorities are obsessed with bystanders. This is the case. The situation may not be clear during the war, but the judges on the side can see clearly. Who is strong and who is weak can be seen at a glance. WWW.GEILIWX.COM happy reading every day

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