War God Supreme

Chapter 1994: Defeat to defeat

Moreover, different realms have different challenges. www.geiliwx.com

If according to the lottery comparison, a top-level true **** meets the median true **** and will definitely be eliminated.

Therefore, each realm has a circle. After the strong players in this circle compete, they are ranked.

Of course, the lower true **** strong can also challenge the central true god. This is all a matter of the future. At least when the challenge is over, there are not many strong players, and it takes little time.

Basically, it is impossible for the lower real **** to challenge the central real god.

There are countless geniuses in this world, but there are still not many opponents who beat the opponents.

There is only one demon like Li Lingtian, and some super demon, Zongmen and family are hidden and cultivated so as not to be killed by other powerful people.

A sect, the most important thing is genius, if no genius appears, no matter how powerful the sect will decline.

"The next true **** competition begins."

"The red-level Zongmen family competition started."

After introducing the rules of the competition, Wen Rentian announced the start of the competition.

The red-class Zongmen family did not eliminate the competition, but only challenged the competition. The ranking is based on the previous ranking. If you are not satisfied with this ranking, you can challenge it directly.

The comparison of the lower real gods also started at this time. The two lower real gods played once, and the defeated ones were eliminated.

During the war, you can admit defeat, as long as you admit defeat, you will not be eligible to challenge. Similarly, in the face of admitting opponents, you can no longer attack.

Li Lingtian is the median true god, so he has to wait for a while.

Now, with Xiao Mengxuan and Lantianyue watching the comparison of the next true **** on the position, with his cultivation and knowledge, the next true **** is simply not in the eye of the law. .

Lan Tianyue and Xiao Mengxuan watched the battle of the next true god, their faces glowing with excitement.

The true **** contest, that's a battle of true god

Every move is full of earth-shattering, magical powers, and the space is shocking.

The battles of the true **** strongmen are all in the waters next to the island, because this will not affect the destruction of the island.




The two lower real gods, straddling in the air, the powerful supernatural powers in their hands bombarded continuously. For a time, the earth swayed, the sea water in the sea rose into the sky, and it was terrifying.

"Hao Mingzong, victory!"

"Dongyun Pavilion, victory!"

"Lin family, victory!"


The lower true god, the victory or defeat of the big battle was quickly divided, either automatically admit defeat, or was wounded without combat effectiveness, or directly killed.

For a time, each family failed, each family won, each sect failed, and each sect won.

In each battle, the ten judges and the powerful players on the high stage are all in discussion, evaluating the strength and ranking of the powerful players in the war, and then comparing the two victories.

In this way, the judges have made the ranking easier. After all, the strong people on the high platform have deep strength, rich experience, and a sharp eye. Basically, they will not be blinded. Even if they are blinded, it is not a person who can rank the ranking. Most of the judges decided that, after all, the rankings will be challenged once they are settled, and the direct challenge of disapproval of rankings will do.

"Senior, do you think anyone can challenge the true God this time?"

The comparison of the next true **** ended in four hours.

After reading the contest of the next true god, Lan Tianyue and Xiao Mengxuan are shocked and envious. The means of the true gods are simply not comparable to them.

Xiao Mengxuan looked at Li Lingtian and asked.

"Basically not."

"Even if it is the pinnacle of the lower true god, it is far from the median true god."

"Unless there are super treasures and powerful anti-celestial powers."

Li Lingtian did not hesitate at all, and the difference between the median true **** and the next true **** is simply beyond description.

The next true **** wants to defeat the median true god, unless it is the evil spirit of the sky, or there are super treasures and supernatural powers of destruction, otherwise, it is delusion.

"The elder is too high, and I will immediately go to the contest of the true God of the middle."

"When they get the ranking of the next true god, they are the median true god."

Lan Tianyue looked at the judges of the high platform and other strong men talking about it, and knew that these judges and strong men were deciding the ranking of the next true god. These rankings will basically be unchanged, unless there are some changes during the challenge. .

"The comparison of the next true **** really has nothing to look at."

"Let's take a look at the means of the median true god. You also have to look at the reaction ability and handling methods of these powerful men during the war. Such a war will have incalculable benefits for your future cultivation and combat."

"This is also one of the reasons why countless strong people come to watch the battle. Not every strong man comes to watch the battle because of the excitement."

Li Lingtian watched a few contests of the lower real gods, but didn't watch them later. Instead, he closed his eyes and meditated to rest. He saw that the strength and means of these lower real gods were indeed powerful, but they were not as good as his eyes.

In the competition of the orange-level clan gate family, the lower real gods are the most, occupying more than half of them. Among the more than four thousand orange-level clan gate families, more than three thousand are the lower real gods. Many, the top strong are very poor.

Now, it is the turn of the median true god.

In fact, the real ranking battle competition is still based on the comparison between the true **** and the true god, as well as the most powerful family and sect.

"The median **** test begins."

"East Lingzong against Lan Baizong."

After Wen Rentian and others decided on the ranking of the next true god, they announced the contest of the median true god.

The competition in each realm is also decided by drawing lots.

The strong men of the same rank are not far away. If the ordinary median true **** meets the top median true god, that is also luck, and no one can resent others, because such things are often encountered in this world.

When being robbed and robbed of treasure, it is definitely bullying. If there is no gap, a fool will come to deal with you.

Dong Lingzong and Lan Baizong are almost the same as the two median true gods.

Dong Lingzong's name is Yun Yuetian, and Lan Baizong's name is Zhu Tianming. The two have reached the median true **** for hundreds of years, and their strengths are almost the same.

Seeing the comparison of the median true god, Li Lingtian's spirit came.

Because his opponents are the median true **** and the superior true god, now it is time to look at the strength between these strong men, and when he makes his own shot, he will have a little bottom.

Although they have killed the Aoki True God and the Black Shadow Patriarch, both of them are the median true gods, but when fighting with these two people, it is not fair, or to say, there are some skills to kill the two strong ones. And luck.

boom! boom! boom!

The two median true gods didn't speak, they just met.

The destroying killer bombarded continuously, and the time and space fluctuated.

The battle of the median true **** is completely two levels higher than that of the lower true god.

A median true god, under normal circumstances, killing ten lower true gods casually without injury, ten lower true gods cannot shake a median true god.

"The median true god, a terrifying magical means."

"The first time I saw the Battle of the Central True Gods, I gained a lot of knowledge."

"There is no comparison between the inferior congenital artifact and the middle congenital artifact."

"Donglingzong will definitely lose, he lost to the weapon."

"Yeah, Dong Lingzong exhibited inferior artifacts, while Lan Baizong exhibited middle-grade innate artifacts. Both men's cultivation skills are generally equal, but unfortunately they lost on weapons."


The strong men who rested and watched the battle, watching the battle of the two central true gods, were all nervous.

Both of them were admired for their behavior, but their weapons differed by an equal order, and the outcome has come out. It is only a matter of time.

"not necessarily."

Li Lingtian looked at the battle between the two. On the surface, Yun Lingtian of the Eastern Lingzong only displayed the inferior congenital artifact. Zhu Tianming of Lan Baizong exhibited the inferior congenital artifact. It seems that Yun Yuetian will be defeated, but Li Lingtian does not think so. .

"Elder Taishang said Yunyuetian will win?"

Lan Tianyue was beside Li Lingtian. He heard Li Lingtian saying that Yun Yuetian would win, and his face was stunned.

"Your Excellency is wrong."

"The two are generally equal in strength, but the weapons are one grade lower."

"Yeah, if the two weapons are of the same rank, it's really hard to say."

A few of the strong real gods next to Li Lingtian gave Li Lingtian a glance, his face showing disdain.

Li Lingtian is an ordinary median true god, and it seems that he hasn't broken through for a long time, and they have all broken through for hundreds of years, and have even reached the peak of the median true god.

"Oh, a real strong man, the overall situation and vision are extremely important."

"At this point, you should pay attention to it, lest you do not know how to die."

Li Lingtian ignored the strong men next to him, and looked at Lantianyue, and said seriously, the tone of the words spoke with lesson, just like teaching the juniors.

Several strong men heard Li Lingtian's words, their expressions changed, and they almost became angry. Mingli was the one who taught his sect, but he taught them together.

However, just as a few people were about to get angry, the battle between Yun Yuetian and Zhu Tianming highlighted the accident, and originally thought Yun Yuetian would be defeated, but it happened.

"Rage of the River, a thunder strike!"

I saw that the inferior congenital artifact in Yun Yuetian's hands flew out of his hands~www.wuxiaspot.com~ shot straight towards Zhu Tianming.

Abandoning weapons is a taboo for the strong. If the weapons cannot hit the opponent, they will fall into a dangerous situation. Even if there is a second weapon, it will be too late.

Seeing Yun Yuetian's movements, all the strong think that Yun Yuetian is looking for his own way.

However, just as Yun Yuetian threw out his weapon, the whole body's divine power was running, and a strange circle was drawn in the air in the hand. Suddenly, the endless divine power appeared in the space.

The sea water in the sea area turned into an endless beam of light, and an endless arc appeared in the void, and the beam of light and the arc instantly merged.

In an instant, the entire fairy sea seemed to turn over.

In this situation, the expression on the face of all the strong men changed, and they never expected Yun Yuetian to cultivate such a terrifying magical power. WWW.GEILIWX.COM happy reading every day

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