War God Supreme

Chapter 2013: Higher Shingami No. 1...

c_t; Boom!

In an instant, Jin Guang collided with the imprint. [Please see the latest chapter of this book]

Countless strong people were shocked and stunned, because the seemingly weak mark completely resisted the golden light of destruction.

Jin Guang and Imprint, stalemate in the air, and for a moment, did not know who won or lost.



The banging continued and the space was destroyed.

The golden light and the mark were trembling constantly, as if they were about to burst, and countless powerful minds followed the two destruction supernatural powers in the air.

"The Ultimate Sword Domain."

With a faint smile on Li Lingtian's face, the imprint failed to destroy the golden light, and he had long been expected, but he was able to block the golden light, but it exceeded his expectations, and the power of immortal Wang Yin exceeded his imagination. .

For his purpose, it is only necessary to not move the Ming Wang Yin to resist the moment, because behind the Ming Wang Yin, there is already a more domineering supernatural power.

The body of the sky sword opens, the sword field explodes, the field of gold operates, and the divine power is surging.

Nine Daojian Yu Jianmeng cut through the space, and generally cut off towards the golden light across time and space.

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Hundreds of thousands of eyes, watching the unmatched ultimate sword field fell on the golden light, suddenly, the golden light was split into two in a straight line, and finally completely dissipated in the air.


The nine sword swords of the ultimate sword domain destroyed eight of them when the golden light was destroyed. The last sword sword fell on Zhong Wujian, and the strange brilliance of Zhong Wujian flickered, and then he was destroyed.

The defense of Zhong Wuhen's body was broken, his body flew out, a mouthful of blood was scattered in the air, and the blood curtain was smashed and scattered in the air by the power of the sword domain.

The war passed in an instant, and the whole process was only ten seconds.

Li Lingtian's magical power is instantaneous, and does not give the opponent the chance to respond at all. When facing the power to destroy the golden body, he also destroys the golden light and defeats Zhong Wuhen.

The breath of the body calmed down, the realm of gold and sword disappeared. Li Lingtian was like a vast starry sky holding countless magical powers. It seemed calm, but the power of destroying the world was brewing in the body. .

His body flashed back to the challenge stage.

All the strong men awakened at this time and were shocked by Li Lingtian's stunning Ultimate Sword Territory.

But Li Lingtian was shocked when he returned to the challenge. After all, Zhong Wuhen didn't admit defeat, could he be so confident that he won?

"Li Lingtian wins, tenth place."

Zhong Wuhen in the air stopped forcibly, and finally landed on the challenge platform. The look on his face was horrified, and he felt terrified.

I saw a trace of blood on his eyebrows, Jianmang cut the skin, and if he was heavier, he would be split in half, and Yuanshen would be split in half, even if it was the upper true god, without Yuanshen, Only smoke disappeared.

Everyone saw Zhong Wuhen's eyebrows. When he saw this, they were all very trembling. This is really terrible.

If Li Lingtian did not stop, Zhong Wuhen had now become two halves.

Everyone knows why Li Lingtian came down first. It turned out that he had already won, and the victory was in his hands. Naturally, he was very clear reads;.

Wen Rentian and others naturally saw Zhong Wuhen's appearance, stood up, and declared Li Lingtian's victory loudly, but the challenger failed, Li Lingtian's victory, and his place was kept.

"Anyone else challenge?"

The rankings have changed countless times and basically have to be settled.

Li Lingtian challenged others once, won, and accepted challenges from others once. The same victory, the median true god, faced with the super power of the median true god.

And the victory was wonderful and beautiful. From the beginning to the end, no one attacked Li Lingtian, and even the opponent’s attack was not within 100 meters of Li Lingtian. This is undoubtedly a terrifying reality, and neither Li Lingtian can enter within 100 meters. , How terrifying this is.

Even the three great gods who fulfilled the great consummation looked at Li Lingtian differently, and he was afraid.

This person is too horrible, he can't look at it with the eyes of ordinary strong people, otherwise he will wait for death.

Seeing the ranking on the list, it was almost like this. Wen Rentian glanced at the strong man on the steps and asked aloud.

The challenge, in fact, there have been no strong men in the audience. The top 100 are competing and want to get a higher ranking.

Now basically the challenge is almost the same, if you want to challenge, it is the top ten, the tenth place Li Lingtian must be excluded, the three true gods who are perfect and strong must also be excluded, the rest are terrifying, in the same In the stage, there is basically no rival.

"This seat."


Just as Wen Rentian's voice fell higher, two voices sounded.

Two voices sounded at the same time. In this situation, everyone suddenly looked at the two people who were talking. They were all curious. At this time, there are still two people who want to challenge in unison.

When he saw the speaker, all the strong men were shocked.

One of the speakers was ninth, and one was Li Lingtian who had just accepted the challenge.

The ninth place of Zhou Ruofeng, the highest true god, has unfathomable strength. He has never accepted a challenge once. The whole person's mental state and divine power are at the peak. Seeing that no one has challenged, he is ready to challenge a higher rank.

However, I didn't expect to meet Li Lingtian who had just been challenged at the same time. When I saw Li Lingtian wanted to challenge, Zhou Ruofeng felt tight. He was worried that Li Lingtian would challenge him.

This kind of thing is so wonderful, and Li Lingtian is in tenth place, and Zhou Ruofeng is in ninth place. If Li Lingtian is challenged, the challenge of ninth place is undoubtedly the most.

Wen Rentian, Wen Renwuhen, as well as Thunder Sword Pavilion and Wang Tianling, all showed curiosity on their faces.

"I don't know who the two are going to challenge?"

Wen Rentian asked curiously, in addition to Li Lingtian, the top ten finally challenged.

He heard people's curiosity, as well as the curiosity of all the strong players present, who wanted to know who Li Lingtian and Zhou Ruofeng had to challenge.

"Challenge the seventh place next."

"Your Excellency Ling Tian is not going to challenge it."

Zhou Ruofeng spoke first and said aloud.

After talking about the goal to be challenged, his eyes shifted to Li Lingtian and asked curiously, at the same time there was an inexplicable fear in his heart, worrying that Li Lingtian would really challenge him.

"Hehe, rest assured."

"This seat will not challenge you."

"This seat wants to challenge the fourth place."

Li Lingtian smiled, naturally he would not challenge the ninth place, either he would not challenge, or he would challenge the ranking he wanted.

As long as the hardest one is knocked down, even if someone behind is taking advantage of the fire, he has hope to deal with it. If he fights with other people first, it consumes too much divine power and spirit, and then challenges the ranking he needs. It's difficult.

Hearing that Li Lingtian did not challenge Zhou Ruofeng, all the strong men were surprised. Do they have to challenge the eighth place or have the same goal as Zhou Ruofeng?

Zhou Ruofeng felt relieved, no matter who Li Lingtian challenged, as long as he did not challenge him.

But I was curious, and I didn't know who Li Lingtian would challenge.

If Li Lingtian challenges the seventh place, he will simply give up.

When Li Lingtian spoke, he looked at the fourth place and his voice sounded dull.

But the bland voice was heard by all the strong monks, and it was undoubtedly a thunderbolt of destruction, which shocked everyone's heartbeat.

"Challenge the fourth place!"

"Full challenge to Murong Dutian."

"Fourth Murong Dutian, undoubtedly the first person among the true gods."

"Challenge Murong Dutian, the first person of the true God!"

"Murong is heaven, infinitely close to the true consummation of the true god."

"Even if the True God is fully consummated, it may not be possible to defeat Murong Dutian."

"Li Lingtian must challenge Murong Dutian and challenge the existence of the myth of the true God."

There was an uproar, and on the whole Xiaoyun Island, everyone was shocked.

If it doesn’t, it’s amazing.

That's why the words are amazing and endless.

The median true **** challenges the myth among the true gods.

It can be said that this is a challenge across three realms.

This idea and courage alone is not something that ordinary people can possess. Other strong people, even against the evil spirits, dare not have such an idea.

"Challenging Murong Dutian."

On the high platform, Wen Rentian and others were shocked.

He stared at Li Lingtian in horror, and heard people hatelessly, asking tentatively, he wanted to know if Li Lingtian had made a mistake or was too impulsive.

"Yes, this is the right of this challenge."

Li Lingtian had a faint smile on his face. This calm and calm smile seemed like it would never disappear.

"Good courage."

Murong Dutian stood up, and he never expected that someone would challenge him, which was completely beyond expectation.

He looked at Li Lingtian coldly, and said lightly, his tone seemed to praise Li Lingtian, but there was no meaning of praise, but a disdain, or that Li Lingtian was too far away from him, and Li Lingtian dared to challenge him and let him It's that courage that optimistic about Li Lingtian, but nothing else.

"It takes courage to challenge the fourth place?"

The smile on Li Lingtian's face is still the same, but his eyes are like ice. The whole person's momentum is cold, and everyone suddenly feels that he has entered the ice cellar.

The simple sentence was returned, the tone was plain, but it was sharp.

This sentence ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ made Murong angry and surprised everyone.

Proud, absolutely arrogant.

Gaoao encountered arrogance, and the spark of the collision dazzled.

The war has not yet begun, it has brought endless fighting intentions. In fact, the invisible war has already begun.

This is the war of the state of mind. If the state of mind is weak, there is no courage to talk casually with a strong man like Murong Dutian.


On the challenge platform, two invisible momentums bombarded together, and a muffled noise erupted.

Both Li Lingtian and Murong Dutian took a step back, and their faces were surprised at the same time.

The intangible momentum forms the essence, and only the truly amazing God can achieve it. I did not expect that both of them would have reached such a level. If other powerful people meet such a powerful person, the invisible momentum alone has already let them Eat a big loss.


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