War God Supreme

Chapter 2015: Flawless Blade

c_t; At the moment of danger, Bingyan's ninth heaven and eighth heaven's silence have been cast. Full text reading of the latest chapter

Suddenly, the space is still, the instantaneous prohibition, nine mysterious attacks bombarded the blazing sun, Li Lingtian also took a step at this time, stepped out, and directly crossed a hundred miles.

The moment passed, the stillness disappeared.

Lieyang shuddered a little, but there was no slight impact. The only change was that Li Lingtian’s position changed a little bit. When he appeared again, he had already reached the sky above Murong Dutian.

The momentary weird change, Murong Dutian felt something, his face was shocked. If he encountered this trick, if there was no strong sun to resist, his ending would be the same as Zhong Wuhen and others.

The first person of the upper true **** found a trace of change in the still space, but he was not sure.

However, the strong man who watched the war in the distance clearly felt that the space in front of the 10,000-mile size could only stand still for one second, that is, for one second.

Found this problem, the face of all the strong players who watched the game changed like a ghost.

At first, I doubted whether it would be still in space and still in time, but I couldn't believe it. Now that I saw it with my own eyes, the doubt in my heart became real. This truth makes people tremble and fear.

Within ten thousand miles, the exhibition will be static for one second. Space and time, as long as the area of ​​ten thousand miles, everything will be static for one second. This second is the absolute ruler of Li Lingtian.

If anyone fought against him, it would be a lamb to be slaughtered in this second.

"Space is still!"

"Time is still!"

"Too scary, so scary."

"There is still the power of still space and time."

"How come this magical power has never been heard of."

"No wonder they begin to feel blank at the most critical moment. It turns out that time and space are still for one second, and one second is enough time for the true **** to destroy everything."

"Within this 10,000 miles, this strange change cannot be found."

"If it were not so far apart, it would be impossible to find that space and time can still be at rest."


The demigods and true gods watching in the distance changed their faces.

At this time, they finally discovered the horror power of Li Lingtian, Bingyan, Jiuzhongtian, and the eighth, and they understood what was going on at that critical moment at the critical moment. It turned out that within a second, everyone was still, all Time and space were still, everything stopped, only Li Lingtian and Shentong and himself did not stop. This second, Li Lingtian was allowed to slaughter. ()

"Fu Ming Ming Wang Yin."

The strong man in the distance was shocked, and Li Lingtian did not stop there.

Avoiding the bombardment of the blazing sun, Bingyan Jiuzhong's attack did not shake the blazing sun, and he was shocked by the destruction of the blazing sun. However, he understood that his mysterious attack was not a large-scale attack, but rather a large-scale attack. A small attack like a flying or ice soul needle, such an attack, is naturally handy to deal with the strong, but encountering a physical attack is useless at all.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Bingyan's eighth and eighth heavens to stand still, evading the crushing of the blazing sun and crossing the hundreds of miles, he came to the sky above Murongdu with a wave of one hand, and a golden handprint bombarded it.

Li Lingtian's figure also swooped down with great strength.

All the way down, the space was shattered, forming a channel of nothingness.

Instant kung fu, space recovery, Murong Dutian also reacted, but when he reacted, Li Lingtian's destruction supernatural power had been crushed into the air and locked his gas machine.

At this time, the strong yang that was exhibited has been used in the old way, and he is already at the point where the old force has gone to the new force.

The speed of Li Lingtian exceeded even his reaction, and the mark of destruction was bombarded, and with Li Lingtian's dive force, the power was terrifying to the extreme.

Subconsciously, the divine body displayed life-saving means, and a gray light shield appeared on his body.

Fight for the immortal Wang Yin who can resist Li Lingtian's destruction.



With a loud explosion, Fudo Ming Wangyin bombarded Murong Dutian's defense fiercely. The destroyed Fudo Ming Wangyin, with terrifying power, crushed Murong Dutian fiercely.

The two have been falling from dozens of miles towards the fairy sea, but Li Lingtian crushed Murong Dutian, and Murong Dutian was a magical power destroyed by Li Lingtian.

In the distance, the strong man saw a golden light fall against the fairy sea against the gray light.

The light penetrates the space, and the bursts of space burst.


In an instant, two rays of light fell fiercely on an island in the fairy sea.

Suddenly, islands of hundreds of miles in size are directly submerged, and the sea water of the Xianhai Sea soars to reads;.



"Boom, boom."

The sea water of Xianhai is constantly erupting with a tremendous column of water. For a time, the celestial sea within a thousand miles is full of tremendous columns of water.

The strong people outside can't see the situation inside Xianhai.

However, from the terrifying power and destructive power, one can imagine how tragic the war is.

At this time, those strong people who did not put Li Lingtian as the central true **** in their eyes, and those who were high above, felt trembling at this moment. Fortunately, they did not fight with Li Lingtian. Otherwise, the other party could kill themselves at any time.

Even the first person of the upper true **** was crushed by Li Lingtian, although only temporarily.

But to be able to do this step, I can imagine how amazing Li Lingtian's strength has reached.

What made them most afraid was Li Lingtian’s Bingyan Jiugiantian, which was not a supernatural power, but a destructive scythe of death, as long as he fought with him and entered within 10,000 miles, it would stay still for one second, one second. For peerless powerhouses, earth-shaking changes can occur.




No one knows what's going on under the fairy sea, only the shocking sound and the water column.

The islands are constantly sinking, and the fairy seas are cracking.

This kind of prestige is the real ruin of the world. An island is hit by a random blow, and the Xianhai will collapse for thousands of miles.


More than ten seconds passed, and a scream that rang throughout the world sounded.

Then, a gray light rose into the sky. Behind the gray light, a huge fist. This fist, which all the strongmen had seen, was Li Lingtian's Ice Flame Silent Fist reads;.

The fist struck the gray light directly into the sky.

Li Lingtian and Murong Tian, ​​who fought under the Xianhai, finally rushed out of the sea and appeared in the air.

But at this time, Murong is not so good.

The blood on the corner of the mouth kept overflowing, and the power on the body almost collapsed.

But Li Lingtian, the whole body exudes a breath of water, the realm of fire has disappeared, only the realm of ice.

In the sea area, the realm of water occupies a geographical advantage, and Li Lingtian has pressed Murong Dutian from the beginning. After entering the sea, Li Lingtian is more like a fish, but Murong Dutian is at a disadvantage.

Inside, no one knows what the situation is, but looking at the appearance of Murong Dutian and Li Lingtian, it should be that Li Lingtian pressed Murong Dutian to bombard him.



The fist finally caught up with Murong Dutian, and with a muffled sound, Bingyan Silent Fist bombarded Murong Dutian's defense fiercely, the defense that had already collapsed, could no longer be supported at this time, broken Too.

At the same time, Li Lingtian's Bingyan Silent Fist was broken.

"Dageng Sword!"

When Murong Dutian's defense was broken, a streamer, golden streamer appeared in Li Lingtian's hands.

When the streamer fell, a long sword with a golden edge appeared in his hand.

Dageng sword, the sharpest existence in the gold system.

It can be said that the sharpness of Dageng Excalibur is invincible.

After the emergence of the Dageng sword, Li Lingtian waved with his hand, and suddenly hundreds of golden sharp edges appeared in the air. The golden sharp edges formed a net shape and descended from the sky, sealing off all the retreats of Murong Dutian.

Moreover, Li Lingtian did not stop. In his hand, the Dageng Excalibur, with the power of the sword domain, with the dominance of the Golden Realm, was swayed out in pieces, and the entire space was full of ruined golden edges.

The air was cut into pieces by golden edges.

"The Wuhua Sword!"

Facing Li Lingtian's endless edge, Murong Dutian, who had a broken defense, was finally scared. Without the defense, he could kill him with just one attack.

Seeing that it was about to be destroyed by the golden edge, Murong Dutian showed a decisive look on his face, whispering a mysterious decision in his mouth, and suddenly, an obscure and mysterious light appeared from his body.

The endless golden edge fell on the light, the light trembling, but it could not destroy the light.

After showing the light, Murong Dutian spurted blood out.

Originally injured, he temporarily used the forbidden defense. This trick of forbidden defense paid a heavy price.

Coupled with the secret technique performed by the immovable Wang Yin who previously resisted Li Lingtian, he is now injured.

However, Murong Dutian did not stop, but quickly cast a decision. Soon, there was a long and arrogant long knife out of thin air. The long knife was like light and shadow, or an invisible long knife. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The long sword appeared, and the whole space was filled with a breath of destruction. The fairy sea and the space were full of restless breath everywhere.

Moreover, after the Long Sword was exhibited, Murong Dutian injected a ray of blood into the Light and Shadow Long Sword, waved a knife, and slashed to Li Lingtian across the sky.

The knife of the long knife cut through the space and instantly came to Li Lingtian.

Seeing such speed and power, Li Lingtian felt a threat at the bottom of his heart, and felt awkward, but it was too late to attempt other defenses and attacks at the moment.

The Dageng sword in his hand made a stroke, and suddenly a kilometer-long golden blade formed a few meters in size.

A sharp edge formed, greeted fiercely toward the knife edge.

After the display of this ruined golden edge, Li Lingtian quickly stirred the field, and the colorful light shield shone, hoping to use the golden edge to offset part of the power of the knife edge, and then he will be able to withstand the blow of destruction.


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