War God Supreme

Chapter 2008: The challenge begins

"Everyone loses the chance to challenge if they fail. If they win, they can have up to three challenges, provided that they have not failed. www.geiliwx.com"

"The challenged person, after being challenged by the same-level strongman twice in a row, can reject the third challenge of the same-level challenge and take an hour break before accepting the challenge."

"The challenger wins, and the loser can be ranked."

"Top ten, accept at least three or more challenges."

"Any challenged person is not allowed to refuse, otherwise it is regarded as abandoning the ranking."

"This is the basic challenge rule, and it is also the challenge rule of the Heaven Realm, and I hope everyone remembers it."

"It is strictly prohibited to cheat, violate the rules, cancel the challenge, and cancel the ranking results."

Wen Rentian said the challenge rule again. Thunder Sword Court and the ten messenger judges also said that the rule is valid.

Although most of the strong men know the rules of this challenge, they listened carefully, so as not to make any mistakes, and it was too late to regret it.

Li Lingtian, who was on the rest table, was shocked when he looked at his ranking.

Although this is only the initial ranking, it is a theoretical ranking, but he did not expect the ranking to be so high.

Naturally, I also thought that this ranking may be deliberately made by the Thunder Sword Pavilion. Anyway, it is to be challenged, it is not countable at all, and this tenth place is the most easily challenged among the top 100. It is undoubtedly He sent the cusp.

However, his goal is not tenth.

Thinking of this, Li Lingtian showed a smile on his face, intentionally or unintentionally.

"I didn't expect the initial ranking to be tenth. I might lose this time."

"This time, it seems that he lost."

"Even if it was the initial ranking, I didn't expect it to be so high. If you beat the top 100, you definitely have to lose."

"Don't enter the top ten, if we enter the top ten, we will lose ten million."

"The top ninety, with the greatest hope, I pressed 100,000 in the top ninety."


Countless powerhouses who crushed Li Lingtian, after seeing Li Lingtian's initial ranking, felt their heart throb because this ranking is not good for their bets.

However, the top 100, top 90, and top 80 strong feel that they will win. With Li Lingtian's cultivation strength, the top 100 hope is still great.

Although this bet is risky, it is very rewarding, because as long as the hit is doubled or even more, it can be up to 19 times.

"The top 100 lords please come on stage and accept the challenge."

"I announced that the challenge officially began."

Wen Rentian announced loudly that the top 100 strong men would come to power and accept the challenge.

Suddenly, the strong one came out and came to the challenge platform.

Li Lingtian flashed his figure and came to the challenge platform.

On the challenge platform, the three true gods were perfect and strong, more than a dozen higher true gods, more than twenty median true gods, and the rest were all lower true gods.

This is the initial ranking after the competition. Except for the top three and a dozen or so high-ranking true gods, other rankings will basically be taken away by other powerful players.

Because the upper true **** was killed by the strong man of the same rank, the strength is needless to say.

The median true **** was also killed in the same rank, but they will face the challenge of the superior true god, so the ranking is absolutely not guaranteed, even if the leader in the median true **** is not the opponent of the superior true god.

According to the ranking, the top ten stands at the end, because basically no one dares to go to the top ten for trouble, the only exception is that the tenth is a median true god.

On this challenge platform, in addition to the top ten and the upper true god, as well as two or three top middle true gods, the others will be defeated immediately.

"The deity came and challenged the 100th place."

Just as the top 100 came to the challenge platform, a higher **** spoke aloud.

When the voice sounded, the figure flashed and quickly came into the air. His eyes looked at the 100th lower real **** strongman, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Yun Tianfeng, the high-ranking true **** with strong strength, was unmatched in the third round. Now he wants to challenge the 100th place, which is a lower true god.

"Impossible, the first true **** challenges the lower true **** first."

"There is the style of the loser."

"Yun Tianfeng failed in the third round, and his strength was unmatched. He challenged the 100th place."

Hearing Yun Tianfeng's challenge to the 100th place immediately caused shock to countless powerful men and monks. When looking at Yun Tianfeng, he was somewhat disdainful.

After all, the powerful high **** like Yun Tianfeng killed the lower real **** with a wave of hand. Now it's too shameful to challenge a lower real **** in a large audience, although this is not against the rules.

"I surrender."

The one-hundredth real Kanda Kanda, with an unsightly look on his face.

It has long been known that this ranking is only the initial ranking, and it will be wiped down if challenged. Even if it is so, it is also the glory of its own sect.

But Wan Wan didn't think that he was the first to be challenged, and it was all a challenge to himself to be in the top ten, and the whole person was bad.

When he met the upper true god, or the super true god, he could only concede defeat. If he does not do his best, he must be slapped to death.

"Yun Tianfeng, victory, temporarily ranked 100th."

Wen Rentian announced loudly that all the judges and the Thunder Sword Pavilion strongman defaulted.

When speaking, the 100th place on the ranking list was replaced with Yun Tianfeng’s name. The strong people present knew that Yun Tianfeng would not be willing to live in the 100th place, and now he became the 100th place smoothly, etc. At the same time, he can also challenge, and has the opportunity to challenge up to three times, provided there is no failure before.

"I challenge the 99th place."

After Yun Tianfeng's ranking was on the list, then a higher true **** flew into the air, and the roll call challenged the 99th place.

Suddenly, there was another commotion, but I didn't expect that the higher real **** challenged the lower real **** again.

"I surrender."

Ninety-nine people challenged directly conceded, because the gap between the two was too large, some people started a head in the front, directly conceding defeat is not embarrassing, after all, they encountered the upper true god.

"Bai Ming, victory, temporarily ranked 99th."

On the ranking list, the name of the 99th place was changed to Bai Ming.

With the first one, there is the second one, and with the second one, naturally there is the third one.

Suddenly, each of the upper true gods challenged the lower true gods, and the lower true gods directly conceded defeat. In less than ten minutes, all the first hundred lower true gods were listed.

Soon, the median true **** in the top 100 was also on the list. There were only four median gods left, and the other three were in the top twenty. One of them was still in the tenth place. This person is naturally Li Lingtian.

Of the 100, the lower true **** and the median true **** were basically cleaned up, leaving four median gods and three true gods complete, and the others were the upper true gods.

On Xiaoyun Island, hundreds of thousands of powerful people must understand that these powerful upper real gods do not want the lower real gods and the middle real gods to jump here, because this stage is theirs, and when these lower real gods and the middle real gods leave, this It's time for them to really compete.

On stage, the four central true gods and three true gods were not challenged.

Under the stage, there are still more than 40 higher real gods who have not challenged. Naturally, it is impossible for these higher real gods to give up the opportunity to challenge. Therefore, the four middle real gods have the most opportunities to be challenged by the upper real gods.

"Lord Yunlong, accept the challenge of the deity."

Another upper true **** flew into the air, standing in the air and shouting loudly, challenging Yunlong by name. Yunlong is one of the four remaining undisturbed median true gods in the top 100.

"Please ask Qin Tong to enlighten me."

Yunlong's figure flashed, and the whole person came into the sky strangely. At the same time, the power of the peak of the median true **** turned to the extreme, and a high-grade innate artifact was displayed in his hand.


"Boom, boom."

The shot is the magical power of destruction, almost a desperate attack.

Naturally, if the median true **** meets the superior true god, even if it is the pinnacle of the median true god, it is not the opponent of the superior true god. Yunlong is the arrogant son of heaven, and the means of magical powers against the sky, plus the power of the treasure, is the most promising to accept the challenge of the true god. One of the victorious characters.

In order to keep the ranking, it is natural to fight for it. If you win, you will gain both fame and fortune. When the time comes, your cultivation will rise in a straight line. If you fail, you will be seriously injured or fall.

In this world, there will be no pie in the sky. Opportunities and dangers coexist.

"Senior, who do you think will win Yunlong and Qin Tong?"

Beside Li Lingtian, Xiao Mengxuan asked Li Lingtian.

At this level of war, she can't understand it at all, and she doesn't know who is more powerful.

One is the upper true god, and the other is the powerful central god. The two men's battle, they can't see any clue at all, so they asked Li Lingtian.

"The two have won five or five."

"The strong man has reached a certain level, and it can't be seen from the surface."

"Because the strong man likes to show off the magical powers and treasures of the sky at the crucial time, and there are some treasures and powers that transcend the limits of the realm."

Li Lingtian said lightly that if other people asked him, he would not say anything at all.

But he asked Xiao Mengxuan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Taking advantage of this opportunity, just gave her a lesson, let her have a long view, so as not to suffer a loss.

When talking, I looked at the battle in the air.

The air battle can only be described as tragic.

"Well, Xuan Xuan understands."

Xiao Mengxuan also knew that Li Lingtian was teaching her, and was very happy, and took Li Lingtian's words firmly in his heart.

Li Lingtian said nothing wrong, the central true **** Yunlong played a trick at the critical time, the peerless magic pass destroyed the heavens and the earth. Seeing this, the median true **** defeating the upper true **** has become a foregone conclusion, but I never imagined this superior. The true **** Qin Tong also exhibited a terrible peerless magic at this time.

The peerless supernatural powers are about the same level, but the level is one level different, and Yunlong fails. WWW.GEILIWX.COM happy reading every day

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