War God Supreme

Chapter 2014: Promise Zhengyangtian

c_t; "Humph!"

The coercion of Murong Dutian broke out and was challenged. Naturally, he wanted to strike a destructive blow against those who provoked him. Full text reading of the latest chapter

With a sneer, the coercion of the whole person was crushed towards Li Lingtian.

He had a look at Li Lingtian's several battles. Li Lingtian's talent was against the sky, and he used magical powers. He wanted to defeat him, and he needed a little effort.

However, he found that none of the people who fought Li Lingtian had exerted coercion to crush Li Lingtian.

No matter how powerful it is, the realm is there.

The coercion of the upper real gods overwhelmingly crushed the middle real gods.

Coercion is the gap between treasures and supernatural powers.

Others did not crush Li Lingtian with coercion. He just happened to crush Li Lingtian with the coercion of his infinite closeness to the completeness of the true God to see if this Li Lingtian could bear it.

"This seat overestimates you."

Li Lingtian saw a trace of disdain on his face when he saw that the other party was using coercion to crush himself.

This strong man is extremely terrifying in strength, and claims to be the first person of the higher true god, but his state of mind and thoughts are still among the ordinary strong men. Without a heart beyond ordinary, he is simply not a strong man.

Wanting to overwhelm Li Lingtian with coercion is simply delusion.

Li Lingtian's coercion and consciousness, really few people can compete with it.

Impressed by the consciousness, the terrifying Jiutian Shenwei broke out. Suddenly, the Jiutian Shenwei surpassed Murong Dutian and crushed the past. Both of them were invisible and tangible.

In the air, constantly twisted in front of coercion.


With a loud bang, Jiutian Shenwei and Murong Dutian's coercion struck together.

Li Lingtian shook his body, but Murong Dutian exploded a few meters, with a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, and his face was constantly changing. He did not think about the coercion of the first person of his true God, and he failed in the face of a median true God. .

This situation is undoubtedly a blow to him.

In front of the people of the world, he was the first person of the true **** and actively exerted his pressure to deal with the median true god. Instead of defeating the median true god, he was repulsed by the opponent's coercion.

Above Xiaoyun Island, countless strong men showed horror on their faces, and they were shocked.

Can not help but take a breath, not only the strength of the sky, even the coercion also crossed the realm.

If you don’t see that Li Lingtian is the real and true middle god, you will think that Li Lingtian is beyond the existence of the upper true god. Otherwise, how could you crush the first person of the upper true **** with coercion on top of coercion? [Quick updates, fresh website pages, few ads, and I like this kind of website the most, so I must praise it]

"What a terrible coercion of reads;"

"Even if the true God is fully consummated, the coercion cannot be so terrifying."

Blood Sword Pavilion Nalan Yunting's face showed a shocked look, and his fear of Li Lingtian became stronger and stronger. Now that he sees Li Lingtian's coercion so powerful, his faintness has exceeded his coercion. This is a crisis.

"I didn't expect the coercion of the median true **** to cross the realm."

"Indeed, even if the palace matches this coercive pressure, there is not much chance of winning."

Ling Yunmin, the fairy of Qingshui in the Water Diving Pavilion, and Gao Lengbingyan's face also showed a surprised color. A simple majestic impact can completely see the power of a strong man.

Because coercion is impossible to cultivate, it is proportional to cultivation.

Divine consciousness is generally proportional to cultivation, but it can be cultivated. Although it is very rare to cultivate consciousness, it can exist. It can be said that there are millions of true gods, and there is a true god. , But the basic of successful cultivation is not.

In other words, consciousness and coercion are in direct proportion to cultivation.

The true God who was high above was completely consummated, and he did not look at any true **** in his eyes, but he did not expect such a terrible median true god.

"The median true god, but he can't see through his strength."

"It's really scary. I met such a scary person for the first time."

The expression on Zhao Yuanxiao's face in Ziyuanzong also changed.

Shocked in his heart, his eyes became more solemn when he looked at Li Lingtian.



After Li Lingtian's Jiutian Shenwei prevailed, after defeating Murong Dutian in coercion, his body flew quickly towards the sky, and Murong Dutian flew up without hesitation.

All the strong men's eyes followed the two, and the confrontation between the two top strong men was inexplicable.

However, Li Lingtian did not stay above Xiaoyun Island, but quickly flew away into the distance. Seeing this situation, the countless powerful people on Xiaoyun Island were puzzled and showed curious expressions on his face; .

"Don't hurt the innocent."

Li Lingtian was flying fast, with a speed difference of 180,000 miles compared to the teleportation. It was completely different from the five-element movement. While flying, he exercised his power while shouting loudly.

His words made the strong man on Xiaoyun Island suddenly understand, and he was even more shocked.

One is that Li Lingtian does not want to suffer innocent people. This kind of strong man is almost extinct in a world where the strong man is respected. He did not expect that Li Lingtian would still take care of some innocent strong men during the war.

The second is Li Lingtian’s self-confidence, worrying about the destruction of his supernatural power to destroy the strong man on Xiaoyun Island, indicating that the supernatural power he wants to perform is terrifying.

"Keep yourself first and talk about it."

There was a trace of disdain on Murong Dutian's face, and there was more anger in his heart, because Li Lingtian defeated him with coercion in the presence of the powerful in the world. If Li Lingtian were not defeated, it would be hard to dispel his hatred.

Looking at Xiaoyun Island, watching Li Lingtian and Murong both leave Xiaoyun Island, they both wanted to follow and watch, but they were blocked by Wen Rentian and others.

"People below the demi-god are staying, those above the demi-god can go without fear of death.

"This place can also watch their war."

Wang Tianling said loudly that when he was talking, he stroked in the air with one hand, and suddenly a ripple of a size of 100 meters in a circle appeared. The center of the ripple was a crystal ball of the size of a fist.

Seeing the ripples and crystal **** in the sky, the people below the demigods stayed because they knew that the crystal ball could directly transfer the scene of the war to the ripples, so that everyone could see the situation of the war here. .

The strong men below the demi-god stay here, and the strong men above the demi-god are all flying away into the distance. Such a wonderful peak showdown can be easily missed.

As long as you leave the spread of the war and add a strong defense, be careful not to be ruined by the spread.

In an instant, Li Lingtian came to the fairy sea beyond the miles of Xiaoyun Island.

This place, even if it spreads, will not threaten the sinking of Xiaoyun Island.

Not far away, there are more than ten islands, but there are no monks and strong men, so Li Lingtian is also at ease.

When he stopped, Murong Dutian also stopped at the same time, a hundred miles away from him, the magic power of the whole body worked, the magic power of destruction condensed in his hands, he knew that Li Lingtian’s magic power was very fast, so he must gather the magic power first. Get up, so as not to be caught flat-footed by Li Lingtian.

When the two stopped, countless powerful men also came to the air two thousand miles away from Li Lingtian, and looked at Li Lingtian and Murong Dutian from afar. The terrifying battle was about to begin.

Countless powerhouses are shocked and excited.

Even the three great masters of the Great Consummation, as well as the Thunder Sword Pavilion and the Temple Messenger, all came here.

"The realm of ice."

"The realm of fire."

Li Lingtian looked at Murong Dutian with a certain amount of fear in the first person of the higher true god.

Yuanshen works, and divine power explodes.

The multicolored light shield protects the **** body, the ice **** and the fire **** cycle, the ice **** and the fire **** suddenly unfold, two extreme attributes of **** power fill the space, and the space is constantly shaking and destroying.

Li Lingtian exudes the glory of flame and the cold light of ice, the world of ice cold and flame appears, the fusion of the two extreme worlds, an ice flame **** wing appears behind Li Lingtian.

"God King Amethyst Ice."

"Blazing flames."

"Bing Yan's Nine Heavens, Silence!"

In the face of such a superpower, Li Lingtian no longer has the slightest care. This is the first and most powerful opponent he has encountered in his life. If he is not careful, it will disappear.

After the ice **** and fire gods are in operation, the realm of ice merges with the realm of fire, all of which are formed instantly.

The left hand **** king Zi Jingbing, the right hand is burning the flames.

With one wave of both hands, two forces of destruction pierced the void of a hundred miles, and cruelly slammed towards Murong Dutian. In front of the two forces of destruction, there was a void in the space. After the destruction, it was restored, and the continuous destruction and recovery .

After the display of God King Amethyst Ice and Dafentian Blaze, the hands suddenly merged, and Bingyan Jiugiantian Eighth Heaven Silently appeared. In the face of such characters as Murong Dutian, there must be no hesitation.

"Punish for the sky, Wuji Zhengyangtian."

Murong Dutian saw Li Lingtian performing the dual series of ice and fire, and she felt terrified in her heart.

The fusion of the two extreme attribute fields has changed its power, beyond human imagination. The rage returns to rage, but it is not dare to mess up the mood at this time.

The killer was exhibited, and in front of him, a huge blazing sun appeared, engulfing everything in the world.

With both hands waving, the blazing sun swept the space and rolled towards Li Lingtian.





The ice cold of God Amethyst Ice ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is enough to freeze thousands of miles. The ice strikes the blazing sun and breaks instantly. At this time, the flames of Dafentian also hit the blazing sun.

The fusion of ice and flames erupted into a strange destruction of destruction.

The power of strange destruction is bombarded with the strong sun.

Suddenly, the space continued to collapse, but in an instant, the attack of the destruction of the blazing sun destroyed the power of the fusion of the burning flame and the **** king Amethyst ice, and bombarded Li Lingtian across the space.

The blazing sun is getting bigger and bigger, just like snowballing. It was originally only 100 meters in size. When it came to Li Lingtian, it had reached the size of a thousand kilometers. It was like a volcano and rushed towards Li Lingtian.

If you are crushed by this round of volcanic sun, even if you have a strong defense, you will be seriously injured without dying.


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