War God Supreme

Chapter 2009: Play against the true God

c_t; Yunlong and Qintong both have peerless supernatural powers, and they both regard peerless supernatural powers as killer skills, and each has their own calculations, but the gap between the realms makes Yunlong finally fail. If Qintong does not have peerless supernatural powers, Qintong will be loaded onto supernatural powers. (-79-

Next, the other two median true gods were also defeated by the superior true god. The reasons for the failure were almost the same as Yunlong. Peerless magical powers met peerless magical powers, and powerful treasures met powerful treasures.

At this time, among the top 100, there was only one median true god, Li Lingtian ranked tenth.

Countless strong men were shocked when they saw the failure of the three median true gods. They were not shocked by their failures, but by their powerful magical powers and means. Such cultivation as strength is definitely the existence of the innocent general in the median true god. .

At the same time, some strong players who pressed their bets on Li Lingtian felt that there was a crisis at this time. The dealer who was betting was naturally happy. As long as Li Lingtian was no longer in the 100, he would kill him.

I just saw that the almost invincible strong among the three median true gods had no means of escaping the upper true god, and all failed. Although Li Lingtian was powerful, he could not escape the means of the upper true god.

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Gradually, countless powerful people looked at Li Lingtian.

The name on the ranking list kept changing, and finally stopped at this time.

Because the challenge now is either to challenge Li Lingtian, or to the upper true **** to challenge the upper true god, to challenge the strong men of the same rank, the odds are not great, challenge Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian is too against the sky.

"Since no one is challenging."

"This seat will challenge once."

Li Lingtian looked at the top of the steps, and all of them became the upper true **** and the great consummation of the true god. He himself was the median true god, and the forty or so higher gods under the stage didn't know who was challenging.

The powerhouses on the stage are also hesitating whether to challenge or not, and they are all thinking about what kind of ranking they should challenge.

If you are sure to challenge the seventy, and you will challenge the sixty, you will regret it if you lose. If you challenge the seventy, you will consume your own divine power and the'fine' god. For the next time The challenge is unfavorable, and maybe I was challenged by other strongmen just after I challenged the victory.

This kind of thing can't be more normal, after all, this is not a violation of reads;.

Li Lingtian walked out step by step and said loudly, the whole person was chic and elegant, the peerless dust, the cloud of the face was light and the wind was light, and the corner of his mouth also had a faint and confident smile.

"Tenth place, but still challenge."

"Challenge yourself!"

"It should be that I know that my tenth place cannot be kept and choose the next place. []"

"The tenth place is really too high for his median true god."

"His ranking should be around 90."

"The median true **** is able to achieve this step, it is already very against the sky, in the Qingluo Xianhai, it is definitely one of the best characters."

"Li Lingtian's cultivation is an invincible player whose strength can be said in the same rank, but in the face of the upper true god, the gap in the realm is too large. If he reaches the upper true god, the tenth place will definitely be preserved."

"Look at how many places he wants to challenge, the best is the top 90, so that I can earn twice the spirit stone."

Li Lingtian's voice fell, and a stone "raised" a thousand layers of "waves", which immediately shocked the strongmen and monks of the entire Xiaoyun Island. There was endless discussions, and they were all guessing why Li Lingtian wanted to challenge.

At the same time, guess how much Li Lingtian will challenge.

"Li Lingtian, you are already in the tenth place, do you want to give up the tenth place?"

"Tell me, who are you going to challenge?"

Wen Rentian and others, the expression on their faces changed, and they were all stunned by Li Lingtian's approach. In their hearts, the only thing Li Lingtian had to do was to desperately keep his tenth place instead of giving up.

For a median true **** in the tenth place, if the challenge is to give up his ranking to challenge the strong man, after all, Li Lingtian has just seen the gap between several super median true gods and the upper true god.

"Here is the 100th Lord Yun Tianfeng."

Li Lingtian's eyes looked towards Yun Tianfeng, who was in the 100th place. His figure flashed, and he was already suspended in the air reading;.

The momentum of the body unfolded, the divine power was running, and the colorful light shield was displayed.

He has carefully looked at it. Although the 100th Yun Tianfeng is only the 100th challenge, but his strength is absolutely profound and powerful. According to Yun Tianfeng's strength, ranking in the top 50 is not a problem.

I have never met the upper true god. For the first challenge, I chose a medium strength, so that I can check how far the current strength is from the upper true god.

If you can kill the middle true **** in seconds, you may not be able to defeat the upper true god. At this time, you must be cautious. Anyway, you have three opportunities to challenge. If you fail in the 100th place, then don’t want to challenge the higher rank. .

"Challenge the 100th place!"

"Tenth place challenges 100th place!"

"Sure enough, there is self-knowledge."

"Give up the tenth place and keep the 100th place, this is the most knowing."

"I'm afraid I can't keep even the 100th."

There was a shock. Even Wen Rentian and others were shocked. He did not expect Li Lingtian to give up the tenth place and challenge the 100th place, which was completely beyond their imagination.

The strongmen and monks on Xiaoyun Island are also shocked, but they all understand Li Lingtian, because Li Lingtian is only the median true **** and can give up the top ten guarantees. This is normal.

You should know that the evil spirits of the central true **** almost won, but they still failed. The distance between the central true **** and the upper true **** cannot be compensated by treasures and supernatural powers.

"Okay, see your supernatural powers, Ling Tian."

Yun Tianfeng didn't expect Li Lingtian to choose to challenge him, which was something he didn't expect.

Moreover, in his own plan, after challenging the 100th place, he would challenge the top 30. If he wins, it will be 30. If he loses, he will still be 100. Going to provoke Li Lingtian.

After thousands of calculations, Li Lingtian, who didn't count to the tenth, challenged the 100th, but he shot himself lying down.

However, since this step has been reached, I just happened to know and appreciate this magical and powerful median true **** strongman, and I can't step backwards, otherwise it will become a joke reads;.

The voice fell, and the figure flashed, already appearing within a few miles of Li Lingtian, and looked at Li Lingtian seriously.

If other median gods challenge him, he definitely thinks that the other party is self-controlling, but this Li Lingtian's deep and terrifying strength is definitely not the kind of self-controllable guy, but is sure to fight him.

"The realm of fire."

"The realm of ice."

When Li Lingtian saw Yun Tianfeng coming up, all his mind was suddenly put away, and he took the war seriously.

As early as the beginning, the Yuanshen has already been in operation. The operation of the divine power understands the extreme, the cultivation of the median true god, the divine power has surpassed the true **** strong.

The fire and ice fires of the Fire Department and the Ice Department of the Fire Department exploded at this moment. Behind him, a ten-mile-sized ice cold world and a ten-mile-sized flame world appeared.

The two worlds merged in an instant, the space shivered, and then shattered.

The ice cold world and the flame world form the ice flame **** wings. Around Li Lingtian is the fusion power of the ice cold world and the flame world. Both fields are exhibited at the same time.

There are ice gods and fire gods, as well as the **** king amethyst ice and the flames of burning the sky, and his fusion of ice and fire has reached a peak.

Now, his heart bursts with confidence, just like facing the upper true god, he can easily defeat it.

He didn't have anything to do with his exercises, but he was horrified enough by all the strong monks. He was the Five Elements Great Constellation, he controlled the Five Elements Great Consummation, the Five Elements Eucharist, and there was the Five Elements Realm. This is nothing.

But the other strong men were shocked. Li Lingtian began to show the realm of sword and gold, as well as the realm of fire, or the body of the sky sword and the sacred body of flames. Now there is still the realm of ice, which surprised all the strongmen. chin.

More importantly, Li Lingtian has completely cultivated the two extreme ‘sexualities’ to the extreme, and has also merged the extreme extremes together, and the fusion has been carried out naturally, without any reluctance.

The realm of ice and the realm of fire merge together, the divine power of the ice and the divine power of the fire merge together, and the flame and the ice merge together.

The blaze of flames shone, and the cold light shone, and Li Lingtian in the multicolored light shield was domineering to the extreme at this time.

He looked at the shocked Yun Tianfeng with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Yun Tianfeng, be careful."

"There are not many supernatural powers, but they are all lore."

Li Lingtian said lightly that people do not commit me and I do not commit anybody. Now these strong men have not provoked him, but in order to reward the rankings, he has only shot.

However, before the last resort, he will not easily kill a strong man.

These strong men are all powerful beings in the Qingluo Xianhai. One more friend is better than one enemy. It is better not to kill these strong men and get revenge.

"Okay, Chong Lingtian, you have to be more careful."

"The deity has only three moves~www.wuxiaspot.com~If the three moves can't defeat His Excellency Ling Tian, ​​he will admit defeat next time."

Yuntian Fengshen was stunned for a while, and he suddenly appeared to smile. He was not a fool, and naturally knew that Li Lingtian was kindly reminding him.

He really has to be careful, because this Li Lingtian is so perverted, every shot will give people a thrilling.

Every time a shot is made, there is an extra field or ‘sex’ or powerful magical power.

Now I have encountered one more realm of ice, and the realm of ice and the realm of fire have actually merged. The anti-sky demon of the dual line of ice and fire is terrifying in itself, to the extent that Li Lingtian is beyond description.

When speaking, the divine power of the whole body works, the divine power of the destruction of the upper true **** fills the space, and the whole broken space is even more fragmented.

He is not saying that as long as three moves can defeat Li Lingtian, but only three tricks of horror magic power, if three moves can not defeat Li Lingtian, he will only have to wait to be beaten, because he has seen Li Lingtian played several types of hegemony Supernatural powers and means. ;


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